Heberlein AG


Total IP 10
Total IP Rank # 153,415
IP Activity Score 1.3/5.0    4
IP Activity Rank # 238,265



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Last Patent 2022 - Interlacing jet for producing ya...
First Patent 2014 - Nozzle and method for manufactur...

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2021 Invention Interlacing jet for producing yarns with nodes and method for interlacing yarn. The invention rel...
2020 Invention Suction device for a textile machine, textile machine with a suction device, use of two cyclone e...
Invention Splice head for a splicer, splice device having at least one splice head, method for splicing yar...
2019 Invention Splicing device for splicing yarn and method for producing a splicing device. The invention relat...
Invention Nozzle system for a textile machine, screw system for a quick fastening system, and textile machi...
Invention Device and method for treating yarns. The present invention relates to a device (1) for treating ...
2017 Invention Interlacing nozzle or texturing nozzle and device for treating a yarn. The present invention rela...
Invention Thread guiding device. The present invention relates to a thread guiding device (100) for guiding...
2015 Invention Molded part for a nozzle core, nozzle core and stuff-crimping device for crimping, expansion kit,...
2014 Invention Nozzle and method for manufacturing knotted yarn. Nozzle (1) for manufacturing knotted yarn (11),...