Helix BioPharma Corporation


Total IP 25
Total IP incl. subs 26 (+ 1 for subs)
Total IP Rank # 58,322
IP Activity Score 1.7/5.0    9
IP Activity Rank # 101,928
Stock Symbol HBP (tsx)
ISIN CA4229101098
Market Cap. 139M  (CAD)
Industry Biotechnology
Sector Healthcare
Dominant Nice Class Pharmaceutical, veterinary and s...



7 1
4 2
11 0
Last Patent 2024 - High purity urease and methods o...
First Patent 1993 - Topical patch for liposomal drug...
Last Trademark 2017 - TUMOUR DEFENCE BREAKER
First Trademark 1996 - DOUBLE HELIX DESIGN


1 subsidiaries with IP (1 patents, 0 trademarks)

1 subsidiaries without IP

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Industry (Nice Classification)

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2024 Invention High purity urease and methods of manufacture. A method for purifying crude urease is described a...
Invention Antibody-urease conjugates for therapeutic purposes. This disclosure provides antibody-urease co...
2020 Invention Restoring function of tumour acidified t cells. Methods and compositions to restore function to a...
2018 Invention Anti-vegfr-2 urease conjugates. A conjugate comprising an anti-VEGFR-2 antibody moiety conjugate...
Invention Vegfr2 antibodies. Single domain anti-VEGFR-2 antibodies and fragments thereof and variants ther...
Invention Vegfr-2 car immune cells to treat cancers. Compositions and methods for treating cancer in humans...
Invention Vegfr-2 antibodies. Antibodies for tumor treatment are provided. More particularly are provided a...
Invention Anti-vegfr-2 urease conjugates. Antibody-urease conjugates having therapeutic utility are provide...
2017 Invention Car immune cells directed to carcinoembryonic antigen related cell adhesion molecule 6 to treat c...
Invention Car immune cells to treat cancer. A chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) that binds to CEACAM6, an epi...
Invention Ceacam6 car immune cells to treat cancers. A chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) that binds to CEACAM...
G/S Reagents for medical, biological and pharmaceutical research use Medicinal and pharmaceutical pre...
2016 G/S Medicinal and pharmaceutical preparations and substances, namely, reagents for medical, biologica...
Invention Antibody-urease conjugates for therapeutic purposes. Pharmaceutical compositions comprising antib...
2014 Invention Biphasic lipid-vesicle compositions and methods for treating cervical dysplasia by intravaginal d...
Invention Antibody-urease conjugates. This disclosure provides antibody-urease conjugates having therapeuti...
Invention Use of antibody-urease conjugates for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. This disclosure provid...
2013 Invention Antibodies and conjugates that target misfolded prion protein. Human prion protein, PrP, selectiv...
Invention Biphasic lipid-vesicle composition and method for treating cervical dysplasia by intravaginal del...
2005 Invention Method and composition for inhibiting cancer cell growth using urease and weakly basic anti-cance...
Invention Method and composition for inhibiting cancer cell growth. Improvements in methods of treating can...
2003 Invention Method and composition for inhibiting cancer cell growth. A pharmaceutical composition and method...
Invention Use of urease for inhibiting cancer cell growth. A pharmaceutical composition and method fo...
Invention Use of urease for inhibiting cancer cell growth. A pharmaceutical composition and method for use ...
Invention Protein interaction system for multisubunit complexes. A protein interaction method and com...
Invention Protein interaction system for multisubunit complexes. A protein interaction method and compositi...
Invention Protein interaction method and composition. A protein interaction method and composition are desc...
2002 Invention Method and device for integrated protein expression, purification and detection. A method for pre...
Invention Method and device for integrated protein expression, purification and detection. A method f...
2001 Invention Biosensor assay device and method. A diagnostic method and device for use in detecting or quantit...
Invention Biosensor assay device and method. A diagnostic method and device for use in detecting or q...
2000 Invention Biosensor method for detecting analytes in a liquid. A diagnostic method and device for use in de...
Invention Card-based biosensor device. A diagnostic card device for use in detecting or quantitating an ana...
Invention Biosensor device and method. A diagnostic method and device for use in detecting or quantitating ...
1998 Invention Biphasic lipid vesicle composition for transdermal administration of an immunogen. A composition ...
Invention Method for preparing biphasic multilamellar lipid vesicles. A biphasic multilamellar lipid vesicl...
1996 G/S Pharmaceutical preparations, namely ophthalmic preparations, gastrointestinal preparations, and l...