Huskie Tools, Inc.

United States of America

Total IP 4
Total IP incl. subs 40 (+ 36 for subs)
Total IP Rank # 381,177
IP Activity Score 0.4/5.0    1
IP Activity Rank # 933,816
IP AS incl. subs 2/5.0    24
Dominant Nice Class Machines and machine tools



1 0
0 1
2 0
Last Patent 2021 - Remotely controlled cutting tool...
First Patent 1981 - Hand-held cable cutter
Last Trademark 1982 - HUSKIE
First Trademark 1982 - HUSKIE


1 subsidiaries with IP (19 patents, 17 trademarks)

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Industry (Nice Classification)

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2020 Invention Remotely controlled cutting tool and method. A remotely controlled cutting tool for safely cuttin...
2019 Invention Battery operated hydraulic cutting and crimping tools and method. Light weight hydraulic cutting...
Invention Battery operated hydraulic cutting and crimping tools and method. Light weight hydraulic cutting ...
2015 Invention Powered bending tool. A powered bending tool comprises a portable drive housing including a handl...
2008 Invention Powered conduit bender. A portable powered conduit bender comprises a housing including a grippi...
2003 Invention Wedge connector tool head. A tool head. is used for securing a tap connector having a C shaped me...
1982 G/S Hydraulic tools and accessories, namely, hoses, dies, blades and pumps.
1981 Invention Hand-held cable cutter. A portable hand-held hydraulically-operated cable cutter for severing ele...