IfTA Ingenieurbüro für Thermoakustik GmbH


Total IP 8
Total IP Rank # 193,433
IP Activity Score 0/5.0    0
IP Activity Rank # 1,656,821
Dominant Nice Class Scientific and electric apparatu...



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2 3
Last Patent 2018 - Thermoacoustic precursor method ...
First Patent 2014 - Display device, method and contr...
Last Trademark 2015 - DynaMaster
First Trademark 2008 - OMDS

Industry (Nice Classification)

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2016 Invention Thermoacoustic precursor method and apparatus. Method of determining at least one stability margi...
2015 G/S Recorded content, information technology and audiovisual equipment; magnets; magnetizers and dem...
2014 Invention Display device, method and controller for analysing an oscillation behaviour of a firing system. ...
2008 G/S Apparatus, namely, data acquisition, data evaluation, monitoring, and control systems comprised o...
G/S Instruments for measuring, regulating, and controlling operation of equipment, machines, combusti...
G/S Apparatus as well as computer programs for recording and evaluation of vibration events (in part...
G/S Measuring, regulating and controlling apparatus, data processing programmes and programmes carri...