
Total IP 3
Total IP Rank # 503,941
IP Activity Score 0/5.0    0
IP Activity Rank # 1,656,821



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3 0
Last Patent 2015 - Chair or seat in plastic materia...
First Patent 2009 - Cases, bags and similar items in...

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2012 Invention Chair or seat in plastic material with covering and method for obtaining it. The invention is a ...
Invention Chair or seat in plastic material with covering and method for obtaining it. The invention is a c...
2009 Invention Tables and chairs. Tables and chairs comprising at least one surface (A) or part of said table o...
Invention Tables and chairs. Tables and chairs comprising at least one surface (A) or part of said table or...
Invention Cases, bags and similar items in resistant textile or similar materials. The invention concerns c...