Juliet Marine Systems, Inc.

United States of America

Total IP 14
Total IP Rank # 108,561
IP Activity Score 0/5.0    0
IP Activity Rank # 1,656,829



11 0
0 0
3 0
Last Patent 2019 - High speed surface craft and sub...
First Patent 2009 - Fleet protection attack craft

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2017 Invention High speed surface craft and submersible craft. at least one baffle plate positioned about the pe...
2014 Invention Fleet protection attack craft and underwater vehicles. A marine vessel comprising a command modul...
Invention High speed surface craft and submersible craft. A marine vessel comprising: at least one buoyant ...
Invention High speed surface craft and submersible craft. at least one passageway connecting the at least o...
Invention High speed surface craft and submersible vehicle. said at least one propeller being of a size and...
Invention High speed surface craft and submersible vehicle. a plurality of nozzles disposed on the outer su...
2013 Invention Fleet protection attack craft. wherein the marine vessel further comprises first and second engin...
2012 Invention High speed surface craft and submersible vehicle. A submersible vessel comprising: an elongated h...
2011 Invention Fleet protection attack craft and submersible vehicle. A marine vessel comprising: a command modu...
2009 Invention Fleet protection attack craft. A marine vessel comprising: a command module; first and second b...