Amorphic Tech Ltd.

United States of America

Total IP 6
Total IP Rank # 256,877
IP Activity Score 1.1/5.0    3
IP Activity Rank # 340,403
Dominant Nice Class Treatment of materials; recyclin...



2 1
1 0
2 0
Last Patent 2023 - Sliding vane pump or turbine
First Patent 2015 - Unitary pump and turbine energy ...
Last Trademark 2018 - A AMORPHIC TECH LTD
First Trademark 2018 - A AMORPHIC TECH LTD

Industry (Nice Classification)

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2023 Invention Sliding vane pump or turbine. A positive-displacement pump or turbine includes a rotor casing th...
Invention Sliding vane pump or turbine. A positive-displacement pump or turbine (10) includes a rotor casin...
2018 G/S Additive manufacturing; Machine shop services, namely, machining parts for others; Prototype fabr...
2015 Invention Unitary pump and turbine energy exchanger. A positive-displacement unitary pump and turbine is op...