Kaizen International Technologies Bio-tech, Inc. LLP


Total IP 2
Total IP Rank # 723,231
IP Activity Score 0/5.0    0
IP Activity Rank # 1,656,440



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Last Patent 2007 - Apparatus and method for measuri...
First Patent 2005 - Measuring fluid flow to a suckli...

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2006 Invention Apparatus and method for measuring fluid flow to a suckling baby. A system for measuring fluid in...
Invention Apparatus and method for measuring fluid flow to a suckling baby. A system for measuring fl...
2005 Invention Apparatus and method for measuring fluid flow to a suckling baby. A system for measuring fluid i...
Invention Measuring fluid flow to a suckling baby. A system for measuring fluid intake by a sucking b...
Invention Measuring fluid flow to a suckling baby. A system for measuring fluid intake by a sucking baby. T...