Kancor Ingredients Ltd.


Total IP 6
Total IP incl. subs 117 (+ 111 for subs)
Total IP Rank # 256,919
IP Activity Score 0/5.0    0
IP Activity Rank # 1,656,440
IP AS incl. subs 2.2/5.0    49
Parent Entity V. Mane Fils
Dominant Nice Class Chemical and biological material...



1 2
0 1
2 0
Last Patent 2019 - Anti-dandruff composition
First Patent 2015 - Photostable sunscreen compositio...
Last Trademark 2011 - OXIKAN
First Trademark 2009 - GRANOR


2 subsidiaries with IP (56 patents, 55 trademarks)

1 subsidiaries without IP

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Industry (Nice Classification)

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2019 Invention Anti-dandruff composition. Malassezia furfurMalassezia furfur.
2015 Invention Photostable sunscreen composition for topical application. The sunscreen composition includes dib...
2011 G/S Antioxidant used as an ingredient in food, meat, oils, flavours and natural colors.
G/S Antioxidant used as an ingredient in food, meat, oils, flavors and natural colors
2009 G/S Natural and vegetable food coloring for liquids, alcoholic and narcotic beverages Essential oils,...