Kokusan Parts Industry Co., Ltd.


Total IP 2
Total IP Rank # 723,547
IP Activity Score 0/5.0    0
IP Activity Rank # 1,656,829



2 0
0 0
0 0
Last Patent 2019 - Metal gasket, and method for man...
First Patent 1994 - Metal gasket

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2019 Invention Metal gasket, and method for manufacturing gasket-constituting plate used for the metal gasket. ...
2018 Invention Method for manufacturing gasket-constituting plate. Provided is a method for manufacturing a gask...
Invention Method of manufacturing metal embossed plate. First corrugated portions in a first direction are...
2008 Invention Sound insulation cover. a of the exhaust manifold. The inner peripheral portion of the cover hold...
Invention Engine exhaust structure. A temperature regulating material 31 for regulating a temperature of a...
Invention Seal layer-transferred metal gasket. To provide a seal layer-transferred metal gasket that can ef...
2007 Invention Metal gasket. To provide a metal gasket that can be manufactured at an inexpensive cost and prov...
Invention Metal gasket. A metal gasket capable of preventing the occurrence of cracks in a stopper while e...
2005 Invention Metal gasket. A metal gasket capable of preventing the occurrence of cracks in a stopper while em...
2003 Invention Disc brake. A disc brake includes a disc rotor, a pad having a backing plate, a press member for ...
2000 Invention Pipe joint. A pipe joint is provided whereby fluid pipelines, such as exhaust pipes, or the like,...
1998 Invention Metal gasket. A metal gasket for use between heads and blocks of an internal combustion engine in...
1997 Invention Metal gasket and process for manufacturing the same. A metal gasket comprising a least one gasket...
Invention Sealing structure. A seal structure and capable of reducing a width of a seal portion as much as ...
Invention Sealing structure. A sealing structure for sealing a valve body from a separating plate in a liqu...
Invention Metal gasket. A metal gasket 10 for use between heads and blocks of an internal combustion engine...
1996 Invention Separate plate placed between adjacent valve bodies in a control valve unit of an automatic trans...
1994 Invention Metal gasket. An inexpensive metal gasket with high sealing performance is provided. A metal gask...