La Francaise des Plastiques


Total IP 2
Total IP Rank # 723,161
IP Activity Score 0/5.0    0
IP Activity Rank # 1,656,821



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Last Patent 2012 - Device for practicing sports
First Patent 1996 - Plastic box or box element, in p...

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2011 Invention Device for practicing sports. The invention relates to a device (10) for practicing sports, which...
2007 Invention Device for storing at least one compact disc. The device comprises a plastic rectangular tray (2)...
2005 Invention Tray and a case for storing at least one pair of compact disks. This plastics material tray of s...
Invention Plate and box for at least one pair of compact disks. The invention relates to an essentially squ...
2001 Invention Method of forming a box or box element of plastic material. There is described a box or an insert...
Invention Tray and a case for receiving a circular data storage disk. The invention concerns tray for recei...
1999 Invention Tray and case for receiving a circular data storage disk. The invention concerns a tray for recei...
1997 Invention Plastic box or box element, in particular for a compact disc. In conventional manner, the box or ...
1996 Invention Plastic box or box element, in particular for a compact disc. A plastic box or box element, in pa...