MAS Zengrange (NZ) Limited

New Zealand

Total IP 21
Total IP Rank # 70,472
IP Activity Score 1.9/5.0    13
IP Activity Rank # 67,080
Dominant Nice Class Scientific and electric apparatu...



5 4
2 0
4 6
Last Patent 2021 - Maritime floatation device
First Patent 2003 - Shock tube initiator
Last Trademark 2024 - MIFCS
First Trademark 2008 - MORFIRE

Industry (Nice Classification)

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2024 G/S Explosive and firing electronic control systems used in the calculating, targeting and coordinati...
G/S Explosive and firing electronic control systems used in the calculating, targeting and coordinat...
2023 G/S Firearms; ammunition and projectiles; explosives; explosive and firing control systems percussion...
G/S Firearms; ammunition and projectiles; explosives; explosive and firing control systems; control ...
2015 Invention Maritime floatation device. wherein the maritime floatation device allows non-electric or electri...
Invention Maritime floatation device. A maritime floatation device MFD for using remote firing devices abov...
2013 G/S Computerized ballistics prediction and communication systems including artillery and mortar inte...
2012 Invention Remote initiator receiver. An expendable remote initiator receiver for initiating at least one sh...
Invention Remote initiator receiver. An expendable remote initiator receiver 1 for initiating at least one ...
2009 Invention Remote initiator breaching system. A remote initiator breaching system for initiating breaching c...
2008 G/S Explosive and firing control systems including percussion and detonation caps, detonators, deton...
2006 Invention Remote initiator for the remote initiation of explosive charges. A remote initiator for the remot...
2003 Invention Shock tube initiator. A shock tube initiator (STI) for allowing the remote and/or manual initiati...