Armatix GmbH


Total IP 7
Total IP Rank # 220,041
IP Activity Score 0/5.0    0
IP Activity Rank # 1,652,395



3 0
0 0
4 0
Last Patent 2011 - Self-locking firearm safety devi...
First Patent 2000 - Detent for a handgun

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2010 Invention Device and safeguard unit for the storage of a firearm. Device for the storage of a gun with a ba...
2009 Invention Self-locking firearm safety device and process for securing a firearm. The present invention rela...
Invention Safety device for firearms and method for securing firearms provided with a safety device. The pr...
2007 Invention Identification means and method for the logical and/or physical access to a target means. A mean...
Invention Retrofit safety means for weapons and method for securing weapons. The present invention relates ...
Invention Handgun safety. A handgun has at least one barrel; a cartridge chamber; a gun lock correlated wit...
Invention Handgun. The invention relates to a handgun, especially a shotgun, comprising an optoelectronic s...
Invention Device and securing unit for storing a firearm. The invention relates to a device for storing a f...
2006 Invention Self-locking firearm barrel safety device and process for securing a firearm barrel. The present...
2003 Invention Safety device for weapons and method for securing weapons provided with a safety device. Safety d...
Invention Apparatus and method for securing firearms and cartridges. The present invention relates to a met...
Invention Safety device and method for weapons and cartridges. The invention relates to a method and a devi...
Invention Firearms safety device. The invention relates to a safety device and a securing method, in partic...
Invention Firearm safety catch. The invention relates to a safety catch or a safety method, especially agai...
2000 Invention Detent for a handgun. The invention relates to a detent for a handgun, comprising at least one se...