National Steel Car Limited


Total IP 149
Total IP Rank # 8,709
IP Activity Score 2.6/5.0    51
IP Activity Rank # 14,287
Parent Entity National Industries, Inc
Dominant Nice Class Land, air and water vehicles; pa...



68 5
62 5
9 0
Last Patent 2024 - Railroad car and floor structure...
First Patent 1986 - Double-stacked freight car
Last Trademark 2022 - E-Z ROLLER Q4 E-Z ROLLER THE QUI...
First Trademark 1995 - NSC BUILDERS OF RELIABLE RAIL TR...

Industry (Nice Classification)

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2024 Invention Railroad car and floor structure therefor. A railroad box car has a combined underframe and floo...
2023 Invention Railroad car truck damper wedge fittings. There is a damper wedge for a railroad car truck. It h...
Invention Railroad hopper car with flow through structure. A railroad hopper car has a hopper carried betw...
Invention Railroad tank car fittings. A railroad tank car may have external fittings, such as brake fittin...
2022 Invention Multi-unit railroad car and railroad car trucks therefor. A symmetrical multi-unit railroad frei...
Invention Railroad car truck damper wedge fittings. A damper wedge for a railroad car truck includes a fri...
G/S Railway cars; railway car trucks; Structural parts for railway car trucks, namely, railway car si...
Invention Rail road car truck bolster. A rail road car truck has a bolster having the form of a hollow bea...
2021 G/S Railway cars; railway car trucks, namely railway car sideframes, bolsters, dampers, bearing adapt...
Invention Railroad coil car structure. A transverse trough coil car has a straight-through center sill. It...
Invention Railroad coil car structure. A transverse trough coil car has a straight-through center sill. It ...
Invention Railroad coil car structure. A transverse trough coil car has a sawtooth center sill. It has a p...
Invention Railroad coil car structure. A transverse trough coil car has a sawtooth center sill. It has a pa...
Invention Railroad freight car structure. A railroad freight car has an underframe that includes a center ...
Invention Railroad freight car structure. A railroad freight car has an underframe that includes a center s...
2020 Invention Railroad well car structure. A well car for carrying shipping containers has a pair of end struct...
Invention Railroad well car structure
Invention Railroad car truck damper wedge fittings. There is a damper wedge for a railroad car truck. It ha...
Invention Railroad car and end door assembly therefor. A gondola car has a door and an associated door fram...
Invention Railroad freight car access fittings. A railroad freight car may have external fittings, such as ...
Invention Railroad hopper car with flow through structure. A railroad hopper car has a hopper carried betwe...
Invention Railroad hopper car structure and gate therefor. A railroad hopper car has a hopper carried betwe...
Invention Railroad hopper car body fittings. A railroad hopper car body includes a set of hopper and hoppe...
2019 Invention Railroad car truck damper wedge fittings. A damper wedge for a railroad car truck includes a fric...
Invention Railroad car and door mechanism therefor. A hopper car discharge outflow is controlled by closur...
Invention Railroad gondola car structure. A gondola car has a body for lading carried on an underframe. The...
2018 Invention Rail road car truck bolster. A rail road car truck has a bolster having the form of a hollow beam...
2017 Invention Rail road car and truck therefor. A railroad car truck for a railroad freight car, such as an aut...
Invention Railroad hopper car body fittings. A railroad hopper car body includes a set of hopper and hopper...
Invention Railroad tank car fittings. A railroad tank car may have external fittings, such as brake fitting...
2016 Invention Autorack railroad car having convertible deck structure. An autorack railroad car has decks that ...
2015 Invention Tank car apparatus. A railroad tank car may have external fittings, such as a bottom opening valv...
G/S Structural parts for railway car trucks, namely, bearing adapters and sub-components thereof in t...
G/S All structural parts for railway car trucks, namely, railway car sideframes, bolsters, dampers, b...
Invention Hopper car discharge structure. A bottom discharge open topped hopper car has a center sill with ...
G/S Railway car trucks, namely railway car sideframes, bolsters, dampers, bearing adapter, and bearin...
G/S Railway car trucks, namely railway car bearing adapters
2004 G/S Railway car trucks, namely railway car wheels, axles, sideframes, bolsters, dampers, springs, and...
1995 G/S railway cars
G/S Railway cars.