Nationwide 5, LLC

United States of America

Total IP 8
Total IP Rank # 193,433
IP Activity Score 0.9/5.0    2
IP Activity Rank # 468,163



8 0
0 0
0 0
Last Patent 2021 - High-fat and high-protein animal...
First Patent 2012 - Distiller grain pellet productio...

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2020 Invention High-fat and high-protein animal feed supplement and process of manufacture. A system according ...
2019 Invention Grain dehydrating compressor for wet grain system and method. A process for producing a substanti...
2018 Invention Distiller grain production device. In various embodiments, a device for producing a high density...
Invention Continuous flow dryer for treating bulk material. A continuous flow dryer system according to va...
2017 Invention Grain bulk densifying die apparatus and method. An apparatus and method for processing grain mat...
Invention Compression screw for producing animal feed. An animal feed producing system comprises a compres...
Invention Grain dehydrating compressor for wet grain system and method. A substantially dry product is prod...
Invention High-fat and high-protein animal feed supplement and process of manufacture. A system according t...
Invention Wet grain drying system and method. A device according to various embodiments for drying wet gra...
2016 Invention Distiller grain production device. A device for producing a high density compact livestock feed ...
Invention Grain bulk densifying die apparatus and method. An apparatus and method for processing grain mate...
Invention Grain dehydrating compressor for wet grain system and method. A device according to various embod...
Invention Wet grain drying system and method. A device according to various embodiments for drying wet grai...
2015 Invention Compression screw for producing animal feed. An animal feed producing system comprises a compress...
Invention Distiller grain production device. A device for producing a high density compact livestock feed f...
2014 Invention Compression system for producing a high density compact product. A compression system includes a ...
2012 Invention Continuous flow dryer for treating bulk material. A continuous flow dryer system according to var...
Invention Distiller grain pellet production methods. A method for producing a high density compact livestoc...
Invention Distiller grain pellet production devices. A device for producing a high density compact livestoc...