Naturex, S.A.


Total IP 48
Total IP incl. subs 63 (+ 15 for subs)
Total IP Rank # 28,718
IP Activity Score 1.5/5.0    6
IP Activity Rank # 156,203
IP AS incl. subs 1.6/5.0    10



18 0
10 0
20 0
Last Patent 2020 - Organic solubilisation and/or ex...
First Patent 1995 - Process for the isolation and pu...


5 subsidiaries with IP (12 patents, 3 trademarks)

5 subsidiaries without IP

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Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2020 Invention Organic solubilisation and/or extraction solvent, extraction method using said solvent, and extra...
2019 Invention Curcuminoid compositions. The present invention relates to compositions comprising curcuminoids; ...
Invention Uses of curcuminoid compositions. The present invention relates to methods and uses of compositio...
Invention Emulsion comprising antioxidant particles. The present invention relates to compositions comprisi...
Invention Eutectic extract formation and purification. The present invention relates to processes for formi...
2018 Invention Cocoa extract and uses. The present invention relates to cocoa extracts comprising polyphenols su...
Invention Food stabilising composition comprising plant-derived inhibitors of fatty acid oxidation. The pre...
Invention Novel method for preparing purified extracts of harpagophytum procumbens. A method for preparing...
Invention Composition comprising cinnamon extract. cinnamon in an amount of at least 10% by weight compared...
2017 Invention Compositions. The present invention relates to an extract obtained from or obtainable from Rubus ...
Invention Therapeutic use of a fraximus augustifolia extract. The present invention relates to extracts fro...
Invention New uses and methods. The present invention relates to extracts from Fraxinus angustifolia samara...
Invention Compositions and methods for improved muscle metabolism. Rhodiola my include salidrosides and ros...
Invention Anti-inflammatory extract. The invention relates to a plant extract obtained from the abovegroun...
Invention Anti-inflammatory extract. The invention relates to a plant extract obtained from the aboveground...
2016 Invention Novel organic solubilisation and/or extraction solvent, extraction method using said solvent, and...
Invention Effects of a decaffeinated green coffee extract on body weight control by regulation of glucose m...
Invention Eutectic extraction solvents, extraction methods by eutectigenesis using said solvents, and extra...
Invention Antimicrobial compositions. A composition includes hesperdin and/or a Lamiaceae extract wherein ...
Invention Antimicrobial compositions. A composition includes Punica extract and a Lamiaceae extract, where...
Invention Antimicrobial compositions. A composition includes Punica extract and a Lamiaceae extract, wherei...
Invention Antimicrobial compositions comprising hesperidin and lamiaceae extract. A composition includes he...
Invention Antimicrobial compositions. A composition includes hesperdin and/or a Lamiaceae extract wherein a...
Invention Compositions and methods for improved muscle metabolism. A composition for improving muscle metab...
2015 Invention Extracts of santolina chamaecyparissus. The invention relates to an extract of Santolina chamaec...
Invention Extracts of santolina chamaecyparissus. The invention relates to an extract of Santolina chamaecy...
Invention Application of american ginseng to enhance neurocognitive function. Ginseng. Preferred dosages in...
Invention Antimicrobial compositions. Punica extract and a Lamiaceae extract, wherein a majority of the vol...
2012 Invention Composition comprising chicory extract. The present invention relates to a chicory extract for a...
Invention Composition comprising chicory extract. The present invention relates to a chicory extract for al...
Invention Composition comprising cashew apple extract. The invention concerns a cashew apple extract and a ...
2011 Invention Composition comprising cinnamon extract. The invention concerns a composition for lowering the gl...
Invention Composition comprising cinnamon extract. The disclosure concems a composition for lowering the gl...
Invention Fraxinus excelsior seeds and therapeutic applications therefor. Fraxinus excelsior seed extract i...
Invention Method for preparing an extract of centella asiatica. Centella asiatica comprising a mixture of m...
Invention Method for preparing an extract of centella asiatica. The invention relates to a method for prepa...
2010 Invention Method for preparing polyphenol extracts from spinach leaves. A method for preparing a concentrat...
2009 Invention Obtainment of bioactive products from cocoa having inhibitory activity against the pep enzyme and...