ndd Medizintechnik AG


Total IP 21
Total IP incl. subs 32 (+ 11 for subs)
Total IP Rank # 70,472
IP Activity Score 1.7/5.0    9
IP Activity Rank # 101,722
Dominant Nice Class Medical apparatus and instruments



13 6
0 0
0 2
Last Patent 2023 - Breathing tube arrangement for a...
First Patent 1994 - Spirometer, more particularly an...
Last Trademark 2024 - EASYONE SKY
First Trademark 2017 - TRUEFLOW


1 subsidiaries with IP (0 patents, 11 trademarks)

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Industry (Nice Classification)

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2024 G/S spirometers; lung function analyzers
G/S Spirometers, lung function analyzers, and replacement parts therefor; mouth pieces, tubing and fi...
2022 Invention Breathing tube arrangement for a lung function diagnostics device comprising a distal filter elem...
2020 Invention Tube for a breath analysis device
2019 Invention Method for verifying a calibration of a spirometer. The invention relates to a method for verifyi...
2018 Invention Holding device for a breathing tube and method for reading out a coding on a surface of a breathi...
Invention Method for conditioning a breathing tube. A method for conditioning a breathing tube for use in l...
G/S Software for medical apparatus and applications for diagnosing, examining and monitoring lung fu...
G/S Software for medical diagnostic apparatus, medical examination apparatus and medical monitoring ...
2017 G/S Medical devices, namely, ultrasonic airflow measurement apparatus sold as an integral component o...
G/S Medical devices, namely, apparatus for calibration of pulmonary function testing equipment; medic...
Invention Breathing tube for use in lung function diagnostics. A breathing tube for use in lung function d...
2015 Invention Breathing tube for use in ultrasonic flow measurement systems. This invention relates to a breath...
Invention Breathing tube for lung diagnostics
Invention Device for the measurement and analysis of the multiple breath nitrogen washout process. The pre...
2009 Invention Method for the signal linearization of a gas sensor output signal. The invention describes a meth...
2005 Invention Method for non-cooperative lung function diagnosis using ultrasound. A method and device are prov...
2002 Invention Apparatus for the measurement of the flow speed and/or the molar mass of gases or gas mixtures. T...
1995 Invention Ultrasonic spirometer. The invention relates to an ultrasonic spirometer with a graduated tube wh...
Invention Method for the measurement of the molar mass of gases or gas mixtures and an apparatus for the pe...
1994 Invention Apparatus for measuring the parameters of respiratory gases. The invention relates to an apparatu...
Invention Spirometer, more particularly an ultrasonic spirometer. The invention relates to a spirometer, mo...