A platform erected by adding an other platform portion to an existing platform portion, as illustrated in FIGS. 20 to 23, by holding a first other truss adjacent decking of the existing portion, connecting ends of sides of the first other truss and a first existing truss with a first pin, swinging the first other truss about the first pin, and connecting ends of other sides of the first other truss and first existing truss with a second pin. In order to similarly connect a second other truss to a second existing truss, the first pin is removed and the first other truss is swung out of the way. After the second other truss is connected to the second existing truss, the first other truss is swung back into position and the first pin re-inserted. Decking is applied to the first and second other trusses.
E01D 19/10 - Parapets; Dispositifs de protection contre la fumée ou les gaz, p.ex. des locomotives; Passerelles d'entretien; Fixation des tuyaux ou câbles aux ponts
E01D 22/00 - Procédés ou appareils pour réparer ou renforcer les ponts existants
E04C 3/00 - Eléments de construction de forme allongée, conçus pour supporter des charges
E04C 3/04 - Poutrelles; Solives, fermes ou structures analogues à des fermes, p.ex. préfabriquées; Linteaux; Traverses métalliques
E04C 3/08 - Poutrelles; Solives, fermes ou structures analogues à des fermes, p.ex. préfabriquées; Linteaux; Traverses métalliques à âme découpée, p.ex. à âme formée d'éléments analogues à des barreaux; Fermes métalliques en treillage
E04G 1/15 - Echafaudages reposant principalement sur le sol comprenant essentiellement des moyens particuliers pour supporter ou former des plates-formes; Plates-formes
E04G 1/34 - Structures d'échafaudage susceptibles d'être pliées en parties prismatiques ou plates ou susceptibles d'être rabattues
E04G 3/00 - Echafaudages essentiellement supportés par le bâtiment, p.ex. réglables en hauteur
E04G 3/22 - Echafaudages essentiellement supportés par le bâtiment, p.ex. réglables en hauteur supportés par la couverture ou les plafonds
E04G 3/30 - Echafaudages essentiellement supportés par le bâtiment, p.ex. réglables en hauteur Échafaudages avec plates-formes mobiles suspendus par des éléments supports flexibles, p.ex. des câbles
E04G 5/16 - Entretoises ou barres de raidissement, p.ex. diagonales d'échafaudages
E04G 11/38 - Coffres, coffrages ou faux œuvre pour la fabrication des murs, planchers, plafonds ou toits pour planchers, plafonds ou toits de surface plane ou courbe pour plafonds plans en béton
E04G 11/50 - Solives, poutres ou pièces du même genre agissant comme support de coffrage
A temporary shield erected between two flanged structural members of a bridge or other structure, and a method for erection of the shield. A plurality of length-adjustable beams have end portions which are rested on flanges respectively of the structural members in a manner so that they are not fixed thereto. Decking is attached to the beams. At least one elongate member is cantileverly extended from at least one of the beams to underlie a structural member flange to prevent wind lift-up of the shield. A shield is also erected by adjusting the lengths of and hanging the end portions of each of a multitude of beams from the structure with the beams lying side-by-side. Decking is attached to the beams.
A platform and method for erecting a platform of support beams to which decking is applied so that it is suspended from at least one main cable of a bridge. Spaced slings are applied to the main cable so that each extends around the main cable. Ends of each of the slings are attached to a respective one of the support beams respectively. One end of a guy in the form of a cable is attached to at least one of the slings intermediate ends thereof. The guy is extended between the sling and an anchor point to restrain the sling from slippage along the length of the main cable.
E01D 22/00 - Procédés ou appareils pour réparer ou renforcer les ponts existants
E04G 3/24 - Echafaudages essentiellement supportés par le bâtiment, p.ex. réglables en hauteur spécialement adaptés pour des endroits particuliers des bâtiments ou pour des bâtiments de forme particulière, p.ex. cheminées de haut-fourneaux ou pylônes
E01D 19/10 - Parapets; Dispositifs de protection contre la fumée ou les gaz, p.ex. des locomotives; Passerelles d'entretien; Fixation des tuyaux ou câbles aux ponts
An adjustable suspension assembly for suspending a lower structure such as a platform from an upper structure such as a portion of a bridge. A chain, which is attachable at one end to the upper structure or to an end of a cable which is attachable at its other end to the upper structure, is attached at its other end to a device. The device, which is attachable to the lower structure, has a pair of aligned apertures in its side walls for receiving pins. The pins are spaced to receive a thickness of a chain link but not to receive a width of the link, whereby a selected link to achieve a desired lower structure height may be cinched between the pins. When the chain is attached to a cable, the cable has an eyelet formed by folding an end portion of the cable back over the cable and swaging the cable end portion to the cable. The chain is attached to said eyelet by receiving the end portion of the cable in one of the chain links before the cable end portion is swaged to the cable.
E04G 3/30 - Echafaudages essentiellement supportés par le bâtiment, p.ex. réglables en hauteur Échafaudages avec plates-formes mobiles suspendus par des éléments supports flexibles, p.ex. des câbles
E04G 7/22 - Brides rigides d'échafaudage pour réunir des éléments d'échafaudage de même forme pour relier l'extrémité d'un élément au côté de l'autre
E04G 7/04 - Pièces d'assemblage souples, avec ou sans crochets, p.ex. cordes, câbles, chaînes
E01D 19/10 - Parapets; Dispositifs de protection contre la fumée ou les gaz, p.ex. des locomotives; Passerelles d'entretien; Fixation des tuyaux ou câbles aux ponts
Platform and the hanging thereof from a bridge main cable
A platform and method for configuring and erecting a platform of support beams to which decking is applied so that it is suspended from and disposed below a main cable of a bridge. In one embodiment, a plurality of main cable clamps are spaced along and grippingly attached to the main cable. A pair of elongate members are each attached at one end to a respective one of the main cable clamps and at an other end to the respective support beam. In another embodiment, spaced slings are applied to the main cable so that each extends around the main cable. Ends of each of the slings are attached to a respective one of the support beams respectively. One end of a cable is attached to a sling intermediate ends thereof. The cable is extended between the sling and an anchor point and substantially parallel to the main cable there along to restrain the sling from slippage along the length of the main cable.
E01D 22/00 - Procédés ou appareils pour réparer ou renforcer les ponts existants
E04G 3/24 - Echafaudages essentiellement supportés par le bâtiment, p.ex. réglables en hauteur spécialement adaptés pour des endroits particuliers des bâtiments ou pour des bâtiments de forme particulière, p.ex. cheminées de haut-fourneaux ou pylônes
An adjustable suspension assembly for suspending a lower structure such as a platform from an upper structure such as a portion of a bridge. A sling, which is attachable at one end to the upper structure, is attached at its other end to one end of a chain. A device, which is attachable to the lower structure, has a pair of aligned apertures in its side walls for receiving pins. The pins are spaced to receive a thickness of a chain link but not to receive a width of the link, whereby a selected link to achieve a desired lower structure height may be cinched between the pins. The other end of the sling, which comprises a cable, has an eyelet formed by folding an end portion of the cable back over the cable and swaging the cable end portion to the cable. The chain is attached to said eyelet by receiving the end portion of the cable in one of the chain links before the cable end portion is swaged to the cable.
E04G 3/30 - Echafaudages essentiellement supportés par le bâtiment, p.ex. réglables en hauteur Échafaudages avec plates-formes mobiles suspendus par des éléments supports flexibles, p.ex. des câbles
A platform disposed below at least one bridge main cable and method of erection thereof. The platform comprises a plurality of elongate decking support beams extending cross-wise of and disposed below the main cable and decking applied thereto. In accordance with one embodiment, a plurality of slings are spaced longitudinally of the main cable, and each extends around the main cable and is attached at its ends to a respective one of the support beams. A guy is attached to at least one of the slings for restraining the sling from slippage along the length of the main cable. In accordance with another embodiment, a plurality of main cable clamps are grippingly attached to the main cable and are spaced longitudinally of the main cable. At least one pair of elongate members sre each attached at one end to a respective one of the main cable clamps and at an other end to the respective support beam.
E01D 22/00 - Procédés ou appareils pour réparer ou renforcer les ponts existants
E04G 3/24 - Echafaudages essentiellement supportés par le bâtiment, p.ex. réglables en hauteur spécialement adaptés pour des endroits particuliers des bâtiments ou pour des bâtiments de forme particulière, p.ex. cheminées de haut-fourneaux ou pylônes
An erected platform which contains parallel lines of trusses connected end-to-end and method of erecting thereof, as illustrated in FIGS. 20 to 23. Each truss has two sides for chords respectively, with apertures or eyelets at the ends. First and second other trusses for a pair of parallel lines respectively are connected by positioning a first other truss adjacent the decking laid on an existing platform portion. Apertures on first respective sides of the first other truss and one of the existing trusses are connected by a first pin and the first other truss swung into an end-to-end position with the one existing truss and a second pin inserted in apertures on second respective sides of the first other truss and the one existing truss. The first pin is removed and the first other truss swung out of the way so that the second other truss may be attached. The second other truss is positioned adjacent the existing decking and similarly connected end-to-end with the other existing truss. The first other truss is then swung back into position for end-to-end attachment to the one existing truss and the second pin re-inserted.
E01D 22/00 - Procédés ou appareils pour réparer ou renforcer les ponts existants
E04C 3/00 - Eléments de construction de forme allongée, conçus pour supporter des charges
E04C 3/04 - Poutrelles; Solives, fermes ou structures analogues à des fermes, p.ex. préfabriquées; Linteaux; Traverses métalliques
E04C 3/08 - Poutrelles; Solives, fermes ou structures analogues à des fermes, p.ex. préfabriquées; Linteaux; Traverses métalliques à âme découpée, p.ex. à âme formée d'éléments analogues à des barreaux; Fermes métalliques en treillage
E04G 1/15 - Echafaudages reposant principalement sur le sol comprenant essentiellement des moyens particuliers pour supporter ou former des plates-formes; Plates-formes
E04G 3/00 - Echafaudages essentiellement supportés par le bâtiment, p.ex. réglables en hauteur
E04G 3/22 - Echafaudages essentiellement supportés par le bâtiment, p.ex. réglables en hauteur supportés par la couverture ou les plafonds
E04G 5/16 - Entretoises ou barres de raidissement, p.ex. diagonales d'échafaudages
E04G 11/38 - Coffres, coffrages ou faux œuvre pour la fabrication des murs, planchers, plafonds ou toits pour planchers, plafonds ou toits de surface plane ou courbe pour plafonds plans en béton
E04G 11/50 - Solives, poutres ou pièces du même genre agissant comme support de coffrage
E01D 19/10 - Parapets; Dispositifs de protection contre la fumée ou les gaz, p.ex. des locomotives; Passerelles d'entretien; Fixation des tuyaux ou câbles aux ponts
E04G 1/34 - Structures d'échafaudage susceptibles d'être pliées en parties prismatiques ou plates ou susceptibles d'être rabattues
E04G 3/30 - Echafaudages essentiellement supportés par le bâtiment, p.ex. réglables en hauteur Échafaudages avec plates-formes mobiles suspendus par des éléments supports flexibles, p.ex. des câbles
A foldable quad-chord truss which can be connected end-to-end with like trusses. The chords of each pair of chords are rigidly attached, and connector members intermediate the ends are each swivelly attached to each of the chords of each chord pair to effect the folding into a compact shape for transport and storage. The connector members are adapted for attachment to beams or connector members thereof which beams may extend between a parallel pair of the trusses.
E04C 3/00 - Eléments de construction de forme allongée, conçus pour supporter des charges
E04G 3/22 - Echafaudages essentiellement supportés par le bâtiment, p.ex. réglables en hauteur supportés par la couverture ou les plafonds
E04G 5/16 - Entretoises ou barres de raidissement, p.ex. diagonales d'échafaudages
E04G 1/15 - Echafaudages reposant principalement sur le sol comprenant essentiellement des moyens particuliers pour supporter ou former des plates-formes; Plates-formes
E01D 22/00 - Procédés ou appareils pour réparer ou renforcer les ponts existants
E04C 3/04 - Poutrelles; Solives, fermes ou structures analogues à des fermes, p.ex. préfabriquées; Linteaux; Traverses métalliques
E04C 3/08 - Poutrelles; Solives, fermes ou structures analogues à des fermes, p.ex. préfabriquées; Linteaux; Traverses métalliques à âme découpée, p.ex. à âme formée d'éléments analogues à des barreaux; Fermes métalliques en treillage
E04G 3/00 - Echafaudages essentiellement supportés par le bâtiment, p.ex. réglables en hauteur
E04G 11/38 - Coffres, coffrages ou faux œuvre pour la fabrication des murs, planchers, plafonds ou toits pour planchers, plafonds ou toits de surface plane ou courbe pour plafonds plans en béton
E04G 11/50 - Solives, poutres ou pièces du même genre agissant comme support de coffrage
E01D 19/10 - Parapets; Dispositifs de protection contre la fumée ou les gaz, p.ex. des locomotives; Passerelles d'entretien; Fixation des tuyaux ou câbles aux ponts
E04G 1/34 - Structures d'échafaudage susceptibles d'être pliées en parties prismatiques ou plates ou susceptibles d'être rabattues
E04G 3/30 - Echafaudages essentiellement supportés par le bâtiment, p.ex. réglables en hauteur Échafaudages avec plates-formes mobiles suspendus par des éléments supports flexibles, p.ex. des câbles
A kit for erecting a platform. The kit comprises a plurality of quad-chord trusses. Each truss is attachable to others of the truss by eyelets on the ends of the chords. When the chords are spaced horizontally, the eyelet apertures are vertical for receiving pins, which allows a single pin to be inserted in eyelet apertures on one side of the truss so that one truss is swingable horizontally into position for rigid attachment end-to-end by inserting another pin in eyelet apertures on the other side of the truss. Each truss comprises a plurality of connector members for attachment to the trusses along their lengths. The kit further comprises a plurality of cross beams having connector members at their ends to mate with and attach to the truss connector members, and a plurality of tie-up mechanisms attachable to the trusses and to which a supporting line from an overhead structure is attachable. The cross beams have overhangs at their ends for overhanging the upper ones of the chords to allow ease of movement along the chords and attachment. A track lies between the chords of each truss to allow movement of bolts along the track into position for insertion into decking apertures for attachment of the decking. The trusses may be foldable for transport and storage.
E01D 22/00 - Procédés ou appareils pour réparer ou renforcer les ponts existants
E04C 3/08 - Poutrelles; Solives, fermes ou structures analogues à des fermes, p.ex. préfabriquées; Linteaux; Traverses métalliques à âme découpée, p.ex. à âme formée d'éléments analogues à des barreaux; Fermes métalliques en treillage
E04G 11/50 - Solives, poutres ou pièces du même genre agissant comme support de coffrage
E04B 5/14 - Structures portantes de planchers, formées essentiellement d'éléments préfabriqués comportant des poutres ou solives disposées dans deux directions
E04G 7/30 - Barres ou éléments d'échafaudage avec des pièces d'assemblage fixées de façon inamovible
E04G 1/15 - Echafaudages reposant principalement sur le sol comprenant essentiellement des moyens particuliers pour supporter ou former des plates-formes; Plates-formes
E01D 19/10 - Parapets; Dispositifs de protection contre la fumée ou les gaz, p.ex. des locomotives; Passerelles d'entretien; Fixation des tuyaux ou câbles aux ponts
E04G 5/16 - Entretoises ou barres de raidissement, p.ex. diagonales d'échafaudages
E04G 7/26 - Assemblage des éléments d'échafaudage avec des pièces d'assemblage séparées pour emploi avec des éléments d'échafaudage de formes particulières
E04B 5/10 - Structures portantes de planchers, formées essentiellement d'éléments préfabriqués comportant des poutres ou solives métalliques, p.ex. poutrelles à treillis métalliques
E04G 3/22 - Echafaudages essentiellement supportés par le bâtiment, p.ex. réglables en hauteur supportés par la couverture ou les plafonds
E04G 7/34 - Barres ou éléments d'échafaudage avec des pièces d'assemblage fixées de façon inamovible les éléments d'assemblage utilisant un engagement positif, p.ex. des crochets ou des broches
E04C 3/04 - Poutrelles; Solives, fermes ou structures analogues à des fermes, p.ex. préfabriquées; Linteaux; Traverses métalliques
E04G 3/30 - Echafaudages essentiellement supportés par le bâtiment, p.ex. réglables en hauteur Échafaudages avec plates-formes mobiles suspendus par des éléments supports flexibles, p.ex. des câbles
Cable-panel connector for bridge platform or other scaffolding
A connector comprises first and second parts having first and second plates respectively. The plates can abut to cover a panel opening and have slots in their abutting edges. The second part has a portion which extends in the second plate slot and which extends beyond the second plate edge a distance defining a neck. An arcuate portion extends from an end of the neck to receive the cable and has a threaded terminal end portion. In a first orientation of the second part, the neck extends vertically below the first plate to allow ease of manipulation of the second part to receive the cable between the arcuate portion and the panel. In a second orientation thereof, the neck extends horizontally within the first plate slot when the second part is in a closed position with the terminal end portion received in an aperture in the first plate.
E01D 19/10 - Parapets; Dispositifs de protection contre la fumée ou les gaz, p.ex. des locomotives; Passerelles d'entretien; Fixation des tuyaux ou câbles aux ponts
F16B 5/00 - Jonction de feuilles ou de plaques soit entre elles soit à des bandes ou barres parallèles à elles
A temporary shield erected between two flanged structural members of a bridge or other structure, a kit therefor, and a method for erection of the shield. A plurality of length-adjustable beams have end portions which are rested on flanges respectively of the structural members. Decking is attached to the beams. At least one elongate member is cantileverly extended from at least one of the beams to underlie a structural member flange to prevent wind lift up of the shield.
A foldable quad-chord truss which can be connected end-to-end with like trusses. Each pair of chords are rigidly attached, and connector members intermediate the ends are swivelly attached to the chord pairs to effect the folding into a compact shape for transport and storage. The connector members are adapted for attachment to connector members of beams which may extend perpendicular to a parallel pair of the trusses and attached thereto. The laid trusses and beams is overlaid with sheets of corrugated sheet metal which overlap each other along their adjacent edges. While standing on a sheet of laid sheet metal adjacent ends of an already laid pair of trusses, another truss can be held adjacent the edge of the sheet metal for attaching an end of the other truss along only one side so that it can then be swung outwardly into a position wherein the other end of the other truss can also be attached to rigidly connect the trusses end-to-end.
E04C 3/00 - Eléments de construction de forme allongée, conçus pour supporter des charges
E04G 3/22 - Echafaudages essentiellement supportés par le bâtiment, p.ex. réglables en hauteur supportés par la couverture ou les plafonds
E04G 5/16 - Entretoises ou barres de raidissement, p.ex. diagonales d'échafaudages
E04G 1/15 - Echafaudages reposant principalement sur le sol comprenant essentiellement des moyens particuliers pour supporter ou former des plates-formes; Plates-formes
E01D 22/00 - Procédés ou appareils pour réparer ou renforcer les ponts existants
E04C 3/04 - Poutrelles; Solives, fermes ou structures analogues à des fermes, p.ex. préfabriquées; Linteaux; Traverses métalliques
E04C 3/08 - Poutrelles; Solives, fermes ou structures analogues à des fermes, p.ex. préfabriquées; Linteaux; Traverses métalliques à âme découpée, p.ex. à âme formée d'éléments analogues à des barreaux; Fermes métalliques en treillage
E04G 3/00 - Echafaudages essentiellement supportés par le bâtiment, p.ex. réglables en hauteur
E04G 11/38 - Coffres, coffrages ou faux œuvre pour la fabrication des murs, planchers, plafonds ou toits pour planchers, plafonds ou toits de surface plane ou courbe pour plafonds plans en béton
E04G 11/50 - Solives, poutres ou pièces du même genre agissant comme support de coffrage
E01D 19/10 - Parapets; Dispositifs de protection contre la fumée ou les gaz, p.ex. des locomotives; Passerelles d'entretien; Fixation des tuyaux ou câbles aux ponts
E04G 1/34 - Structures d'échafaudage susceptibles d'être pliées en parties prismatiques ou plates ou susceptibles d'être rabattues
E04G 3/30 - Echafaudages essentiellement supportés par le bâtiment, p.ex. réglables en hauteur Échafaudages avec plates-formes mobiles suspendus par des éléments supports flexibles, p.ex. des câbles
A platform and a kit therefor. The platform and the kit comprises quad-chord trusses attachable end-to-end and having connector members intermediate thereof, and further comprising beams attachable at their ends to the connector members so that a beam attaches two parallel trusses. A truss comprises first and second pairs of chords which are foldable for storage and transport and unfoldable to use for erection of the platform. A track lies between the upper chords to allow movement of bolts along the track into position to attach for insertion into decking apertures for attachment of the decking. The kit also includes a sturdy and reliable and easy to use tie-up mechanism and railing along the platform perimeter which is quickly and easily attachable and reliable.
E04C 3/08 - Poutrelles; Solives, fermes ou structures analogues à des fermes, p.ex. préfabriquées; Linteaux; Traverses métalliques à âme découpée, p.ex. à âme formée d'éléments analogues à des barreaux; Fermes métalliques en treillage
E01D 22/00 - Procédés ou appareils pour réparer ou renforcer les ponts existants
E04G 11/50 - Solives, poutres ou pièces du même genre agissant comme support de coffrage
E01D 19/10 - Parapets; Dispositifs de protection contre la fumée ou les gaz, p.ex. des locomotives; Passerelles d'entretien; Fixation des tuyaux ou câbles aux ponts
E04G 1/15 - Echafaudages reposant principalement sur le sol comprenant essentiellement des moyens particuliers pour supporter ou former des plates-formes; Plates-formes
E04G 3/22 - Echafaudages essentiellement supportés par le bâtiment, p.ex. réglables en hauteur supportés par la couverture ou les plafonds
E04G 5/16 - Entretoises ou barres de raidissement, p.ex. diagonales d'échafaudages
E04G 7/26 - Assemblage des éléments d'échafaudage avec des pièces d'assemblage séparées pour emploi avec des éléments d'échafaudage de formes particulières
E04G 7/30 - Barres ou éléments d'échafaudage avec des pièces d'assemblage fixées de façon inamovible
E04G 7/34 - Barres ou éléments d'échafaudage avec des pièces d'assemblage fixées de façon inamovible les éléments d'assemblage utilisant un engagement positif, p.ex. des crochets ou des broches
E04B 5/10 - Structures portantes de planchers, formées essentiellement d'éléments préfabriqués comportant des poutres ou solives métalliques, p.ex. poutrelles à treillis métalliques
E04B 5/14 - Structures portantes de planchers, formées essentiellement d'éléments préfabriqués comportant des poutres ou solives disposées dans deux directions
E04C 3/04 - Poutrelles; Solives, fermes ou structures analogues à des fermes, p.ex. préfabriquées; Linteaux; Traverses métalliques
E04G 3/30 - Echafaudages essentiellement supportés par le bâtiment, p.ex. réglables en hauteur Échafaudages avec plates-formes mobiles suspendus par des éléments supports flexibles, p.ex. des câbles
A method utilizing an assembly of a sling detachably attached to an adjustment device for suspending one structure relative to another structure. The adjustment device comprises a pair of elongate spaced apart plates which are attached to each other and to a hook, for attachment to one of the structures, at the first end portion. Each plate has a plurality of pairs of longitudinally spaced aligned holes for receiving a pin for connecting one end of a sling to the adjustment device at a selected incremental one of the plurality of pairs of holes. The other end of the sling is connected to the other structure to adjust the distance over which the one structure is suspended relative to the other structure. To allow greater adjustability, two or more of the adjustment devices are joined end-to-end.
E04G 3/30 - Echafaudages essentiellement supportés par le bâtiment, p.ex. réglables en hauteur Échafaudages avec plates-formes mobiles suspendus par des éléments supports flexibles, p.ex. des câbles
E04G 7/04 - Pièces d'assemblage souples, avec ou sans crochets, p.ex. cordes, câbles, chaînes
E04G 7/20 - Brides rigides d'échafaudage pour réunir des éléments d'échafaudage de même forme pour extrémités des éléments uniquement, p.ex. pour relier les éléments bout à bout
E01D 19/10 - Parapets; Dispositifs de protection contre la fumée ou les gaz, p.ex. des locomotives; Passerelles d'entretien; Fixation des tuyaux ou câbles aux ponts
A fastener which comprises a tubular member, a sleeve, a spring, a shank, and an elongate head. A lower end portion of the shank extends through the tubular member to threadedly engage a lower part. The elongate head rotates within a slot in the upper end of the shank between a first position extending longitudinally of the shank so that it can receive an upper part to be attached to the lower part and a second position extending radially of the shank to prevent removal of the upper part. The shank is received within the sleeve and has a pair of slots in its upper end which are alignable with the shank slot. The sleeve is biased to an upper position by the spring, which is in the tubular member. When the sleeve is in a position wherein it is biased upwardly, the sleeve partially covers the shank slot to prevent rotation of the elongate head between the first and second positions. The sleeve can be pushed downwardly against the force of the spring when the shank is sufficiently loosened to substantially uncover the shank slot thereby allowing rotation of the elongate head between the first and second positions.
F16B 37/12 - DISPOSITIFS POUR ASSEMBLER OU BLOQUER LES ÉLÉMENTS DE CONSTRUCTION OU LES PARTIES DE MACHINES, p.ex. CLOUS, CHEVILLES, ÉCROUS, VIS, BOULONS, BAGUES ANNULAIRES FORMANT RESSORT, BRIDES OU COLLIERS, CLIPS OU PINCES, COINS; ASSEMBLAGES OU JOINTURES Écrous ou pièces similaires avec entrées de filetage avec surfaces d'entrée de filetage consistant en une insertion de ressorts hélicoïdaux, de disques ou de pièces analogues; Ecrous constitués par des morceaux indépendants de fil métallique enroulé; Garnitures filetées intérieures pour trous
F16B 13/08 - Chevilles ou autres dispositifs fixés à des parois ou autres emplacements par insertion dans des trous préparés à cet effet avec parties s'agrippant dans le trou ou derrière la paroi après insertion les parties s'agrippant étant distinctes du dispositif et amenées dans leur position finale sans opération manuelle ultérieure
An assembly of a sling detachably attached to an adjustment device for suspending one structure relative to another structure. The adjustment device comprises a pair of elongate spaced apart plates which are attached to each other and to a hook, for attachment to one of the structures, at the first end portion. Each plate has a plurality of pairs of longitudinally spaced aligned holes for receiving a pin for connecting one end of a sling to the adjustment device at a selected incremental one of the plurality of pairs of holes. The other end of the sling is connected to the other structure to adjust the distance over which the one structure is suspended relative to the other structure. To allow greater adjustability, two or more of the adjustment devices are joined end-to-end.
E04G 3/30 - Echafaudages essentiellement supportés par le bâtiment, p.ex. réglables en hauteur Échafaudages avec plates-formes mobiles suspendus par des éléments supports flexibles, p.ex. des câbles
E04G 7/04 - Pièces d'assemblage souples, avec ou sans crochets, p.ex. cordes, câbles, chaînes
E04G 7/20 - Brides rigides d'échafaudage pour réunir des éléments d'échafaudage de même forme pour extrémités des éléments uniquement, p.ex. pour relier les éléments bout à bout
A foldable quad-chord truss which can be connected end- to-end with like trusses. Each pair of chords are rigidly attached, and connector members intermediate the ends are swivelly attached to the chord pairs to effect the folding into a compact shape for transport and storage. The connector members are adapted for attachment to connector members of beams which may extend perpendicular to a parallel pair of the trusses and attached thereto. The laid trusses and beams is overlaid with sheets of corrugated sheet metal which overlap each other along their adjacent edges. While standing on a sheet of laid sheet metal adjacent ends of an already laid pair of trusses, another truss can be held adjacent the edge of the sheet metal for attaching an end of the other truss along only one side so that it can then be swung outwardly into a position wherein the other end of the other truss can also be attached to rigidly connect the trusses end-to-end.
E04C 3/02 - Poutrelles; Solives, fermes ou structures analogues à des fermes, p.ex. préfabriquées; Linteaux; Traverses
E04G 1/06 - Echafaudages reposant principalement sur le sol composés essentiellement d'éléments allongés dans une seule dimension, p.ex. poteaux, mâts en treillis, avec ou sans parties terminales de forme particulière, reliés entre eux par tout moyen approprié les éléments étant exclusivement des poteaux, tiges, poutres ou autres pièces de même forme et de section simple comprenant des éléments avec des portions en forme de tiges ou tubes s'adaptant bout à bout avec ou sans pièces de raccordement séparées
E01D 22/00 - Procédés ou appareils pour réparer ou renforcer les ponts existants
A foldable quad-chord truss which can be connected end-to-end with like trusses. Each pair of chords are rigidly attached, and connector members intermediate the ends are swivelly attached to the chord pairs to effect the folding into a compact shape for transport and storage. The connector members are adapted for attachment to connector members of beams which may extend perpendicular to a parallel pair of the trusses and attached thereto. The laid trusses and beams is overlaid with sheets of corrugated sheet metal which overlap each other along their adjacent edges. While standing on a sheet of laid sheet metal adjacent ends of an already laid pair of trusses, another truss can be held adjacent the edge of the sheet metal for attaching an end of the other truss along only one side so that it can then be swung outwardly into a position wherein the other end of the other truss can also be attached to rigidly connect the trusses end-to-end.
E01D 22/00 - Procédés ou appareils pour réparer ou renforcer les ponts existants
E04C 3/04 - Poutrelles; Solives, fermes ou structures analogues à des fermes, p.ex. préfabriquées; Linteaux; Traverses métalliques
E04C 3/08 - Poutrelles; Solives, fermes ou structures analogues à des fermes, p.ex. préfabriquées; Linteaux; Traverses métalliques à âme découpée, p.ex. à âme formée d'éléments analogues à des barreaux; Fermes métalliques en treillage
E04G 3/00 - Echafaudages essentiellement supportés par le bâtiment, p.ex. réglables en hauteur
E04G 11/38 - Coffres, coffrages ou faux œuvre pour la fabrication des murs, planchers, plafonds ou toits pour planchers, plafonds ou toits de surface plane ou courbe pour plafonds plans en béton
E04G 11/50 - Solives, poutres ou pièces du même genre agissant comme support de coffrage
Cable-panel connector for bridge platform or other scaffolding
A connector for connecting a panel of a bridge platform or other scaffolding to an underlying cable for supporting the panel. First and second plates are hingedly joined. A member is attached to and extends from the first plate to a free end portion, wherein the member is adapted to be passed downwardly through a panel and cradle a cable passing below the panel then to be passed upwardly back through the opening then through an aperture in the second plate. A wedge is slidably receivable between ledges on the free end portion and the second plate for wedgedly retaining the member in the aperture. A member is attached to the second plate in a position such that it retains the wedge inseparable from the plates. The plates and wedge are inseparable from each other in each of latched and unlatched states.
E01D 19/10 - Parapets; Dispositifs de protection contre la fumée ou les gaz, p.ex. des locomotives; Passerelles d'entretien; Fixation des tuyaux ou câbles aux ponts
F16B 2/14 - Brides ou colliers, c. à d. dispositifs de fixation dont le serrage est effectué par des forces effectives autres que la résistance à la déformation inhérente au matériau dont est fait le dispositif utilisant des coins
F16B 5/00 - Jonction de feuilles ou de plaques soit entre elles soit à des bandes ou barres parallèles à elles
Non-complex cable to panel connector with inseparable parts
A scaffolding connector. A first part includes a first plate, a first rod portion extending downwardly therefrom then upwardly to define a cradle, and a second rod portion extending upwardly therefrom then downwardly into close proximity therewith. A second part includes a second plate inseparable from the second rod portion. The first and second plates are positionable to together overlie an opening in a panel with an underlying cable received in the cradle. The terminal end portion is receivable in an aperture in the second plate so that a nut can be applied thereto for connecting the cable to the panel to define an attached state between the first and second parts and wherein a detached state between the first and second parts is defined when the terminal end portion is not received in the aperture. The first and second parts are inseparable in each of the attached and detached states.
E01D 19/10 - Parapets; Dispositifs de protection contre la fumée ou les gaz, p.ex. des locomotives; Passerelles d'entretien; Fixation des tuyaux ou câbles aux ponts
E04G 3/00 - Echafaudages essentiellement supportés par le bâtiment, p.ex. réglables en hauteur
A combination of parts for and method of constructing a modular platform. A frame beam connector member is connected to respective end portions of a pair of frame beams while the pair of frame beams are in substantially a side-by-side relation. One of the frame beams is then swung relative to the other to a co-axial position of the frame beams relative to each other. Then another frame beam connector member is connected to the respective end portions of the frame beams while the frame beams are in the co-axial position thereby to maintain the pair of frame beams in the co-axial position. A deck support beam is connected to a frame beam while in substantially a side-by-side relation therewith. The deck support beam is then swung to a position normal to the frame beams. The deck support beam is then connected to another frame beam.
A combination of parts for and method of constructing a modular platform. A frame beam connector member is connected to respective end portions of a pair of frame beams while the pair of frame beams are in substantially a side-by-side relation. One of the frame beams is then swung relative to the other to a co-axial position of the frame beams relative to each other. Then another frame beam connector member is connected to the respective end portions of the frame beams while the frame beams are in the co-axial position thereby to maintain the pair of frame beams in the co-axial position. A deck support beam is connected to a frame beam while in substantially a side-by-side relation therewith. The deck support beam is then swung to a position normal to the frame beams. The deck support beam is then connected to another frame beam.
E04G 3/30 - Echafaudages essentiellement supportés par le bâtiment, p.ex. réglables en hauteur Échafaudages avec plates-formes mobiles suspendus par des éléments supports flexibles, p.ex. des câbles
Cable-panel connector for bridge platform or other scaffolding
A connector for covering an opening in and connecting a scaffolding panel to an underlying cable. One plate has a portion pivotally attached to another plate for movement within a slot thereof, an arcuate portion to cradle the cable and extend back through a slot in the other plate for securing, and a neck therebetween which suspends the arcuate portion at a distance below the other plate to ease receiving the cable. The plates alternatively abut. Alternatively, the plates are hingedly joined with one having an arcuate cable-receiving portion which extends back through a slot in the other plate for securing with a wedge which is inseparable from the plates.
E01D 19/10 - Parapets; Dispositifs de protection contre la fumée ou les gaz, p.ex. des locomotives; Passerelles d'entretien; Fixation des tuyaux ou câbles aux ponts