Pöppelmann Holding GmbH & Co. KG


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Type PI
        Brevet 34
        Marque 28
        International 42
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Nouveautés (dernières 4 semaines) 1
2025 janvier 1
2024 décembre 1
2025 (AACJ) 1
2024 1
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Classe IPC
A01G 9/02 - Récipients, p. ex. pots ou jardinières Verres pour la culture des fleurs 8
B65D 83/04 - Réceptacles ou paquets comportant des moyens particuliers pour distribuer leur contenu pour distribuer de petits objets en forme d'anneau, de disque, de sphère ou similaire, p. ex. des comprimés ou des pilules 6
A01G 9/04 - Dessous de pots de fleurs 5
A01G 27/06 - Dispositifs automatiques d'arrosage, p. ex. pour pots de fleurs utilisant des mèches ou similaires munis d'un réservoir d'eau dont la partie principale est placée complètement autour du substrat de culture ou directement à côté de celui-ci 4
A01G 9/029 - Récipients pour plants 3
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Classe NICE
20 - Meubles et produits décoratifs 23
07 - Machines et machines-outils 19
21 - Ustensiles, récipients, matériaux pour le ménage; verre; porcelaine; faience 18
17 - Produits en caoutchouc ou en matières plastiques; matières à calfeutrer et à isoler 16
09 - Appareils et instruments scientifiques et électriques 12
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En Instance 1
Enregistré / En vigueur 61



Numéro d'application EP2024068599
Numéro de publication 2025/008346
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2024-07-02
Date de publication 2025-01-09
Propriétaire PÖPPELMANN HOLDING GMBH & CO. KG (Allemagne)
Inventeur(s) Orschulik, Günther


In a plant pot (1) made of thin-walled plastic material and of a generally frustoconical shape, the wall (3) of the pot is reinforced by a shoulder (2) the annular face (10) of which has a number of axially protruding bulging portions and/or indentations (11, 12) which are mutually interspaced in the circumferential direction (U), and the axial deviation (a) of the annular face (10) is smaller or equal to the stacking distance (s) of the plant pot.

Classes IPC  ?

  • A01G 9/02 - Récipients, p. ex. pots ou jardinières Verres pour la culture des fleurs


Miscellaneous Design

Numéro d'application 019123275
Statut En instance
Date de dépôt 2024-12-20
Propriétaire Pöppelmann Holding GmbH & Co. KG (Allemagne)
Classes de Nice  ?
  • 07 - Machines et machines-outils
  • 09 - Appareils et instruments scientifiques et électriques
  • 10 - Appareils et instruments médicaux
  • 12 - Véhicules; appareils de locomotion par terre, par air ou par eau; parties de véhicules
  • 16 - Papier, carton et produits en ces matières
  • 17 - Produits en caoutchouc ou en matières plastiques; matières à calfeutrer et à isoler
  • 20 - Meubles et produits décoratifs
  • 21 - Ustensiles, récipients, matériaux pour le ménage; verre; porcelaine; faience
  • 40 - Traitement de matériaux; recyclage, purification de l'air et traitement de l'eau
  • 42 - Services scientifiques, technologiques et industriels, recherche et conception

Produits et services

Maschinenteile, nämlich Verbindungselemente, Halterungen, Befestigungselemente, Lager und Buchsen, Gleitlager, Federn, Ventile, Stellglieder, Antriebselemente (Kurbeln, Antriebswellen, Antriebsräder, Zahnräder, Antriebsscheiben, Riemenscheiben, Kettenräder), Bälge, Gehäuse, Abdeckungen, Kabelführungen, Leitungshalter, Funktionsteile, Verschlusskappen, Verschlussstopfen, Schraubkappen, Schraubstopfen, Dichtstopfen; Spritzgusswerkzeuge und Thermoformwerkzeuge (aus Metall, Maschinenteile) für die Herstellung von Kunststoffprodukten; Teile und Zubehör für Maschinen und Werkzeugmaschinen für Materialbearbeitung und Produktion, Motoren, Antriebe und Steuerungen für den Betrieb von Maschinen und Motoren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Elektrische und elektronische Bauteile; Gehäuse und Befestigungselemente für Apparate und Instrumente, soweit in Klasse 9 enthalten; Gehäuse für elektrische Steckverbinder; Kabelstecker; Steckdosenabdeckungen; Wasserstandsanzeiger; Teile und Zubehör für Apparate, Instrumente und Kabel für Elektrizität, Wissenschaftliche Geräte und Laborgeräte für physikalische Reaktionen mittels Elektrizität, optische Geräte und Ausrüstung, Verstärkungsgeräte und Korrektoren, Apparate für wissenschaftliche Forschung und Labor, Unterrichtsapparate und Simulatoren, Mess-, Erkennungs- und Überwachungsinstrumente, -vorrichtungen sowie -regler, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten, insbesondere Kabelkanäle, Kabelklemmen, Gehäuse für elektrische Steckverbinder, Halterungen, Kabelstecker, Kennzeichnungen, Steckdosenabdeckungen, Abschirmgehäuse, Kabelhalter, Leitungshalter, Blindstecker, Steckerkappen, Blindkappen, Dichtstopfen, Kappen und Stopfen für elektrische Steckverbinder, Kabelführungen, Kabeltüllen, Abdeckungen, Kontaktschutz. Dosiergeräte, Atemschutzgeräte mit Luftfilter, Tabletts, Inhalatoren, Zerstäuber, Tropfer, Spritzen, Kanülen, Düsen für medizinische Zwecke; Laborgefäße, Reaktionsgefäße, Filterplatten, Mikrotiterplatten, Racks; Implantatverpackungen, Kartuschen; Spender für Tabletten, rieselfähiges oder flüssiges Material; Pumpspender, Düsen, Ausgießer; alle vorstehenden Waren für medizinische Zwecke; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren sowie für medizinische und veterinärmedizinische Apparate und Instrumente; Prothesen und künstliche Implantate, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Clips für die Befestigung von Kraftfahrzeugteilen an Kraftfahrzeugkarosserien, Gehäuse für Teile von Kraftfahrzeugen [ausgenommen für Motoren], Befestigungselemente, Halterungen, Trägerplatten, Abdeckungen, Verschlüsse, Steckerkappen, Blindkappen, Dichtstopfen, Leitungshalter, Kontaktschutz, Sensorhalter, Batteriezellhalter, Kühlmittelleitungen, Ölleitungen, Luftführungskanäle, Lüfterklappen, Lüftergitter, Ventile (Druckventile, Entlüftungsventile), Steuerhebel, Schmutzfänger und deren Halterungen, Gepäckträger, Handgriffe; Teile und Zubehör für Fahrzeuge sowie Räder, Reifen und Gleisketten für Fahrzeuge. Papier und Pappe; Kunstwerke und Figuren aus Papier oder Pappe sowie Architekturmodelle; Dekorations- und Künstlerbedarfsmaterialien und -mittel; Filtermaterial aus Papier; Taschen, Beutel und Waren für Verpackungs-, Einpack- und Ablagezwecke aus Papier, Pappe oder Kunststoff; Papier- und Schreibwaren sowie Lehr- und Unterrichtsmittel; Klebstoffe für Papier- und Schreibwaren oder für Haushaltszwecke; Banknotenhalter; Druckereierzeugnisse; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten; Verpackungsmaterialien, soweit in Klasse 16 enthalten; Etiketten, nicht aus Textilstoffen; Schilder (Papiersiegel), Schilder aus Papier und Pappe; Abziehbilder; Aufkleber; Blumenübertöpfe aus Papier; Plakate; Kunststofffolien für Verpackungszwecke; Verpackungsbeutel, -hüllen und -taschen aus Papier oder Kunststoff; Folien aus Kunststoff für Einpack- und Verpackungszwecke. Flexible Leitungen, Röhren, Schläuche und Anschlussstücke hierfür [einschließlich Ventile] sowie Anschlussstücke für Hartrohre, alle nicht aus Metall; Anschlussstücke, nicht aus Metall, für flexible Rohre; Fittings für Rohre, nicht aus Metall; Kupplungen für flexible Rohre, nicht aus Metall; Teilweise verarbeitete Kunststoffe, Harze, Polymere sowie synthetische Fasern [ausgenommen für Textilzwecke] oder deren Ersatzstoffe; Zellstofffolien zur Verwendung in der Produktion; Folien aus Zellstoff [ausgenommen für Verpackungszwecke]; Unverarbeitete und teilweise verarbeitete Mineralfasern oder Elastomere sowie deren Ersatzstoffe; Wiederaufbereitetes Kunststoffmaterial zur Verwendung in der Produktion; Extrudierter Kunststoff in Folienform für Fertigungszwecke; Kunststoffe als Halbfabrikate; Artikel und Materialien zur Wasser- und Feuchtigkeitsabdichtung; Dichtungen; Verbinder, Anschlussstücke, Abzweigstücke aus Kunststoff, Faserstoff, Papier, Pappe oder Karton für Rohre und Schläuche von Bewässerungsgeräten und Wasserleitungseinrichtungen; Dichtungsstopfen aus Kunststoff, Faserstoff, Papier, Pappe oder Karton; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Waren, nicht aus Metall, nämlich Ankerbojen, Schlösser und Schlüssel, Tür-, Tor- und Fensterbeschläge, Ventile, Befestigungsmaterial, Klöppel, Klemmen, Verbindungs- und Anschlussteile, Fächer, Klappen, Haltegriffe und Schienen, Gelenke, Haken und Aufhänger, Identifikationsarmbänder, Formen und Former, Wimpelhalter, Dübel, Protektoren und Abstützvorrichtungen, Spulen, Verstärkungsmaterialien, Ringe, Stangen, Sägeböcke, Spülmatten, Distanzringe, Wannenzwischeneinlagen, Treppenbeschläge, Sprungfedern, Stapeladaptoren, Dauben, Pfähle und Masten, Saugnäpfe, Hängebahnen, Anhänger, Spannrollen, Zeltteile, Papiertuchhalter, Tabletts; Möbel und Einrichtungsgegenstände; Behausungen und Betten für Tiere; Statuen, Figuren, Kunstwerke sowie Verzierungen und Dekorationen aus Materialien wie Holz, Wachs, Gips oder Kunststoff, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten, nämlich Bernstein, Tierteile, Meerschaum, Pflanzenteile; Behälter sowie Verschlüsse und Halter hierfür, nicht aus Metall; Leitern und mobile Treppen, nicht aus Metall; Displays, Ständer und Beschilderung, nicht aus Metall; Transportpaletten und -schalen aus Kunststoff, Faserstoff, Papier, Pappe oder Karton, insbesondere für Anzucht, Transport und Lagerung von Pflanzen; Kultur- und Transportsteigen aus Kunststoff, Faserstoff, Papier, Pappe oder Karton; Transport- und Kulturtrays; Anzuchtplatten, Pikierkisten, Gewebekulturschalen (und Deckel), Saatgut- und Stecklingsschalen, Beetkästen; Ständer und Halter für Pflanz- und Blumentöpfe; Stützen für Pflanzen; Aufhängevorrichtungen für Pflanzen, nicht aus Metall; Waren aus Kunststoff, Faserstoff, Papier, Pappe oder Karton (soweit in Klasse 20 enthalten), insbesondere Deckel, Kappen und Stopfen für Behälter, Maschinen, Ventile, Steuergeräte, Hydraulik- oder Pneumatik-Leitungen, Möbel, Rahmen, Rohre, Schrauben und Muttern, Abdeckungen, Befestigungselemente, Halterungen, Kabelbinder, Kabelführungen, Kabeltüllen; Transport- und Lagerbehälter aus Kunststoff, Faserstoff, Papier, Pappe oder Karton, insbesondere für Werkstücke; Werkstückträger aus Kunststoff, Faserstoff, Papier, Pappe oder Karton; Befestigungsmaterial, -verbindungsteile und -halter für Kabel, Rohre oder Leitungen, nicht aus Metall; Befestigungselemente und -laschen, nicht aus Metall, für Kabel und Rohre; Kabelhalter aus Kunststoff, Faserstoff, Papier, Pappe oder Karton, Rohr- und Kabelschellen aus Kunststoff, Faserstoff, Papier, Pappe oder Karton; Schlauchschellen, Kabelkanäle, Kabelclips, Kabelklemmen und Kabelbündler, nicht aus Metall; Kunststoffschalen für die Verpackung von Lebensmitteln [Behälter]; Deckel und Verschlüsse für Flaschen und Behälter, nicht aus Metall; Gefäße aus Kunststoff, Faserstoff, Papier, Pappe oder Karton für Verpackungszwecke; Obst- und Gemüseschalen aus Kunststoff, Faserstoff, Papier, Pappe oder Karton; Flaschenverschlüsse, Verschlusskappen, Ausgießer und Stöpsel aus Kunststoff, Faserstoff, Papier, Pappe oder Karton; Behälter aus Kunststoff, Faserstoff, Papier, Pappe oder Karton und deren Teile; Verpackungsbehälter aus Kunststoff, Faserstoff, Papier, Pappe oder Karton; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten. Blumentöpfe, Pflanztöpfe, Blumenkästen, Behälter für Blumen, Blumentopfhalter, Untersetzer für Blumentöpfe, Kunststoffdeckel für Pflanztöpfe, Behälter zum Umtopfen von Pflanzen, Vasen, Übertöpfe aus Kunststoff, Faserstoff, Papier, Pappe oder Karton, Stützstangen für Topfpflanzen; Schalen, Saatschalen, Schalen für Pflanzen, Behälter zum Umtopfen von Pflanzen; Manschetten, nicht aus Papier, für Blumentöpfe; Pflanzgefäße, Rundtöpfe, Container, Vierkanttöpfe, Ampeln, Hängetöpfe, Schalen, Dekorgefäße, Balkonkästen, Blumeneimer, Stützgitter, Stockhalter, Hänger, Balkonkästen; Geräte (soweit in Klasse 21 enthalten) und Behälter für Haushalt und Küche sowie Teile der vorstehenden Geräte und Behälter; Behälter für Haushalt und Küche; Kunststoffschüsseln [Haushaltsbehälter], Gefäße für Haushaltszwecke, Gefäße für Haushalt und Küche, Behälter für den Haushalt, Becher, Schüsseln aus Kunststoff, Faserstoff, Papier, Pappe oder Karton, Flaschen aus Kunststoff, Faserstoff, Papier, Pappe oder Karton Eimer für Haushaltszwecke und Eimer für gewerbliche Zwecke; Schalen, Ausgießer; Persönliche Spender für Tabletten oder Kapseln zur Verwendung im Haushalt; Deckel, Einschweiß-Ausgießer, Süßstoffspender, Dosiersysteme, Haushaltsdosen, Gastro-Schalen; Spender für stückiges, rieselfähiges oder flüssiges Material; Zerstäuber, Pumpspender, Sprüher, Trichter, Sprüher und Kanülen für flüssiges Material, nicht für medizinische Zwecke; Teile und Zubehör für alle vorgenannten Waren, soweit in dieser Klasse enthalten; alle vorgenannten Waren nicht aus Porzellan. Metallbearbeitung, nämlich Herstellen, Umarbeiten, Anpassen und Restaurieren von Spritzgusswerkzeugen und Thermoformwerkzeugen für die Kunststoffverarbeitung, sowie Schleifen, Fräsen, Drehen, Drahtschneiden und Erodieren für Dritte; Druckarbeiten; Etikettieren von Kunststoff- , Faserstoff-, Papier-, Pappe- oder Kartonprodukten; Spritzguss- und Thermoformfertigung sowie 3D-Druck von Kunststoffprodukten für Dritte; Schweißen und Heißsiegeln von Kunststoffteilen. Designdienstleistungen, insbesondere Industriedesigndienstleistungen, Produktentwicklung, Entwurf und Entwicklung von neuen Produkten, Produktentwicklungsberatung, Computergestützte Konstruktion von Kunststoffteilen und -formen; Gestaltung von Etiketten und Bedruckungen für Verpackungs- und Pflanzbehälter; Dienstleistung von Ingenieuren, insbesondere Technische Planung und Beratung, Beratungsdienstleistungen bezüglich Produktentwicklung, Bewertungsdienste von Ingenieuren im technologischen Bereich, Technisches Projektmanagement; Recherche- und Entwicklungsdienste bzgl. neuer Produkte für Dritte.



Numéro d'application EP2023056415
Numéro de publication 2023/174907
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2023-03-14
Date de publication 2023-09-21
Propriétaire PÖPPELMANN HOLDING GMBH & CO. KG (Allemagne)
  • Punte, Bastian
  • Wilke, Jörg


A lower part (2) of a container (1) closed media-tightly by an upper part (3) has a receiving chamber (8) for a culture medium, said receiving chamber being divided by a grating (6) into a plurality of cells (7). For improved handling when transplanting, a separate grating (6) is provided which has cell bases (18) which are flexible and/or can be pushed through and/or are at least partially removable. The bottom (4) of the lower part can also be divided by the adjacent grating into cell bases which are flexible and/or can be pushed through and/or are at least partially removable, so that the plants (15) can be transplanted without having to remove the grating (6). According to a second concept of the invention, at least one portion of a side wall (5) of the lower part (2), which side wall is taller than the grating (6), is reduced and/or can be reduced in height and/or can be opened.

Classes IPC  ?

  • A01G 9/029 - Récipients pour plants
  • A01H 4/00 - Reproduction de plantes par des techniques de culture de tissus
  • A01G 9/08 - Dispositifs de remplissage des pots à fleursDispositifs de mise en pots des plantes



Numéro d'application 018919654
Statut Enregistrée
Date de dépôt 2023-08-30
Date d'enregistrement 2024-04-16
Propriétaire Pöppelmann Holding GmbH & Co. KG (Allemagne)
Classes de Nice  ?
  • 07 - Machines et machines-outils
  • 20 - Meubles et produits décoratifs
  • 39 - Services de transport, emballage et entreposage; organisation de voyages
  • 40 - Traitement de matériaux; recyclage, purification de l'air et traitement de l'eau
  • 42 - Services scientifiques, technologiques et industriels, recherche et conception

Produits et services

Machine parts, for use in relation to the following goods: Agricultural, earthmoving, construction, oil and gas extraction and mining equipment, Pumps, compressors and fans, Industrial robots, Moving and handling equipment, Electricity generators, Machines and machine tools for treatment of materials and for manufacturing, Motors, Drive units, Controls for the operation of machines and engines, Dispensing machines, Emergency and rescue machines and machine tools and Sweeping, cleaning, washing and laundering machines, The aforesaid goods of plastic, including the following products: Sealing caps, closure plugs, Screw caps, Screw plugs, Copings, Body-welding tools, Hexagon head covers, grease nipple covers, Connector plugs and caps, Flange covers, shaft protection elements, Cable guides, Cable bushings, Flex holders. Goods of plastic, included in class 20, namely, Covers, namely, Fixed cover elements, for use in relation to the following goods: Furniture, Frames and pipes; Goods of plastic, included in class 20, namely Protective caps, blind caps, Seal plugs, Blanking plugs, Sealing caps, Screw covers, Screw plugs, Clips for cables and pipes, Line guides, Cable ties, Cable conduits, wire connectors, Cable bushings, Pipe and cable collars, Hose collars, Caps and Stoppers, for use in relation to the following goods: Containers, machines, Valves, Hydraulic or pneumatic conduits, Electric pin and socket connectors, Furniture, Frames and teed. Packaging services and Storage, in relation to the following goods: Goods of plastic; Transport and Delivery, in relation to the following goods: Goods of plastic; Express delivery, in relation to the following goods: Goods of plastic; Collection, in relation to the following goods: second-hand goods, of plastic, For recycling purposes; Collection and Regeneration, in relation to the following goods: Recyclable goods, of plastic. 3D reproduction services; Rental of 3D printers; Customised manufacture of industrial casting moulds, in particular injection moulding tools; Customised manufacture of industrial thermoforming tools. Consultancy services relating to product engineering; Product design and development; Research and development for others with regard to new products; Computer aided part and mould design services; Preparation of reports relating to Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) reports; Consultancy relating to carbon footprint reduction.



Numéro d'application 018670681
Statut Enregistrée
Date de dépôt 2022-03-11
Date d'enregistrement 2023-05-06
Propriétaire Pöppelmann Holding GmbH & Co. KG (Allemagne)
Classes de Nice  ?
  • 07 - Machines et machines-outils
  • 10 - Appareils et instruments médicaux
  • 12 - Véhicules; appareils de locomotion par terre, par air ou par eau; parties de véhicules
  • 20 - Meubles et produits décoratifs
  • 21 - Ustensiles, récipients, matériaux pour le ménage; verre; porcelaine; faience

Produits et services

Machine parts, for use in relation to the following goods: Agricultural, earthmoving, construction, oil and gas extraction and mining equipment, Pumps [machines], Compressors and cooling fans, Industrial robots, Moving and handling equipment, Electricity generators, Machines and machine tools for treatment of materials and for manufacturing, Motors, Drive units, Controls for the operation of machines and engines, Dispensing machines, Emergency and rescue machines and machine tools, Sweeping, cleaning, washing and laundering machines, of plastic, including the following products: Sealing caps, closure plugs, Screw caps, Screw plugs, Attachment elements, Copings, Housings [parts of machines], Operating elements, Fork elements, Body-welding tools, Sealing plugs, Hexagon head covers, grease nipple covers, Carrier plates, Connector plugs and caps, Flange covers, shaft protection elements. bottles, Bowls (basins), dishes and Cable boxes and Syringes, related parts, Lids, funnels and cannulae for the aforesaid goods; Dispensers for tablets, pourable or liquid materials; Nebulizers, pump dispensers, Measuring spoons, Pouring spouts; All the aforesaid goods for medical purposes. plastic parts for land, air and water vehicles, especially Fastening devices, brackets, Covers, Body plugs, Housings for parts for motor vehicles, Interior trim parts, Handles. Cultivation and transport crates (trays, file boxes), of plastic; Caps and Stoppers, of plastic, for use in relation to the following goods: Containers, machines, Valves, Hydraulic or pneumatic conduits, Furniture, Frames and teed; Goods of plastic materials, The aforesaid goods included in class 20, namly, Fasteners, Clips for cables and pipes, Hinges, not of metal for the fastening of electrical cables, Line guides, Cable ties, Cable conduits, wire connectors, Cable bushings, Pipe and cable collars, Hose collars, Protective caps, blind caps, Blind plugs, Seal plugs; Bottle closures, Sealing caps, Plugs of plastic; Containers, and closures and holders therefor, non-metallic; Packaging containers of plastic; Transport pallets of plastic, in particular for the cultivation, transport and storage of plants; Flower pot stands of plastic; Displays, stands and signage, not of metal; Parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class; All the aforesaid goods of plastic. Planters, plant pots; Window boxes, flower pots, plant pot holders and saucers of plastic; Household and kitchen utensils and containers (included in Class 21) and parts for the aforesaid utensils and containers; Container lids (all not of precious metal); Bottles, mugs, bowls and tins (not of precious metal), dispensers for material in the form of pellets and for pourable or liquid material; Funnels for liquid materials, Not for medical purposes; Plant hanging baskets, supporting rods and supporting trellises for flowers and plants; Buckets; Containers for household or kitchen use; Flower-pot covers, not of paper; Bowls [basins]; Fruit bowls, Bowls for vegetables, Of plastic materials; Pouring spouts.



Numéro d'application EP2021000007
Numéro de publication 2021/151618
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2021-01-26
Date de publication 2021-08-05
Propriétaire PÖPPELMANN HOLDING GMBH & CO. KG (Allemagne)
Inventeur(s) Punte, Bastian


The invention relates to a plant cultivation container (1) for an in vitro propagation, comprising an at least partly transparent substantially circular and hollow cylindrical container (2) which is open on one side and comprising a closure cap (3) which seals the container (2) at the outer circumferential surface thereof in a media-tight manner and which is made of plastic. The closure cap (3) comprises a closure cap body (7) and a filter membrane (6) which allows at least an exchange of gas with the surroundings. According to the invention, the filter membrane (6) is an in-mold label which is overmolded and/or back-molded by the plastic of the closure cap body (7) while leaving out at least some sections, wherein the filter membrane (6) consists of the same plastic as the closure cap body (7).

Classes IPC  ?

  • A01G 9/00 - Culture dans des récipients, des châssis de couches ou des serresBordures pour planches, pelouse ou similaires
  • A01G 9/02 - Récipients, p. ex. pots ou jardinières Verres pour la culture des fleurs
  • A01G 13/02 - Couvertures protectrices pour les plantes; Dispositifs pour leur mise en place



Numéro d'application EP2020000048
Numéro de publication 2020/173600
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2020-02-20
Date de publication 2020-09-03
Propriétaire PÖPPELMANN HOLDING GMBH & CO. KG (Allemagne)
Inventeur(s) Punte, Bastian


A growing and cultivating tray (1) having a plurality of trough-like cells (2) formed in a substantially closed top side of the tray (1), each for receiving at least one plant plug (3), the cells (2) having an opening (5) delimited by a cell edge (4) from which a cell wall (6) extends to a cell base (7). For a better supply of water to the plantlets inserted in the plant plug (3), at least one water line (16) extending from the cell wall (6) and/or the cell edge (4) to the cell interior is provided for each cell (2), the at least one water line (16) being arranged on the top side of a projection (10) which projects out of the cell wall (6), extends in a rib-like manner from the cell base (7) towards the cell edge (4) and holds the plant plug (3).

Classes IPC  ?



Numéro d'application EP2019000105
Numéro de publication 2019/192751
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2019-04-02
Date de publication 2019-10-10
Propriétaire PÖPPELMANN HOLDING GMBH & CO. KG (Allemagne)
Inventeur(s) Orschulik, Günther


The invention relates to a funnel-shaped insert (3) for a plant container (2), namely a flower pot or decorative cachepot, comprising a tubular portion (11), a ring plate (12) adjoining the upper end of the tubular portion in a shoulder-like manner, and a sealing edge (13) sealing against the side wall (5) of the plant container, wherein, on the underside, a water collecting basin (22) forms between the insert (3) and the plant container (2). On the upper side, a receptacle (19) is formed, which in particular forms a support for a plant pot (4). The receptacle (19) is preferably formed at least partially by the sealing edge (13).

Classes IPC  ?

  • A01G 9/02 - Récipients, p. ex. pots ou jardinières Verres pour la culture des fleurs
  • A01G 27/06 - Dispositifs automatiques d'arrosage, p. ex. pour pots de fleurs utilisant des mèches ou similaires munis d'un réservoir d'eau dont la partie principale est placée complètement autour du substrat de culture ou directement à côté de celui-ci
  • B65D 85/52 - Réceptacles, éléments d'emballage ou paquets spécialement adaptés à des objets ou à des matériaux particuliers pour organismes vivants, objets ou matériaux sensibles aux changements d'ambiance ou de conditions atmosphériques, p. ex. pour animaux terrestres, oiseaux, poissons, plantes aquatiques, plantes non aquatiques, oignons de fleurs, fleurs coupées ou feuillage pour plantes vivantesRéceptacles, éléments d'emballage ou paquets spécialement adaptés à des objets ou à des matériaux particuliers pour organismes vivants, objets ou matériaux sensibles aux changements d'ambiance ou de conditions atmosphériques, p. ex. pour animaux terrestres, oiseaux, poissons, plantes aquatiques, plantes non aquatiques, oignons de fleurs, fleurs coupées ou feuillage pour oignons en croissance



Numéro d'application EP2019000052
Numéro de publication 2019/161967
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2019-02-20
Date de publication 2019-08-29
Propriétaire POPPELMANN HOLDING GMBH & CO. KG (Allemagne)
Inventeur(s) Timphus, André


The plant tray (1), which is provided as a cultivation and/or sales tray having a plurality of compartments (3.1 to 3.8) designed to receive at least one plant pot (14, 15), is designed to receive plant pots (14, 15) preferably of different sizes. The compartment base (5) has at least two base regions (5a, 5b) which are of different heights and connected to each other by means of steeply pitched offset walls (7), wherein the offset walls are designed at least partially to guide the plant pot received therein. At least one part of the higher base region (5b) is formed by a dome (8, 8', 8") which is spaced apart from the side walls (6) on all sides. The plant tray (1) enables plant pots (14, 15) to be received in a positionally accurate manner with efficient utilisation of space in each case.

Classes IPC  ?



Numéro d'application EP2018000550
Numéro de publication 2019/115006
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2018-12-10
Date de publication 2019-06-20
Propriétaire PÖPPELMANN HOLDING GMBH & CO. KG (Allemagne)
  • Böckmann, Reinhard
  • Schockemöhle, Frank


The invention relates to a battery cell frame (1) for accommodating at least one flat, electrochemical cell of a rechargeable battery, comprising an at least partially circumferential outer frame part (2) made of plastic and a thermoplastic plate as a frame filling (3), which is encapsulated in the edge region at least in regions to form the frame part (2).

Classes IPC  ?



Numéro d'application EP2018000367
Numéro de publication 2019/020212
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2018-07-23
Date de publication 2019-01-31
Propriétaire PÖPPELMANN HOLDING GMBH & CO. KG (Allemagne)
  • Punte, Bastian
  • Van Staalduine, Pieter
  • Vreugdenhil, Jochem Sophinus


The invention relates to a plant container (1) consisting of a plant pot (2) having a saucer (3) coupled thereto, the saucer (2) having a central dome (20) as a ventilation channel, which dome extends vertically from the bottom (18) of the saucer into a dome (8) of the plant pot, wherein a water reservoir (4) delimited by the bottom (18) and by a side wall (19) of the saucer (2) is provided, a support being formed on the upper edge of the side wall (19), on which support the plant pot (2) can be supported by means of bottom regions near the side wall.

Classes IPC  ?

  • A01G 9/04 - Dessous de pots de fleurs
  • A01G 27/06 - Dispositifs automatiques d'arrosage, p. ex. pour pots de fleurs utilisant des mèches ou similaires munis d'un réservoir d'eau dont la partie principale est placée complètement autour du substrat de culture ou directement à côté de celui-ci



Numéro d'application EP2018050370
Numéro de publication 2018/141507
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2018-01-08
Date de publication 2018-08-09
Propriétaire PÖPPELMANN HOLDING GMBH & CO. KG (Allemagne)
  • Orschulik, Günther
  • Timphus, André


A tray for cultivating a plant, in particular an orchid, having a plurality of cells (4) for accommodating a respective plant pot (8), wherein the tray (2) has at least one fastening means (6) for securing the plant pot (8), wherein the cells (4) each have a lower cell region (10), which is provided for fully accommodating the plant pot (8) which is to be introduced, and a respective upper cell region (12), which contains the fastening means (6), is formed at least by a cell wall (14) which cannot be penetrated, in particular is not breached, by roots, and also a system for cultivating a plant.

Classes IPC  ?



Numéro d'application 017708595
Statut Enregistrée
Date de dépôt 2018-01-19
Date d'enregistrement 2018-06-27
Propriétaire Pöppelmann Holding GmbH & Co. KG (Allemagne)
Classes de Nice  ?
  • 01 - Produits chimiques destinés à l'industrie, aux sciences ainsi qu'à l'agriculture
  • 07 - Machines et machines-outils
  • 09 - Appareils et instruments scientifiques et électriques
  • 10 - Appareils et instruments médicaux
  • 17 - Produits en caoutchouc ou en matières plastiques; matières à calfeutrer et à isoler
  • 20 - Meubles et produits décoratifs
  • 21 - Ustensiles, récipients, matériaux pour le ménage; verre; porcelaine; faience
  • 39 - Services de transport, emballage et entreposage; organisation de voyages
  • 40 - Traitement de matériaux; recyclage, purification de l'air et traitement de l'eau
  • 41 - Éducation, divertissements, activités sportives et culturelles
  • 42 - Services scientifiques, technologiques et industriels, recherche et conception

Produits et services

Unprocessed plastics, secondary plastics, including plastic chips and plastic granules, including the aforesaid obtained from waste; Mixtures of unprocessed used plastic; Plastic generates, plastic agglomerates, ground plastic; Unprocessed and synthetic resins; Including all of the aforesaid goods in recycled form, in particular for feeding into extruders, injection moulding machines and compression moulding by sintering. Machine parts and fittings of plastic, including sealing caps, sealing plugs, screw caps, screw plugs, functional parts, fastening elements, covers, housings, operating elements, spring elements, plugs for vehicle body apertures, hexagonal caps, grease nipple caps, support plates, connector plugs and caps, flange covers, shaft protection elements; Cable guides, cable bushings, wire holders; Including all of the aforesaid goods being manufactured from recycled plastic. Cable routings, cable sleeves, holders for plug connectors, cable holders; Electric and electronic components of plastic, including cable ducts, cable clips, protective caps, caps and stoppers for electric connectors, cable connectors, labels, covers for electric outlets, dummy plugs, shieldings; Including all of the aforesaid goods being manufactured from recycled plastic. Bottles, beakers, bowls, tins and syringes for medical purposes and parts therefor, and lids, funnels and cannulae therefor; Dispensers for tablets, pourable or liquid materials; Sprayers, pump dispensers, nozzles, dosage dispensers and parts for dosing systems, measuring spoons, pourers, assemblies for endoscopic applications; All the aforesaid goods for medical purposes; Including all of the aforesaid goods being manufactured from recycled plastic. Sealing plugs of plastic; Injection moulding plastics; Semi-finished products of plastic, including extruded plastics and films of plastic; Recycled plastics, in particular for injection moulding and for film extrusion; Carbon fibre; Including all of the aforesaid goods being manufactured from recycled plastic. Plastic trays for growing and transportation; Goods of plastic, included in class 20, including lids, caps and stoppers of plastic for containers, machines, valves, hydraulic or pneumatic lines, furniture, frames and pipes; Goods of plastic, included in class 20, including covers, fastening elements, cable or pipe clips, cable ties, cable guides, wire holders, cable ducts, cable clips, cable bushings, pipe and cable collars, hose collars, protective caps, blind caps, seal plugs, caps and stoppers for hydraulic or pneumatic lines; Closures for bottles, shutter caps, pourers and plastic stoppers; Containers of plastic and parts therefor, included in class 20; Packaging containers of plastic; Transport pallets of plastic, in particular for the cultivation, transport and storage of plants; Flower pot stands of plastic; Fruit and vegetable bowls of plastic; Including all of the aforesaid goods being manufactured from recycled plastic. Planters, plant pots; Window boxes, flower pots, plant pot holders and saucers of plastic; Household and kitchen utensils and containers (included in Class 21) and parts for the aforesaid utensils and containers; Container lids (all not of precious metal); Bottles, mugs, bowls and tins (not of precious metal), dispensers for material in the form of pellets and for pourable or liquid material; Atomisers, pump dispensers, sprayers, funnels, sprayers and cannulae for liquid material, not for medical purposes; Plant hanging baskets, supporting rods and supporting trellises for flowers and plants; Buckets; Containers for household or kitchen use; Covers, not of paper, for flower pots; Basins [bowls]; Including all of the aforesaid goods being manufactured from recycled plastic. Collection of waste and used goods, including packaging, plant pots and protective elements for recycling purposes. Manufacture of plastic products by injection moulding and deep drawing, for others, including with the use of recycled plastic; Printing; Labels of plastic products, including plastic products of recycled plastic; Preparation, sorting, processing, treatment, recycling, renovation, regeneration, compounding and labelling, in particular of recycled plastics, plastic products or recycled plastic, in particular of waste, packaging, plant pots, protective elements; Manufacture, preparation, sorting, processing, treatment, recycling, renovation, regeneration, compounding and labelling, in particular of recycled plastics, in particular consisting of waste, packaging, plant pots, protective elements. Arranging of training courses, providing of information, in particular relating to waste recycling. Industrial design, research and development (for others); Including all of the aforesaid services for recycled plastic.



Numéro d'application 1367402
Statut Enregistrée
Date de dépôt 2017-07-03
Date d'enregistrement 2017-07-03
Propriétaire Pöppelmann Holding GmbH & Co. KG (Allemagne)
Classes de Nice  ?
  • 07 - Machines et machines-outils
  • 39 - Services de transport, emballage et entreposage; organisation de voyages
  • 40 - Traitement de matériaux; recyclage, purification de l'air et traitement de l'eau
  • 42 - Services scientifiques, technologiques et industriels, recherche et conception

Produits et services

Tools (parts of machines); moulds for injection moulding and thermoforming tools. Packaging, storage and delivery of goods; labelling of plastic products. Customised manufacture of industrial casting moulds, in particular injection moulding tools; customised manufacture of industrial thermoforming tools; 3D reproduction services; customised manufacture of thermoplastic components; injection moulding and thermoforming of plastic goods, for others; printing. Industrial design; computer-aided engineering design and drawing services; assessment in the field of technology provided by engineers; consultancy services relating to product engineering; engineering project management services; engineering design and consultancy; development of new product prototypes, for others.



Numéro d'application EP2017000181
Numéro de publication 2017/140415
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2017-02-09
Date de publication 2017-08-24
Propriétaire PÖPPELMANN HOLDING GMBH & CO. KG (Allemagne)
  • Majchszak, Christoph
  • Landwehr, Mike


The invention relates to a plastic sealing cap for sealing a spout, comprising an inner cap (18) that can be secured to the spout, and a separate ingestion-proof outer part (1) that can be secured to the inner cap (18). The inner cap (18) is also sized in such a way that it cannot be swallowed. The invention further relates to an assembly comprising a receptacle that is sealed by the sealing cap.

Classes IPC  ?

  • B65D 50/04 - Fermetures avec des moyens pour empêcher leur ouverture ou leur enlèvement non autorisés avec ou sans moyens indicateurs, p. ex. fermetures à l'épreuve des enfants pouvant être ouvertes ou enlevées par une combinaison de plusieurs opérations exigeant la combinaison de plusieurs opérations simultanées, p. ex. appuyer et tourner, soulever et tourner, immobiliser une partie et en tourner une autre



Numéro d'application EP2017000044
Numéro de publication 2017/060541
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2017-01-17
Date de publication 2017-04-13
Propriétaire PÖPPELMANN HOLDING GMBH & CO. KG (Allemagne)
  • Orschulik, Günther
  • Schulze, Nico
  • Vreugdenhil, Jochem, Sophinus


The invention relates to a plant pot comprising a lateral jacket (2) and a pot base (3) that delimits the jacket (2) at the lower end, wherein a lower part of the plant pot (1) defines a standing surface (15) and the plant pot (1) has at least one recess (6) which, in relation to a longitudinal centre axis (16) of the plant pot (1), is located above the lower part and which forms a water reservoir together with the jacket (2) and the pot base (3). The plant pot (1) comprises at least one additional element (5) for varying the water reservoir volume and the water reservoir has an increased volume, when the additional element (5) is transferred to a position at least partially covering the first recess (6), in relation to the uncovered position, said increased water reservoir volume being formed by the jacket (2), pot base (3), additional element (4) and at least one other recess (7), which lies further away from the standing surface (15), in relation to the longitudinal centre axis (16), than the first recess (6).

Classes IPC  ?

  • A01G 9/02 - Récipients, p. ex. pots ou jardinières Verres pour la culture des fleurs
  • A01G 27/00 - Dispositifs automatiques d'arrosage, p. ex. pour pots de fleurs



Numéro d'application 016494081
Statut Enregistrée
Date de dépôt 2017-03-21
Date d'enregistrement 2017-08-22
Propriétaire Pöppelmann Holding GmbH & Co. KG (Allemagne)
Classes de Nice  ?
  • 07 - Machines et machines-outils
  • 39 - Services de transport, emballage et entreposage; organisation de voyages
  • 40 - Traitement de matériaux; recyclage, purification de l'air et traitement de l'eau
  • 42 - Services scientifiques, technologiques et industriels, recherche et conception

Produits et services

Tools (parts of machines); Moulds for injection moulding and thermoforming tools. Packaging, storage and delivery of goods. Customised manufacture of industrial casting moulds, in particular injection moulding tools; Customised manufacture of industrial thermoforming tools; 3 D reproduction services; Custom manufacture of thermoplastic components; Development of new product prototypes, for others; Injection moulding and thermoforming manufacture of plastic goods, for others; Printing; Labelling of plastic products. Industrial design; Computer-aided engineering design and drawing services; Assessment in the field of technology provided by engineers; Consultancy services relating to product engineering; Engineering project management services; Engineering design and consultancy.



Numéro d'application EP2016001160
Numéro de publication 2017/008893
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2016-07-06
Date de publication 2017-01-19
Propriétaire PÖPPELMANN HOLDING GMBH & CO. KG (Allemagne)
Inventeur(s) Orschulik, Günther


Plant tray made of plastic, comprising a plurality of compartments (3) designed to accommodate at least one planting pot (2). At least one of the compartments (3) has a bottom with at least one bottom hole (4, 11), said bottom transitioning at the edges into walls (6) of the plant tray (1), forming, on the lower face, a support surface (14) for the plant tray (1), and, on the upper face, at least one support for the planting pot (2). The bottom defines bottom regions of different height with respect to a plane of support as a result of a channel (8) that is formed on the lower face as a watering and/or draining channel. A compartment region which is located immediately above the lower bottom region (7) forming the support surface (14) can be watered and/or drained through the bottom hole (4, 11), the lower bottom region (7) forming at least part of the support. The invention also relates to a system comprising a plant tray.

Classes IPC  ?



Numéro d'application EP2016000056
Numéro de publication 2016/116262
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2016-01-13
Date de publication 2016-07-28
Propriétaire PÖPPELMANN HOLDING GMBH & CO. KG (Allemagne)
  • Lesch, Matthias
  • Majchszak, Christoph


The invention relates to a storage container for a planting pot (2), having a base (3), a side wall (4) connected to the base (3), and a support which can support the planting pot (2) interspaced from the base (3). The base (3) and at least part of the side wall (4) of the storage container (1) define a water reservoir, the support being arranged in the side wall (4) below an upper edge (15) of the storage container (1) forming one piece therewith and the side wall (4) comprises a decorative element, which particularly forms a surface of the side wall (4).

Classes IPC  ?

  • A01G 27/04 - Dispositifs automatiques d'arrosage, p. ex. pour pots de fleurs utilisant des mèches ou similaires
  • A01G 27/06 - Dispositifs automatiques d'arrosage, p. ex. pour pots de fleurs utilisant des mèches ou similaires munis d'un réservoir d'eau dont la partie principale est placée complètement autour du substrat de culture ou directement à côté de celui-ci



Numéro d'application EP2016000057
Numéro de publication 2016/116263
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2016-01-13
Date de publication 2016-07-28
Propriétaire PÖPPELMANN HOLDING GMBH & CO. KG (Allemagne)
  • Lesch, Matthias
  • Majchszak, Christoph


The invention relates to a storage container for a planting pot, having a base, a side wall (4) connected to the base (3), and a water level indicator, the base (3) and preferably at least part of the side wall (4) of the storage container (1) defining a water reservoir. The side wall (4) comprises at least one flat element, preferably in the form of a decorative element, which at least partly defines a water level indicator for indicating a water level of the water reservoir, said water level indicator particularly having a viewing window (8).

Classes IPC  ?

  • A01G 27/00 - Dispositifs automatiques d'arrosage, p. ex. pour pots de fleurs
  • A01G 27/06 - Dispositifs automatiques d'arrosage, p. ex. pour pots de fleurs utilisant des mèches ou similaires munis d'un réservoir d'eau dont la partie principale est placée complètement autour du substrat de culture ou directement à côté de celui-ci



Numéro d'application 015568934
Statut Enregistrée
Date de dépôt 2016-06-23
Date d'enregistrement 2017-01-11
Propriétaire Pöppelmann Holding GmbH & Co. KG (Allemagne)
Classes de Nice  ?
  • 10 - Appareils et instruments médicaux
  • 20 - Meubles et produits décoratifs
  • 21 - Ustensiles, récipients, matériaux pour le ménage; verre; porcelaine; faience

Produits et services

Closures for openings in packaging containers, namely caps, lids, stoppers, zips and bag clips; Openings in packaging containers for free-flowing, powdered, paste-like, gel-like or liquid material, namely pourers, chutes, taps, valves, Pumps, Dosage dispensers, dispensing apparatus, Nebulizers, Drippers, Cannulae, Syringes and Measuring spoons; Parts for the aforesaid goods; All of the aforesaid goods included in this class being for medical purposes. Closures for openings in packaging containers (receptacles, not of metal), namely caps, Lids, Stoppers, Zips and bag clips; Openings in packaging containers (receptacles, not of metal) for free-flowing, powdered, paste-like, gel-like or liquid material, namely pourers, chutes, taps, valves; Parts for the aforesaid goods; All of the aforesaid goods being included in this class and Not for medical purposes. Closures for openings in packaging containers (receptacles, not of metal), namely caps, Lids, Stoppers, Zips and bag clips; Openings in packaging containers (receptacles, not of metal) for free-flowing, powdered, paste-like, gel-like or liquid material, namely pourers, chutes, dispensing apparatus, Dispensers, Atomisers, Drippers, Syringes; Parts of the aforesaid goods; All of the aforesaid goods being included in this class and Not for medical purposes.



Numéro d'application EP2015001235
Numéro de publication 2016/005025
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2015-06-18
Date de publication 2016-01-14
Propriétaire PÖPPELMANN HOLDING GMBH & CO. KG (Allemagne)
Inventeur(s) Orschulik, Günther


The invention relates to a plant tray made of plastic, namely a culture and/or sales tray, comprising a plurality of blanks (2) for receiving plant pots, which are at least partially limited over a respective wall (3), wherein blanks (2) arranged on one side of the plant tray (1) are opened above an edge (4) of the respective side towards the latter, and further comprising at least one lateral engagement (7) for a supporting means for lifting the plant tray (1), the engagement (7) being arranged at least partially above the edge (4).

Classes IPC  ?



Numéro d'application 176111200
Statut Enregistrée
Date de dépôt 2015-12-23
Date d'enregistrement 2018-05-04
Propriétaire Pöppelmann Holding GmbH & Co. KG (Allemagne)
Classes de Nice  ? 07 - Machines et machines-outils

Produits et services

(1) Machine parts made of plastics, namely, sealing caps, vent plugs, screw plugs, sealing plugs, valves, protective strips for edges of machines; machine parts of plastics namely temporary and permanent protective elements, namely caps, plugs, plate covers, hoods for the automobile industry, energy industry, hydraulic industry, mechanical engineering industry, surface technology industry, utility vehicle industry, sanitary industry, heating and cooling industry, air conditioning industry, chemical industry, building industry, electrical industry, trading industry; machine parts made of plastics, namely plugs of plastics for use in manufacture; machine parts made of plastics, namely cable glands, cable markings, identification plates, cable ties, plastic fastening ties, mounting brackets, caps with suction foam, dust protection caps, plugs, flange caps, covers, lubrication nipple caps, grease nipple caps, protective rings, wheel nut caps, shaft protection sleeves, transportation locks, vent plugs, sleeves, bushings, body hole plugs, filler caps, clips made of plastics (2) Sealing stoppers made of plastic for use in internal threads, external threads, bores, studs, pipe/hose internal diameter, pipe/hose external diameter, profile tubing internal diameter, flange, apertures in cover panels, grease nipples, plug-in/screw couplings, loop holes, protective caps for shifts, pipe ends with screw-cap joins, SAE quick connecting plugs, contact protection, identification plates, and plugs of rubber for use in manufacture, in the automobile industry, energy industry, hydraulic industry, mechanical engineering industry, surface technology industry, utility vehicle industry, sanitary industry, heating and cooling industry, air conditioning industry, chemical industry, building industry, electrical industry, trading industry (3) Plastic articles, made of plastic for machines, namely, plastic foam, plastic fastening ties, plastic power switches, spring rings of plastic, pipe clamps of plastics, drain traps [valves] of plastic, drains [valves] made of plastic, clips of plastic for tubes, cable clips made of plastics, self-locking protective plastic caps for use with bolts, self-locking protective plastic caps for use with nuts (4) Machine parts made of plastics, namely, sealing caps, vent plugs, screw plugs, sealing plugs, valves, protective strips for edges of machines; machine parts of plastics namely temporary and permanent protective elements, namely caps, plugs, plate covers, hoods for the automobile industry, energy industry, hydraulic industry, mechanical engineering industry, surface technology industry, utility vehicle industry, sanitary industry, heating and cooling industry, air conditioning industry, chemical industry, building industry, electrical industry, trading industry; machine parts made of plastics, namely plugs of plastics for use in manufacture; machine parts made of plastics, namely cable glands, cable markings, identification plates, cable ties, plastic fastening ties, mounting brackets, caps with suction foam, dust protection caps, plugs, flange caps, covers, lubrication nipple caps, grease nipple caps, protective rings, wheel nut caps, shaft protection sleeves, transportation locks, vent plugs, sleeves, bushings, body hole plugs, filler caps, clips made of plastics; sealing stoppers for use in internal threads, external threads, bores, studs, pipe/hose internal diameter, pipe/hose external diameter, profile tubing internal diameter, flange, apertures in cover panels, grease nipples, plug-in/screw couplings, loop holes, protective caps for shifts, pipe ends with screw-cap joins, SAE quick connecting plugs, contact protection, and identification plates in the automobile industry, energy industry, hydraulic industry, mechanical engineering industry, surface technology industry, utility vehicle industry, sanitary industry, heating and cooling industry, air conditioning industry, chemical industry, building industry, electrical industry, trading industry; screw caps for use in internal threads, external threads, bores, studs, pipe/hose internal diameter, pipe/hose external diameter, profile tubing internal diameter, flange, apertures in cover panels, grease nipples, plug-in/screw couplings, loop holes, protective caps for shifts, pipe ends with screw-cap joins, SAE quick connecting plugs, contact protection, and identification plates in the automobile industry, energy industry, hydraulic industry, mechanical engineering industry, surface technology industry, utility vehicle industry, sanitary industry, heating and cooling industry, air conditioning industry, chemical industry, building industry, electrical industry, trading industry; screw stoppers for use in internal threads, external threads, bores, studs, pipe/hose internal diameter, pipe/hose external diameter, profile tubing internal diameter, flange, apertures in cover panels, grease nipples, plug-in/screw couplings, loop holes, protective caps for shifts, pipe ends with screw-cap joins, SAE quick connecting plugs, contact protection, and identification plates in the automobile industry, energy industry, hydraulic industry, mechanical engineering industry, surface technology industry, utility vehicle industry, sanitary industry, heating and cooling industry, air conditioning industry, chemical industry, building industry, electrical industry, trading industry; sealing stoppers made of plastic for use in internal threads, external threads, bores, studs, pipe/hose internal diameter, pipe/hose external diameter, profile tubing internal diameter, flange, apertures in cover panels, grease nipples, plug-in/screw couplings, loop holes, protective caps for shifts, pipe ends with screw-cap joins, SAE quick connecting plugs, contact protection, identification plates, and plugs of rubber for use in manufacture, in the automobile industry, energy industry, hydraulic industry, mechanical engineering industry, surface technology industry, utility vehicle industry, sanitary industry, heating and cooling industry, air conditioning industry, chemical industry, building industry, electrical industry, trading industry; plastic articles namely covers, lids, caps, stoppers made of plastic for containers, machines, valves, hydraulic and pneumatic ducts, furniture, frames, tubes (5) Machines parts made of plastic, namely sealing stoppers for use in internal threads, external threads, bores, studs, pipe/hose internal diameter, pipe/hose external diameter, profile tubing internal diameter, flange, apertures in cover panels, grease nipples, plug-in/screw couplings, loop holes, protective caps for shifts, pipe ends with screw-cap joins, SAE quick connecting plugs, contact protection, and identification plates in the automobile industry, energy industry, hydraulic industry, mechanical engineering industry, surface technology industry, utility vehicle industry, sanitary industry, heating and cooling industry, air conditioning industry, chemical industry, building industry, electrical industry, trading industry (6) Machines parts made of plastic, namely screw caps for use in internal threads, external threads, bores, studs, pipe/hose internal diameter, pipe/hose external diameter, profile tubing internal diameter, flange, apertures in cover panels, grease nipples, plug-in/screw couplings, loop holes, protective caps for shifts, pipe ends with screw-cap joins, SAE quick connecting plugs, contact protection, and identification plates in the automobile industry, energy industry, hydraulic industry, mechanical engineering industry, surface technology industry, utility vehicle industry, sanitary industry, heating and cooling industry, air conditioning industry, chemical industry, building industry, electrical industry, trading industry (7) Machines parts made of plastic, namely screw stoppers for use in internal threads, external threads, bores, studs, pipe/hose internal diameter, pipe/hose external diameter, profile tubing internal diameter, flange, apertures in cover panels, grease nipples, plug-in/screw couplings, loop holes, protective caps for shifts, pipe ends with screw-cap joins, SAE quick connecting plugs, contact protection, and identification plates in the automobile industry, energy industry, hydraulic industry, mechanical engineering industry, surface technology industry, utility vehicle industry, sanitary industry, heating and cooling industry, air conditioning industry, chemical industry, building industry, electrical industry, trading industry



Numéro d'application 176111300
Statut Enregistrée
Date de dépôt 2015-12-23
Date d'enregistrement 2018-03-15
Propriétaire Pöppelmann Holding GmbH & Co. KG (Allemagne)
Classes de Nice  ?
  • 11 - Appareils de contrôle de l'environnement
  • 20 - Meubles et produits décoratifs
  • 21 - Ustensiles, récipients, matériaux pour le ménage; verre; porcelaine; faience

Produits et services

(1) Growing and handling trays of plastics for plants. (2) Growing pots, flowerpots, cachepots and bases of plastics. (3) Parts of valves and fittings for irrigation sprinklers; non-metallic nozzles and rings for irrigation pipes and for pipes for lawn sprinklers, water-pipe valves of plastic, water-pipe control valves of plastic; sprinklers for potted plants; growing and handling trays of plastics for plants; growing pots, flowerpots, cachepots and bases of plastics.



Numéro d'application 176116200
Statut Enregistrée
Date de dépôt 2015-12-23
Date d'enregistrement 2019-07-15
Propriétaire Pöppelmann Holding GmbH & Co. KG (Allemagne)
Classes de Nice  ?
  • 07 - Machines et machines-outils
  • 09 - Appareils et instruments scientifiques et électriques
  • 11 - Appareils de contrôle de l'environnement
  • 17 - Produits en caoutchouc ou en matières plastiques; matières à calfeutrer et à isoler
  • 20 - Meubles et produits décoratifs
  • 21 - Ustensiles, récipients, matériaux pour le ménage; verre; porcelaine; faience

Produits et services

(1) Parts of plastic for machines and parts of plastic for fittings, in particular, sealing caps (2) Parts of plastic for machines and parts of plastic for fittings, in particular, vent plugs (3) Parts of plastic for machines and parts of plastic for fittings, in particular, screw caps (4) Parts of plastic for machines and parts of plastic for fittings, in particular, screw plugs (5) Sealing plugs of plastic for closing pipes/tubes (6) Plastic trays for transportation of component parts in the automobile industry, energy industry, hydraulic industry, mechanical engineering industry, surface technology industry, utility vehicle industry, sanitary industry, heating and cooling industry, air conditioning industry, chemical industry, building industry, electrical industry, and trading industry, plastic trays for use in the transportation of goods in the food industry (7) Goods of plastic, in particular, lids, caps, plugs, and shaft protection sleeves of plastic for machines (8) Transport pallets of plastic, in particular for the cultivation, transport and storage of plants (9) Planters, plant pots (10) Flower pots, plant pot holders and saucers of plastic (11) Plant hanging baskets, supporting rods and supporting trellises for flowers and plants (12) Machine parts of plastics, namely, sealing plugs, valves, protective strips for edges of machines, cogwheels, transmission shafts, functional parts, namely butterfly valves, check valves, bearings, fastening elements, namely nuts, studs, pierce nuts, rivet nuts, press-in nuts, earthing nuts, blind rivets, cable ties, pipe clamps, cable clips, coverings, namely plate covers, plastic hoods (parts of machines), adjusting wheels, crankcases for motors and engines, operating elements, namely pulleys, plastic regulators (parts of machines), spring elements; machine parts, namely, injection moulding tools and machine parts of metal, namely, deep-drawing tools for the manufacture of plastic products; machine parts of plastics namely temporary and permanent protective elements, namely caps, plugs, plate covers, hoods for the automobile industry, energy industry, hydraulic industry, mechanical engineering industry, surface technology industry, utility vehicle industry, sanitary industry, heating and cooling industry, air conditioning industry, chemical industry, building industry, electrical industry, trading industry; plugs of plastics for use in manufacture; cable glands, cable markings, identification plates, cable ties, plastic fastening ties, mounting brackets, caps with suction foam, dust protection caps, plugs, flange caps, covers for electric outlets, plate covers, lubrication nipple caps, grease nipple caps, protective rings, wheel nut caps, shaft protection sleeves, transportation locks, vent plugs, rubber and plastic sleeves for protecting parts of machinery, junction sleeves for electric cables, bushings, body hole plugs, filler caps, clips made of plastics; connections, connection pieces and junction pieces of plastic for pipes and hoses for irrigation apparatus and water supply equipment; goods of plastic, in particular, lids, caps and plugs of plastic for containers, valves, hydraulic and pneumatic conduits, furniture, frames and pipes; plastic closures for bottles, plastic closures for pouches, plastic closures for liquid packaging boards, plastic shutter caps for bottles, plastic shutter caps for pouches, plastic shutter caps for liquid packaging boards, plastic pourers and plastic stoppers for bottles, plastic pourers and plastic stoppers for pouches, plastic pourers and plastic stoppers for liquid packaging boards; empty containers of plastic and parts therefor for use in packaging of food, animal food, dyes, screws, fittings and armatures, putty, dishwasher tablets, seedlings, control devices, seeds, toys, detergent, de-icing salt, fertilizer; packaging containers of plastic; flower pot stands of plastic; signboards of wood and plastics; fruit and vegetable bowls of plastic; window boxes; plastic kitchen containers and parts for the aforesaid containers, namely, food containers, packaging containers, and storage containers; plastic food storage container lids, all not of precious metal, plastic beverage container lids, all not of precious metal; plastic bottles, mugs, and bowls, not of precious metal, preserve tins, not of precious metal, dispensers for material in the form of pellets and for pourable and liquid material for use in the manufacture of plastic packaging and containers, tablet dispensers; empty atomisers for use in the area of body cleansing, cleaning preparations and care preparations, pump dispensers, sprayers, funnels, sprayers and cannulae for liquid material, not for medical purposes, for use in the area of body cleansing, cleaning preparations and care preparations; plastic buckets for food, flowers, and for sales packaging of non-food, buckets for household use for food, flowers, and for sales packaging of non-food; plastic frills for flower pots; dishes (13) Parts of plastic for machines and parts of plastic for fittings, in particular, sealing caps, vent plugs, screw caps, screw plugs; machine parts of plastics, namely, sealing caps, vent plugs, screw plugs, sealing plugs, valves, protective strips for edges of machines, cogwheels, transmission shafts, functional parts, namely butterfly valves, check valves, bearings, fastening elements, namely nuts, studs, pierce nuts, rivet nuts, press-in nuts, earthing nuts, blind rivets, cable ties, pipe clamps, cable clips, coverings, namely plate covers, plastic hoods (parts of machines), adjusting wheels, crankcases for motors and engines, operating elements, namely pulleys, plastic regulators (parts of machines), spring elements; machine parts, namely, injection moulding tools and machine parts of metal, namely, deep-drawing tools for the manufacture of plastic products; machine parts of plastics namely temporary and permanent protective elements, namely caps, plugs, plate covers, hoods for the automobile industry, energy industry, hydraulic industry, mechanical engineering industry, surface technology industry, utility vehicle industry, sanitary industry, heating and cooling industry, air conditioning industry, chemical industry, building industry, electrical industry, trading industry; plugs of plastics for use in manufacture; cable glands, cable markings, identification plates, cable ties, plastic fastening ties, mounting brackets, caps with suction foam, dust protection caps, plugs, flange caps, covers for electric outlets, plate covers, lubrication nipple caps, grease nipple caps, protective rings, wheel nut caps, shaft protection sleeves, transportation locks, vent plugs, rubber and plastic sleeves for protecting parts of machinery, junction sleeves for electric cables, bushings, body hole plugs, filler caps, clips made of plastics; connections, connection pieces and junction pieces of plastic for pipes and hoses for irrigation apparatus and water supply equipment; sealing plugs of plastic for closing pipes/tubes; plastic trays for transportation of component parts in the automobile industry, energy industry, hydraulic industry, mechanical engineering industry, surface technology industry, utility vehicle industry, sanitary industry, heating and cooling industry, air conditioning industry, chemical industry, building industry, electrical industry, and trading industry, plastic trays for use in the transportation of goods in the food industry; goods of plastic, in particular, lids, caps and plugs of plastic for containers, machines, valves, hydraulic and pneumatic conduits, furniture, frames and pipes; plastic closures for bottles, plastic closures for pouches, plastic closures for liquid packaging boards, plastic shutter caps for bottles, plastic shutter caps for pouches, plastic shutter caps for liquid packaging boards, plastic pourers and plastic stoppers for bottles, plastic pourers and plastic stoppers for pouches, plastic pourers and plastic stoppers for liquid packaging boards; empty containers of plastic and parts therefor for use in packaging of food, animal food, dyes, screws, fittings and armatures, putty, dishwasher tablets, seedlings, control devices, seeds, toys, detergent, de-icing salt, fertilizer; packaging containers of plastic; transport pallets of plastic, in particular for the cultivation, transport and storage of plants; flower pot stands of plastic; signboards of wood and plastics; fruit and vegetable bowls of plastic; planters, plant pots; window boxes, flower pots, plant pot holders and saucers of plastic; plastic kitchen containers and parts for the aforesaid containers, namely, food containers, packaging containers, and storage containers; plastic food storage container lids, all not of precious metal, plastic beverage container lids, all not of precious metal; plastic bottles, mugs, and bowls (not of precious metal, preserve tins (not of precious metal), dispensers for material in the form of pellets and for pourable and liquid material for use in the manufacture of plastic packaging and containers, tablet dispensers; empty atomisers for use in the area of body cleansing, cleaning preparations and care preparations, pump dispensers, sprayers, funnels, sprayers and cannulae for liquid material, not for medical purposes, for use in the area of body cleansing, cleaning preparations and care preparations; plant hanging baskets, supporting rods and supporting trellises for flowers and plants; plastic buckets for food, flowers, and for sales packaging of non-food, buckets for household use for food, flowers, and for sales packaging of non-food; plastic frills for flower pots; dishes (14) Semi-finished goods made of plastic, in particular extruded plastics and film made of plastic, both for manufacturing of packaging, trays, and flower pots; reprocessed plastics, in particular for use in injection moulding; plastics for use in injection moulding



Numéro d'application 014640684
Statut Enregistrée
Date de dépôt 2015-10-02
Date d'enregistrement 2016-06-23
Propriétaire Pöppelmann Holding GmbH & Co. KG (Allemagne)
Classes de Nice  ?
  • 01 - Produits chimiques destinés à l'industrie, aux sciences ainsi qu'à l'agriculture
  • 07 - Machines et machines-outils
  • 17 - Produits en caoutchouc ou en matières plastiques; matières à calfeutrer et à isoler

Produits et services

Unprocessed plastics; Unprocessed and synthetic resins. Machine parts of plastic and fittings of plastic (machine parts), namely sealing caps, sealing plugs, screw caps, screw plugs, functional parts, fasteners, covers, housings, operating elements, spring elements, adjusting wheels, gearwheels, impellers, plugs for vehicle body apertures, hexagonal caps, grease nipple caps, support plates, connector plugs and caps, flange covers, shaft protectors; Cable guides, cable bushings, cable holders (machine parts); Injection moulding tools, thermoforming tools and deep-drawing tools for manufacturing plastic products; Moulds for injection moulding, thermoforming and deep-drawing tools; Parts for the aforesaid tools (included in this class). Flexible ducts, pipes, hoses and connectors, including valves, not of metal; Joint packings; Injection moulding plastics; Semi-finished goods of plastic, in particular extruded plastics and films of plastic; Recycled plastics, in particular for injection moulding and for film extrusion; Carbon fibre.



Numéro d'application DE2014100338
Numéro de publication 2015/048942
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2014-09-22
Date de publication 2015-04-09
Propriétaire PÖPPELMANN HOLDING GMBH & CO. KG (Allemagne)
  • Wilke, Jörg
  • Majchszak, Christoph


The invention relates to a lid (2) which has at least one piece of cutlery (7) and can be used to cover a food-containing receptacle (1), it being possible for the food to be eaten with the aid of the piece of cutlery, wherein the preferably plastics-material lid comprises a lid periphery (4) which, by way of an upper lid wall (3), forms a cavity region which is open on one side, is at least partially undercut in particular along the inner periphery and in which the piece of cutlery, which has two handle segments (11), can be secured, wherein the handle segments, in a clamping position in the lid and also in a non-clamping position outside the lid, extend in the outward direction from a longitudinal centre axis of the piece of cutlery, wherein the piece of cutlery is elastic in the direction of the longitudinal centre axis and transversely thereto. The invention also relates to a piece of cutlery (7) and to a food pack.

Classes IPC  ?

  • B65D 51/24 - Fermetures non prévues ailleurs combinées avec dispositifs auxiliaires pour des buts autres que la fermeture



Numéro d'application EP2013001581
Numéro de publication 2013/178356
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2013-05-29
Date de publication 2013-12-05
Propriétaire PÖPPELMANN HOLDING GMBH & CO. KG (Allemagne)
Inventeur(s) Schick, Werner


The invention relates to a dispenser for pills or similar piece goods (10), having a lower side (3), which, by way of at least one lower rim (2), defines a mounting plane (12), having an upper side (1) located at the opposite side of the dispenser in relation to the lower side (3), and having a peripheral surface (4) extending between the upper side and the lower side, and having a storage chamber (11) for storing a plurality of pills or similar piece goods (10) to be filled by way of a filling opening (16). The dispenser further has a dispenser mechanism (9) comprising a push button (5) or an actuating surface, by way of which the goods (10) can be dispensed via a dispensing opening (15) when actuated, wherein the peripheral surface (4) is formed, at least in part, by a cover (6) of the lateral filling opening (16) and the cover (6) is located on a side of the peripheral surface (4) that is opposite from the push button (5).

Classes IPC  ?

  • B65D 83/04 - Réceptacles ou paquets comportant des moyens particuliers pour distribuer leur contenu pour distribuer de petits objets en forme d'anneau, de disque, de sphère ou similaire, p. ex. des comprimés ou des pilules



Numéro d'application EP2013000932
Numéro de publication 2013/143697
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2013-03-27
Date de publication 2013-10-03
Propriétaire PÖPPELMANN HOLDING GMBH & CO. KG (Allemagne)
Inventeur(s) Schick, Werner


The invention relates to an applicator for tablets or similar piece goods (12), comprising a storage chamber (15) which is arranged in an applicator housing (1) that is provided with a lower support surface and which is provided for storing the goods (12). Goods (12) to be dispensed can be transferred from the storage chamber to a dispensing opening, which is present at least in the actuated state, by means of a dispensing mechanism. The applicator has a movable button (4) which is associated with the dispensing mechanism in order to actuate same and a tamper-evident seal for blocking the goods (12) from being dispensed and/or for indicating the use state. The button (4) is designed as a lateral button, at least one movement component (R) of which can be carried out in a direction transverse to a perpendicular of the lower support surface after the seal is broken, and the tamper-evident seal has a blocking element (6, 16, 21, 28, 31) which blocks an actuation of the lateral button or a dispensing of the goods before the seal is broken.

Classes IPC  ?

  • B65D 83/04 - Réceptacles ou paquets comportant des moyens particuliers pour distribuer leur contenu pour distribuer de petits objets en forme d'anneau, de disque, de sphère ou similaire, p. ex. des comprimés ou des pilules



Numéro d'application EP2013000197
Numéro de publication 2013/110456
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2013-01-23
Date de publication 2013-08-01
Propriétaire PÖPPELMANN HOLDING GMBH & CO. KG (Allemagne)
Inventeur(s) Meyer, Herbert


Adaptor plate for use as part of a fastening device for solar modules, comprising an underside, which is to face the solar module and to be connected thereto, and a fastening means which is situated on the side opposite to the underside, wherein the fastening means is designed for the direct fixing of an adaptor to be arranged on a frame, and the adaptor plate, which is preferably formed from glass-fibre-reinforced plastic, has, laterally with respect to the fastening means, a plurality of webs for stiffening the adaptor plate, which webs are at least substantially perpendicular to the underside. Furthermore, the invention relates to an adaptor for fixing to an above-mentioned adaptor plate, and also a solar module fastening device comprising an above-described adaptor plate and an above-described adaptor.

Classes IPC  ?

  • F24J 2/52 - Agencement des montages ou des supports



Numéro d'application EP2012003587
Numéro de publication 2013/026580
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2012-08-24
Date de publication 2013-02-28
Propriétaire PÖPPELMANN HOLDING GMBH & CO. KG (Allemagne)
Inventeur(s) Schick, Werner


The invention relates to a dispenser for dispensing pellets (16), in particular for dispensing sweetener tablets, comprising a housing (1) that has a storage chamber (22) from which the pellets (16) are separated into a separating chamber (13) of the dispenser and can be transported in the direction of a dispensing opening of the dispenser by means of a dispensing mechanism. The dispensing mechanism has a slide (3) which can be moved with a component in a perpendicular manner relative to a housing axis (5) that runs from bottom to top and which can be inserted into the housing (1) in order to produce the dispenser. The dispenser has a movable border (6) which forms a lower border for the slide (3) and which can be moved laterally out of a border starting position by applying a force, said starting position preventing the inserted slide (3) from being removed, in order to introduce the slide (3) into the housing (1) from below.

Classes IPC  ?

  • B65D 83/04 - Réceptacles ou paquets comportant des moyens particuliers pour distribuer leur contenu pour distribuer de petits objets en forme d'anneau, de disque, de sphère ou similaire, p. ex. des comprimés ou des pilules



Numéro d'application EP2011006019
Numéro de publication 2012/095127
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2011-12-01
Date de publication 2012-07-19
Propriétaire PÖPPELMANN HOLDING GMBH & CO. KG (Allemagne)
Inventeur(s) Schick, Werner


The invention relates to a spout, in particular a shrink-wrap spout, comprising a plastic body (10) forming a channel (8) for filling or emptying a plastic bag, said plastic body having lateral surfaces (1) which point away from each other at least in some regions and which are provided with a surface structure and transition into one another on two sides (A, B), wherein the lateral surfaces (1) are designed to connect to a plastic film, wherein the surface structure has at least one profile having a height (H) between 0.10 and 0.5 mm over a base surface area (3) of the lateral surface (1). The invention further relates to a container comprising a film bag and a spout connected thereto.

Classes IPC  ?

  • B65D 75/58 - Dispositifs d'ouverture ou servant à retirer le contenu, ajoutés ou incorporés lors de la confection du paquet



Numéro d'application EP2011005247
Numéro de publication 2012/065668
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2011-10-18
Date de publication 2012-05-24
Propriétaire PÖPPELMANN HOLDING GMBH & CO. KG (Allemagne)
Inventeur(s) Nobbe, Norbert


The invention relates to a plant display for plant pots (30), wherein the pot display is injection-molded or deep-drawn from plastic and has an lower face (1) for supporting the pot display on a base, a front face (2) and a region offset rearward from the front face having at least two blanks (8, 9, 10) for receiving plant pots (30), wherein the blanks (8, 9, 10) each comprise at least one supporting means for supporting a plant pot (30) to be introduced into the blank (8, 9, 10), wherein the supporting means of the two blanks (8, 9, 10) for arranging plant pots (30) are formed at a different heights above the lower face (1).

Classes IPC  ?

  • A47G 7/04 - Tables à fleursJardinières ou porte-bouquets, p. ex. corbeilles
  • A01G 9/10 - Pots pour plants; Blocs de terre pour plants; Moyens pour former les blocs de terre
  • A47F 7/00 - Stands, systèmes de suspension ou rayonnages adaptés à des articles ou produits particuliers



Numéro d'application EP2011004748
Numéro de publication 2012/055467
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2011-09-22
Date de publication 2012-05-03
Propriétaire PÖPPELMANN HOLDING GMBH & CO. KG (Allemagne)
Inventeur(s) Schick, Werner


The invention relates to a rotating dispenser for pills or other piece goods (27), comprising a store chamber (13) that is located in a housing and that has, towards the bottom and between an inner wall (18) and a wall (17) which is further out in relation to a longitudinal central axis (6), a reduction gap (16) extending in a circumferential direction. Below this, a rotatable separator (5) is arranged comprising at least one separation chamber (11) from which the good (27) can be transferred to a distribution opening (7) of the rotational dispenser, said store chamber (13) having a plurality of separation shafts (19) in the region of the reduction gap (16).

Classes IPC  ?

  • B65D 83/04 - Réceptacles ou paquets comportant des moyens particuliers pour distribuer leur contenu pour distribuer de petits objets en forme d'anneau, de disque, de sphère ou similaire, p. ex. des comprimés ou des pilules



Numéro d'application EP2011003296
Numéro de publication 2012/013285
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2011-07-02
Date de publication 2012-02-02
Propriétaire PÖPPELMANN HOLDING GMBH & CO. KG (Allemagne)
Inventeur(s) Schick, Werner


A plastic container preferably for food, with a lower part (1) which forms an inner receptacle for food or other items and which has at least two side walls (3) separated from one another via edge regions (2), and with a lid (6) which serves to cover the receptacle and can be secured to a rim of the lower part (1), which lid can be pulled off the plastic container by hand from an outer edge region (2) of the plastic container that forms an access corner (9), wherein, in the region of the edge region (2) forming the access corner (9), a peripheral contour (15) of the plastic container that extends along the rim is offset inwardly with respect to the other edge region (2).

Classes IPC  ?



Numéro d'application EP2011001135
Numéro de publication 2011/134570
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2011-03-09
Date de publication 2011-11-03
  • ILLIG Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG (Allemagne)
  • Rügner, Daniel
  • Nobbe, Norbert
  • Trautwein, Herbert
  • Teller, Markus


The invention relates to a shaping/punching tool for producing containers (40) that are made of a thermoplastic plastic film (1) and that are provided with at least one hole (42), comprising a lower part (2) having at least one cutting punch (3) and comprising an upper part (9) having at least one cutting plate (11), which is designed to interact with the cutting punch (3) in order to punch the container (40) out of the plastic film (1) along a closed punching contour, and comprising a punching element (23), which has at least one punching edge (35, 30, 28) and which is arranged at an offset from a punching contour edge (27) of the cutting plate (11), wherein a counter punching element (29) having at least one counter punching edge (31, 32, 33) is associated with the punching element (23) and one of the two can be inserted into a recess (8) of the other, wherein the counter punching edge (31, 32, 33) is designed to interact with the punching edge (35, 30, 28) in order to generate a shearing cut in order to produce the hole (42) without a piece punched out. The invention further relates to a container produced by a shaping/punching tool.

Classes IPC  ?

  • B26F 1/40 - DécoupageDécoupage à l'emporte-pièce utilisant une presse, p. ex. du type à pilon
  • B29C 51/32 - Moules comportant des moyens de découpage



Numéro d'application EP2011001368
Numéro de publication 2011/113614
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2011-03-18
Date de publication 2011-09-22
Propriétaire PÖPPELMANN HOLDING GMBH & CO. KG (Allemagne)
Inventeur(s) Meyer, Herbert


A solar module supporting module having a holding surface (1) for at least a part of a solar module (83), having a plurality of connecting means (6, 7, 16, 17, 63, 65, 72), via which the solar module supporting module can be connected to further identical solar module supporting modules in the longitudinal and/or lateral direction (F, G), wherein the solar module supporting module has mutually opposite connecting means (6, 7, 16, 17, 63, 65, 72) on at least two sides, which are formed integrally with the rest of the solar module supporting module, wherein the connecting means (6, 16, 63) located on one side can be connected to a connecting means, which is identical to the opposite connecting means (7, 17, 65), of a further solar module supporting module, such that the solar module supporting module, together with further identical solar module supporting modules, forms a continuous holding area for holding a solar module, by the holding surfaces (1) being arranged in a row. The invention also relates to a solar module supporting structure and to a solar installation, in each case having a solar module supporting module as described above.

Classes IPC  ?

  • F24J 2/52 - Agencement des montages ou des supports



Numéro d'application 1080530
Statut Enregistrée
Date de dépôt 2010-03-25
Date d'enregistrement 2010-03-25
Propriétaire Pöppelmann Holding GmbH & Co. KG (Allemagne)
Classes de Nice  ?
  • 07 - Machines et machines-outils
  • 09 - Appareils et instruments scientifiques et électriques
  • 10 - Appareils et instruments médicaux
  • 11 - Appareils de contrôle de l'environnement
  • 12 - Véhicules; appareils de locomotion par terre, par air ou par eau; parties de véhicules
  • 16 - Papier, carton et produits en ces matières
  • 17 - Produits en caoutchouc ou en matières plastiques; matières à calfeutrer et à isoler
  • 20 - Meubles et produits décoratifs
  • 21 - Ustensiles, récipients, matériaux pour le ménage; verre; porcelaine; faience
  • 40 - Traitement de matériaux; recyclage, purification de l'air et traitement de l'eau
  • 42 - Services scientifiques, technologiques et industriels, recherche et conception

Produits et services

Parts of plastic for machines and fittings, in particular sealing caps, vent plugs, screw caps, screw plugs; machine parts of plastic, in particular cogwheels, transmission shafts, functional parts, fastening elements, coverings, adjusting wheels, crankcases for motors and engines, operating elements, spring elements, injection moulding tools and deep-drawing tools (of metal, machine parts) for the manufacture of plastic products. Parts of plastic of scientific apparatus and instruments for research and laboratories, of nautical, surveying, electric, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments, of apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images, for magnetic data carriers, of automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus, for cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers, namely adjusting wheels, gear wheels, shielding housings for electric modules, fasteners, cable routings, covers, spring elements, control levers, cable sleeves, holders for plug connectors, special containers, including cases; housings of plastic for apparatus and included in this class; cable sleeves, holders for plug connectors, cable holders. Bottles, beakers, bowls, tins and syringes for medical purposes and parts therefor, and lids, funnels and cannulae therefor; dispensers for tablets, pourable or liquid materials; prayers, pump dispensers, nozzles, dosage dispensers and parts for dosing systems, measuring spoons, pourers, assemblies for endoscopic applications; all the aforesaid goods for medical purposes. Watering inserts for pot plants; irrigation apparatus and water supply equipment and plastic parts therefor, mainly consisting of nozzles, clips, tap pieces, couplings, regulating valves, holders for hoses and pipes; parts of plastic for apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary installations, namely covers. Parts of plastic for land, air and water vehicles, in particular fastening elements, control levers, probe holders, ventilator flaps, lamp housings, connection pieces for profile strips, coverings, and pieces for bumpers, cable holders, ventilator grates, contact holders, housings for steering wheel locks, holders for safety belts, mudguards and mounts therefor, luggage racks, handles. Plastic materials for packaging, included in Class 16; labels (not of textile); signboards of paper or cardboard, shields (paper seals); decals, stickers, covers of paper for flower pots, placards; plastic film for packaging purposes; bags, envelopes, pouches of paper or plastics, for packaging. Connections, connection pieces and junction pieces of plastic for pipes and hoses for irrigation apparatus and water supply equipment; sealing plugs of plastic. Plastic trays for growing and transportation; goods of plastic (included in class 20), in particular lids, caps and plugs of plastic for containers, machines, valves, hydraulic or pneumatic conduits, furniture, frames and pipes; goods of plastic, included in class 20; closures for bottles, shutter caps, pourers and plastic stoppers; containers of plastic and parts therefor; packaging containers of plastic; transport pallets of plastic, in particular for the cultivation, transport and storage of plants; flower pot stands of plastic; signboards of wood or plastics; fruit and vegetable bowls of plastic. Planters, plant pots; window boxes, flower pots, plant pot holders and saucers of plastic; household and kitchen utensils and containers (included in Class 21) and parts for the aforesaid utensils and containers; container lids (all not of precious metal); bottles, mugs, bowls and tins (not of precious metal), dispensers for material in the form of pellets and for pourable or liquid material; atomisers, pump dispensers, sprayers, funnels, sprayers and cannulae for liquid material, not for medical purposes; plant hanging baskets, supporting rods and supporting trellises for flowers and plants; buckets; household or kitchen containers; frills, not of paper, for flower pots; dishes. Metalworking, namely, processing, reconstruction, adaptation and restoration of injection moulding tools and deep-drawing tools for plastic processing; welding and heat-sealing of plastic parts; foaming of work pieces with sealing foam; injection moulding and deep-drawing (manufacture) of plastic products for others, printing; labelling of plastic products. Industrial design, research and development (for others).



Numéro d'application 1075210
Statut Enregistrée
Date de dépôt 2010-03-25
Date d'enregistrement 2010-03-25
Propriétaire Pöppelmann Holding GmbH & Co. KG (Allemagne)
Classes de Nice  ?
  • 07 - Machines et machines-outils
  • 09 - Appareils et instruments scientifiques et électriques
  • 10 - Appareils et instruments médicaux
  • 11 - Appareils de contrôle de l'environnement
  • 12 - Véhicules; appareils de locomotion par terre, par air ou par eau; parties de véhicules
  • 16 - Papier, carton et produits en ces matières
  • 17 - Produits en caoutchouc ou en matières plastiques; matières à calfeutrer et à isoler
  • 20 - Meubles et produits décoratifs
  • 21 - Ustensiles, récipients, matériaux pour le ménage; verre; porcelaine; faience
  • 40 - Traitement de matériaux; recyclage, purification de l'air et traitement de l'eau
  • 42 - Services scientifiques, technologiques et industriels, recherche et conception

Produits et services

Parts of plastic for machines and fittings, in particular sealing caps, vent plugs, screw caps, screw plugs; machine parts of plastic, in particular cogwheels, transmission shafts, functional parts, fastening elements, coverings, adjusting wheels, crankcases for motors and engines, operating elements, spring elements, injection moulding tools and deep-drawing tools (of metal, machine parts) for the manufacture of plastic products. Parts of plastic for scientific apparatus and instruments for research and laboratories, for nautical, surveying, electric, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments, for apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images, for magnetic data carriers, for automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus, for cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers, namely adjusting wheels, gear wheels, shielding housings for electric modules, fasteners, cable routings, covers, spring elements, control levers, cable sleeves, holders for plug connectors, special containers, including cases; housings of plastic for apparatus and instruments included in this class; measuring spoons;cable routings, cable sleeves, holders for plug connectors, cable holders. Bottles, beakers, bowls, tins and syringes for medical purposes and parts therefor, and lids, funnels and cannulae therefor; dispensers for tablets, pourable or liquid materials; sprayers, pump dispensers, nozzles, dosage dispensers and parts for dosing systems, measuring spoons, pourers, assemblies for endoscopic applications; all the aforesaid goods for medical purposes. Watering inserts for pot plants; irrigation apparatus and water supply equipment and plastic parts therefor, mainly consisting of nozzles, clips, tap pieces, couplings, regulating valves, holders for hoses and pipes; parts of plastic for apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary installations, namely covers. Parts of plastic for land, air and water vehicles, in particular fastening elements, control levers, probe holders, ventilator flaps, lamp housings, connection pieces for profile strips, coverings, and pieces for bumpers, cable holders, ventilator grates, contact holders, housings for steering wheel locks, holders for safety belts, mudguards and mounts therefor, luggage racks, handles. Plastic materials for packaging, included in this class; labels (not of textile); signboards of paper or cardboard, shields (paper seals); decals, stickers, covers of paper for flower pots, placards; plastic film for packaging purposes; bags, envelopes, pouches of paper or plastics, for packaging. Connections, connection pieces and junction pieces of plastic for pipes and hoses for irrigation apparatus and water supply equipment; sealing plugs of plastic. Plastic trays for growing and transportation; goods of plastic (included in class 20), in particular lids, caps and plugs of plastic for containers, machines, valves, hydraulic or pneumatic conduits, furniture, frames and pipes; goods of plastic, included in class 20; closures for bottles, shutter caps, pourers and plastic stoppers; containers of plastic and parts therefor; packaging containers of plastic; transport pallets of plastic, in particular for the cultivation, transport and storage of plants; flower pot stands of plastic; flower pot stands of plastic; signboards of wood or plastics; fruit and vegetable bowls of plastic. Planters, plant pots; window boxes, flower pots, plant pot holders and saucers of plastic; household and kitchen utensils and containers (included in Class 21) and parts for the aforesaid utensils and containers; container lids (all not of precious metal); bottles, mugs, bowls and tins (not of precious metal), dispensers for material in the form of pellets and for pourable or liquid material; atomisers, pump dispensers, sprayers, funnels, sprayers and cannulae for liquid material, not for medical purposes; plant hanging baskets, supporting rods and supporting trellises for flowers and plants; buckets; household or kitchen containers; frills, not of paper, for flower pots; dishes. Metalworking, namely, processing, reconstruction, adaptation and restoration of injection moulding tools and deep-drawing tools for plastic processing; welding and heat-sealing of plastic parts; foaming of work pieces with sealing foam; injection moulding and deep-drawing (manufacture) of plastic products for others, printing; labelling of plastic products. Industrial design, research and development (for others).



Numéro d'application EP2010006011
Numéro de publication 2011/057693
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2010-10-01
Date de publication 2011-05-19
Propriétaire PÖPPELMANN HOLDING GMBH & CO. KG (Allemagne)
Inventeur(s) Orschulik, Günther


The invention relates to a plant pot for cultivating orchids, the panicle of which can be supported by a rod (8), comprising a base (7) which is elevated relative to a lower positioning plane (4) and has at least one holder for a rod (8), wherein the holder is provided with at least one clip (15) by means of which a force can be exerted on a rod (8) that can be inserted into the holder.

Classes IPC  ?

  • A01G 9/12 - Supports de plantesTreillages pour fraises ou similaires



Numéro d'application 1057379
Statut Enregistrée
Date de dépôt 2010-03-25
Date d'enregistrement 2010-03-25
Propriétaire Pöppelmann Holding GmbH & Co. KG (Allemagne)
Classes de Nice  ?
  • 07 - Machines et machines-outils
  • 09 - Appareils et instruments scientifiques et électriques
  • 10 - Appareils et instruments médicaux
  • 11 - Appareils de contrôle de l'environnement
  • 12 - Véhicules; appareils de locomotion par terre, par air ou par eau; parties de véhicules
  • 16 - Papier, carton et produits en ces matières
  • 17 - Produits en caoutchouc ou en matières plastiques; matières à calfeutrer et à isoler
  • 20 - Meubles et produits décoratifs
  • 21 - Ustensiles, récipients, matériaux pour le ménage; verre; porcelaine; faience
  • 40 - Traitement de matériaux; recyclage, purification de l'air et traitement de l'eau
  • 42 - Services scientifiques, technologiques et industriels, recherche et conception

Produits et services

Parts of plastic for machines and fittings, in particular sealing caps, vent plugs, screw caps, screw plugs; machine parts of plastic, in particular cogwheels, transmission shafts, functional parts, fastening elements, coverings, adjusting wheels, crankcases for motors and engines, operating elements, spring elements, injection moulding tools and deep-drawing tools (of metal, machine parts) for the manufacture of plastic products. Parts of plastic for scientific apparatus and instruments for research and laboratories, for nautical, surveying, electric, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments, for apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images, for magnetic data carriers, for automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus, for cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers, namely adjusting wheels, gear wheels, shielding housings for electric modules, fasteners, cable routings, covers, spring elements, control levers, cable sleeves, holders for plug connectors, special containers, including cases; housings of plastic for apparatus and instruments included in this class; measuring spoons; cable routings, cable sleeves, holders for plug connectors, cable holders. Bottles, beakers, bowls, tins and syringes for medical purposes and parts therefor, and lids, funnels and cannulae therefor; dispensers for tablets, pourable or liquid materials; sprayers, pump dispensers, nozzles, dosage dispensers and parts for dosing systems, measuring spoons, pourers, assemblies for endoscopic applications; all the aforesaid goods for medical purposes. Watering inserts for pot plants; irrigation apparatus and water supply equipment and plastic parts therefor, mainly consisting of nozzles, clips, tap pieces, couplings, regulating valves, holders for hoses and pipes; parts of plastic for apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary installations, namely covers. Parts of plastic for land, air and water vehicles, in particular fastening elements, control levers, probe holders, ventilator flaps, lamp housings, connection pieces for profile strips, coverings, end pieces for bumpers, cable holders, ventilator grates, contact holders, housings for steering wheel locks, holders for safety belts, mudguards and mounts therefor, luggage racks, handles. Plastic materials for packaging, included in Class 16; labels (not of textile); shields (paper seals), signboards of paper or cardboard; transfers (decalcomanias); stickers; covers of paper for flower pots; posters; plastic film for packaging purposes; bags, envelopes, pouches of paper or plastics, for packaging. Connections, connection pieces and junction pieces of plastic for pipes and hoses for irrigation apparatus and water supply equipment; sealing plugs of plastic. Plastic trays for growing and transportation; goods of plastic (included in this class) in particular lids, caps and plugs of plastic for containers, machines, valves, hydraulic or pneumatic conduits, furniture, frames and pipes; goods of plastic, included in this class; closures for bottles, shutter caps, pourers and plastic stoppers; containers of plastic and parts therefor; packaging containers of plastic; transport pallets of plastic, in particular for the cultivation, transport and storage of plants; flower pot stands of plastic; signboards of wood or plastics; fruit and vegetable bowls of plastic. Plant containers, plant pots, window boxes, flower pots, plant pot holders and saucers of plastic; household and kitchen utensils and containers (included in Class 21) and parts for the aforesaid utensils and containers; container lids (all not of precious metal); bottles, mugs, bowls and tins (not of precious metal), dispensers for material in the form of pellets and for pourable or liquid material; atomisers, pump dispensers, sprayers, funnels, sprayers and cannulae for liquid material, not for medical purposes; plant hanging baskets, supporting rods and supporting trellises for flowers and plants; buckets; household or kitchen containers; frills, not of paper, for flower pots; dishes. Metalworking, namely, processing, reconstruction, adaptation and restoration of injection moulding tools and deep-drawing tools for plastic processing; welding and heat-sealing of plastic parts; foaming of work pieces with sealing foam; injection moulding and deep-drawing (manufacture) of plastic products, for others; Printing services; labelling of plastic products. Industrial design, research and development (for others).



Numéro d'application EP2009003941
Numéro de publication 2009/156048
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2009-06-03
Date de publication 2009-12-30
Propriétaire PÖPPELMANN HOLDING GMBH & CO. KG (Allemagne)
Inventeur(s) Nobbe, Norbert


The invention relates to a planting pot made of plastic and having a bottom provided with holes (18, 22, 24, 27), comprising in particular a multipart base region (16) forming a first plane for setting the planting pot on a contact surface, wherein the base region (16) is interrupted by at least one channel (9, 11) leading to the outside on the edge, wherein in an area adjoining the base region (16) the planting pot comprises a hole (18), which is arranged at a distance from a channel (9, 11), for draining a bottom planting pot region (31).

Classes IPC  ?

  • A01G 9/02 - Récipients, p. ex. pots ou jardinières Verres pour la culture des fleurs



Numéro d'application 008642043
Statut Enregistrée
Date de dépôt 2009-10-07
Date d'enregistrement 2010-07-07
Propriétaire Pöppelmann Holding GmbH & Co. KG (Allemagne)
Classes de Nice  ?
  • 07 - Machines et machines-outils
  • 09 - Appareils et instruments scientifiques et électriques
  • 10 - Appareils et instruments médicaux
  • 11 - Appareils de contrôle de l'environnement
  • 12 - Véhicules; appareils de locomotion par terre, par air ou par eau; parties de véhicules
  • 16 - Papier, carton et produits en ces matières
  • 17 - Produits en caoutchouc ou en matières plastiques; matières à calfeutrer et à isoler
  • 20 - Meubles et produits décoratifs
  • 21 - Ustensiles, récipients, matériaux pour le ménage; verre; porcelaine; faience
  • 40 - Traitement de matériaux; recyclage, purification de l'air et traitement de l'eau
  • 42 - Services scientifiques, technologiques et industriels, recherche et conception

Produits et services

Parts of plastic for machines and fittings, in particular sealing caps, vent plugs, screw caps, screw plugs; machine parts of plastic, in particular cogwheels, transmission shafts, functional parts, fastening elements, coverings, adjusting wheels, crankcases for motors and engines, operating elements, spring elements, injection moulding tools and deep-drawing tools (of metal, machine parts) for the manufacture of plastic products; housings for motors and engines; impellers. Parts of plastic for scientific apparatus and instruments for research and laboratories, for nautical, surveying, electric, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments, for apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images, for magnetic data carriers, for automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus, for cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers, namely adjusting wheels, gear wheels, shielding housings for electric modules, fasteners, cable routings, covers, spring elements, control levers, cable sleeves, holders for plug connectors, special containers, including cases; housings of plastic for apparatus and instruments included in class 9; measuring spoons; cable routings, cable sleeves, holders for plug connectors, cable holders. Bottles, beakers, bowls, tins and syringes for medical purposes and parts therefor, and lids, funnels and cannulae therefor; dispensers for tablets, pourable or liquid materials; sprayers, pump dispensers, nozzles, dosage dispensers and parts for dosing systems, measuring spoons, pourers, assemblies for endoscopic applications; all the aforesaid goods for medical purposes. Watering inserts for pot plants; irrigation apparatus and water supply equipment and plastic parts therefor, mainly consisting of nozzles, clips, tap pieces, couplings, regulating valves, holders for hoses and pipes; parts of plastic for apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary installations, namely covers. Parts of plastic for land, air and water vehicles, in particular fastening elements, control levers, probe holders, ventilator flaps, lamp housings, connection pieces for profile strips, coverings, end pieces for bumpers, cable holders, ventilator grates, contact holders, housings for steering wheel locks, holders for safety belts, mudguards and mounts therefor, luggage racks, handles. Plastic materials for packaging, included in Class 16; labels (not of textile); shields (paper seals), signboards of paper or cardboard; transfers (decalcomanias); stickers; covers of paper for flower pots; posters; plastic film for packaging purposes; bags, envelopes, pouches of paper or plastics, for packaging. Connections, connection pieces and junction pieces of plastic for pipes and hoses for irrigation apparatus and water supply equipment; Sealing plugs of plastic. Plastic trays for growing and transportation; goods of plastic (included in class 20), in particular lids, caps and plugs of plastic for containers, machines, valves, hydraulic or pneumatic conduits, furniture, frames and pipes; goods of plastic, included in class 20; closures for bottles, shutter caps, pourers and plastic stoppers; containers of plastic and parts therefor; packaging containers of plastic; transport pallets of plastic, in particular for the cultivation, transport and storage of plants; flower pot stands of plastic; flower pot stands of plastic; signboards of wood or plastics; fruit and vegetable bowls of plastic. Plant containers, plant pots, window boxes, flower pots, plant pot holders and saucers of plastic; household and kitchen utensils and containers (included in Class 21) and parts for the aforesaid utensils and containers; container lids (all not of precious metal); bottles, mugs, bowls and tins (not of precious metal), dispensers for material in the form of pellets and for pourable or liquid material; atomisers, pump dispensers, sprayers, funnels, sprayers and cannulae for liquid material, not for medical purposes; plant hanging baskets, supporting rods and supporting trellises for flowers and plants; buckets; Household or kitchen containers; frills, not of paper, for flower pots; dishes. Metalworking, namely manufacture, reconstruction, adaptation and restoration of injection moulding tools and deep-drawing tools for plastic processing; welding and heat-sealing of plastic parts; foaming of work pieces with sealing foam; injection moulding and deep-drawing (manufacture) of plastic products, for others; Printing services; labelling of plastic products. Industrial design, research and development (for others).



Numéro d'application 008642051
Statut Enregistrée
Date de dépôt 2009-10-07
Date d'enregistrement 2010-07-07
Propriétaire Pöppelmann Holding GmbH & Co. KG (Allemagne)
Classes de Nice  ?
  • 07 - Machines et machines-outils
  • 09 - Appareils et instruments scientifiques et électriques
  • 10 - Appareils et instruments médicaux
  • 11 - Appareils de contrôle de l'environnement
  • 12 - Véhicules; appareils de locomotion par terre, par air ou par eau; parties de véhicules
  • 16 - Papier, carton et produits en ces matières
  • 17 - Produits en caoutchouc ou en matières plastiques; matières à calfeutrer et à isoler
  • 20 - Meubles et produits décoratifs
  • 21 - Ustensiles, récipients, matériaux pour le ménage; verre; porcelaine; faience
  • 40 - Traitement de matériaux; recyclage, purification de l'air et traitement de l'eau
  • 42 - Services scientifiques, technologiques et industriels, recherche et conception

Produits et services

Parts of plastic for machines and fittings, in particular sealing caps, vent plugs, screw caps, screw plugs; machine parts of plastic, in particular cogwheels, transmission shafts, functional parts, fastening elements, coverings, adjusting wheels, crankcases for motors and engines, operating elements, spring elements, injection moulding tools and deep-drawing tools (of metal, machine parts) for the manufacture of plastic products; housings for motors and engines; impellers. Parts of plastic for scientific apparatus and instruments for research and laboratories, for nautical, surveying, electric, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments, for apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images, for magnetic data carriers, for automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus, for cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers, namely adjusting wheels, gear wheels, shielding housings for electric modules, fasteners, cable routings, covers, spring elements, control levers, cable sleeves, holders for plug connectors, special containers, including cases; housings of plastic for apparatus and instruments included in class 9; measuring spoons; cable routings, cable sleeves, holders for plug connectors, cable holders. Bottles, beakers, bowls, tins and syringes for medical purposes and parts therefor, and lids, funnels and cannulae therefor; dispensers for tablets, pourable or liquid materials; sprayers, pump dispensers, nozzles, dosage dispensers and parts for dosing systems, measuring spoons, pourers, assemblies for endoscopic applications; all the aforesaid goods for medical purposes. Watering inserts for pot plants; irrigation apparatus and water supply equipment and plastic parts therefor, mainly consisting of nozzles, clips, tap pieces, couplings, regulating valves, holders for hoses and pipes; parts of plastic for apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary installations, namely covers. Parts of plastic for land, air and water vehicles, in particular fastening elements, control levers, probe holders, ventilator flaps, lamp housings, connection pieces for profile strips, coverings, end pieces for bumpers, cable holders, ventilator grates, contact holders, housings for steering wheel locks, holders for safety belts, mudguards and mounts therefor, luggage racks, handles. Plastic materials for packaging, included in Class 16; labels (not of textile); shields (paper seals), signboards of paper or cardboard; transfers (decalcomanias); stickers; covers of paper for flower pots; posters; plastic film for packaging purposes; bags, envelopes, pouches of paper or plastics, for packaging. Connections, connection pieces and junction pieces of plastic for pipes and hoses for irrigation apparatus and water supply equipment; Sealing plugs of plastic. Plastic trays for growing and transportation; goods of plastic (included in class 20), in particular lids, caps and plugs of plastic for containers, machines, valves, hydraulic or pneumatic conduits, furniture, frames and pipes; goods of plastic, included in class 20; closures for bottles, shutter caps, pourers and plastic stoppers; containers of plastic and parts thereof; packaging containers of plastic; transport pallets of plastic, in particular for the cultivation, transport and storage of plants; flower pot stands of plastic; flower pot stands of plastic; signboards of wood or plastics; fruit and vegetable bowls of plastic. Plant containers, plant pots, window boxes, flower pots, plant pot holders and saucers of plastic; household and kitchen utensils and containers (included in Class 21) and parts for the aforesaid utensils and containers; container lids (all not of precious metal); bottles, mugs, bowls and tins (not of precious metal), dispensers for material in the form of pellets and for pourable or liquid material; atomisers, pump dispensers, sprayers, funnels, sprayers and cannulae for liquid material, not for medical purposes; plant hanging baskets, supporting rods and supporting trellises for flowers and plants; buckets; Household or kitchen containers; frills, not of paper, for flower pots; dishes. Metalworking, namely manufacture, reconstruction, adaptation and restoration of injection moulding tools and deep-drawing tools for plastic processing; welding and heat-sealing of plastic parts; foaming of work pieces with sealing foam; injection moulding and deep-drawing (manufacture) of plastic products, for others; Printing services; labelling of plastic products. Industrial design, research and development (for others).



Numéro d'application 008621856
Statut Enregistrée
Date de dépôt 2009-09-29
Date d'enregistrement 2010-07-07
Propriétaire Pöppelmann Holding GmbH & Co. KG (Allemagne)
Classes de Nice  ?
  • 07 - Machines et machines-outils
  • 09 - Appareils et instruments scientifiques et électriques
  • 10 - Appareils et instruments médicaux
  • 11 - Appareils de contrôle de l'environnement
  • 12 - Véhicules; appareils de locomotion par terre, par air ou par eau; parties de véhicules
  • 16 - Papier, carton et produits en ces matières
  • 17 - Produits en caoutchouc ou en matières plastiques; matières à calfeutrer et à isoler
  • 20 - Meubles et produits décoratifs
  • 21 - Ustensiles, récipients, matériaux pour le ménage; verre; porcelaine; faience
  • 40 - Traitement de matériaux; recyclage, purification de l'air et traitement de l'eau
  • 42 - Services scientifiques, technologiques et industriels, recherche et conception

Produits et services

Parts of plastic for machines and fittings, in particular sealing caps, vent plugs, screw caps, screw plugs; machine parts of plastic, in particular cogwheels, transmission shafts, functional parts, fastening elements, coverings, adjusting wheels, crankcases for motors and engines, operating elements, spring elements, injection moulding tools and deep-drawing tools (of metal, machine parts) for the manufacture of plastic products; housings for motors and engines; impellers. Parts of plastic for scientific apparatus and instruments for research and laboratories, for nautical, surveying, electric, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments, for apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images, for magnetic data carriers, for automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus, for cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers, namely adjusting wheels, gear wheels, shielding housings for electric modules, fasteners, cable routings, covers, spring elements, control levers, cable sleeves, holders for plug connectors, special containers, including cases; housings of plastic for apparatus and instruments included in class 9; measuring spoons; cable routings, cable sleeves, holders for plug connectors, cable holders. Bottles, beakers, bowls, tins and syringes for medical purposes and parts therefor, and lids, funnels and cannulae therefor; dispensers for tablets, pourable or liquid materials; sprayers, pump dispensers, nozzles, dosage dispensers and parts for dosing systems, measuring spoons, pourers, assemblies for endoscopic applications; all the aforesaid goods for medical purposes. Watering inserts for pot plants; irrigation apparatus and water supply equipment and plastic parts therefor, mainly consisting of nozzles, clips, tap pieces, couplings, regulating valves, holders for hoses and pipes; parts of plastic for apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary installations, namely covers. Parts of plastic for land, air and water vehicles, in particular fastening elements, control levers, probe holders, ventilator flaps, lamp housings, connection pieces for profile strips, coverings, end pieces for bumpers, cable holders, ventilator grates, contact holders, housings for steering wheel locks, holders for safety belts, mudguards and mounts therefor, luggage racks, handles. Plastic materials for packaging, included in Class 16; labels (not of textile); signboards of paper or cardboard, shields (paper seals); decals, stickers, covers of paper for flower pots, placards; plastic film for packaging purposes; bags, envelopes, pouches of paper or plastics, for packaging. Connections, connection pieces and junction pieces of plastic for pipes and hoses for irrigation apparatus and water supply equipment; Sealing plugs of plastic. Plastic trays for growing and transportation; goods of plastic (included in class 20), in particular lids, caps and plugs of plastic for containers, machines, valves, hydraulic or pneumatic conduits, furniture, frames and pipes; goods of plastic, included in class 20; closures for bottles, shutter caps, pourers and plastic stoppers; containers of plastic and parts therefor; packaging containers of plastic; transport pallets of plastic, in particular for the cultivation, transport and storage of plants; flower pot stands of plastic; flower pot stands of plastic; signboards of wood or plastics; fruit and vegetable bowls of plastic. Planters, plant pots; window boxes, flower pots, plant pot holders and saucers of plastic; household and kitchen utensils and containers (included in Class 21) and parts for the aforesaid utensils and containers; container lids (all not of precious metal); bottles, mugs, bowls and tins (not of precious metal), dispensers for material in the form of pellets and for pourable or liquid material; atomisers, pump dispensers, sprayers, funnels, sprayers and cannulae for liquid material, not for medical purposes; plant hanging baskets, supporting rods and supporting trellises for flowers and plants; buckets; Household or kitchen containers; frills, not of paper, for flower pots; dishes. Metalworking, namely manufacture, reconstruction, adaptation and restoration of injection moulding tools and deep-drawing tools for plastic processing; welding and heat-sealing of plastic parts; foaming of work pieces with sealing foam; injection moulding and deep-drawing (manufacture) of plastic products for others, printing; labelling of plastic products. Industrial design, research and development (for others).



Numéro d'application EP2008007863
Numéro de publication 2009/046838
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2008-09-19
Date de publication 2009-04-16
Propriétaire PÖPPELMANN HOLDING GMBH & CO. KG (Allemagne)
Inventeur(s) Schmidt, Guido


A plastic plantpot (1), comprising a predominantly vertically oriented wall (2) and a predominantly horizontally oriented base (5) which is connected at its edge to the wall (2) and which is upwardly curved in the form of a dome (13, 21) at least in an inner portion, is designed, with the aim of securing the base region against pushing-through and denting of the thinnest possible thin-walled material, in such a way that the dome (13, 21) is reinforced by profiled braces (14, 22) which extend as underprops from a central region (15) of the dome (13, 21) to at least peripheral regions (9) of the dome (13, 21).

Classes IPC  ?

  • A01G 9/02 - Récipients, p. ex. pots ou jardinières Verres pour la culture des fleurs



Numéro d'application EP2008007861
Numéro de publication 2009/043489
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2008-09-19
Date de publication 2009-04-09
Propriétaire PÖPPELMANN HOLDING GMBH & CO. KG (Allemagne)
Inventeur(s) Schick, Werner


The invention relates to a dispenser or similar discharging container, particularly for lump-form food (5), having a housing (1), the bottom side (2) of which determines an installation plane, and having a gate (6) disposed in the housing (1) in a movable fashion that, when activated, is moved with a circumferential region (17) past an edge (8) of the housing (1), characterized in that said dispenser comprises an appendage (9) connected to the gate (6) via at least one target breaking section (10); upon the activation of said gate, said appendage impacts the edge (8). The dispenser further comprises at least two feet (11) extending downward through the installation plane upon activation of the gate (6).

Classes IPC  ?

  • B65D 83/04 - Réceptacles ou paquets comportant des moyens particuliers pour distribuer leur contenu pour distribuer de petits objets en forme d'anneau, de disque, de sphère ou similaire, p. ex. des comprimés ou des pilules



Numéro d'application EP2008007951
Numéro de publication 2009/043493
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2008-09-20
Date de publication 2009-04-09
Propriétaire PÖPPELMANN HOLDING GMBH & CO. KG (Allemagne)
Inventeur(s) Schick, Werner


The invention relates to a dispenser or similar discharging container, particularly for tablets or similar bulk material (3), having a housing (1) and a gate (2) disposed in the housing (1) in a movable fashion, a dispensing opening (4) for individual pieces of material (3) being releasable by activating the gate (2), and a ramp (9) for conducting the material (3) in the direction of the dispensing opening (4) being established on part of the dispenser (2), wherein the dispenser is characterized in that the ramp (9) is movable relative to the part (2) of the dispenser for changing the position of the material (3).

Classes IPC  ?

  • B65D 83/04 - Réceptacles ou paquets comportant des moyens particuliers pour distribuer leur contenu pour distribuer de petits objets en forme d'anneau, de disque, de sphère ou similaire, p. ex. des comprimés ou des pilules



Numéro d'application EP2008005024
Numéro de publication 2009/000480
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2008-06-21
Date de publication 2008-12-31
Propriétaire PÖPPELMANN HOLDING GMBH & CO. KG (Allemagne)
Inventeur(s) Schmidt, Guido


A cultivation pot for plants, in particular for orchids or other epiphytes, comprising an outer pot and an inner plant pot, which is provided with openings, a ventilation gap being provided between the outer pot and the plant pot, wherein the ventilation gap is only formed over part of the height of the cultivation pot and ends at least partially below an upper rim of the outer pot.

Classes IPC  ?

  • A01G 9/02 - Récipients, p. ex. pots ou jardinières Verres pour la culture des fleurs



Numéro d'application 007335987
Statut Enregistrée
Date de dépôt 2008-10-23
Date d'enregistrement 2009-05-20
Propriétaire Pöppelmann Holding GmbH & Co. KG (Allemagne)
Classes de Nice  ?
  • 07 - Machines et machines-outils
  • 16 - Papier, carton et produits en ces matières
  • 17 - Produits en caoutchouc ou en matières plastiques; matières à calfeutrer et à isoler
  • 20 - Meubles et produits décoratifs

Produits et services

Parts of plastic for machines and fittings, in particular sealing caps, vent plugs, screw caps, screw plugs, fastening elements, covers, control elements. Plastic materials for packaging, included in Class 16. Sealing plugs of plastic. Goods of plastic (included in class 20), in particular lids, caps and plugs of plastic for containers, machines, valves, hydraulic or pneumatic conduits, furniture, frames and pipes.



Numéro d'application 006760078
Statut Enregistrée
Date de dépôt 2008-03-18
Date d'enregistrement 2008-10-06
Propriétaire Pöppelmann Holding GmbH & Co. KG (Allemagne)
Classes de Nice  ?
  • 20 - Meubles et produits décoratifs
  • 21 - Ustensiles, récipients, matériaux pour le ménage; verre; porcelaine; faience

Produits et services

Culture and transport trays of biodegradable material. Plant containers, window boxes, flower pots, plant pots, planters and saucers of biodegradeable material.



Numéro d'application EP2006011802
Numéro de publication 2007/073843
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2006-12-08
Date de publication 2007-07-05
Propriétaire PÖPPELMANN HOLDING GMBH & CO. KG (Allemagne)
Inventeur(s) Schmidt, Guido


The invention relates to a crate (1, 15) comprising at least one tray (11, 17) for receiving a planting pot (2, 27). During the filling, planting or other work, said rotationally symmetrical, for example, truncated cone-shaped planting pot (2, 27) is arranged in a predetermined position such that the side of the periphery is in the direction of the central high axis. Said planting pot (2, 27) is arranged in a positive fit in the tray (11, 17) by moulding to the base of the crate (1, 15 ) and the planting pot (2, 27 ). The aim of the invention is to provide a crate which allows for the definite positioning of the planting pot (2, 27) which also meets the high technological requirements of market gardening. To this aim, the tray (11, 17) is provided on the base side with a slide (14, 25, 26) which extends in a spiral manner and which comprises a spiral axis which is oriented towards the high axis of the pot (2, 27).

Classes IPC  ?

  • A47G 7/02 - Dispositifs destinés à recevoir les pots de fleurs ou les fleurs coupées
  • A01G 9/08 - Dispositifs de remplissage des pots à fleursDispositifs de mise en pots des plantes
  • A01G 9/04 - Dessous de pots de fleurs



Numéro d'application EP2006007695
Numéro de publication 2007/017183
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2006-08-03
Date de publication 2007-02-15
Propriétaire PÖPPELMANN HOLDING GMBH & CO. KG (Allemagne)
Inventeur(s) Schmidt, Guido


The invention relates to a plastic container embodied in the form of a bucket or cup in particular in the form of a flowerpot. The inventive container comprises a top end area (4) shaped in the form of a peripheral channelled profile (5) which is open from below upwards, is adjacent to the top area of the container wall (3) and outwardly extends to the downwardly oriented peripheral edge, wherein the channelled profile is provided with ribs (10) for reinforcing the cross-section thereof. According to said invention, the ribs (10) are at least partially oriented at a slant angle with respect to the channelled profile (5) in such a way that the cross-section deformations and lateral loads are softly and elastically absorbed.

Classes IPC  ?

  • A01G 9/02 - Récipients, p. ex. pots ou jardinières Verres pour la culture des fleurs
  • B65D 1/46 - Renforcements locaux, p. ex. fermetures adjacentes


OS Plastics

Numéro d'application 003749223
Statut Enregistrée
Date de dépôt 2004-04-06
Date d'enregistrement 2005-06-15
Propriétaire Pöppelmann Holding GmbH & Co. KG (Allemagne)
Classes de Nice  ?
  • 20 - Meubles et produits décoratifs
  • 21 - Ustensiles, récipients, matériaux pour le ménage; verre; porcelaine; faience

Produits et services

Plastic trays for growing and transportation; transport pallets, not of metal. Plant containers, flower pots, plant pot holders and saucers of plastic.



Numéro d'application 802477
Statut Enregistrée
Date de dépôt 2003-04-03
Date d'enregistrement 2003-04-03
Propriétaire Pöppelmann Holding GmbH & Co. KG (Allemagne)
Classes de Nice  ?
  • 07 - Machines et machines-outils
  • 16 - Papier, carton et produits en ces matières
  • 17 - Produits en caoutchouc ou en matières plastiques; matières à calfeutrer et à isoler
  • 20 - Meubles et produits décoratifs

Produits et services

Machines and machine parts made of plastic, especially sealing caps, sealing stoppers, screw caps, screw stoppers. Plastic packaging included in this class. Sealing stoppers made of plastic. Plastic articles (included in this class) especially covers, lids, caps and stoppers made of plastic for containers, machines, valves, hydraulic or pneumatic ducts, furniture, frames and tubes.



Numéro d'application 796556
Statut Enregistrée
Date de dépôt 2002-09-13
Date d'enregistrement 2002-09-13
Propriétaire Pöppelmann Holding GmbH & Co. KG (Allemagne)
Classes de Nice  ?
  • 01 - Produits chimiques destinés à l'industrie, aux sciences ainsi qu'à l'agriculture
  • 09 - Appareils et instruments scientifiques et électriques
  • 11 - Appareils de contrôle de l'environnement
  • 17 - Produits en caoutchouc ou en matières plastiques; matières à calfeutrer et à isoler
  • 18 - Cuir et imitations du cuir
  • 19 - Matériaux de construction non métalliques
  • 20 - Meubles et produits décoratifs
  • 21 - Ustensiles, récipients, matériaux pour le ménage; verre; porcelaine; faience

Produits et services

Fertilizers. Water level indicators for potted plants. Parts of valves and fittings for sprinkling. Parts of pipes of plastics essentially composed of couplings, sleeves and connection endpieces; holders for nonmetallic ducts and pipes. Leads and leashes for animals. Pipes of plastics and parts thereof essentially composed of couplings, sleeves and connection endpieces. Growing and handling trays of plastics (for plants); nonmetallic nozzles and rings for pipes, water-pipe valves of plastic, control valves. Growing pots, flowerpots, cachepots and bases of plastics; sprinkling devices, particularly for potted plants.



Numéro d'application 002678571
Statut Enregistrée
Date de dépôt 2002-04-30
Date d'enregistrement 2003-12-05
Propriétaire Pöppelmann Holding GmbH & Co. KG (Allemagne)
Classes de Nice  ?
  • 10 - Appareils et instruments médicaux
  • 20 - Meubles et produits décoratifs
  • 21 - Ustensiles, récipients, matériaux pour le ménage; verre; porcelaine; faience

Produits et services

Bottles, mugs, bowls and tins and lids, funnels and cannulae therefor; dispensers for tablets, pourable or liquid materials; atomisers, pump dispensers, metering apparatus, pourers, all the aforesaid goods for medical purposes. Goods of plastic, included in class 20; closures for bottles, shutter caps, pourers and plastic stoppers; containers of plastic and parts therefor. Household and kitchen utensils and containers (included in Class 21) and parts for the aforesaid utensils and containers; container lids (all not of precious metal); bottles, mugs, bowls and tins (not of precious metal), dispensers for material in the form of pellets and for pourable or liquid material; atomisers, pump dispensers, sprayers, funnels, sprayers and cannulae for liquid material, not for medical purposes.



Numéro d'application 001283969
Statut Enregistrée
Date de dépôt 1999-08-19
Date d'enregistrement 2000-09-29
Propriétaire Pöppelmann Holding GmbH & Co. KG (Allemagne)
Classes de Nice  ?
  • 07 - Machines et machines-outils
  • 16 - Papier, carton et produits en ces matières
  • 17 - Produits en caoutchouc ou en matières plastiques; matières à calfeutrer et à isoler
  • 20 - Meubles et produits décoratifs

Produits et services

Parts of plastic for machines and fittings, in particular sealing caps, vent plugs, screw caps, screw plugs. Plastic materials for packaging (included in class 16). Sealing plugs of plastic. Goods of plastic (included in class 20), in particular lids, caps and plugs of plastic for containers, machines, valves, hydraulic or pneumatic conduits, furniture, frames and pipes.



Numéro d'application 001127174
Statut Enregistrée
Date de dépôt 1999-04-06
Date d'enregistrement 2001-02-28
Propriétaire Pöppelmann Holding GmbH & Co. KG (Allemagne)
Classes de Nice  ?
  • 07 - Machines et machines-outils
  • 09 - Appareils et instruments scientifiques et électriques
  • 11 - Appareils de contrôle de l'environnement
  • 12 - Véhicules; appareils de locomotion par terre, par air ou par eau; parties de véhicules

Produits et services

Machine parts of plastic, in particular cogwheels, transmission shafts, functional parts, fastening elements, coverings, adjusting wheels, crankcases for motors and engines, operating elements, cable routings, spring elements, cable bushings, holders for electric connectors, cable holders. Parts of plastic for scientific apparatus and instruments for research purposes and for use in laboratories, for nautical, surveying, electric, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; for apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images, for magnetic data carriers, for automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus, for cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; in particular adjusting wheels, cogwheels, shielding housings for electric modules, fastening elements, crankcases for motors and engines, coverings, impeller wheels, spring elements, control levers, cable bushings, holders for connectors, functional parts; special-purpose containers, including cases, sheaths and housings of plastic for apparatus and instruments included in class 9. Parts of plastic for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary installations, in particular coverings, cable routings, functional parts, holders for connectors. Parts of plastic for land, air and water vehicles, in particular fastening elements, control levers, probe holders, ventilator flaps, lamp housings, connection pieces for profile strips, coverings, end pieces for bumpers, cable holders, ventilator grates, contact holders, housings for steering wheel locks, holders for safety belts, for mudguards, luggage racks, handles, cable bushings, functional parts.



Numéro d'application 000750034
Statut Enregistrée
Date de dépôt 1998-02-17
Date d'enregistrement 1999-06-18
Propriétaire Pöppelmann Holding GmbH & Co. KG (Allemagne)
Classes de Nice  ?
  • 11 - Appareils de contrôle de l'environnement
  • 17 - Produits en caoutchouc ou en matières plastiques; matières à calfeutrer et à isoler
  • 20 - Meubles et produits décoratifs
  • 21 - Ustensiles, récipients, matériaux pour le ménage; verre; porcelaine; faience

Produits et services

Watering inserts for pot plants; irrigation apparatus and water supply equipment and plastic parts therefor, mainly consisting of nozzles, clips, tap pieces, couplings, regulating valves, holders for hoses and pipes. Connections, connection pieces and junction pieces of plastic for irrigation apparatus and water supply equipment. Plastic trays for growing and transportation. Plant containers, window boxes, flower pots, plant pot holders and saucers of plastic.



Numéro d'application 545179
Statut Enregistrée
Date de dépôt 1989-04-11
Date d'enregistrement 1989-04-11
Propriétaire Pöppelmann Holding GmbH & Co. KG (Allemagne)
Classes de Nice  ?
  • 01 - Produits chimiques destinés à l'industrie, aux sciences ainsi qu'à l'agriculture
  • 09 - Appareils et instruments scientifiques et électriques
  • 11 - Appareils de contrôle de l'environnement
  • 17 - Produits en caoutchouc ou en matières plastiques; matières à calfeutrer et à isoler
  • 18 - Cuir et imitations du cuir
  • 20 - Meubles et produits décoratifs
  • 21 - Ustensiles, récipients, matériaux pour le ménage; verre; porcelaine; faience

Produits et services

Engrais. Indicateurs de niveau d'eau pour plantes en pot. Pièces de robinetterie pour arrosage. Conduits en matières plastiques et leurs parties se composant essentiellement d'accouplements, de manchons et d'embouts de raccordement. Laisses et longes pour animaux. Plaques de culture et de manutention en matières plastiques; buses et colliers, pièces de dérivation, vannes de régulation, supports pour tuyaux et conduites non métalliques. Pots de culture, pots de fleurs, cache-pot et soucoupes en matières plastiques; instruments d'arrosage, notamment pour plantes en pot.



Numéro d'application 318476
Statut Enregistrée
Date de dépôt 1966-08-05
Date d'enregistrement 1966-08-05
Propriétaire Pöppelmann Holding GmbH & Co. KG (Allemagne)
Classes de Nice  ? 20 - Meubles et produits décoratifs

Produits et services

Bouchons et chapeaux de protection en matières plastiques souples pour tubes, pour alésages et pour raccordements à brides de parties de machines.