The invention provides methods of treating inflammation in a specific organ or tissue of an individual. The method involves determining whether the individual has previously been infected with at least one pathogen that is pathogenic in the specific organ or tissue; and administering to the individual an anti-inflammatory composition comprising antigenic determinants, the antigenic determinants selected or formulated so that together they are specific for the at least one pathogen. The pathogen may be an endogenous or exogenous pathogen, and may further be a bacterial pathogen, a viral pathogen, a fungal pathogen, a protozoan pathogen, or a helminth pathogen.
Therapeutic modalities are provided involving the use of specific repertoirs of PRR ligands to ameliorate immune dysregulation in a perioperative period. In effect, innate immune system signaling is provoked in the perioperative period so as to facilitate a targeted immune response following surgery. Subjects may accordingly be treated with immunogenic formulations tailored to a specific target tissue to treat a subject during the perioperative period surrounding surgery to remove a solid tumor, where the target tissue is the site of the tumor or a characteristic site of metastasis for the cancer.
A61K 47/34 - Composés macromoléculaires obtenus par des réactions autres que celles faisant intervenir uniquement des liaisons non saturées carbone-carbone, p. ex. polyesters, acides polyaminés, polysiloxanes, polyphosphazines, copolymères de polyalkylène glycol ou de poloxamères
The invention provides methods of modulating an immune system in a vertebrate host for the therapeutic or prophylactic treatment of infection by a first microbial pathogen in a target tissue, comprising administration at an administration site of an effective amount of an antigenic formulation comprising antigenic determinants specific for a second heterologous microbial pathogen.
Therapeutic modalities are provided involving the use of specific repertoirs of PRR ligands to ameliorate immune dysregulation in a perioperative period. In effect, innate immune system signaling is provoked in the perioperative period so as to facilitate a targeted immune response following surgery. Subjects may accordingly be treated with immunogenic formulations tailored to a specific target tissue to treat a subject during the perioperative period surrounding surgery to remove a solid tumor, where the target tissue is the site of the tumor or a characteristic site of metastasis for the cancer.
A61K 51/10 - Anticorps ou immunoglobulinesLeurs fragments
C07K 16/30 - Immunoglobulines, p. ex. anticorps monoclonaux ou polyclonaux contre du matériel provenant d'animaux ou d'humains contre des récepteurs, des antigènes de surface cellulaire ou des déterminants de surface cellulaire provenant de cellules de tumeurs
Therapeutic modalities are provided involving the use of specific repertoirs of PRR ligands to ameliorate immune dysregulation in a perioperative period. In effect, innate immune system signaling is provoked in the perioperative period so as to facilitate a targeted immune response following surgery. Subjects may accordingly be treated with immunogenic formulations tailored to a specific target tissue to treat a subject during the perioperative period surrounding surgery to remove a solid tumor, where the target tissue is the site of the tumor or a characteristic site of metastasis for the cancer.
C07K 16/30 - Immunoglobulines, p. ex. anticorps monoclonaux ou polyclonaux contre du matériel provenant d'animaux ou d'humains contre des récepteurs, des antigènes de surface cellulaire ou des déterminants de surface cellulaire provenant de cellules de tumeurs
Therapeutically Triggering an Innate Immune Response in a Target Tissue
The invention provides therapeutic compositions that present an artificial repertoire of mammalian pattern recognition receptor (PRR) agonists, so that the pattern of PRR agonists recapitulates a distinct portion of a PRR agonist signature of a mammalian pathogen. The artificial repertoire of PRR agonists may be formulated together in a therapeutic vehicle for combined presentation to an innate immune cell resident in a target tissue in a mammalian host, and the vehicle adapted to deliver the PRR agonists to the target tissue, so as to modulate an immune response.
G01N 33/68 - Analyse chimique de matériau biologique, p. ex. de sang ou d'urineTest par des méthodes faisant intervenir la formation de liaisons biospécifiques par ligandsTest immunologique faisant intervenir des protéines, peptides ou amino-acides
C12Q 1/6883 - Produits d’acides nucléiques utilisés dans l’analyse d’acides nucléiques, p. ex. amorces ou sondes pour les maladies provoquées par des altérations du matériel génétique
The invention provides methods of modulating an immune system in a vertebrate host for the therapeutic or prophylactic treatment of infection by a first microbial pathogen in a target tissue, comprising administration at an administration site of an effective amount of an antigenic formulation comprising antigenic determinants specific for a second heterologous microbial pathogen.
Therapeutic modalities are provided for targeting adoptive cellular therapies to specific sites of disease, involving the use of specific repertoirs of PRR ligands. In effect, innate immune system signaling is provoked so as to facilitate the homing of adoptive immune cells to sites of disease, for example to the site of a solid tumor.
The invention provides in part methods of treating cancers of a specific organ or tissue by administering a composition that is antigenically specific for one or more microbes that are pathogenic in the specific organ or tissue in which the cancer is situated.
G01N 33/50 - Analyse chimique de matériau biologique, p. ex. de sang ou d'urineTest par des méthodes faisant intervenir la formation de liaisons biospécifiques par ligandsTest immunologique
A61K 39/155 - Paramyxoviridae, p. ex. virus de para-influenza
A61K 39/145 - Orthomyxoviridae, p. ex. virus de l'influenza
A61K 31/192 - Acides carboxyliques, p. ex. acide valproïque ayant des groupes aromatiques, p. ex. sulindac, acides 2-aryl-propioniques, acide éthacrynique
A61K 31/635 - Composés contenant des groupes para-N-benzènesulfonyl-N-, p. ex. sulfanilamide, p-nitrobenzènesulfonohydrazide contenant un hétérocycle, p. ex. sulfadiazine
A61K 31/405 - Acides indole-alkanecarboxyliquesLeurs dérivés, p. ex. tryptophane, indométhacine
CA 03086832 2020-06-24 (12) INTERNATIONAL APPLICATION PUBLISHED UNDER THE PATENT COOPERATION TREATY (PCT) (19) World Intellectual Property 1 11111 1111111 11 111111 111 11111 11111111 1 1 111 1111 1111 1111 11111 1111 111 11111111111 111 1111 Organization International Bureau (10) International Publication Number (43) International Publication Date WO 2019/134036 Al 11 July 2019 (11.07.2019) WIPO I PCT (51) International Patent Classification: (74) Agent: KINGWELL, Brian et al.; 550 Burrard Street, A 61K 39/00 (2006.01) A61P 37/04 (2006.01) Suite 2300, Bentall 5, Vancouver, British Columbia V6C A 61K 9/00 (2006.01) C12N 5/078 (2010.01) 2B5 (CA). A 61P 35/00 (2006.01) C12N 5/10 (2006.01) (81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every (21) International Application Number: kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM, PCT/CA2018/051683 AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BN, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DJ, DK, DM, DO, (22) International Filing Date: DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, F1, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT, HN, 28 December 2018 (28.12.2018) HR, HU, ED, EL, IN, IR, IS, JO, JP, KE, KG, KH, KN, KP, (25) Filing Language: English KR, KW, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO, NZ, (26) Publication Language: English OM, PA, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, QA, RO, RS, RU, RW, SA, (30) Priority Data: SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, TM, TN, 62/613,259 03 January 2018 (03.01.2018) US TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW. 62/743,935 10 October 2018 (10.10.2018) US (84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every (71) Applicant: QU BIOLOGICS INC. [CA/CA]; 44'75 Way- kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH, burne Drive, Suite 305, Burnaby, British Columbia V5G GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, RW, SD, SL, ST, SZ, TZ, 4X4 (CA). UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU, TJ, TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, (72) Inventors: GUNN, Harold David; 1116 Ironwork Pas- EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, EE, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV, sage, Vancouver, British Columbia V6H 3P1 (CA). MUL- MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, SI, SK, SM, LINS, David W.; 23 Douglas Ridge, Norwich, Vermont TR), OAPI (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, 05055 (US). BAZETT, Mark; c/o 44'75 Wayburne Dri- KM, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG). ve, Suite 305, Burnaby, British Columbia V5G 4X4 (CA). KALYAN, Shirin; c/o 44'75 Wayburne Drive, Suite 305, Burnaby, British Columbia V5G 4X4 (CA). (54) Title: INNATE TARGETING OF ADOPTIVE CELLULAR THERAPEES TO) MON 2), 80000 1¨ 60000 (a 40000 s- -s- .5. 20000 . 1-1 4t 64, \e, ,c), \e ,0 = s9 stz *>) ." 631 ep 04Z? (-2p nep +0 71. Figure 2 Anfi-CXC R3 re) 1-1 (57) Abstract: Therapeutic modalities are provided for targeting adoptive cellular therapies to specific sites of disease, involving the use of specific repertoirs of PRR ligands. In effect, innate immune system signaling is provoked so as to facilitate the homing of adoptive 0 immune cells to sites of disease, for example to the site of a solid tumor. [Continued on next page] CA 03086832 2020-06-24 WO 2019/134036 Al I11111 NMI II lIllIl 11111 11111 011MI I II 111 11111 11111 llH 11111 0ll lH 11111111111 0l 1111 Published: ¨ with international search report (Art. 21(3)) ¨ in black and white; the international application as filed contained color or greyscale and is available for download from PATENTSCOPE
Therapeutic modalities are provided for targeting adoptive cellular therapies to specific sites of disease, involving the use of specific repertoirs of PRR ligands. In effect, innate immune system signaling is provoked so as to facilitate the homing of adoptive immune cells to sites of disease, for example to the site of a solid tumor.
The invention provides therapeutic compositions that present an artificial repertoire of mammalian pattern recognition receptor (PRR) agonists, so that the pattern of PRR agonists recapitulates a distinct portion of a PRR agonist signature of a mammalian pathogen. The artificial repertoire of PRR agonists may be formulated together in a therapeutic vehicle for combined presentation to an innate immune cell resident in a target tissue in a mammalian host, and the vehicle adapted to deliver the PRR agonists to the target tissue, so as to modulate an immune response.
G01N 33/68 - Analyse chimique de matériau biologique, p. ex. de sang ou d'urineTest par des méthodes faisant intervenir la formation de liaisons biospécifiques par ligandsTest immunologique faisant intervenir des protéines, peptides ou amino-acides
C12Q 1/6883 - Produits d’acides nucléiques utilisés dans l’analyse d’acides nucléiques, p. ex. amorces ou sondes pour les maladies provoquées par des altérations du matériel génétique
C12Q 1/6886 - Produits d’acides nucléiques utilisés dans l’analyse d’acides nucléiques, p. ex. amorces ou sondes pour les maladies provoquées par des altérations du matériel génétique pour le cancer
Methods are provided for predicting the degree to which a patient has a likelihood of benefiting from treatment with an antigenic formulation comprising PRR agonists. Methods may include screening a sample isolated from said patient for a genomic polymorphism that is a diagnostic SNP, or is in genetic linkage disequilibrium with the diagnostic SNP. In some instances, the subject has an increased likelihood of benefiting from a treatment if the diagnostic SNP comprises a selected response allele.
C12Q 1/68 - Procédés de mesure ou de test faisant intervenir des enzymes, des acides nucléiques ou des micro-organismesCompositions à cet effetProcédés pour préparer ces compositions faisant intervenir des acides nucléiques
A61K 39/00 - Préparations médicinales contenant des antigènes ou des anticorps
A61P 1/00 - Médicaments pour le traitement des troubles du tractus alimentaire ou de l'appareil digestif
G01N 33/48 - Matériau biologique, p. ex. sang, urineHémocytomètres
C40B 30/04 - Procédés de criblage des bibliothèques en mesurant l'aptitude spécifique à se lier à une molécule cible, p. ex. liaison anticorps-antigène, liaison récepteur-ligand
The invention provides therapeutic compositions that present an artificial repertoire of mammalian pattern recognition receptor (PRR) agonists, so that the pattern of PRR agonists recapitulates a distinct portion of a PRR agonist signature of a mammalian pathogen. The artificial repertoire of PRR agonists may be formulated together in a therapeutic vehicle for combined presentation to an innate immune cell resident in a target tissue in a mammalian host, and the vehicle adapted to deliver the PRR agonists to the target tissue, so as to modulate an immune response.
The invention provides therapeutic compositions that present an artificial repertoire of mammalian pattern recognition receptor (PRR) agonists, so that the pattern of PRR agonists recapitulates a distinct portion of a PRR agonist signature of a mammalian pathogen. The artificial repertoire of PRR agonists may be formulated together in a therapeutic vehicle for combined presentation to an innate immune cell resident in a target tissue in a mammalian host, and the vehicle adapted to deliver the PRR agonists to the target tissue, so as to modulate an immune response.
The invention provides methods of modulating an immune system in a vertebrate host for the therapeutic or prophylactic treatment of infection by a first microbial pathogen in a target tissue, comprising administration at an administration site of an effective amount of an antigenic formulation comprising antigenic determinants specific for a second heterologous microbial pathogen.
42 - Services scientifiques, technologiques et industriels, recherche et conception
Produits et services
public advocacy to promote awareness of digestive diseases providing an online community forum for users to share information regarding digestive diseases pharmaceutical research and development; providing medical and scientific research information in the field of pharmaceuticals and clinical trials; research and development in the field of cancer therapeutics
Tissue targeted antigenic activation of the immune response to treat cancers
The invention provides in part methods of treating cancers of a specific organ or tissue by administering a composition that is antigenically specific for one or more microbes that are pathogenic in the specific organ or tissue in which the cancer is situated.
A61K 31/405 - Acides indole-alkanecarboxyliquesLeurs dérivés, p. ex. tryptophane, indométhacine
A61K 31/635 - Composés contenant des groupes para-N-benzènesulfonyl-N-, p. ex. sulfanilamide, p-nitrobenzènesulfonohydrazide contenant un hétérocycle, p. ex. sulfadiazine
A61K 31/192 - Acides carboxyliques, p. ex. acide valproïque ayant des groupes aromatiques, p. ex. sulindac, acides 2-aryl-propioniques, acide éthacrynique
A61K 39/00 - Préparations médicinales contenant des antigènes ou des anticorps
G01N 33/50 - Analyse chimique de matériau biologique, p. ex. de sang ou d'urineTest par des méthodes faisant intervenir la formation de liaisons biospécifiques par ligandsTest immunologique
42 - Services scientifiques, technologiques et industriels, recherche et conception
Produits et services
(1) Pharmaceutical research and development; providing medical and scientific research information in the field of pharmaceuticals and clinical trials; Research and development of cancer therapeutics
(2) Clinical trials; Public advocacy to promote awareness of digestive diseases; Providing an online community forum for users to share information regarding digestive diseases
Tissue targeted antigenic activation of the immune response to treat cancers
The invention provides in part methods of treating cancers of a specific organ or tissue by administering a composition that is antigenically specific for one or more microbes that are pathogenic in the specific organ or tissue in which the cancer is situated.
A61K 31/405 - Acides indole-alkanecarboxyliquesLeurs dérivés, p. ex. tryptophane, indométhacine
A61K 31/635 - Composés contenant des groupes para-N-benzènesulfonyl-N-, p. ex. sulfanilamide, p-nitrobenzènesulfonohydrazide contenant un hétérocycle, p. ex. sulfadiazine
A61K 31/192 - Acides carboxyliques, p. ex. acide valproïque ayant des groupes aromatiques, p. ex. sulindac, acides 2-aryl-propioniques, acide éthacrynique
A61K 39/145 - Orthomyxoviridae, p. ex. virus de l'influenza
A61K 39/155 - Paramyxoviridae, p. ex. virus de para-influenza
G01N 33/50 - Analyse chimique de matériau biologique, p. ex. de sang ou d'urineTest par des méthodes faisant intervenir la formation de liaisons biospécifiques par ligandsTest immunologique
The invention provides methods of modulating an immune system in a vertebrate host for the therapeutic or prophylactic treatment of infection by a first microbial pathogen in a target tissue, comprising administration at an administration site of an effective amount of an antigenic formulation comprising antigenic determinants specific for a second heterologous microbial pathogen.
The invention provides methods of modulating an immune system in a vertebrate host for the therapeutic or prophylactic treatment of infection by a first microbial pathogen in a target tissue, comprising administration at an administration site of an effective amount of an antigenic formulation comprising antigenic determinants specific for a second heterologous microbial pathogen.
The invention provides in part methods of treating cancers of a specific organ or tissue by administering a composition that is antigenically specific for one or more microbes that are pathogenic in the specific organ or tissue in which the cancer is situated. The formulations of the invention thereby facilitate activation of an immune response to a cancer in a particular tissue or organ. The compositions may for example include killed or attenuated microbial pathogens, such as whole killed bacterial cells, and may be administered at sites distant from the cancer, for example the skin. In some embodiments, microbial species of endogenous flora or exogenous microbial pathogens that are known to cause infection in the relevant organ or tissue may be used in the formulation of the antigenic compositions.
A61K 39/00 - Préparations médicinales contenant des antigènes ou des anticorps
A61K 45/06 - Mélanges d'ingrédients actifs sans caractérisation chimique, p. ex. composés antiphlogistiques et pour le cœur
G01N 33/50 - Analyse chimique de matériau biologique, p. ex. de sang ou d'urineTest par des méthodes faisant intervenir la formation de liaisons biospécifiques par ligandsTest immunologique
Tissue targeted antigenic activation of the immune response to treat cancers
E. coli cells. The administration of the immunogenic compositions may be repeated relatively frequently over a relatively long period of time. In embodiments for intradermal or subcutaneous injection, dosages may be adjusted so that injections reproduce a consistent, visible, inflammatory immune reaction at the site of administration.
A61K 39/00 - Préparations médicinales contenant des antigènes ou des anticorps
G01N 33/50 - Analyse chimique de matériau biologique, p. ex. de sang ou d'urineTest par des méthodes faisant intervenir la formation de liaisons biospécifiques par ligandsTest immunologique
A61K 45/06 - Mélanges d'ingrédients actifs sans caractérisation chimique, p. ex. composés antiphlogistiques et pour le cœur
The invention provides methods of treating inflammation in a specific organ or tissue of an individual. The method involves determining whether the individual has previously been infected with at least one pathogen that is pathogenic in the specific organ or tissue; and administering to the individual an anti-inflammatory composition comprising antigenic determinants, the antigenic determinants selected or formulated so that together they are specific for the at least one pathogen. The pathogen may be an endogenous or exogenous pathogen, and may further be a bacterial pathogen, a viral pathogen, a fungal pathogen, a protozoan pathogen, or a helminth pathogen.
The invention provides methods of formulating an anti-inflammatory composition for treating inflammatory conditions in a specific organ or tissue. The method involves selecting at least one pathogen that is pathogenic in the specific organ or tissue; producing an antigenic composition comprising antigenic determinants that together are specific for the pathogen; and formulating the antigenic composition for administration as an anti-inflammatory composition capable of eliciting an anti-inflammatory response in the specific organ or tissue. In embodiments of the invention the pathogen may be an endogenous pathogen, such as an endogenous bacterial pathogen. The pathogen may be an exogenous pathogen, such as a bacterial pathogen, viral pathogen, a fungal pathogen, or a helminth pathogen.
G01N 33/569 - Tests immunologiquesTests faisant intervenir la formation de liaisons biospécifiquesMatériaux à cet effet pour micro-organismes, p. ex. protozoaires, bactéries, virus
The invention provides methods of formulating an anti-inflammatory composition for treating inflammatory conditions in a specific organ or tissue. The method involves selecting at least one pathogen that is pathogenic in the specific organ or tissue; producing an antigenic composition comprising antigenic determinants that together are specific for the pathogen; and formulating the antigenic composition for administration as an anti-inflammatory composition capable of eliciting an anti-inflammatory response in the specific organ or tissue, wherein the condition characterized by inflammation is not a cancer. In embodiments of the invention, a cancer is situated in the specific organ or tissue.
A61P 1/00 - Médicaments pour le traitement des troubles du tractus alimentaire ou de l'appareil digestif
A61P 29/00 - Agents analgésiques, antipyrétiques ou anti-inflammatoires non centraux, p. ex. agents antirhumatismauxMédicaments anti-inflammatoires non stéroïdiens [AINS]
The invention provides methods of formulating an anti-inflammatory composition for treating inflammatory conditions in a specific organ or tissue. The method involves selecting at least one pathogen that is pathogenic in the specific organ or tissue; producing an antigenic composition comprising antigenic determinants that together are specific for the pathogen; and formulating the antigenic composition for administration as an anti-inflammatory composition capable of eliciting an anti-inflammatory response in the specific organ or tissue, wherein the condition characterized by inflammation is not a cancer. In embodiments of the invention, a cancer is situated in the specific organ or tissue.
A61P 1/00 - Médicaments pour le traitement des troubles du tractus alimentaire ou de l'appareil digestif
A61P 29/00 - Agents analgésiques, antipyrétiques ou anti-inflammatoires non centraux, p. ex. agents antirhumatismauxMédicaments anti-inflammatoires non stéroïdiens [AINS]
The invention provides in part methods of treating cancers of a specific organ or tissue by administering a composition that is antigenically specific for one or more microbes that are pathogenic in the specific organ or tissue in which the cancer is situated.
The invention provides in part methods of treating cancers of a specific organ or tissue by administering a composition that is antigenically specific for one or more microbes that are pathogenic in the specific organ or tissue in which the cancer is situated. The formulations of the invention thereby facilitate activation of an immune response to a cancer in a particular tissue or organ. The compositions may for example include killed or attenuated microbial pathogens, such as whole killed bacterial cells, and may be administered at sites distant from the cancer, for example the skin. In some embodiments, microbial species of endogenous flora that are known to cause infection in the relevant organ or tissue may be used in the formulation of the antigenic compositions. In alternative embodiments, exogenous microbial pathogens that are known to cause infection in the relevant organ or tissue may be used in the formulation of the antigenic compositions. The administration of the immunogenic compositions may be repeated relatively frequently over a relatively long period of time. In embodiments for intradermal or subcutaneous injection, dosages may be adjusted so that injections reproduce a consistent, visible, delayed inflammatory immune reaction at the successive site or sites of administration.
The invention provides in part methods of treating cancers of a specific organ or tissue by administering a composition that is antigenically specific for one or more microbes that are pathogenic in the specific organ or tissue in which the cancer is situated. The formulations of the invention thereby facilitate activation of a treatment response to a cancer in a particular tissue or organ. The compositions may for example include killed or attenuated microbial pathogens, and may be administered at sites distant from the cancer, for example the skin. In some embodiments, microbial species of endogenous flora that are known to cause infection in the relevant organ or tissue may be used in the formulation of the antigenic compositions. In alternative embodiments, exogenous microbial pathogens that are known to cause infection in the relevant organ or tissue may be used in the formulation of the antigenic compositions. The administration of the immunogenic compositions may be repeated relatively frequently over a relatively long period of time. In embodiments for intradermal or subcutaneous injection, dosages may be adjusted so that injections reproduce a consistent visible delayed inflammatory immune reaction at the successive site or sites of administration.
The invention provides in part methods of treating cancers of a specific organ or tissue by administering a composition that is antigenically specific for one or more microbes that are pathogenic in the specific organ or tissue in which the cancer is situated. The formulations of the invention thereby facilitate activation of an immune response to a cancer in a particular tissue or organ. The compositions may for example include killed or attenuated microbial pathogens, and may be administered at sites distant from the cancer, for example the skin. In some embodiments, microbial species of endogenous flora that are known to cause infection in the relevant organ or tissue may be used in the formulation of the antigenic compositions. In alternative embodiments, exogenous microbial pathogens that are known to cause infection in the relevant organ or tissue may be used in the formulation of the antigenic compositions. The administration of the immunogenic compositions may be repeated relatively frequently over a relatively long period of time. In embodiments for intradermal or subcutaneous injection, dosages may be adjusted so that injections reproduce a consistent visible delayed inflammatory immune reaction at the successive site or sites of administration.
A61P 29/00 - Agents analgésiques, antipyrétiques ou anti-inflammatoires non centraux, p. ex. agents antirhumatismauxMédicaments anti-inflammatoires non stéroïdiens [AINS]
The invention provides in part methods of treating cancers of a specific organ or tissue by administering a composition that is antigenically specific for one or more microbes that are pathogenic in the specific organ or tissue in which the cancer is situated. The formulations of the invention thereby facilitate activation of an immune response to a cancer in a particular tissue or organ. The compositions may for example include killed or attenuated microbial pathogens, and may be administered at sites distant from the cancer, for example the skin. In some embodiments, microbial species of endogenous flora that are known to cause infection in the relevant organ or tissue may be used in the formulation of the antigenic compositions. In alternative embodiments, exogenous microbial pathogens that are known to cause infection in the relevant organ or tissue may be used in the formulation of the antigenic compositions. The administration of the immunogenic compositions may be repeated relatively frequently over a relatively long period of time. In embodiments for intradermal or subcutaneous injection, dosages may be adjusted so that injections reproduce a consistent visible delayed inflammatory immune reaction at the successive site or sites of administration.
A61K 39/00 - Préparations médicinales contenant des antigènes ou des anticorps
A61K 39/39 - Préparations médicinales contenant des antigènes ou des anticorps caractérisées par les additifs immunostimulants, p. ex. par les adjuvants chimiques
The invention provides in part methods of treating cancers of a specific organ, tissue or cell in a subject by administering an antigen of one or more pathogenic bacterial species that are pathogenic in the specific organ, tissue or cell.