Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (Australie)
Thorogood, Gordon James
Raposio, Robert
A UO2 target for use in the manufacture of 99Mo, the target comprising: a porous matrix; wherein the matrix comprises particles of UO2 or of UO2 and CeO2 with a size of less than 7.15 μm; and a molar ratio of 235U to Ce and 238U is less than 3%. The particles may comprise UO2 and the UO2 comprise uranium with a 235U to 238U ratio of less than 3% 235U enrichment. Also, a method of producing 99Mo, comprising: (a) irradiating such a UO2 target with thermal neutrons, with an irradiation time of between 3 and 7 days; then (b) extracting 99Mo from the target. The method includes performing steps (a) and (b) 2 or more times.
G21G 1/00 - Dispositions pour la conversion des éléments chimiques par rayonnement électromagnétique, radiations corpusculaires ou bombardement par des particules, p. ex. production d'isotopes radioactifs
G21G 1/08 - Dispositions pour la conversion des éléments chimiques par rayonnement électromagnétique, radiations corpusculaires ou bombardement par des particules, p. ex. production d'isotopes radioactifs à l'extérieur des réacteurs nucléaires ou des accélérateurs de particules par irradiation par des neutrons accompagnée de fission nucléaire
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (Australie)
University of Wollongong (Australie)
Safavi-Naeini, Mitra
Chacon, Andrew Stephen
An irradiation method and system for irradiating a target volume, the method comprising: providing thermal neutron absorbing nuclides (such as in the form of a high neutron cross-section agent) at the target volume; and producing neutrons by irradiating nuclei in or adjacent to the target volume with a beam of particles consisting of any one or more of protons, deuterons, tritons and heavy ions, thereby prompting production of the neutrons through non-elastic collisions between the atoms in the path of the beam (including the target) and the particles. The neutron absorbing nuclides absorb neutrons produced in the non-elastic collisions, thereby producing capture products or fragments that irradiate the target volume.
H05H 13/10 - Accélérateurs comprenant une ou plusieurs sections d'accélération linéaire et des aimants de courbure ou des dispositifs analogues pour faire revenir les particules chargées sur une trajectoire parallèle à la première section d'accélération, p. ex. microtrons
G21G 1/08 - Dispositions pour la conversion des éléments chimiques par rayonnement électromagnétique, radiations corpusculaires ou bombardement par des particules, p. ex. production d'isotopes radioactifs à l'extérieur des réacteurs nucléaires ou des accélérateurs de particules par irradiation par des neutrons accompagnée de fission nucléaire
G21G 1/00 - Dispositions pour la conversion des éléments chimiques par rayonnement électromagnétique, radiations corpusculaires ou bombardement par des particules, p. ex. production d'isotopes radioactifs
G21G 1/02 - Dispositions pour la conversion des éléments chimiques par rayonnement électromagnétique, radiations corpusculaires ou bombardement par des particules, p. ex. production d'isotopes radioactifs dans les réacteurs nucléaires
H05H 6/00 - Cibles pour la production de réactions nucléaires
A radiation dose quantification method and system, the method comprising: detecting, with one or more detectors with respective sensitive volumes, gamma-rays emitted as a result of capture of neutrons by a composition in a subject subjected to an irradiation program, the composition comprising one or more thermal neutron capture agents, the neutrons having been generated by non-elastic collisions between a primary beam of particles and nuclei in the subject, wherein the particles consist of any one or more of protons, deuterons, tritons and heavy ions, the irradiation program comprises at least one period of irradiation with a beam duration that includes beam-on periods and beam-off periods; applying at least one predefined energy window or filter configured to accept only detection events in the one or more detectors resulting from gamma-rays with an energy indicative of selected gamma-rays arising from the capture of thermal neutrons by the one or more thermal neutron capture agents, wherein the thermal neutrons are neutrons with energies below approximately 0.4 eV; applying a timing window configured to reject or ignore detection events in the one or more detectors resulting from at least prompt gamma-rays produced in non-neutron capture events; and determining the radiation dose of neutron radiation received by the subject during the irradiation program from at least the accepted detection events or determining a dose map of the radiation received by the subject from at least the accepted detection events.
G01T 1/15 - Instruments dans lesquels les impulsions engendrées par un détecteur de radiations sont intégrées, p. ex. par un circuit de pompe à diode
G01T 1/161 - Applications au domaine de la médecine nucléaire, p. ex. comptage in vivo
G01T 1/29 - Mesure effectuée sur des faisceaux de radiations, p. ex. sur la position ou la section du faisceauMesure de la distribution spatiale de radiations
G01T 1/36 - Mesure de la distribution spectrale des rayons X ou d'une radiation nucléaire
G01T 3/02 - Mesure de flux de neutrons en faisant écran aux autres radiations
G01T 3/06 - Mesure de flux de neutrons avec des détecteurs à scintillation
G01T 3/08 - Mesure de flux de neutrons avec des détecteurs à semi-conducteurs
G01T 7/04 - Moyens de collection pour recevoir ou conserver des échantillons à examiner par filtration
A61N 5/10 - RadiothérapieTraitement aux rayons gammaTraitement par irradiation de particules
G16H 20/40 - TIC spécialement adaptées aux thérapies ou aux plans d’amélioration de la santé, p. ex. pour manier les prescriptions, orienter la thérapie ou surveiller l’observance par les patients concernant des thérapies mécaniques, la radiothérapie ou des thérapies invasives, p. ex. la chirurgie, la thérapie laser, la dialyse ou l’acuponcture
Bernard, Nick
Bultitude-Paull, John
Gough, Ian
Griffith, Chris
Demol, John
Manis, Adrian
Roper, Adam
This invention relates to processes for removing contaminants from a mineral sand particulate. Also described are apparatus for carrying out the processes, and the purified products of the reaction and reaction intermediates.
F27B 14/04 - Fours à creusetsFours à bassin adaptés pour le traitement de la charge sous vide ou sous atmosphère contrôlée
F27B 7/06 - Fours à tambours rotatifs, c.-à-d. horizontaux ou légèrement inclinés adaptés pour le traitement de la charge sous vide ou sous atmosphère contrôlée
F27B 7/08 - Fours à tambours rotatifs, c.-à-d. horizontaux ou légèrement inclinés chauffés extérieurement
F27B 7/36 - Aménagement des dispositifs d'alimentation en air ou gaz
F27B 9/04 - Fours dans lesquels la charge est déplacée mécaniquement, p. ex. du type tunnel Fours similaires dans lesquels la charge se déplace par gravité adaptés pour le traitement de la charge sous vide ou sous atmosphère contrôlée
F27B 9/06 - Fours dans lesquels la charge est déplacée mécaniquement, p. ex. du type tunnel Fours similaires dans lesquels la charge se déplace par gravité chauffés sans contact entre gaz de combustion et la chargeFours dans lesquels la charge est déplacée mécaniquement, p. ex. du type tunnel Fours similaires dans lesquels la charge se déplace par gravité chauffés électriquement
F27B 9/08 - Fours dans lesquels la charge est déplacée mécaniquement, p. ex. du type tunnel Fours similaires dans lesquels la charge se déplace par gravité chauffés sans contact entre gaz de combustion et la chargeFours dans lesquels la charge est déplacée mécaniquement, p. ex. du type tunnel Fours similaires dans lesquels la charge se déplace par gravité chauffés électriquement chauffés à travers les parois de la chambre
C04B 35/48 - Produits céramiques mis en forme, caractérisés par leur compositionCompositions céramiquesTraitement de poudres de composés inorganiques préalablement à la fabrication de produits céramiques à base d'oxydes à base d'oxydes de zirconium ou d'hafnium ou de zirconates ou d'hafnates
C04B 35/626 - Préparation ou traitement des poudres individuellement ou par fournées
C04B 41/91 - Post-traitement des mortiers, du béton, de la pierre artificielle ou des céramiquesTraitement de la pierre naturelle de céramiques uniquement impliquant l'enlèvement d'une partie des matières des objets traités, p. ex. par attaque chimique
G01T 1/29 - Mesure effectuée sur des faisceaux de radiations, p. ex. sur la position ou la section du faisceauMesure de la distribution spatiale de radiations
G21K 1/02 - Dispositions pour manipuler des particules ou des rayonnements ionisants, p. ex. pour focaliser ou pour modérer utilisant des diaphragmes, des collimateurs
G01T 1/161 - Applications au domaine de la médecine nucléaire, p. ex. comptage in vivo
G01T 1/167 - Mesure du contenu radioactif des objets, p. ex. contamination
G01V 5/00 - Prospection ou détection au moyen de rayonnement ionisant, p. ex. de la radioactivité naturelle ou provoquée
G21K 1/10 - Dispositifs de diffusionDispositifs d'absorption
Thorogood, Gordon James
Raposio, Robert
A UO2 target for use in the manufacture of 99Mo, the target comprising: a porous matrix; wherein the matrix comprises particles of UO2 or of UO2 and CeO2 with a size of less than 7.15 µm; and a molar ratio of 235U to Ce and 238U is less than 3%. The particles may comprise UO2 and the UO2 comprise uranium with a 235U to 238U ratio of less than 3% 235U enrichment. Also, a method of producing 99Mo, comprising: (a) irradiating such a UO2 target with thermal neutrons, with an irradiation time of between 3 and 7 days; then (b) extracting 99Mo from the target. The method includes performing steps (a) and (b) 2 or more times.
G21G 1/00 - Dispositions pour la conversion des éléments chimiques par rayonnement électromagnétique, radiations corpusculaires ou bombardement par des particules, p. ex. production d'isotopes radioactifs
G21G 1/08 - Dispositions pour la conversion des éléments chimiques par rayonnement électromagnétique, radiations corpusculaires ou bombardement par des particules, p. ex. production d'isotopes radioactifs à l'extérieur des réacteurs nucléaires ou des accélérateurs de particules par irradiation par des neutrons accompagnée de fission nucléaire
Thorogood, Gordon James
Raposio, Robert
22 target for use in the manufacture of 992222 with a size of less than 7.15 µm; and a molar ratio of 235U to Ce and 23822 2 comprise uranium with a 235U to 238U ratio of less than 3% 235U enrichment. Also, a method of producing 9922 target with thermal neutrons, with an irradiation time of between 3 and 7 days; then (b) extracting 99Mo from the target. The method includes performing steps (a) and (b) 2 or more times.
G21G 1/00 - Dispositions pour la conversion des éléments chimiques par rayonnement électromagnétique, radiations corpusculaires ou bombardement par des particules, p. ex. production d'isotopes radioactifs
G21G 1/08 - Dispositions pour la conversion des éléments chimiques par rayonnement électromagnétique, radiations corpusculaires ou bombardement par des particules, p. ex. production d'isotopes radioactifs à l'extérieur des réacteurs nucléaires ou des accélérateurs de particules par irradiation par des neutrons accompagnée de fission nucléaire
Soldenhoff, Karin Helene
Fainerman-Melnikova, Marina
Quinn, James
Gough, Ian
A process for separating hafnium and zirconium, in particular from a sulfate based solution is provided. The process includes the steps of: concentrating an acidic sulfate based solution containing zirconium and hafnium, the solution having a hafnium:zirconium weight ratio as given by Hf/(Hf+Zr) greater than the typical weight ratio of naturally occurring zirconium ores and/or concentrates; heating the solution; contacting the solution with an amine based solvent to create a hafnium rich, high purity rafinate and a zirconium loaded solvent; and stripping the zirconium loaded solvent to produce a stripped solvent and a zirconium loaded strip.
C22B 3/26 - Traitement ou purification de solutions, p. ex. de solutions obtenues par lixiviation par extraction liquide-liquide utilisant des composés organiques
Soldenhoff, Karin
Manis, Adrian
Rajalingam, Prakash
Chalmers, Ian
The present disclosure provides a process for extracting zirconium, in particular from a pregnant leach solution, which in preferred embodiments includes the removal of niobium from the solution to increase zirconium extraction. In particular, the process includes the steps of: a) contacting a pregnant leach solution containing at least zirconium and niobium with a solvent to create a zirconium loaded solvent and a raffinate; b) precipitating at least a portion of the niobium from the raffinate to create a barren liquor; c) contacting the barren liquor with further solvent to create a partially loaded solvent; wherein the partially loaded solvent following step c) is then used as at least part of the solvent in step a).
C22B 3/26 - Traitement ou purification de solutions, p. ex. de solutions obtenues par lixiviation par extraction liquide-liquide utilisant des composés organiques
C22B 3/20 - Traitement ou purification de solutions, p. ex. de solutions obtenues par lixiviation
Napier, Andrew
Griffith, Christopher
A process for recovering lithium phosphate and lithium sulfate from a lithium-bearing silicate is described. The process includes adding from 800 kg/t to 1600 kg/t of sulfuric acid to a slurry of the lithium-bearing silicate and from 40 kg/t to 600 kg/t of a source of fluoride to produce a leach mixture and heating said leach mixture. A lithium-bearing solution is then separated from the leach mixture and its pH is increased sequentially to pH 3.5 to 4, pH 5.5 to 6 then pH 10.5 to 11 to precipitate, respectively, a first, second and third set of impurities therefrom. The first, second and third sets of impurities are separated from the lithium-bearing solution and lime is added to maintain a soluble Ca concentration of at least 30 mg/L. The lithium-bearing solution is then softened by adding a two sequential amounts of phosphate to precipitate fluorapatite and apatite, respectively. A third amount of phosphate is added to produce a lithium phosphate precipitate which is then separated. The separated lithium phosphate precipitate is then digested in sulphuric acid to produce a digestion mixture from which a lithium sulfate precipitate is separated. An alkali metal hydroxide is added to the separated solution to produce an alkali metal phosphate solution and this is recycled for use as phosphate in the process.
Napier, Andrew
Griffith, Christopher
A process for recovering lithium phosphate and lithium sulfate from a lithium-bearing solution, such as a brine or pregnant process liquor is described. The process includes adding phosphate to the lithium-bearing solution to precipitate lithium phosphate and then separating the resulting lithium phosphate precipitate from the solution. The separated lithium phosphate precipitate is then digested in sulphuric acid to produce a digestion mixture from which a lithium sulfate precipitate is separated. An alkali metal hydroxide is added to the separated solution to produce an alkali metal phosphate solution and this is recycled for use as phosphate in the first step of the process.
Compressive imaging method and system comprising a detector, a mask, and a drive for rotating the mask about at least one of one or more axes of rotational symmetry
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (Australie)
Boardman, David
Guenette, Mathew
Flynn, Alison
Sarbutt, Adam
Chartier, Lachlan
Ilter, Jayden
Prokopovich, Dale
Watt, Geoff
A mask for use in compressed sensing of incoming radiation includes a material that modulates an intensity of incoming radiation, a plurality of mask aperture regions, and one or more axes of rotational symmetry with respect to the mask aperture regions. Each mask aperture region includes at least one mask aperture that allows a higher transmission of the incoming radiation relative to other portions of the mask aperture region. The relative transmission sufficient to allow a reconstruction of compressed sensing measurements and has a shape that provides a symmetry under rotation about the one or more axes of rotational symmetry. A mutual coherence of a sensing matrix generated by a rotation of the plurality of mask aperture regions is less than one. An imaging system for compressed sensing of incoming radiation including such a mask is also provided.
G01T 1/20 - Mesure de l'intensité de radiation avec des détecteurs à scintillation
G01T 1/24 - Mesure de l'intensité de radiation avec des détecteurs à semi-conducteurs
G01T 1/36 - Mesure de la distribution spectrale des rayons X ou d'une radiation nucléaire
G21K 1/02 - Dispositions pour manipuler des particules ou des rayonnements ionisants, p. ex. pour focaliser ou pour modérer utilisant des diaphragmes, des collimateurs
G21K 1/04 - Dispositions pour manipuler des particules ou des rayonnements ionisants, p. ex. pour focaliser ou pour modérer utilisant des diaphragmes, des collimateurs utilisant des diaphragmes à ouverture variable, des obturateurs, des hacheurs
G01T 1/29 - Mesure effectuée sur des faisceaux de radiations, p. ex. sur la position ou la section du faisceauMesure de la distribution spatiale de radiations
Australian Nuclear Science And Technology Organisation (Australie)
Lithium Australia Limited (Australie)
Napier, Andrew
Griffith, Christopher
The disclosure relates to processes for extracting lithium from an uncalcined lithium-bearing silicate and recovering a lithium salt therefrom. A slurry of the uncalcined lithium-bearing silicate and a caustic solution is heated in an autoclave to provide a Li-rich sodalite phase. The Li-rich sodalite phase is leached with a dilute acid to produce a lithium-rich pregnant liquor. Various subsequent processes to treat the lithium-rich pregnant liquor to recover a lithium salt, such as lithium phosphate, lithium carbonate, lithium sulphate or lithium hydroxide, are described.
C22B 3/12 - Extraction de composés métalliques par voie humide à partir de minerais ou de concentrés par lixiviation dans des solutions inorganiques alcalines
C22B 3/22 - Traitement ou purification de solutions, p. ex. de solutions obtenues par lixiviation par des procédés physiques, p. ex. par filtration, par des moyens magnétiques
C22B 3/44 - Traitement ou purification de solutions, p. ex. de solutions obtenues par lixiviation par des procédés chimiques
Filling container and method for storing hazardous waste material
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation. (Australie)
Bermudez, Walter Guillermo
Moricca, Salvatore
Murray, Allan Grant
The present invention provides systems, methods and devices for storing and/or disposing of hazardous waste material. In some embodiments, the waste material includes nuclear waste such as calcined material. In certain embodiments, the device includes a container having a container body, a filling port configured to couple with a filling nozzle and a filling plug, and an evacuation port having a filter. The evacuation port is configured to couple with an evacuation nozzle and an evacuation plug. In certain embodiments, the method includes (a) adding hazardous waste material via a filling nozzle coupled to a filling port of a container, the container including an evacuation port, (b) evacuating the container during adding of the hazardous waste material via an evacuation nozzle coupled to an evacuation port of the container, (c) sealing the filling port, (d) heating the container, and (e) sealing the evacuation port.
G01T 1/29 - Mesure effectuée sur des faisceaux de radiations, p. ex. sur la position ou la section du faisceauMesure de la distribution spatiale de radiations
G21K 1/02 - Dispositions pour manipuler des particules ou des rayonnements ionisants, p. ex. pour focaliser ou pour modérer utilisant des diaphragmes, des collimateurs
G01T 1/161 - Applications au domaine de la médecine nucléaire, p. ex. comptage in vivo
G01T 1/167 - Mesure du contenu radioactif des objets, p. ex. contamination
G01V 5/00 - Prospection ou détection au moyen de rayonnement ionisant, p. ex. de la radioactivité naturelle ou provoquée
G21K 1/10 - Dispositifs de diffusionDispositifs d'absorption
Demol, John
Ho, Elizabeth Margaret
Soldenhoff, Karin Helene
A process for recovering rare earth elements from a rare earth element containing ore, the process comprising: adding an amount of a silicon containing source to the rare earth element containing ore to form a mixture; subjecting the mixture to an acid-bake process, wherein the mixture is subjected to temperatures above 150ºC; and performing a leaching process on the mixture to produce a leach liquor with a high concentration of rare earth elements.
Demol, John
Ho, Elizabeth Margaret
Soldenhoff, Karin Helene
A process for recovering rare earth elements from a rare earth element containing ore, the process comprising: adding an amount of a silicon containing source to the rare earth element containing ore to form a mixture; subjecting the mixture to an acid-bake process, wherein the mixture is subjected to temperatures above 150ºC; and performing a leaching process on the mixture to produce a leach liquor with a high concentration of rare earth elements.
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (Australie)
Moricca, Salvatore
Bermudez, Walter Guillermo
Murray, Allan Grant
The present invention provides systems, methods and devices for storing and/or disposing of hazardous waste material such as calcined material. In certain embodiments, the system comprises a filling nozzle having a valve body having a distal end and an outer surface, the outer surface proximate the distal end being configured to sealingly and removeably couple to an inner surface of a filling port of the container. In certain embodiments, the method comprises (a) coupling an outer surface of a filling nozzle with an inner surface of a filling port of a container to form a first seal (b) adding hazardous waste material into the container (c) decoupling the filling port from the filling nozzle and (d) inserting a fill plug into the filling port, the fill plug forming a second seal with the inner surface of the filling port, the second seal being distally spaced from at least a portion of the first seal with respect to the container.
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (Australie)
The Australian National University (Australie)
Smith, Suzanne Virginia
Mume, Eskender
Perkins, Gary James
Disclosed herein is a method for coupling a first compound having the formula (I) with a second compound that contains a carbonyl group. Also disclosed herein are compounds that can be formed by this method, and uses for such compounds.
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (Australie)
The Australian National University (Australie)
Smith, Suzanne Virginia
Mume, Eskender
Perkins, Gary James
Disclosed herein is a method for coupling a first compound having the formula (I) with a second compound that contains a carbonyl group. Also disclosed herein are compounds that can be formed by this method, and uses for such compounds.
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (Australie)
University of Wollongong (Australie)
Safavi-Naeini, Mitra
Chacon, Andrew Stephen
An irradiation method and system for irradiating a target volume, the method comprising: providing thermal neutron absorbing nuclides (such as in the form of a high neutron cross-section agent) at the target volume; and producing neutrons by irradiating nuclei in or adjacent to the target volume with a beam of particles consisting of any one or more of protons, deuterons, tritons and heavy ions, thereby prompting production of the neutrons through non-elastic collisions between the atoms in the path of the beam (including the target) and the particles. The neutron absorbing nuclides absorb neutrons produced in the non-elastic collisions, thereby producing capture products or fragments that irradiate the target volume.
H05H 13/10 - Accélérateurs comprenant une ou plusieurs sections d'accélération linéaire et des aimants de courbure ou des dispositifs analogues pour faire revenir les particules chargées sur une trajectoire parallèle à la première section d'accélération, p. ex. microtrons
G21K 5/04 - Dispositifs d'irradiation avec des moyens de formation du faisceau
Napier, Andrew
Griffith, Christopher
The disclosure relates to processes for extracting lithium from an uncalcined lithium- bearing silicate and recovering a lithium salt therefrom. A slurry of the uncalcined lithium-bearing silicate and a caustic solution is heated in an autoclave to provide a Li- rich sodalite phase. The Li-rich sodalite phase is leached with a dilute acid to produce a lithium-rich pregnant liquor. Various subsequent processes to treat the lithium-rich pregnant liquor to recover a lithium salt, such as lithium phosphate, lithium carbonate, lithium sulphate or lithium hydroxide, are described.
Napier, Andrew
Griffith, Christopher
The disclosure relates to processes for extracting lithium from an uncalcined lithium- bearing silicate and recovering a lithium salt therefrom. A slurry of the uncalcined lithium-bearing silicate and a caustic solution is heated in an autoclave to provide a Li- rich sodalite phase. The Li-rich sodalite phase is leached with a dilute acid to produce a lithium-rich pregnant liquor. Various subsequent processes to treat the lithium-rich pregnant liquor to recover a lithium salt, such as lithium phosphate, lithium carbonate, lithium sulphate or lithium hydroxide, are described.
Napier, Andrew
Griffith, Christopher
A process for recovering lithium phosphate and lithium sulfate from a slurry of lithium-bearing silicate including adding sulfuric acid and a source of fluoride to the slurry to produce a leach mixture, which is heated. Separating a lithium-bearing solution from the leach mixture and increasing the pH in stages to precipitate three sets of impurities. Separating the three sets of impurities from the lithium-bearing solution and adding lime to maintain a soluble Ca concentration of at least 30 mg/L, softening the lithium-bearing solution by adding a two sequential amounts of phosphate to precipitate fluorapatite and apatite. Adding a third amount of phosphate to produce a lithium phosphate precipitate which is separated. Digesting the separated lithium phosphate precipitate in sulphuric acid to produce a digestion mixture then separating a lithium sulfate precipitate. Adding an alkali metal hydroxide to the separated solution to produce an alkali metal phosphate solution for recycling.
Napier, Andrew
Griffith, Christopher
A process for recovering lithium phosphate and lithium sulfate from a lithium-bearing solution, such as a brine or pregnant process liquor is described. The process includes adding phosphate to the lithium-bearing solution to precipitate lithium phosphate and then separating the resulting lithium phosphate precipitate from the solution. The separated lithium phosphate precipitate is then digested in sulphuric acid to produce a digestion mixture from which a lithium sulfate precipitate is separated. An alkali metal hydroxide is added to the separated solution to produce an alkali metal phosphate solution and this is recycled for use as phosphate in the first step of the process.
Napier, Andrew
Griffith, Christopher
A process for recovering lithium phosphate and lithium sulfate from a lithium-bearing silicate is described. The process includes adding from 800 kg/t to 1600 kg/t of sulfuric acid to a slurry of the lithium-bearing silicate and from 40 kg/t to 600 kg/t of a source of fluoride to produce a leach mixture and heating said leach mixture. A lithium-bearing solution is then separated from the leach mixture and its pH is increased sequentially to pH 3.5 to 4, pH 5.5 to 6 then pH 10.5 to 11 to precipitate, respectively, a first, second and third set of impurities therefrom. The first, second and third sets of impurities are separated from the lithium-bearing solution and lime is added to maintain a soluble Ca concentration of at least 30 mg/L. The lithium-bearing solution is then softened by adding a two sequential amounts of phosphate to precipitate fluorapatite and apatite, respectively. A third amount of phosphate is added to produce a lithium phosphate precipitate which is then separated. The separated lithium phosphate precipitate is then digested in sulphuric acid to produce a digestion mixture from which a lithium sulfate precipitate is separated. An alkali metal hydroxide is added to the separated solution to produce an alkali metal phosphate solution and this is recycled for use as phosphate in the process.
Boardman, David
Guenette, Mathew
Flynn, Alison
Sarbutt, Adam
Chartier, Lachlan
Ilter, Jayden
Prokopovich, Dale
Watt, Geoff
A mask for use in compressed sensing of incoming radiation, the mask comprising: a body formed of a material that modulates an intensity of incoming radiation of interest. The body has a plurality of mask aperture regions, each comprising at least one mask aperture that allows a higher transmission of the radiation relative to other portions of the respective mask aperture region, the relative transmission being sufficient to allow reconstruction of the compressed sensing measurements; the mask has one or more axes of rotational symmetry with respect to the mask aperture regions; the mask apertures have a shape that provides symmetry after a rotation about the one or more axes of rotational symmetry; and mutual coherence of a sensing matrix generated by the rotation of the respective mask aperture regions is less than one. An imaging system for compressed sensing of incoming radiation comprising such a mask is also provided.
G01T 1/29 - Mesure effectuée sur des faisceaux de radiations, p. ex. sur la position ou la section du faisceauMesure de la distribution spatiale de radiations
Boardman, David
Guenette, Mathew
Flynn, Alison
Sarbutt, Adam
Chartier, Lachlan
Ilter, Jayden
Prokopovich, Dale
Watt, Geoff
A mask for use in compressed sensing of incoming radiation, the mask comprising: a body formed of a material that modulates an intensity of incoming radiation of interest. The body has a plurality of mask aperture regions, each comprising at least one mask aperture that allows a higher transmission of the radiation relative to other portions of the respective mask aperture region, the relative transmission being sufficient to allow reconstruction of the compressed sensing measurements; the mask has one or more axes of rotational symmetry with respect to the mask aperture regions; the mask apertures have a shape that provides symmetry after a rotation about the one or more axes of rotational symmetry; and mutual coherence of a sensing matrix generated by the rotation of the respective mask aperture regions is less than one. An imaging system for compressed sensing of incoming radiation comprising such a mask is also provided.
G01T 1/29 - Mesure effectuée sur des faisceaux de radiations, p. ex. sur la position ou la section du faisceauMesure de la distribution spatiale de radiations
Safavi-Naeini, Mitra
Chacon, Andrew Stephen
An irradiation method and system for irradiating a target volume, the method comprising: providing thermal neutron absorbing nuclides (such as in the form of a high neutron cross-section agent) at the target volume; and producing neutrons by irradiating nuclei in or adjacent to the target volume with a beam of particles consisting of any one or more of protons, deuterons, tritons and heavy ions, thereby prompting production of the neutrons through non-elastic collisions between the atoms in the path of the beam (including the target) and the particles. The neutron absorbing nuclides absorb neutrons produced in the non-elastic collisions, thereby producing capture products or fragments that irradiate the target volume.
A61N 5/10 - RadiothérapieTraitement aux rayons gammaTraitement par irradiation de particules
A61N 5/01 - Dispositifs pour produire le mouvement de la source de radiation pendant la thérapie
G21G 1/04 - Dispositions pour la conversion des éléments chimiques par rayonnement électromagnétique, radiations corpusculaires ou bombardement par des particules, p. ex. production d'isotopes radioactifs à l'extérieur des réacteurs nucléaires ou des accélérateurs de particules
01 - Produits chimiques destinés à l'industrie, aux sciences ainsi qu'à l'agriculture
05 - Produits pharmaceutiques, vétérinaires et hygièniques
06 - Métaux communs et minerais; objets en métal
40 - Traitement de matériaux; recyclage, purification de l'air et traitement de l'eau
41 - Éducation, divertissements, activités sportives et culturelles
42 - Services scientifiques, technologiques et industriels, recherche et conception
Produits et services
Chemicals and chemical reagents for use in industry, science
and research; biochemical and biological preparations for
use in industry, science and research; chemical preparations
for scientific purposes; chemical products for
radiolabelling; radioactive elements, isotopes, preparations
and reagents for industrial, research and scientific
purposes; radioactive preparations for use in industry,
science and research; radioactive preparations for diagnosis
for scientific purposes; radionuclides for use in industry,
science and research; radioactive substances from a
radionuclide generator for exclusive use in nuclear
medicine, research and development. Pharmaceuticals; pharmaceutical preparations; pharmaceutical
preparations and substances; chemical substances and
preparations including radioactive substances for medical
purposes and research and development; radiopharmaceuticals;
radionuclide generator [medicines]; radioactive substances
from a radionuclide generator for exclusive use in nuclear
medicine. Metal cans. Waste treatment services; waste processing services; waste
disposal services; waste conditioning services; irradiation
services. Education and training services; education and training
services in the fields of nuclear materials, occupational
health and safety, science and technology, computing,
nuclear medicine and related matters. Scientific and technological services and research and
design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research
services; consultancy and advisory services in relation to
all the aforesaid services.
Griffith, Chris
The present specification relates to a method for removing actinium from process liquors comprising ions of interest (which may be, for example, rare earth ions) and actinium ions. In this method, a low solubility metal sulfate salt is caused to precipitate from a solution comprising ions of interest and actinium ions. Actinium ions become associated with the precipitate causing them to be removed from the solution. The method allows actinium to be removed from the solution selectively i.e. without the concurrent removal of substantial amounts of the ions of interest present in the solution.
C22B 3/12 - Extraction de composés métalliques par voie humide à partir de minerais ou de concentrés par lixiviation dans des solutions inorganiques alcalines
Griffith, Chris
The present specification relates to a method for removing actinium from process liquors comprising ions of interest (which may be, for example, rare earth ions) and actinium ions. In this method, a low solubility metal sulfate salt is caused to precipitate from a solution comprising ions of interest and actinium ions. Actinium ions become associated with the precipitate causing them to be removed from the solution. The method allows actinium to be removed from the solution selectively i.e. without the concurrent removal of substantial amounts of the ions of interest present in the solution.
C22B 3/12 - Extraction de composés métalliques par voie humide à partir de minerais ou de concentrés par lixiviation dans des solutions inorganiques alcalines
C22B 60/00 - Obtention des métaux ayant un nombre atomique de 87 ou plus, c.-à-d. métaux radioactifs
40 - Traitement de matériaux; recyclage, purification de l'air et traitement de l'eau
01 - Produits chimiques destinés à l'industrie, aux sciences ainsi qu'à l'agriculture
05 - Produits pharmaceutiques, vétérinaires et hygièniques
06 - Métaux communs et minerais; objets en métal
41 - Éducation, divertissements, activités sportives et culturelles
42 - Services scientifiques, technologiques et industriels, recherche et conception
Produits et services
Waste treatment services; waste processing services; waste disposal services, namely, waste destruction; waste conditioning services, namely, decontamination of hazardous waste; irradiation services for food, electronics and the production of radioactive sources Chemicals and chemical reagents for use in industry, science and research; biochemical and biological preparations for use in industry, science and research; chemical preparations for scientific purposes; radioactive elements, isotopes, preparations and reagents for industrial, research and scientific purposes; radioactive preparations for use in industry, science and research; radioactive preparations for diagnosis for scientific purposes; radionuclides for use in industry, science and research Pharmaceuticals, pharmaceutical preparations and substances, namely, radioactive substances for diagnostic use in nuclear medicine and use in nuclear medicine; chemical substances and preparations, namely, radioactive substances for medical purposes; radiopharmaceuticals for use in vivo diagnostic or therapeutic use; medicines from a radionuclide generator, namely, radio-isotope markers for therapeutic or diagnostic use; radioactive substances from a radionuclide generator for exclusive use in nuclear medicine Metal cans Education and training services, namely, providing classes, seminars and workshops in the fields of nuclear materials, occupational health and safety, science and technology, computing, nuclear medicine, radioactive waste management, nuclear science and technology and radiation safety Scientific and technological services, namely, research and design in the fields of nuclear medicine, nuclear science, radiological chemicals, environmental research, human health, minerals and materials design; industrial analysis and research services in the fields of nuclear medicine, nuclear science, radiological chemicals, environmental research, human health, minerals and materials design; consultancy and advisory services in the fields of nuclear medicine, nuclear science, radiological chemicals, environmental research, human health, minerals and materials design
Stanton, Cameron
Lawson, John
Freeman, Paul
Burling, Suzanne
A process for converting lithium phosphate into a low-phosphate lithium solution, comprising: Dissolving the lithium phosphate in acid to form a solution; treating the solution with a metal hydroxide to form a precipitate of metal phosphate; and separating the precipitate, leaving a low phosphate lithium solution.
C22B 3/06 - Extraction de composés métalliques par voie humide à partir de minerais ou de concentrés par lixiviation dans des solutions inorganiques acides
C22B 3/20 - Traitement ou purification de solutions, p. ex. de solutions obtenues par lixiviation
G01T 1/29 - Mesure effectuée sur des faisceaux de radiations, p. ex. sur la position ou la section du faisceauMesure de la distribution spatiale de radiations
G21K 1/02 - Dispositions pour manipuler des particules ou des rayonnements ionisants, p. ex. pour focaliser ou pour modérer utilisant des diaphragmes, des collimateurs
G01T 1/161 - Applications au domaine de la médecine nucléaire, p. ex. comptage in vivo
G01T 1/167 - Mesure du contenu radioactif des objets, p. ex. contamination
G01V 5/00 - Prospection ou détection au moyen de rayonnement ionisant, p. ex. de la radioactivité naturelle ou provoquée
G21K 1/10 - Dispositifs de diffusionDispositifs d'absorption
G21K 5/10 - Dispositifs d'irradiation pourvus de dispositions permettant un mouvement relatif entre la source du rayonnement et l'objet à irradier
G01N 23/00 - Recherche ou analyse des matériaux par l'utilisation de rayonnement [ondes ou particules], p. ex. rayons X ou neutrons, non couvertes par les groupes , ou
G21K 1/12 - Dispositifs d'absorption par résonance ou dispositifs de commande à cet effet, p. ex. pour les dispositifs à effet Mössbauer
G21K 5/10 - Dispositifs d'irradiation pourvus de dispositions permettant un mouvement relatif entre la source du rayonnement et l'objet à irradier
G21K 1/12 - Dispositifs d'absorption par résonance ou dispositifs de commande à cet effet, p. ex. pour les dispositifs à effet Mössbauer
G01N 23/00 - Recherche ou analyse des matériaux par l'utilisation de rayonnement [ondes ou particules], p. ex. rayons X ou neutrons, non couvertes par les groupes , ou
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization (Australie)
Boardman, David
Described herein is a method of processing a gamma ray spectrum acquired from a target. The method comprises determining whether the gamma ray spectrum of the target belongs to a first class of a plurality of classes, the first class containing reference gamma ray spectra of one or more radionuclide sources of interest, using optimal loading coefficients associated with the one or more radionuclide sources of interest, wherein the optimal loading coefficients have been obtained using Fisher linear discriminant analysis, and generating an output signal dependent on the determining.
G01T 1/36 - Mesure de la distribution spectrale des rayons X ou d'une radiation nucléaire
G01V 5/00 - Prospection ou détection au moyen de rayonnement ionisant, p. ex. de la radioactivité naturelle ou provoquée
G01N 23/00 - Recherche ou analyse des matériaux par l'utilisation de rayonnement [ondes ou particules], p. ex. rayons X ou neutrons, non couvertes par les groupes , ou
Middleton, Ryan
Banati, Richard
Liu, Guo Jun
The present invention relates to transgenic animal models. Specifically, the present invention relates to transgenic animal models for applications associated with TSPO-related normal physiology, diseases and disorders. The present invention features a transgenic nonhuman animal comprising cells with at least one copy of a non-functional, endogenous TSPO gene. Also disclosed are compounds for investigating or modulating TSPO-related functions.
A61P 25/28 - Médicaments pour le traitement des troubles du système nerveux des troubles dégénératifs du système nerveux central, p. ex. agents nootropes, activateurs de la cognition, médicaments pour traiter la maladie d'Alzheimer ou d'autres formes de démence
A61K 31/437 - Composés hétérocycliques ayant l'azote comme hétéro-atome d'un cycle, p. ex. guanéthidine ou rifamycines ayant des cycles à six chaînons avec un azote comme seul hétéro-atome d'un cycle condensés en ortho ou en péri avec des systèmes hétérocycliques le système hétérocyclique contenant un cycle à cinq chaînons ayant l'azote comme hétéro-atome du cycle, p. ex. indolizine, bêta-carboline
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (Australie)
Moricca, Salvatore
Bermudez, Walter Guillermo
Murray, Allan Grant
The present invention provides systems, methods and devices for storing and/or disposing of hazardous waste material such as calcined material. In certain embodiments, the system comprises a filling nozzle having a valve body having a distal end and an outer surface, the outer surface proximate the distal end being configured to sealingly and removeably couple to an inner surface of a filling port of the container. In certain embodiments, the method comprises (a) coupling an outer surface of a filling nozzle with an inner surface of a filling port of a container to form a first seal (b) adding hazardous waste material into the container (c) decoupling the filling port from the filling nozzle and (d) inserting a fill plug into the filling port, the fill plug forming a second seal with the inner surface of the filling port, the second seal being distally spaced from at least a portion of the first seal with respect to the container.
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (Australie)
Bermudez, Walter Guillermo
Moricca, Salvatore
Murray, Allan Grant
The present invention provides systems, methods and devices for storing and/or disposing of hazardous waste material. In some embodiments, the waste material includes nuclear waste such as calcined material. In certain embodiments, the device includes a container having a container body, a filling port configured to couple with a filling nozzle and a filling plug, and an evacuation port having a filter. The evacuation port is configured to couple with an evacuation nozzle and an evacuation plug. In certain embodiments, the method includes (a) adding hazardous waste material via a filling nozzle coupled to a filling port of a container, the container including an evacuation port, (b) evacuating the container during adding of the hazardous waste material via an evacuation nozzle coupled to an evacuation port of the container, (c) sealing the filling port, (d) heating the container, and (e) sealing the evacuation port.
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (Australie)
The Australian National University (Australie)
Smith, Suzanne Virginia
Mume, Eskender
Perkins, Gary James
Disclosed herein is a method for coupling a first compound having the formula (I) with a second compound that contains a carbonyl group. Also disclosed herein are compounds that can be formed by this method, and uses for such compounds.
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (Australie)
Moricca, Salvatore
Bermudez, Walter Guillermo
Murray, Allan Grant
A modularized system for processing, storing and/or disposing of a hazardous waste material is described. In one exemplary embodiment, the modularized system includes a container configured to sealingly contain hazardous waste material; a first cell, the first cell comprising a first area for manipulating the container; and a second cell, the second cell comprising a second area for manipulating the container. The second cell is isolated from the first cell. The first cell is held at a first pressure and the second cell held at a second pressure, the first pressure being less than the second pressure. An interlock couples the first cell to the second cell. The first cell, second cell and interlock are configured to allow the container to be transferred from the first cell to the second cell while maintaining at least one seal between the first cell and the second cell.
G21F 5/015 - Récipients blindés portatifs ou transportables pour le stockage de sources radioactives, p. ex. supports de sources pour unités d'irradiationRécipients pour radio-isotopes
G21F 7/005 - Passages blindés à travers les paroisVerrouillagesDispositifs de transfert entre chambres
G21F 7/015 - Dispositifs de commande de l'atmosphère dans la chambre, de la température ou de la pression
G21F 9/36 - Moyens de se débarrasser des résidus solides par empaquetageMoyens de se débarrasser des résidus solides par mise en balles
G21F 9/22 - Moyens de se débarrasser des résidus liquides par stockage dans une cuve ou un autre récipient
B09B 3/00 - Destruction de déchets solides ou transformation de déchets solides en quelque chose d'utile ou d'inoffensif
G21F 5/14 - Dispositifs spécialement adaptés à la manipulation de récipients ou de barils, p. ex. dispositifs de transport
G21F 7/06 - Combinaison structurelle avec un appareil télécommandé, p. ex. avec manipulateurs
G21F 5/002 - Récipients pour déchets radioactifs fluides
G21F 5/005 - Récipients pour déchets radioactifs solides, p. ex. pour le stockage final
Boardman, David
Described herein is a method of processing a gamma ray spectrum acquired from a target. The method comprises determining whether the gamma ray spectrum of the target belongs to a first class of a plurality of classes, the first class containing reference gamma ray spectra of one or more radionuclide sources of interest, using optimal loading coefficients associated with the one or more radionuclide sources of interest, wherein the optimal loading coefficients have been obtained using Fisher linear discriminant analysis, and generating an output signal dependent on the determining.
G01T 1/167 - Mesure du contenu radioactif des objets, p. ex. contamination
G01N 23/00 - Recherche ou analyse des matériaux par l'utilisation de rayonnement [ondes ou particules], p. ex. rayons X ou neutrons, non couvertes par les groupes , ou
G06F 17/00 - Équipement ou méthodes de traitement de données ou de calcul numérique, spécialement adaptés à des fonctions spécifiques
Boardman, David
Described herein is a method of processing a gamma ray spectrum acquired from a target. The method comprises determining whether the gamma ray spectrum of the target belongs to a first class of a plurality of classes, the first class containing reference gamma ray spectra of one or more radionuclide sources of interest, using optimal loading coefficients associated with the one or more radionuclide sources of interest, wherein the optimal loading coefficients have been obtained using Fisher linear discriminant analysis, and generating an output signal dependent on the determining.
G01T 1/167 - Mesure du contenu radioactif des objets, p. ex. contamination
G01N 23/00 - Recherche ou analyse des matériaux par l'utilisation de rayonnement [ondes ou particules], p. ex. rayons X ou neutrons, non couvertes par les groupes , ou
Smith, Suzanne Virginia
Mume, Eskender
Perkins, Gary
Disclosed herein is a method for coupling a first compound having the formula (I) with a second compound that contains a carbonyl group. Also disclosed herein are compounds that can be formed by this method, and uses for such compounds.
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (Australie)
Reinhard, Mark
Boardman, David
Described herein is a method for determining the presence or absence of anomalous radioactive materials in a target in a detection zone. In the method, a target gamma ray spectrum is obtained from the target and a target data set is prepared from the target gamma ray spectrum. This data set comprise a plurality of intensity values, each intensity value being associated with an energy bin representing a gamma ray energy or range of gamma ray energies in the target gamma ray spectrum. The target data set is then pre-processed and projected into a principal component space which contains a pre-processed data library projected into the principal component space. A distance is then determined between the projected pre-processed target data set and one or more clusters of the projected pre-processed data library in the principal component space and this distance is compared with a predetermined threshold distance so as to determine if an anomalous radioactive material is present in the target.
Moricca, Salvatore
Bermudez, Walter Guillermo
Murray, Allan Grant
A modularized system for processing, storing and/or disposing of a hazardous waste material is described. In one exemplary embodiment, the modularized system includes a container configured to sealingly contain hazardous waste material; a first cell, the first cell comprising a first area for manipulating the container; and a second cell, the second cell comprising a second area for manipulating the container, the second cell being isolated from the first cell, the first cell held at a first pressure and the second cell held at a second pressure, the first pressure being less than the second pressure. The first cell can include a filling station and the filling station can include (a) a blender configured to mix the hazardous waste material with additives; (b) a hopper coupled to the blender; and (c) a fill nozzle coupled to the hopper and configured to transfer the hazardous waste material and additive mixture into the container. The filling station may further include an off-gas sub-system having a vacuum nozzle configured to couple to the container. The second cell can include a baking and sealing station configured to seal a filling port of the container. The baking and sealing station can include a welding station, a bake-out furnace and an off-gas system having a vacuum nozzle configured to couple to the container. The system may include a third cell and a fourth cell, the third cell being isolated from the first cell and the second cell, the second cell and third cell configured to allow the container to be transferred from the second cell to the third cell. The fourth cell being isolated from the first cell, the second cell and the third cell, the third cell and fourth cell configured to allow the container to be transferred from the third cell to the fourth cell.
Moricca, Salvatore
Bermudez, Walter Guillermo
Murray, Allan Grant
The present invention provides systems, methods and devices for storing and/or disposing of hazardous waste material such as calcined material. In certain embodiments, the system comprises a filling nozzle having a valve body having a distal end and an outer surface, the outer surface proximate the distal end being configured to sealingly and removeably couple to an inner surface of a filling port of the container. In certain embodiments, the method comprises (a) coupling an outer surface of a filling nozzle with an inner surface of a filling port of a container to form a first seal (b) adding hazardous waste material into the container (c) decoupling the filling port from the filling nozzle and (d) inserting a fill plug into the filling port, the fill plug forming a second seal with the inner surface of the filling port, the second seal being distally spaced from at least a portion of the first seal with respect to the container.
Moricca, Salvatore
Bermudez, Walter, Guillermo
Murray, Allan, Grant
A modularized system for processing, storing and/or disposing of a hazardous waste material is described. In one exemplary embodiment, the modularized system includes a container configured to sealingly contain hazardous waste material; a first cell, the first cell comprising a first area for manipulating the container; and a second cell, the second cell comprising a second area for manipulating the container, the second cell being isolated from the first cell, the first cell held at a first pressure and the second cell held at a second pressure, the first pressure being less than the second pressure. The first cell can include a filling station and the filling station can include (a) a blender configured to mix the hazardous waste material with additives; (b) a hopper coupled to the blender; and (c) a fill nozzle coupled to the hopper and configured to transfer the hazardous waste material and additive mixture into the container. The filling station may further include an off-gas sub-system having a vacuum nozzle configured to couple to the container. The second cell can include a baking and sealing station configured to seal a filling port of the container. The baking and sealing station can include a welding station, a bake-out furnace and an off-gas system having a vacuum nozzle configured to couple to the container. The system may include a third cell and a fourth cell, the third cell being isolated from the first cell and the second cell, the second cell and third cell configured to allow the container to be transferred from the second cell to the third cell. The fourth cell being isolated from the first cell, the second cell and the third cell, the third cell and fourth cell configured to allow the container to be transferred from the third cell to the fourth cell.
Bermudez, Walter Guillermo
Moricca, Salvatore
Murray, Allan Grant
The present invention provides systems, methods and devices for storing and/or disposing of hazardous waste material. In some embodiments, the waste material includes nuclear waste such as calcined material. In certain embodiments, the device includes a container having a container body, a filling port configured to couple with a filling nozzle and a filling plug, and an evacuation port having a filter. The evacuation port is configured to couple with an evacuation nozzle and an evacuation plug. In certain embodiments, the method includes (a) adding hazardous waste material via a filling nozzle coupled to a filling port of a container, the container including an evacuation port, (b) evacuating the container during adding of the hazardous waste material via an evacuation nozzle coupled to an evacuation port of the container, (c) sealing the filling port, (d) heating the container, and (e) sealing the evacuation port.
Bermudez, Walter Guillermo
Moricca, Salvatore
Murray, Allan Grant
The container is for storing hazardous waste material. The container comprises a container body having an interior volume; a filling port in communication with the interior volume and configured to sealingly couple with a filling nozzle and a filling plug; and an evacuation port in communication with the interior volume and having a filter. The evacuation port is configured to sealingly couple with an evacuation nozzle and an evacuation plug, the evacuation port being able to sealingly couple with the evacuation nozzle whilst the filling port is sealingly coupled to the filing nozzle, to evacuate the interior volume during adding of hazardous waste material to the interior volume via the filling nozzle.
Bermudez, Walter, Guillermo
Moricca, Salvatore
Murray, Allan, Grant
The present invention provides systems, methods and devices for storing and/or disposing of hazardous waste material. In some embodiments, the waste material includes nuclear waste such as calcined material. In certain embodiments, the device includes a container having a container body, a filling port configured to couple with a filling nozzle and a filling plug, and an evacuation port having a filter. The evacuation port is configured to couple with an evacuation nozzle and an evacuation plug. In certain embodiments, the method includes (a) adding hazardous waste material via a filling nozzle coupled to a filling port of a container, the container including an evacuation port, (b) evacuating the container during adding of the hazardous waste material via an evacuation nozzle coupled to an evacuation port of the container, (c) sealing the filling port, (d) heating the container, and (e) sealing the evacuation port.
Moricca, Salvatore
Bermudez, Walter, Guillermo
Murray, Allan, Grant
The present invention provides systems, methods and devices for storing and/or disposing of hazardous waste material such as calcined material. In certain embodiments, the system comprises a filling nozzle having a valve body having a distal end and an outer surface, the outer surface proximate the distal end being configured to sealingly and removeably couple to an inner surface of a filling port of the container. In certain embodiments, the method comprises (a) coupling an outer surface of a filling nozzle with an inner surface of a filling port of a container to form a first seal (b) adding hazardous waste material into the container (c) decoupling the filling port from the filling nozzle and (d) inserting a fill plug into the filling port, the fill plug forming a second seal with the inner surface of the filling port, the second seal being distally spaced from at least a portion of the first seal with respect to the container.
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization (Australie)
Blagojevic, Ned
Creagh, Dudley
The invention provides a test device for assessing the detection capability of an X-ray system with a medium and/or large tunnel size. The device comprises a support and at least one test module mounted on the support. The device may optionally also comprise a stand which holds the support at a predetermined angle to the horizontal. The test module, or at least one of the test modules, is capable of being used in a test for an aspect of the detection capability.
Rorke, Gary, Vernon
Ring, Robert, John
Gee, Anthony, Robert
Garrard, Neil
Kittelty, Daniel, Arthur
Liebezeit, Vanessa, Gaye
Bojcevski, David
A process for leaching uranium from a refractory uraniferous mineral including the step of treating a slurry containing said uraniferous mineral and ferrous ions in a reactor with an acid and an oxidant to increase the ORP in the reactor to a value of at least 550m V vs Ag/Ag Cl reference electrode in order to oxidise the ferrous ions to ferric ions, which are used to oxidise said refractory uraniferous mineral and contribute to leaching of uranium from said uraniferous mineral,wherein the slurry has an elevated total dissolved iron content.
C22B 3/06 - Extraction de composés métalliques par voie humide à partir de minerais ou de concentrés par lixiviation dans des solutions inorganiques acides
C22B 60/02 - Obtention du thorium, de l'uranium ou des autres actinides
Le, Van So
A method is described for obtaining purified 68Ga. The method comprises eluting 68Ga from a sorbent in and/or on which are sorbed 68Ga and 68Ge, so as to generate a crude 68Ga solution. The sorbent should have a higher affinity for 68Ge than for 68Ga. The crude 68Ga solution is then applied to a medium cation exchange resin, and the resin is eluted with an aqueous alcohol so as to retain the 68Ga on the resin and remove unwanted species from the resin. The resin is then eluted with an eluent, which may be an acidic solution, an alkaline solution or a solution of a species capable of complexing 68Ga ions, so as to obtain an eluate comprising purified 68Ga ions.
C01G 15/00 - Composés du gallium, de l'indium ou du thallium
B01D 15/10 - Adsorption sélective, p. ex. chromatographie caractérisée par des caractéristiques de structure ou de fonctionnement
B01J 20/06 - Compositions absorbantes ou adsorbantes solides ou compositions facilitant la filtrationAbsorbants ou adsorbants pour la chromatographieProcédés pour leur préparation, régénération ou réactivation contenant une substance inorganique contenant des oxydes ou des hydroxydes des métaux non prévus dans le groupe
B01D 15/04 - Procédés de séparation comportant le traitement de liquides par des adsorbants ou des absorbants solidesAppareillages pour ces procédés par des substances échangeuses d'ions comme adsorbants
B01D 15/26 - Adsorption sélective, p. ex. chromatographie caractérisée par le mécanisme de séparation
B01J 39/00 - Échange de cationsUtilisation d'une substance comme échangeur de cationsTraitement d'une substance en vue d'améliorer ses propriétés d'échange de cations
B01D 15/08 - Adsorption sélective, p. ex. chromatographie
B01D 15/38 - Adsorption sélective, p. ex. chromatographie caractérisée par le mécanisme de séparation impliquant une interaction spécifique non couverte par un ou plusieurs des groupes , p. ex. chromatographie d'affinité, chromatographie d'échange par ligand ou chromatographie chirale
Le, Van So
A sorbent for sorbing radioactive ions is described. The sorbent comprises a porous crystalline powder of a metal oxide or mixed metal oxide. A process for making the sorbent comprises the steps of reacting a metal halide or a mixture of metal halides and an alcohol to form a gel; heating the gel to form a particulate material; exposing the particulate material to an oxidant to form a powder; and heating the powder to a temperature sufficient to at least partially melt or sinter particles of the powder so as to form the sorbent.
B01J 20/28 - Compositions absorbantes ou adsorbantes solides ou compositions facilitant la filtrationAbsorbants ou adsorbants pour la chromatographieProcédés pour leur préparation, régénération ou réactivation caractérisées par leur forme ou leurs propriétés physiques
B01D 15/00 - Procédés de séparation comportant le traitement de liquides par des adsorbants ou des absorbants solidesAppareillages pour ces procédés
A61K 51/00 - Préparations contenant des substances radioactives utilisées pour la thérapie ou pour l'examen in vivo
B01J 20/00 - Compositions absorbantes ou adsorbantes solides ou compositions facilitant la filtrationAbsorbants ou adsorbants pour la chromatographieProcédés pour leur préparation, régénération ou réactivation
Reinhard, Mark
Boardman, David
Described herein is a method for determining the presence or absence of anomalous radioactive materials in a target in a detection zone. In the method, a target gamma ray spectrum is obtained from the target and a target data set is prepared from the target gamma ray spectrum. This data set comprise a plurality of intensity values, each intensity value being associated with an energy bin representing a gamma ray energy or range of gamma ray energies in the target gamma ray spectrum. The target data set is then pre- processed and projected into a principal component space which contains a pre-processed data library projected into the principal component space. A distance is then determined between the projected pre-processed target data set and one or more clusters of the projected pre-processed data library in the principal component space and this distance is compared with a predetermined threshold distance so as to determine if an anomalous radioactive material is present in the target.
G01T 1/167 - Mesure du contenu radioactif des objets, p. ex. contamination
G01N 23/00 - Recherche ou analyse des matériaux par l'utilisation de rayonnement [ondes ou particules], p. ex. rayons X ou neutrons, non couvertes par les groupes , ou
Barbe, Christophe, Jean, Alexandre
Finnie, Kim, Suzanne
A method is described for delivering a species to a liquid, whereby porous particles are exposed to a condition such that the species is rapidly released into the liquid. Each of the porous particles comprises an agglomeration of primary particles so that outer surfaces of said primary particles define pores of said porous particles. The primary particles comprise silica and the species is disposed in the pores of the porous particles.
B01J 13/00 - Chimie des colloïdes, p. ex. production de substances colloïdales ou de leurs solutions, non prévue ailleursFabrication de microcapsules ou de microbilles
C01B 33/14 - Silice colloïdale, p. ex. sous forme de dispersions, gels, sols
C01B 37/00 - Composés ayant des propriétés de tamis moléculaires mais n'ayant pas de propriétés d'échangeurs de base
C01B 39/00 - Composés ayant des propriétés de tamis moléculaires et d'échangeurs de base, p. ex. zéolites cristallinesLeur préparationPost-traitement, p. ex. échange d'ions ou extraction de l'aluminium
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (Australie)
Moricca, Salvatore
A container to be received in a processing apparatus to subject the container to heat and/or pressure. The container is adapted to receive and contain a substance that includes nuclear material. The container includes a hollow body having an interior within which the substance is to be located. The body includes an opening through which the substance can be moved with respect to the interior. A lid is removably attached to the body to close the opening. At least one filter allows fluid flow into and from the interior. The body and lid hermetically seal the interior except for the at least one filter.
Blagojevic, Ned
Creagh, Dudley
The invention provides a test device for assessing the detection capability of an X-ray system with a medium and/or large tunnel size. The device comprises a support and at least one test module mounted on the support. The device may optionally also comprise a stand which holds the support at a predetermined angle to the horizontal. The test module, or at least one of the test modules, is capable of being used in a test for an aspect of the detection capability.
Soldenhoff, Karin
The invention relates to a method for recovering gold from an acid digest of a gold-containing copper anode slime. The acid digest is selectively extracted with an alcohol having low miscibility with water. Gold is then recovered from the resulting alcoholic extract.
C22B 3/20 - Traitement ou purification de solutions, p. ex. de solutions obtenues par lixiviation
C22B 3/26 - Traitement ou purification de solutions, p. ex. de solutions obtenues par lixiviation par extraction liquide-liquide utilisant des composés organiques
C22B 3/44 - Traitement ou purification de solutions, p. ex. de solutions obtenues par lixiviation par des procédés chimiques
C25C 1/00 - Production, récupération ou affinage électrolytique des métaux par électrolyse de solutions
C22B 7/00 - Mise en œuvre de matériaux autres que des minerais, p. ex. des rognures, pour produire des métaux non ferreux ou leurs composés
Taylor, Anthony, Patrick, Andrew
The present invention discloses a membrane, optionally for use in sewage treatment. The membrane comprises a support membrane having a gas face biolayer on a gas face of the membrane and/or in the support membrane near the gas face, and a liquid face biolayer on a liquid face of the membrane and/or in the support membrane near the liquid face.
Moricca, Salvatore
A container (10) within which there is located a canister (11) to be filled with a mixture of powdered nuclear material and powered metal or ceramic or glass or mixtures thereof. The contents of the canister (11) are to be subjected to a raised temperature and pressure to form a dense monolith. The canister (11) includes a hollow body (12) having longitudinal opposite end walls (13 and 14), with the end wall (14) having an opening (18) closed by a lid (17), the lid (17) providing the end wall (14). A filter (20) is located in the lid (17).
Finnie, Kim Suzanne
Barbe, Christophe Jean-Alexandre
Kong, Linggen
A process for making particles comprising a hydrophobic dopant for subsequent release therefrom is disclosed. The process comprises providing an emulsion comprising a hydrophilic phase and a hydrophobic phase dispersed in the hydrophilic phase, and reacting the precursor material to form the particles comprising the dopant therein. The hydrophobic phase comprises a precursor material and the dopant.
A61K 9/66 - Préparations en capsules, p. ex. de gélatine, de chocolat du type à libération prolongée ou discontinue contenant des émulsions, dispersions ou solutions
Kong, Linggen
Barbe, Christophe, Jean, Alexandre
Finnie, Kim, Suzanne
A process for preparing particles having a hydrophobic material therein is disclosed. The process comprises providing a multiple emulsion comprising a first emulsion dispersed in a hydrophobic medium, said first emulsion comprising a hydrophobic phase dispersed in a hydrophilic phase, wherein the hydrophobic phase comprises the hydrophobic material and the hydrophilic phase comprises a precursor which is capable of reacting to form a non-fluid matrix and reacting the precursor in the multiple emulsion to form the matrix in the form of the particles having the hydrophobic material therein wherein the precursor is added prior to formation of the multiple emulsion. Also disclosed are particles having a hydrophobic material therein, which may be releasable, as well as particles having a hydrophobic material therein, which may be releasable, made by the process and methods of using the particles.
A61K 9/66 - Préparations en capsules, p. ex. de gélatine, de chocolat du type à libération prolongée ou discontinue contenant des émulsions, dispersions ou solutions
A61K 47/34 - Composés macromoléculaires obtenus par des réactions autres que celles faisant intervenir uniquement des liaisons non saturées carbone-carbone, p. ex. polyesters, acides polyaminés, polysiloxanes, polyphosphazines, copolymères de polyalkylène glycol ou de poloxamères
Finnie, Kim, Suzanne
Barbe, Christophe, Jean, Alexandre
Kong, Linggen
A process for making particles comprising a hydrophobic dopant for subsequent release therefrom is disclosed. The process comprises providing an emulsion comprising a hydrophilic phase and a hydrophobic phase dispersed in the hydrophilic phase, and reacting the precursor material to form the particles comprising the dopant therein. The hydrophobic phase comprises a precursor material and the dopant.
A61K 9/66 - Préparations en capsules, p. ex. de gélatine, de chocolat du type à libération prolongée ou discontinue contenant des émulsions, dispersions ou solutions
A61K 47/34 - Composés macromoléculaires obtenus par des réactions autres que celles faisant intervenir uniquement des liaisons non saturées carbone-carbone, p. ex. polyesters, acides polyaminés, polysiloxanes, polyphosphazines, copolymères de polyalkylène glycol ou de poloxamères
Inorganic ion exchangers for removing contaminant metal ions from liquid streams
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (Australie)
Luca, Vittorio
2O where M is one or more metals of Group Vb or VIb of the Periodic Table; A is a cation selected from the group consisting of alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, silver, ammonium, hydrogen and mixtures thereof; n is the charge on the cation A; B is one or more elements selected from the group consisting of W, Zr, Mo, V, Ti, Fe, Ce, Sb, Nb, Mn, Co, Cr, Fe, Ta, Sn and Cu, provided that M and B are different; x represents the quantity of framework charge; y is a number in the range of O to about 0.5; Z is a number in the range O to 3; and 3+δ indicates the oxygen stoichiometry. Preferably, y is greater than zero.