Sunstar Joint Stock Company

Viet Nam

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Classe IPC
A61K 36/076 - Poria 3
A61K 36/18 - Magnoliophyta (angiospermes) 3
A61K 36/232 - Angelica 3
A61K 36/484 - Glycyrrhiza (réglisse) 3
A61K 36/54 - Lauraceae (famille du laurier), p. ex. cannelle ou sassafras 3
Voir plus
Classe NICE
05 - Produits pharmaceutiques, vétérinaires et hygièniques 9
03 - Produits cosmétiques et préparations de toilette; préparations pour blanchir, nettoyer, polir et abraser. 8
10 - Appareils et instruments médicaux 2
35 - Publicité; Affaires commerciales 2
En Instance 3
Enregistré / En vigueur 13



Numéro d'application VN2022000004
Numéro de publication 2022/272314
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2022-06-21
Date de publication 2022-12-29
Inventeur(s) Nguyen, Thi Huong Lien


The present invention relates to a medicine composition for treatment of bone and joint diseases that has its ingredients (% by weight) as the dried extract of medicinal herbs: 40-75; tortoiseshell extract: 0.1-20; mixed bone extract: 0.1-20; deer antler extract: 0.1-20; salix alba extract: 5-25; nattokinase: 0.1-10; and Na- benzoate: 0-0.5, wherein the herbal medicine mixture comprises the ingredients of: Huang Bai (bark), Liquorice (root/rhizome), Hardy rubber tree (bark), Ox Knee (root), Fang Feng (root), Poria cocos wolf (fruit body), Chinese foxglove (rhizome), Sang Ji Sheng (whole tree), Gentian Root (root), Rhizoma Anemarrhena (rhizome), Peach blossom (blossom), Dried tangerine peel (peel), Chinese peony (root), Dangshen (root), Ginseng (root) Du Huo (root), Dongquai (root), Cinnamon (bough), Xi Xin (root, rhizome), Szechuan lovage (rhizome) and Dwarf umbrella tree (root). The present invention also relates to a process for producing medicine composition for treatment of bone and joint diseases mentioned above.

Classes IPC  ?

  • A61K 36/18 - Magnoliophyta (angiospermes)
  • A61K 35/32 - OsOstéocytesOstéoblastesTendonsTénocytesDentsOdontoblastesCartilageChondrocytesMembrane synoviale
  • A61K 35/586 - Tortues de merTortues, p. ex. terrapènes
  • A61K 36/076 - Poria
  • A61K 36/185 - Magnoliopsida (dicotylédones)
  • A61K 36/21 - Amaranthaceae (famille de l'amaranthe), p. ex. amaranthe réfléchie ou amarantine globuleuse
  • A61K 36/232 - Angelica
  • A61K 36/234 - Cnidium (snowparsley)
  • A61K 36/238 - Saphoshnikovia
  • A61K 36/25 - Araliaceae (famille du ginseng), p. ex. lierre, aralia, schefflera ou tétrapanax
  • A61K 36/258 - Panax (ginseng)
  • A61K 36/268 - Asarum (cabaret sauvage)
  • A61K 36/344 - Codonopsis
  • A61K 36/46 - Eucommiaceae (famille de l'eucomia), p. ex. gutta percha
  • A61K 36/484 - Glycyrrhiza (réglisse)
  • A61K 36/515 - Gentiana
  • A61K 36/54 - Lauraceae (famille du laurier), p. ex. cannelle ou sassafras
  • A61K 36/65 - Paeoniaceae (famille de la pivoine), p. ex. pivoine chinoise
  • A61K 36/736 - Prunus, p. ex. prune, cerise, pêche, abricot ou amande
  • A61K 36/752 - Citrus, p. ex. citron vert, orange ou citron
  • A61K 36/756 - Phellodendron, p. ex. chêne-liège
  • A61K 36/76 - Salicaceae (famille du saule), p. ex. peuplier
  • A61K 36/804 - Rehmannia
  • A61K 36/88 - Liliopsida (monocotylédones)
  • A61K 38/48 - Hydrolases (3) agissant sur des liaisons peptidiques (3.4)
  • A61P 19/00 - Médicaments pour le traitement des troubles du squelette
  • A61P 19/02 - Médicaments pour le traitement des troubles du squelette des troubles articulaires, p. ex. arthrites, arthroses



Numéro d'application VN2021000019
Numéro de publication 2022/094634
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2021-10-26
Date de publication 2022-05-05
Inventeur(s) Nguyen, Thi Huong Lien


(Huperzia sp.)( Rehmanniae glutinosae)( Ziziphi mauritibanae)( Asparagi cochinchinensis)( Platycladiorientalis)( Scrophulariae )( Ophiopogonis japonica)( Schisandrae ) ( Salviae miltiorrhizae)( Codonopsis pilosulae)( Polygalae )(Scrophulariae)(Poria)(Platycodigrandiflori) (Mucuna pruriens)( Polysciacis )(Folium Ginko biloba)(Folium Ginko biloba); dried nattokinase; and preservatives.

Classes IPC  ?

  • A61K 36/18 - Magnoliophyta (angiospermes)
  • A61K 36/076 - Poria
  • A61K 36/14 - Cupressaceae (famille du cyprès), p. ex. genévrier ou cyprès
  • A61K 36/232 - Angelica
  • A61K 36/346 - Platycodon
  • A61K 36/537 - Salvia (sauge)
  • A61K 36/69 - Polygalaceae (famille du polygale)
  • A61K 36/725 - Ziziphus, p. ex. jujube
  • A61K 36/79 - Schisandraceae (famille du Schisandra)
  • A61K 36/80 - Scrophulariaceae (famille de la scrofulaire)
  • A61K 36/804 - Rehmannia
  • A61K 36/896 - Liliaceae (famille du lis), p. ex. hémérocalle, hosta, jacinthe ou narcisse
  • A61K 36/8968 - Ophiopogon (Ophiopogon japonicus)
  • A61P 25/28 - Médicaments pour le traitement des troubles du système nerveux des troubles dégénératifs du système nerveux central, p. ex. agents nootropes, activateurs de la cognition, médicaments pour traiter la maladie d'Alzheimer ou d'autres formes de démence



Numéro d'application VN2021000017
Numéro de publication 2022/051781
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2021-08-30
Date de publication 2022-03-10
Inventeur(s) Nguyen, Thi Huong Lien


The present invention relates to preparations for preventing and treating viral respiratory diseases that comprises: a mixture of garlic oil - soybean oil with a ratio of 1:1; extract powders of the medicinal herbs selected from: Sheng Ma, Chinese peony, Liquorice, Pueraria lobata, Flos Lonicerae, Figwort, weeping forsythia, Mongolian milkvetch, Fang Feng and Bai Zhu; bovine colostrum; an oil mixture of Menthol, Eucalyptus essence oil, Star anise essential oil, Cinamon essential oil and Agarwood essential oil; and at least one of the excipients selected from gelatin, glyxerin, sorbitol, lexithin, palm oil, beeswax, vitamin E, aspartam, food colorings, titandioxyt, orange flavor, vanilin, milk flavor.

Classes IPC  ?

  • A61K 36/8962 - Allium, p. ex. oignon, poireau, ail ou ciboulette
  • A61K 31/045 - Composés hydroxylés, p. ex. alcoolsLeurs sels, p. ex. alcoolates
  • A61K 35/20 - LaitPetit-laitColostrum
  • A61K 36/18 - Magnoliophyta (angiospermes)
  • A61K 36/23 - Apiaceae ou Umbelliferae (famille de la carotte), p. ex. aneth, cerfeuil, coriandre ou cumin
  • A61K 36/284 - Atractylodes
  • A61K 36/355 - Lonicera (chèvrefeuille)
  • A61K 36/48 - Fabaceae ou Leguminosae (famille du pois ou des légumineuses)CaesalpiniaceaeMimosaceaePapilionaceae
  • A61K 36/481 - Astragalus (astragalus cicer)
  • A61K 36/484 - Glycyrrhiza (réglisse)
  • A61K 36/488 - Pueraria (kudzu)
  • A61K 36/54 - Lauraceae (famille du laurier), p. ex. cannelle ou sassafras
  • A61K 36/61 - Myrtaceae (famille du myrte), p. ex. cajeputier ou eucalyptus
  • A61K 36/634 - Forsythia
  • A61K 36/65 - Paeoniaceae (famille de la pivoine), p. ex. pivoine chinoise
  • A61K 36/71 - Ranunculaceae (famille du bouton d'or), p. ex. pied d'alouette, hépatique, hydrastis, ancolie
  • A61K 36/80 - Scrophulariaceae (famille de la scrofulaire)
  • A61K 36/808 - Scrophularia (Scrophularia nodus)
  • A61P 11/00 - Médicaments pour le traitement des troubles du système respiratoire



Numéro d'application VN2021000006
Numéro de publication 2021/203146
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2021-03-22
Date de publication 2021-10-07
Inventeur(s) Nguyen, Thi Huong Lien


The present invention relates to preparation pain-relieving rooted from natural herbs for preventing and treating thrombosis, wherein the preparation comprises the blood activating component including at least three of group medicinal herbs comprises: Nattokinase, Dangshen, Szechuan lovage, Safflower, Fo-Ti, Dongquai, E Jiao, Chinese peony, Medicinal leech, Earthworm; the qi-blood tonifying and drug delivering component including at least one of the medicinal herbs comprising: Ginseng, Bai Zhu, Dangshen, Jujube fruit, Notoginseng, Mongolian milkvetch, Liquorice, Peach blossom and Cinnamon; the bone tonifying and pain- relieving component including at least seven in the medicinal herbs comprising: Hardy rubber tree, Qian Nian Jian, Chinese Tinospora, Tu Fu-ling, Du Huo, Qiang Huo, Ox Knee, Large cocklebur, Ivy Tree, Strychnine tree, Fang Feng, Sang Ji Sheng, Gentian Root, St Paul's-wort, Gang Zhu, Tu Fu-ling, Fu-ling, Chinese foxglove, Chinese Foxglove, Ginger, Xi Xin, Bai Zhi and White willow, other species belonging to Salix; the neurotransmitters including at least one in the medicinal herbs comprising: Velvet bean and Stag's-hom clubmoss; and excipients. The preparation of the present invention is effective for treatment of thrombosis, anti-inflammatory, prevention and pain-relief.

Classes IPC  ?

  • A61K 36/185 - Magnoliopsida (dicotylédones)
  • A61K 35/62 - SangsuesVers, p. ex. cestodes, nématodes, vers de terre, ascarides, filaires, ankylostomes, trichines ou ténias
  • A61K 36/076 - Poria
  • A61K 36/12 - Filicopsida ou Pteridopsida
  • A61K 36/21 - Amaranthaceae (famille de l'amaranthe), p. ex. amaranthe réfléchie ou amarantine globuleuse
  • A61K 36/232 - Angelica
  • A61K 36/234 - Cnidium (snowparsley)
  • A61K 36/238 - Saphoshnikovia
  • A61K 36/258 - Panax (ginseng)
  • A61K 36/268 - Asarum (cabaret sauvage)
  • A61K 36/344 - Codonopsis
  • A61K 36/46 - Eucommiaceae (famille de l'eucomia), p. ex. gutta percha
  • A61K 36/48 - Fabaceae ou Leguminosae (famille du pois ou des légumineuses)CaesalpiniaceaeMimosaceaePapilionaceae
  • A61K 36/484 - Glycyrrhiza (réglisse)
  • A61K 36/515 - Gentiana
  • A61K 36/54 - Lauraceae (famille du laurier), p. ex. cannelle ou sassafras
  • A61K 36/65 - Paeoniaceae (famille de la pivoine), p. ex. pivoine chinoise
  • A61K 36/736 - Prunus, p. ex. prune, cerise, pêche, abricot ou amande
  • A61K 36/76 - Salicaceae (famille du saule), p. ex. peuplier
  • A61K 36/804 - Rehmannia
  • A61K 38/43 - EnzymesProenzymesLeurs dérivés
  • A61P 7/02 - Agents antithrombotiquesAnticoagulantsAnti-agrégants plaquettaires
  • A61P 21/02 - Relaxants musculaires, p. ex. pour la tétanie ou les crampes
  • A61P 29/00 - Agents analgésiques, antipyrétiques ou anti-inflammatoires non centraux, p. ex. agents antirhumatismauxMédicaments anti-inflammatoires non stéroïdiens [AINS]



Numéro d'application VN2020000016
Numéro de publication 2021/113885
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2020-12-03
Date de publication 2021-06-10
Inventeur(s) Nguyen, Thi Huong, Lien


The present invention provides herbal hair dye preparations which comprise: a medicinal group (A) that have the effect of dyeing hair; a medicinal group (B) that have effects of caring for hair and scalp, and stimulating hair growth; and an adjuvant group (C) that creates adhesion on the hair; wherein: a medicinal group (A) comprises herbs including: Henna, Indigofera Tinctoria leaves, Eclipta Prostrata, Polygonum multiflomm, coffee beans, black tea, Chrysanthemum indicum, Rubia cordifolia roots, Valerian roots, Terminalia chebula, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, and turmeric; a medicinal group (B) comprises herbs including: Platycladus orientalis, holy basil, Phyllanthus emblica fruits, Cassia Italica leaves, patchouli, Morns roots, Eleusine indica, Ginkgo biloba, Equisetum arvense, ginseng, Arctium lappa, Sabal serenoa repens, Bacopa monnieri, Terminalia bellirica, and orange peels; and an adjuvant group (C) comprises xanthan gum, hydroxyetyl xenlulo, and Na CMC.

Classes IPC  ?

  • A61Q 5/10 - Préparations pour la teinture permanente des cheveux ou des poils
  • A61K 8/73 - Polysaccharides
  • A61K 8/9741 - Pteridophyta [fougères]
  • A61K 8/9761 - Cupressaceae [famille du cyprès], p. ex. genévriers ou cyprès
  • A61K 8/9771 - Gynkgophyta, p. ex. Ginkgoaceae [famille du ginkgo]
  • A61K 8/9789 - Magnoliopsida [dicotylédones]
  • A61K 8/9794 - Liliopsida [monocotylédones]



Numéro d'application VN2020000006
Numéro de publication 2021/042137
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2020-07-20
Date de publication 2021-03-04
Inventeur(s) Nguyen, Thi Huong Lien


The present invention provides a natural essential oil composition for relaxing nerves, sleeping well and preventing cold and flu. The composition comprises holy basil, lemongrass, patchouli, old coriander seeds, and tangerine peels, wherein the amount (wt %} of holy basil essential oil is about: 0,1% to about 60%; the amount (wt %) of lemongrass essential oil is about 0.1% to about 55; the amount (wt %) of patchouli essential oil is about 0.1% to about 30%; the amount: (wt %) of essential oil of old coriander seeds is about 0.1 to about 50% and the amount (wt %) of essential oil of tangerine peels is about 0.1% to about 50%. The composition of the present invention further comprises additional essential oils for further use purposes. The composition also comprises carrier oils and solvents for adjusting suit able concentrations of the composition.

Classes IPC  ?

  • A61K 36/282 - Artemisia, p. ex. armoise
  • A61K 36/53 - Lamiaceae ou Labiatae (famille de la menthe), p. ex. thym, romarin ou lavande
  • A61K 36/534 - Mentha (menthe)
  • A61K 36/61 - Myrtaceae (famille du myrte), p. ex. cajeputier ou eucalyptus
  • A61K 36/752 - Citrus, p. ex. citron vert, orange ou citron
  • A61K 36/899 - Poaceae ou Gramineae (famille des céréales), p. ex. bambou, blé ou canne à sucre



Numéro d'application 202013400
Statut En instance
Date de dépôt 2020-03-30
Classes de Nice  ?
  • 03 - Produits cosmétiques et préparations de toilette; préparations pour blanchir, nettoyer, polir et abraser.
  • 05 - Produits pharmaceutiques, vétérinaires et hygièniques
  • 10 - Appareils et instruments médicaux
  • 35 - Publicité; Affaires commerciales

Produits et services

(1) Cosmetics. (2) Pharmaceuticals, functional foods for medical purposes, diagnostic test kits for medical purposes. (3) Medical equipment. (1) Purchase and sale of cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and functional foods for medical purposes; purchase and sale of medical equipment and diagnostic test kits for medical purposes.



Numéro d'application 202004000
Statut En instance
Date de dépôt 2020-03-27
Classes de Nice  ?
  • 03 - Produits cosmétiques et préparations de toilette; préparations pour blanchir, nettoyer, polir et abraser.
  • 05 - Produits pharmaceutiques, vétérinaires et hygièniques
  • 10 - Appareils et instruments médicaux
  • 35 - Publicité; Affaires commerciales

Produits et services

(1) Cosmetics. (2) Pharmaceuticals, functional foods for medical purposes, diagnostic test kits for medical purposes. (3) Medical equipment. (1) Purchase and sale of cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and functional foods for medical purposes; purchase and sale of medical equipment and diagnostic test kits for medical purposes.


Miscellaneous Design

Numéro d'application 1415709
Statut Enregistrée
Date de dépôt 2018-01-08
Date d'enregistrement 2018-01-08
Propriétaire Sunstar Joint Stock Company (Viet Nam)
Classes de Nice  ?
  • 03 - Produits cosmétiques et préparations de toilette; préparations pour blanchir, nettoyer, polir et abraser.
  • 05 - Produits pharmaceutiques, vétérinaires et hygièniques

Produits et services

Cosmetics. Pharmaceutical preparations, herbal supplements, dietary supplements, nutritional supplements for medical purposes.



Numéro d'application 1387734
Statut Enregistrée
Date de dépôt 2017-08-15
Date d'enregistrement 2017-08-15
Propriétaire Sunstar Joint Stock Company (Viet Nam)
Classes de Nice  ?
  • 03 - Produits cosmétiques et préparations de toilette; préparations pour blanchir, nettoyer, polir et abraser.
  • 05 - Produits pharmaceutiques, vétérinaires et hygièniques

Produits et services

Cosmetics. Pharmaceutical preparations, herbal supplements, dietary supplements, nutritional supplements for medical purposes.


Girl Head Design

Numéro d'application 187640600
Statut Enregistrée
Date de dépôt 2018-01-08
Date d'enregistrement 2021-09-22
Classes de Nice  ?
  • 03 - Produits cosmétiques et préparations de toilette; préparations pour blanchir, nettoyer, polir et abraser.
  • 05 - Produits pharmaceutiques, vétérinaires et hygièniques

Produits et services

(1) Cosmetics, namely, makeup cleanser; bleaching preparations for laundry use, laundry detergent, laundry fabric conditioner, laundry soap powder; cleaning preparations, namely, dishwashing gel, dishwashing liquid, milk bottle cleaning liquid, milk bottle cleaning gel, dish detergent; dental polish, nail polish, polishing creams; skin and face degreasing and abrasive preparations; perfumes; essential oils for personal use, essential oils for aromatherapy, essential oils as perfume for laundry purposes; cosmetics; hair gel, hair lotions, hair nourishers, hair oil, hair sprays, hair tonic, non-medicated hair serums; dentifrices, toothpaste, tooth-powders; antiperspirants and deodorants use for personal use; cleaning preparations for make-up purposes, namely, facial cleanser; shampoo, shampoo for pets; mild face peeling cream; bath soap; body wash soap, hand wash soap; facial cleansing cream; hand cleansers; skin nourishing cream; mouth washes; dish detergents; non-medicated hygiene washes, namely, feminine hygiene wash, cleansing milk for toilet purposes; skin nourishing lotions and gels; and cosmetic products, namely, hair styling sprays, hair colorants and dyes, conditioner, and makeup. (2) Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of Gastrointestinal Diseases, Cardiovascular Diseases, Joint - muscle Diseases and Connective tissue Diseases and Diseases of the Musculoskeletal system, namely, inflammatory muscle diseases and disorders, carpal tunnel syndrome, epicondylitis and tendonitis, bone diseases, cartilage diseases, fasciitis, foot deformities, hand deformities, jaw diseases, joint diseases, muscular diseases, musculoskeletal abnormalities, and rheumatic diseases, Skin Diseases, namely, metabolic skin disease, skin pigmentation diseases, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, exanthema, erythema, dermatomyositis, keratosis, lipomatosis, panniculitis, prurigo, pruritus, pyoderma, scalp dermatoses, skin irritations, skin allergy, Infectious Diseases, namely, pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of respiratory infections, eye infections, gastro-intestinal infections, bacterial skin infections, fungal skin infections, viral skin infections and parasitic skin infections, bacterial eye infections, bacterial nose infections, bacterial throat infections, viral throat infection, Endocrine Diseases, namely, disorders and infections of the endocrine system, namely growth and thyroid disorders, adrenal gland diseases, endocrine gland neoplasm, diabetes mellitus, dwarfism, female athlete triad syndrome, gonadal disorders, lipid disorder, Nervous diseases, namely, anxiety, mood disorders, schizophrenia, cognitive and bipolar disorders, epilepsy, Alzheimer's, cerebral palsy, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, central nervous system infections, brain diseases, central nervous system movement disorders. Kidney and Urologic Diseases, Respiratory Diseases, Oral and dental Diseases, Ear Diseases, namely, tinnitus, hyperacusis, hear loss, Nose Diseases, namely, nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing, influenza, mumps, nasal obstruction, nasal allergies, chronic sinus infections, and nasal polyps, Throat Diseases, namely, sore throat, tonsillitis, cancer, croup , Ophthalmology Diseases, Cancer Diseases, Allergic Diseases, Hair and scalp Diseases; namely, hair loss, hair parasite, alopecia, hair casts, premature greying of hair, trichorrhexis invaginata, dandruff, microbial hair and scalp infection; Herbal supplements for medicinal use, namely, botanical supplements for general health and wellbeing, herbal supplements for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases; herbal supplements for the treatment of dental and oral diseases; herbal supplements for the treatment of dental and oral diseases; herbal supplements for the treatment of headaches; Dietary supplements, and nutritional supplements for medical purposes, namely, dietary supplements for general health and well-being, nutraceuticals namely carbohydrates, vitamin used as dietary supplements for general health and wellbeing; calcium supplements, mineral nutritional supplements, liquid vitamin supplements and natural products that support and maintain a healthy human body for use as a dietary supplement for general health and wellbeing.


Miscellaneous Design

Numéro de série 79237800
Statut Enregistrée
Date de dépôt 2018-01-08
Date d'enregistrement 2019-05-28
Propriétaire Sunstar Joint Stock Company (Viet Nam)
Classes de Nice  ?
  • 03 - Produits cosmétiques et préparations de toilette; préparations pour blanchir, nettoyer, polir et abraser.
  • 05 - Produits pharmaceutiques, vétérinaires et hygièniques

Produits et services

Cosmetics, namely, makeup cleanser; bleaching preparations and other substances, namely, detergents for laundry use; cleaning preparations; polishing preparations; skin and face degreasing and abrasive preparations; skin soap, hand soaps; perfumes; essential oils; cosmetics; hair gel, hair lotions, hair nourishers, hair oil, hair sprays, hair tonic, non-medicated hair serums; dentifrices, toothpaste, tooth-powders; antiperspirants and deodorants for personal use; cleaning preparations for make-up purposes, namely, facial cleanser; shampoo, shampoo for pets; facial peel preparations for cosmetic purposes; bath soap; body wash; facial cleansing cream; hand cleansers; skin nourishing cream; non-medicated mouth washes; dish detergents; non-medicated hygiene washes, namely, non-medicated feminine hygiene wash, cleansing milk for toilet purposes; skin nourishing lotions and gels; and cosmetic products, namely, hair styling sprays, hair colorants and dyes, hair conditioner, skin conditioner and makeup Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, cardiovascular diseases, joint - bone - muscle diseases, skin diseases, infectious diseases, endocrine diseases, nervous diseases, kidney and urologic diseases, respiratory diseases, oral and dental diseases, ear, nose and throat diseases, opthalmology diseases, cancer diseases, allergic diseases, hair and scalp diseases; herbal supplements for medicinal use; dietary supplements, and nutritional supplements for medical purposes



Numéro de série 87540974
Statut Enregistrée
Date de dépôt 2017-07-25
Date d'enregistrement 2018-10-23
Classes de Nice  ? 05 - Produits pharmaceutiques, vétérinaires et hygièniques

Produits et services

Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of hyperlipidemia; Pharmaceutical preparations for inhalation for the treatment of pulmonary hypertension; Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of musculo-skeletal disorders; Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of eye diseases and conditions; Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of worms in pets; Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of infectious diseases; Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of heart rhythm disorders; Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of kidney diseases; Pharmaceutical preparation for the treatment of gout; Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of hormonal disorders and the prevention of osteoporosis; Pharmaceutical preparations and substances for the treatment of damaged skin and tissue; Inhaled pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of respiratory diseases and disorders; Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of immune system related diseases and disorders; Pharmaceutical preparations and substances for the treatment of psychiatric diseases and disorders; Pharmaceutical preparations and substances for the treatment of gastro-intestinal diseases; Pharmaceutical preparations for the prevention and treatment of ocular disorders or diseases, for the treatment of bacteria-based diseases, and for the treatment of diabetes, and anti - infective preparations, antiviral preparations, antibiotics, antifungal preparations and vaccines; Pharmaceutical preparations and substances for the treatment of infectious diseases, blood disorders, pain, inflammation, sepsis, alopecia, obesity and cognitive disorders; Pharmaceutical preparations, namely, a topical preparation for the treatment of ocular disorders prescribed by ophthalmologists, eye surgeons, and optometrists; Pharmaceutical preparations for the prevention and treatment of ocular disorders or diseases, bacteria-based diseases or disorders, autoimmune diseases or disorders, kidney diseases or disorders, and diabetes; Prescription and non-prescription medicines, namely, pills, tablets, capsules, caplets, liquid drops, sachets and pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of cardiovascular disorders; Pharmaceutical preparations and substances for the treatment of viral, metabolic, endocrine, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, cardiopulmonary, genitourinary, sexual dysfunction, oncological, hepatological, ophthalmic, respiratory, neurological, gastrointestinal, hormonal, dermatological, psychiatric and immune system related diseases and disorders; Herbal supplements; Dietary supplements; Nutritional supplements; Medicated soap; Disinfectant soap



Numéro de série 87140720
Statut En instance
Date de dépôt 2016-08-16
Propriétaire Sunstar Joint Stock Company (Viet Nam)
Classes de Nice  ? 03 - Produits cosmétiques et préparations de toilette; préparations pour blanchir, nettoyer, polir et abraser.

Produits et services

Cosmetics, namely, air fragrancing preparations; Almond milk for cosmetic purposes; Almond soap; Aloe vera preparation for cosmetic purposes; Antiperspirant soap; Antiperspirants aromatic essential oils; essential oils; beauty balm creams; cosmetic preparations for baths; beard dyes; beauty masks; bergamot oil; bleaching preparations for laundry use; bleaching preparations for cosmetic purposes; bleaching salts; breath freshening sprays; breath freshening strips; cakes of toilet soap; cleaning chalk; preparations for cleaning dentures; Cleaning preparations; Cleansing milk for toilet purposes; Cosmetic kits composed primarily of makeup and cosmetic preparations; Cosmetic preparations for slimming purposes; Cosmetics for animals; Cotton sticks for cosmetic purposes; Cotton wool for cosmetic purposes; Cosmetic creams; Skin whitening creams; Dental bleaching gels; Dentifrices; Denture polishes; Deodorant soap; Deodorants for human beings or for animals; Deodorants for pets; Depilatories; Depilatory preparations; Disinfectant soap; Dry shampoos; Dry-cleaning preparations; Cosmetic dyes; Essential oils; Ethereal oils; Eyebrow cosmetics; Cosmetic preparations for eyelashes; flower based perfumes; Extracts of flowers sold as components of cosmetics; Soap for foot perspiration; Greases for cosmetic purposes; Hair colorants; Hair dyes; Hair lotions; Hair spray; Hair waving preparations; Hydrogen peroxide for cosmetic purposes; Incense; Jasmine oil; Petroleum jelly for cosmetic purposes; Joss sticks; Laundry glaze; Lavender oil; Lavender water; Lip glosses; Lipsticks; tissues impregnated with cosmetic lotions; Lotions for cosmetic purposes; Make-up; Make-up powder; Make-up preparations; Make-up removing preparations; Mascara; Beauty masks; Massage gels other than for medical purposes; Medicated soap; Mint essence for cosmetic purposes; Mint for perfumery; Moustache wax; Mouth washes, not for medical purposes; Musk; Nail care preparations; Nail polish; Nail varnish; Oils for cosmetic purposes; Oils for perfumes and scents; Oils for toilet purposes; Perfumery; Perfumes; Permanent waving lotions; Shampoos for pets; Denture Polishes; Pomades for cosmetic purposes; Potpourris; Rose oil; Scented water; Shampoos; Shaving preparations; Shaving soap; Shoe wax; Cosmetic preparations for skin care; Skin whitening creams; Soap; Anti-perspirant soap; Deodorant Soap; Disinfectant Soap; Sunscreen preparations; Sun-tanning preparations; Talcum powder, for toilet use; Toilet water; Non-medicated Toiletries; Depilatory Wax; Polishing Wax; Essential oil of citron; henna cosmetic dye; lipstick cases; bath preparations, not for medical purpose



Numéro d'application 1274317
Statut Enregistrée
Date de dépôt 2015-09-17
Date d'enregistrement 2015-09-17
Propriétaire Sunstar Joint Stock Company (Viet Nam)
Classes de Nice  ?
  • 03 - Produits cosmétiques et préparations de toilette; préparations pour blanchir, nettoyer, polir et abraser.
  • 05 - Produits pharmaceutiques, vétérinaires et hygièniques

Produits et services

Cosmetics. Pharmaceutical preparations, herbal products for medicinal use, dietary supplements, nutritional supplements for medical purposes.



Numéro de série 79176642
Statut Enregistrée
Date de dépôt 2015-09-17
Date d'enregistrement 2016-12-13
Propriétaire Sunstar Joint Stock Company (Viet Nam)
Classes de Nice  ? 05 - Produits pharmaceutiques, vétérinaires et hygièniques

Produits et services

Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of Gastrointestinal Diseases, Cardiovascular Diseases, Joint - bone - muscle Diseases, Skin diseases, Infectious diseases, Endocrine diseases, Nervous diseases, Kidney and Urologic diseases, Respiratory diseases, Oral and dental diseases, Ear, nose and throat diseases, Opthalmology diseases, Cancer diseases, Allergic diseases, Hair and scalp diseases; herbal supplements for medicinal use; dietary supplements, and nutritional supplements for medical purposes