22 is injected into the equipment and mixed with the cleaning solution. This causes the lithium carbonate scale to be converted to lithium bicarbonate which dissolves in the cleaning solution. Thereafter, the cleaning solution containing the dissolved lithium bicarbonate is discharged from the equipment.
C02F 1/66 - Traitement de l'eau, des eaux résiduaires ou des eaux d'égout par neutralisationAjustage du pH
C02F 5/08 - Traitement de l'eau avec des produits chimiques complexants ou des agents solubilisants pour l'adoucissement, la prévention ou l'élimination de l'entartrage, p. ex. par addition d'agents séquestrants
The present invention relates to a process for treating ash recovered from a recovery boiler. The process is designed to recover valuable pulping chemicals, such as potassium, sodium, carbonate, and sulfate. In the course of treating the ash, a chloride-rich purge stream is produced and includes sulfate, carbonate, potassium, and sodium that can be beneficially used in a wood pulping process. To segregate the chloride from the beneficial chemicals, the chloride-rich purge stream is directed into an anion segregation unit such as a nanofiltration or ion exchange unit. This effectively separates or removes the chloride from the purge stream and enables the beneficial chemicals to be recycled and used in the wood pulping process.
The present invention relates to a process for recovering sulfate of potash from ash taken from a recovery boiler in a wood pulping operation. The ash is dissolved in water and the resulting solution is subjected to evaporation that produces a concentrated dissolved ash solution that is then subjected to treatment in the glaserite crystallizer. The glaserite crystallizer yields glaserite crystals that are contacted with water or condensate that has been chilled in a chiller to a temperature of 0°C to 25°C or by chilling the crystallizer brine to -10°C to 25°C. The glaserite crystals and chilled water are directed into an SOP crystallizer where the sodium sulfate and potassium sulfate of the glaserite crystals dissolve in the chilled water to form a solution containing both sodium sulfate and potassium sulfate. A portion of the potassium sulfate in excess of its solubility limit will re-crystallize as SOP. Through a solid-liquid separation process, the SOP is recovered.
The present invention entails dual centrifuges configured to remove suspended solids, silica, and other precipitants from evaporator brine prior to the brine being disposed of via deep well injection. First, the evaporator brine is directed through a highly efficient first centrifuge configured to remove essentially all suspended solids, including very small suspended solids that typically cannot be retained in a filter or other dewatering devices. The centrate from the first centrifuge, depleted in suspended solids, silica and other precipitants, can be disposed of via deep well injection. The first centrifuge also produces a slurry that is directed to a separate centrifuge that produces a second centrate and waste wet cake. The second centrate is recycled and mixed with the evaporator brine and the mixture is directed to the first centrifuge.
C02F 9/00 - Traitement en plusieurs étapes de l'eau, des eaux résiduaires ou des eaux d'égout
B04B 1/08 - Centrifugeurs à tambours rotatifs à parois pleines pour la séparation de mélanges essentiellement liquides contenant ou non des particules solides avec cloisons intérieures de forme conique
2 2 is mixed therewith to reduce the pH of the brine, causing the silica in the brine to precipitate. The brine is then directed to a first solids-liquid separator which produces a slurry containing the precipitated silica. The slurry is split into first and second streams with one stream recycled to the crystallizer reactor while the other slurry stream is directed to a second solids-liquid separator which produces a wet cake containing the silica solids.
ABSTRACT The present invention relates to a process for removing dissolved silica from a high pH brine produced by an evaporator employed in treating a waste stream. The high pH brine is directed to a crystallizer reactor and an acid or CO2 is mixed therewith to reduce the pH of the brine, causing the silica in the brine to precipitate. The brine is then directed to a first solids- liquid separator which produces a slurry containing the precipitated silica. The slurry is split into first and second streams with one stream recycled to the crystallizer reactor while the other slurry stream is directed to a second solids-liquid separator which produces a wet cake containing the silica solids. 11 Date Recue/Date Received 2021-01-04
The present invention entails dual centrifuges configured to remove suspended solids, silica, and other precipitants from evaporator brine prior to the brine being disposed of via deep well injection. First, the evaporator brine is directed through a highly efficient first centrifuge configured to remove essentially all suspended solids, including very small suspended solids that typically cannot be retained in a filter or other dewatering devices. The centrate from the first centrifuge, depleted in suspended solids, silica and other precipitants, can be disposed of via deep well injection. The first centrifuge also produces a slurry that is directed to a separate centrifuge that produces a second centrate and waste wet cake. The second centrate is recycled and mixed with the evaporator brine and the mixture is directed to the first centrifuge.
The present invention entails dual centrifuges configured to remove suspended solids, silica, and other precipitants from evaporator brine prior to the brine being disposed of via deep well injection. First, the evaporator brine is directed through a highly efficient first centrifuge configured to remove essentially all suspended solids, including very small suspended solids that typically cannot be retained in a filter or other dewatering devices. The centrate from the first centrifuge, depleted in suspended solids, silica and other precipitants, can be disposed of via deep well injection. The first centrifuge also produces a slurry that is directed to a separate centrifuge that produces a second centrate and waste wet cake. The second centrate is recycled and mixed with the evaporator brine and the mixture is directed to the first centrifuge.
C02F 9/00 - Traitement en plusieurs étapes de l'eau, des eaux résiduaires ou des eaux d'égout
C02F 1/04 - Traitement de l'eau, des eaux résiduaires ou des eaux d'égout par chauffage par distillation ou évaporation
C02F 1/38 - Traitement de l'eau, des eaux résiduaires ou des eaux d'égout par séparation centrifuge
C02F 1/40 - Dispositifs pour séparer ou enlever les substances grasses ou huileuses, ou les matières flottantes similaires
C02F 1/52 - Traitement de l'eau, des eaux résiduaires ou des eaux d'égout par floculation ou précipitation d'impuretés en suspension
C10G 1/00 - Production de mélanges liquides d'hydrocarbures à partir de schiste bitumineux, de sable pétrolifère ou de matières carbonées solides non fusibles ou similaires, p. ex. bois, charbon
Method for producing potassium sulfate and sodium chloride from wastewater
A method of producing potassium sulfate by employing sodium sulfate and potassium chloride sources is disclosed. The method includes a crystallization process that yields a mother liquor containing sulfate, sodium and chloride. The mother liquor is directed to an anion segregation unit that produces a reject or retentate rich in sulfate which is recycled and employed in the production of the potassium sulfate. Further, the anion segregation unit produces a permeate that is depleted in sulfate but includes sodium and chloride and is directed to a sodium chloride crystallizer for producing sodium chloride.
2″ acid mixture. This mixture is subjected to a crystallization process that produces potassium sulfate crystals and a hydrochloric acid-water vapor. The hydrochloric acid is separated from the hydrochloric acid-water vapor to form a hydrochloric acid solution.
A process for treating wastewater or waste brines that include sodium and chloride ions. The waste brine is concentrated and thereafter directed to a Mirabilite crystallizer that produces hydrated sulfate salt crystals and a first solution. The hydrated crystals are melted to form an aqueous sulfate solution that is directed to a sodium sulfate crystallizer which produces sodium sulfate salt crystals. The first solution produced by the Mirabilite crystallizer is directed to a nanofiltration device which produces a permeate stream and a reject stream containing sulfate removed by the nanofiltration device. The permeate stream is directed to a sodium chloride crystallizer that produces sodium chloride salt crystals. The reject stream is recycled to the Mirabilite crystallizer.
C02F 103/36 - Nature de l'eau, des eaux résiduaires ou des eaux ou boues d'égout à traiter provenant de l'industrie chimique non prévue dans les groupes provenant de la fabrication de composés organiques
Process for treating produced water with magnesium oxide
The present invention relates to a process that uses one or more evaporators to treat produced water containing silica. To address silica scaling, a crystallizing reagent is mixed with the produced water upstream of the evaporator. The crystallizing reagent is designed to precipitate a silica adsorbing compound such as magnesium hydroxide. The feedwater with the adsorbed silica is directed to an evaporator that produces a distillate and a concentrate containing the adsorbed silica. At least a portion of the concentrate having the silica adsorbing compound is directed to a separator that separates the silica adsorbing compound from the concentrate and recycles it back to where it is mixed with the produced water.
A method of concentrating and/or producing lithium hydroxide in an evaporator entails feeding a stream comprising lithium, hydroxide and carbonate to the evaporator. In the evaporator, the feed is concentrated to form lithium hydroxide and lithium carbonate crystals. Further, the method entails reducing the tendency of lithium carbonate to scale the evaporator by increasing the concentration of lithium carbonate crystals in the evaporator by: (1) clarifying at least a portion of the concentrate in the evaporator to form a clarified solution; and (2) discharging the clarified solution as a clarified solution stream from the evaporator.
C23F 14/00 - Prévention de l'entartrage ou des incrustations dans les appareils destinés à chauffer des liquides à des fins physiques ou chimiques
C30B 7/02 - Croissance des monocristaux à partir de solutions en utilisant des solvants liquides à la température ordinaire, p. ex. à partir de solutions aqueuses par évaporation du solvant
Process for reducing fouling in evaporators in lithium hydroxide recovery
A method of concentrating and/or producing lithium hydroxide in an evaporator entails feeding a stream comprising lithium, hydroxide and carbonate to the evaporator. In the evaporator, the feed is concentrated to form lithium hydroxide and lithium carbonate crystals. Further, the method entails reducing the tendency of lithium carbonate to scale the evaporator by increasing the concentration of lithium carbonate crystals in the evaporator by: (1) clarifying at least a portion of the concentrate in the evaporator to form a clarified solution; and (2) discharging the clarified solution as a clarified solution stream from the evaporator.
A method of concentrating and/or producing lithium hydroxide in an evaporator entails feeding a stream comprising lithium, hydroxide and carbonate to the evaporator. In the evaporator, the feed is concentrated to form lithium hydroxide and lithium carbonate crystals. Further, the method entails reducing the tendency of lithium carbonate to scale the evaporator by increasing the concentration of lithium carbonate crystals in the evaporator by: (1) clarifying at least a portion of the concentrate in the evaporator to form a clarified solution; and (2) discharging the clarified solution as a clarified solution stream from the evaporator.
wastewater purification units for treating and cleaning contaminated quench water generated from the production of ethylene and sold to ethylene producers
A method of producing potassium sulfate by employing sodium sulfate and potassium chloride sources is disclosed. The method includes a crystallization process that yields a mother liquor containing sulfate, sodium and chloride. The mother liquor is directed to an anion segregation unit that produces a reject or retentate rich in sulfate which is recycled and employed in the production of the potassium sulfate. Further, the anion segregation unit produces a permeate that is depleted in sulfate but includes sodium and chloride and is directed to a sodium chloride crystallizer for producing sodium chloride.
A method for producing potassium sulfate from a waste stream is disclosed. The waste stream is concentrated to form a brine or slurry. In a mirabilite crystallizer, forming mirabilite crystals and a mirabilite crystallizer liquor. Separating and mixing the mirabilite crystals with a potassium liquor to produce glaserite crystals in a glaserite reactor or crystallizer. Separating and directing the glaserite crystals to a potassium sulfate reactor. Mixing a potassium chloride source with the glaserite crystals to form potassium sulfate crystals and the potassium liquor. Recycling the potassium liquor to the glaserite reactor or crystallizer. Filtering the mirabilite crystallizer liquor to form a filtrate or permeate stream depleted in sulfate and a retentate or reject stream rich in sulfate, the retentate or reject stream recycled to the mirabilite crystallizer. Directing the filtrate or permeate stream to a sodium chloride crystallizer and crystallizing sodium chloride crystals and separating the sodium chloride crystals.
A method for producing potassium sulfate from a wastewater stream containing sodium and sulfate is disclosed. The wastewater stream is directed to a membrane separation unit to produce reject and permeate streams. The reject stream is concentrated to form a first brine solution or slurry, which is directed to a glaserite reactor and mixed with potassium liquor to produce glaserite crystals that are separated and directed to a potassium sulfate reactor and mixed with a potassium chloride source to form potassium sulfate crystals that are separated. The potassium chloride source mixed with the glaserite crystals in the potassium sulfate reactor forms the potassium liquor that is mixed with the first brine solution or slurry in the glaserite reactor. The permeate stream is concentrated to form a second brine stream or a second slurry, which is directed to a sodium chloride crystallizer where sodium chloride crystals are crystallized and separated.
A method of producing potassium sulfate by employing sodium sulfate and potassium chloride sources is disclosed. The method includes a crystallization process that yields a mother liquor containing sulfate, sodium and chloride. The mother liquor is directed to an anion segregation unit that produces a reject or retentate rich in sulfate which is recycled and employed in the production of the potassium sulfate. Further, the anion segregation unit produces a permeate that is depleted in sulfate but includes sodium and chloride and is directed to a sodium chloride crystallizer for producing sodium chloride.
A process is provided for producing potassium sulfate from potassium chloride and sulfuric acid. The process entails mixing potassium chloride with the water to form a potassium chloride slurry which is mixed with recycled sulfuric acid to form a K+, Ct', SO42,, acid mixture. This mixture is subjected to a crystallization process that produces potassium sulfate crystals and a hydrochloric acid-water vapor. The hydrochloric acid is separated from the hydrochloric acid- water vapor to form a hydrochloric acid solution.
A process is provided for producing potassium sulfate from potassium chloride and sulfuric acid. The process entails mixing potassium chloride with the water to form a potassium chloride slurry which is mixed with recycled sulfuric acid to form a K+, Ct', SO4 2,, acid mixture. This mixture is subjected to a crystallization process that produces potassium sulfate crystals and a hydrochloric acid-water vapor. The hydrochloric acid is separated from the hydrochloric acid- water vapor to form a hydrochloric acid solution.
A process for treating wastewater or waste brines that include sodium, sulfate and chloride ions. In one embodiment, the waste brine is concentrated in a brine concentration unit (24) and thereafter directed to a Mirabilite crystallizer (28) that produces hydrated sulfate salt crystals and a first solution (29). The hydrated crystals are melted in a mirabilite melter (30) to form an aqueous sulfate solution that is directed to a sodium sulfate crystallizer (32) which produces sodium sulfate salt crystals. The first solution (29) produced by the Mirabilite crystallizer (28) is directed to a nanofiltration device (36) which produces a permeate stream and a reject stream (31) containing sulfate removed by the nanofiltration device (36). The permeate stream is directed to a sodium chloride crystallizer (40) that produces sodium chloride salt crystals. The reject stream (31) is recycled to the Mirabilite crystallizer (28). The waste brine may be produced by a coal to chemical or coal to liquid process.
A process for treating wastewater or waste brines that include sodium and chloride ions. The waste brine is concentrated and thereafter directed to a Mirabilite crystallizer that produces hydrated sulfate salt crystals and a first solution. The hydrated crystals are melted to form an aqueous sulfate solution that is directed to a sodium sulfate crystallizer which produces sodium sulfate salt crystals. The first solution produced by the Mirabilite crystallizer is directed to a nanofiltration device which produces a permeate stream and a reject stream containing sulfate removed by the nanofiltration device. The permeate stream is directed to a sodium chloride crystallizer that produces sodium chloride salt crystals. The reject stream is recycled to the Mirabilite crystallizer.
C02F 103/36 - Nature de l'eau, des eaux résiduaires ou des eaux ou boues d'égout à traiter provenant de l'industrie chimique non prévue dans les groupes provenant de la fabrication de composés organiques
Process for removing dissolved gas from an evaporator feed stream
A method for treating produced water or a feedwater stream with an evaporator. The feedwater stream or produced water is directed to and through a deaerator located upstream of the evaporator. Steam produced by the evaporator is utilized to strip dissolved gases from the produced water or feedwater stream passing through the deaerator. To efficiently strip dissolved gases, the vapor pressure in the deaerator is maintained at below atmospheric pressure and the produced water or feedwater stream is heated to a temperature greater than the saturated vapor temperature in the deaerator.
The present invention relates to a process that uses one or more evaporators to treat produced water containing silica. To address silica scaling, a crystallizing reagent is mixed with the produced water upstream of the evaporator. The crystallizing reagent is designed to precipitate a silica adsorbing compound such as magnesium hydroxide. The feedwater with the adsorbed silica is directed to an evaporator that produces a distillate and a concentrate containing the adsorbed silica. At least a portion of the concentrate having the silica adsorbing compound is directed to a separator that separates the silica adsorbing compound from the concentrate and recycles it back to where it is mixed with the produced water.
The present invention relates to a process that uses one or more evaporators to treat produced water containing silica. To address silica scaling, a crystallizing reagent is mixed with the produced water upstream of the evaporator. The crystallizing reagent is designed to precipitate a silica adsorbing compound such as magnesium hydroxide. The feedwater with the adsorbed silica is directed to an evaporator that produces a distillate and a concentrate containing the adsorbed silica. At least a portion of the concentrate having the silica adsorbing compound is directed to a separator that separates the silica adsorbing compound from the concentrate and recycles it back to where it is mixed with the produced water.
A process for treating feedwater with a microfiltration or ultrafiltration membrane unit and a downstream reverse osmosis unit. An aluminum salt coagulant is added and mixed with the feedwater upstream of a membrane separation unit. An aluminum salt coagulant is added and mixed with the wastewater upstream of the membrane separation unit. The membrane separation unit produces a permeate that is directed to the reverse osmosis membrane. The concentration of aluminum in the permeate is controlled by controlling the hydraulic residence time for aluminum salt reaction products in a concentrate loop associated with the membrane separation unit.
C02F 103/06 - Eau souterraine contaminée ou eau de lessivage
C02F 103/36 - Nature de l'eau, des eaux résiduaires ou des eaux ou boues d'égout à traiter provenant de l'industrie chimique non prévue dans les groupes provenant de la fabrication de composés organiques
An evaporation system employs a thermocompressor to recover heat associated with a distillate produced by an evaporator and to use the recovered heat to preheat evaporator feedwater. In one example, the thermocompressor produces a thermocompressor discharge that is directed into the deaerator, contacting and preheating the evaporator feedwater passing therethrough. In another example, the thermocompressor discharge is directed through a barometric condenser which contacts evaporator feedwater therein and condenses and in the process preheats the evaporator feedwater.
C02F 1/04 - Traitement de l'eau, des eaux résiduaires ou des eaux d'égout par chauffage par distillation ou évaporation
C02F 1/06 - Distillation par évaporation dite évaporation "flash"
C02F 1/10 - Traitement de l'eau, des eaux résiduaires ou des eaux d'égout par chauffage par distillation ou évaporation par contact direct avec un solide particulaire, ou un fluide, agissant comme agent de transfert de chaleur
An evaporation system employs a thermocompressor to recover heat associated with a distillate produced by an evaporator and to use the recovered heat to preheat evaporator feedwater. In one example, the thermocompressor produces a thermocompressor discharge that is directed into the deaerator, contacting and preheating the evaporator feedwater passing therethrough. In another example, the thermocompressor discharge is directed through a barometric condenser which contacts evaporator feedwater therein and condenses and in the process preheats the evaporator feedwater.
C02F 1/04 - Traitement de l'eau, des eaux résiduaires ou des eaux d'égout par chauffage par distillation ou évaporation
C02F 1/06 - Distillation par évaporation dite évaporation "flash"
C02F 1/10 - Traitement de l'eau, des eaux résiduaires ou des eaux d'égout par chauffage par distillation ou évaporation par contact direct avec un solide particulaire, ou un fluide, agissant comme agent de transfert de chaleur
A system and process is disclosed for treating foul condensate such as foul condensate produced in a Kraft pulp mill. Foul condensate is directed through a steam stripper to produce a clean condensate that is partially evaporated by a volatile rich vapor stream produced by the steam stripper in the course of treating the foul condensate. Vapor produced by the evaporation of the clean condensate is directed to one or more electrically driven mechanical vapor re-compressors that produce the steam that is used in the steam stripper.
An oil recovery process includes recovering an oil-water mixture from an oil- bearing formation and separating the produced water from the oil-water mixture. The produced water includes dissolved gases and the method includes heating and pressurizing the produced water. After the produced water is heated and pressurized, it is flash vaporized through a lesser pressure which produces a vapor and residual produced water. The flash vaporization of the produced water evaporates dissolved gases and the dissolved gases are vented away with the vapor.
Wood pulping process including pulping wood to produce a pulping effluent or liquor. Pre-concentrating the liquor in a pre-concentration unit produces concentrated liquor, a contaminated condensate and a non-contaminated condensate. Directing the concentrated liquor to a multi-effect train of forced circulation solids concentrators that further concentrating the concentrated liquor to form a highly concentrated liquor. Directing the contaminated condensate produced by the pre-concentration unit to a steam stripper and stripping gases therefrom and in the process producing a contaminated vapor stream. Utilizing the contaminated vapor stream and its thermal energy to power the forced circulation solids concentrators of the multi-effect train.
A method of recovering wood pulping chemicals from black liquor produced in a wood pulping process where the process entails burning the black liquor in a recovery boiler to form ash containing high levels of carbonate as well as sodium, potassium and chloride. The ash is dissolved to form a dissolved ash solution that is directed to a first stage crystallization unit that concentrates the dissolved ash solution and which results in the precipitation of sodium sulfate and sodium carbonate. Thereafter the concentrated dissolved ash solution is directed to a second stage crystallization unit which adiabatically cools the concentrated dissolved ash solution to form a glaserite slurry and a purge stream that is rich in chloride. In order to reduce the tendency of sodium carbonate and burkeite to crystallize in the second stage crystallization unit and to encourage pure glaserite to crystalize in the crystallizer, the method entails mixing a sulfate source, such as sodium sulfate or sulfuric acid, to the concentrated dissolved ash solution upstream of the crystallizer.
A method of recovering wood pulping chemicals from black liquor produced in a wood pulping process, comprising burning the black liquor in a recovery boiler to form ash containing high levels of carbonate, sodium, potassium and chloride; forming a dissolved ash solution that is directed to a first stage crystallization unit that concentrates the dissolved ash solution and which results in the precipitation of sodium sulfate and sodium carbonate; and then directing the concentrated dissolved ash solution to a second stage crystallization unit, which adiabatically cools the concentrated dissolved ash solution to form a glaserite slurry and a purge stream rich in chloride. In order to reduce the tendency of sodium carbonate and burkeite to crystallize in the second stage crystallization unit and to encourage pure glaserite to crystalize in the crystallizer, the method entails mixing a sulfate source with the concentrated dissolved ash solution upstream of the crystallizer.
A method of recovering wood pulping chemicals from black liquor produced in a wood pulping process where the process entails burning the black liquor in a recovery boiler to form ash containing high levels of carbonate as well as sodium, potassium and chloride. The ash is dissolved to form a dissolved ash solution that is directed to a first stage crystallization unit that concentrates the dissolved ash solution and which results in the precipitation of sodium sulfate and sodium carbonate. Thereafter the concentrated dissolved ash solution is directed to a second stage crystallization unit which adiabatically cools the concentrated dissolved ash solution to form a glaserite slurry and a purge stream that is rich in chloride. In order to reduce the tendency of sodium carbonate and burkeite to crystallize in the second stage crystallization unit and to encourage pure glaserite to crystalize in the crystallizer, the method entails mixing a sulfate source, such as sodium sulfate or sulfuric acid, to the concentrated dissolved ash solution upstream of the crystallizer.
The present invention relates to an oil recovery process. An oil-water mixture is recovered from an oil well. Produced water is separated from the oil-water mixture. The produced water is directed to a de-aerator. After de-aeration, the produced water is directed to an evaporator that produces a concentrated brine and steam. Steam is condensed to form a condensate that is in turn used to generate steam that is injected into an injection well. The de-aerator strips dissolve gas from the produced water upstream of the de- aerator. The method entails maintaining the vapor pressure in the de-aerator below atmospheric pressure. Also, prior to the produced water entering the de-aerator, the method includes heating the produced water to a temperature greater than the saturated vapor temperature in the de- aerator.
B01D 3/34 - Distillation ou procédés d'échange apparentés dans lesquels des liquides sont en contact avec des milieux gazeux, p. ex. extraction avec une ou plusieurs substances auxiliaires
A method for treating produced water or a feedwater stream with an evaporator (34). The feedwater stream or produced water is directed to and through a deaerator (56) located upstream of the evaporator (34). Steam (23) produced by the evaporator is utilized to strip dissolved gases from the produced water or feedwater stream passing through the deaerator (56). To efficiently strip dissolved gases, the vapor pressure in the deaerator (56) is maintained at below atmospheric pressure and the produced water or feedwater stream is heated to a temperature greater than the saturated vapor temperature in the deaerator (56).
B01D 1/14 - Évaporation avec gaz ou vapeurs chauffés en contact avec le liquide
B01D 3/34 - Distillation ou procédés d'échange apparentés dans lesquels des liquides sont en contact avec des milieux gazeux, p. ex. extraction avec une ou plusieurs substances auxiliaires
The present invention relates to a process for treating evaporator concentrate. The process includes generating or producing a vent stream that includes carbon dioxide and mixing the carbon dioxide with the evaporator blowdown to reduce the pH of the evaporator blowdown. In cases where the evaporator blowdown includes a significant concentration of silica, lowering the pH will precipitate silica from the evaporator blowdown.
The present invention relates to a process for treating evaporator concentrate. The process includes generating or producing a vent stream that includes carbon dioxide and mixing the carbon dioxide with the evaporator blowdown to reduce the pH of the evaporator blowdown. In cases where the evaporator blowdown includes a significant concentration of silica, lowering the pH will precipitate silica from the evaporator blowdown.
A process is described for recovering alkali-chloride and alkali-sulfate salts from a salt solution. The salt solution comprises alkali metal, chloride and sulfate ions and is directed to a hydrous salt crystallization unit which crystallizes hydrated sulfate salts that comprise sulfate and at least one alkali metal. A purged solution from the hydrous salt crystallization unit is directed to a chloride salt crystallization unit while the hydrated sulfate salt crystals are melted to form an aqueous sulfate solution which is directed to a sulfate crystallization unit. Anhydrous sulfate salts are crystallized from the aqueous sulfate solution to form sulfate salt crystals comprising sulfate and at least one alkali metal. In the chloride salt crystallization unit, chloride salt is crystallized to form chloride salt crystals. A purge from the chloride salt crystallization unit is directed to the hydrous salt crystallization unit.
A process is described for recovering alkali-chloride and alkali-sulfate salts from a salt solution. The salt solution comprises alkali metal, chloride and sulfate ions and is directed to a hydrous salt crystallization unit (28) which crystallizes hydrated sulfate salts that comprise sulfate and at least one alkali metal. A purged solution from the hydrous salt crystallization unit (28) is directed to a chloride salt crystallization unit (38) while the hydrated sulfate salt crystals are melted to form an aqueous sulfate solution which is directed to a sulfate crystallization unit (32). Anhydrous sulfate salts are crystallized from the aqueous sulfate solution to form sulfate salt crystals comprising sulfate and at least one alkali metal. In the chloride salt crystallization unit (38), chloride salt is crystallized to form chloride salt crystals. At least a portion of the purges from the sulfate and chloride salt crystallization units (32, 38) is directed to the hydrous salt crystallization unit (28).
An oil recovery process where produced water is cooled through a flash evaporization process and the resulting vapor is utilized to heat steam generator feedwater.
C02F 103/10 - Nature de l'eau, des eaux résiduaires ou des eaux ou boues d'égout à traiter provenant de carrières ou d'activités minières
C02F 103/36 - Nature de l'eau, des eaux résiduaires ou des eaux ou boues d'égout à traiter provenant de l'industrie chimique non prévue dans les groupes provenant de la fabrication de composés organiques
An oil recovery process where produced water from a steam-assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) process is cooled through a flash evaporization process and the resulting vapour is utilized to heat steam generator feedwater. A hot oil-water mixture (20) from a geological formation (70) is directed to a separator (22) where a product oil (30) is extracted leaving produced water (40). The hot produced water (40) is cooled in a cooling unit (100) before further treatment. The cooling unit (100) comprises a series of flash evaporators (111, 112, 113, 114, 115) and a series of heat exchangers (121, 122, 123, 124, 125), with a vapour stream from each flash evaporator being directed to the corresponding heat exchanger. The remaining cooled, concentrated produced water is sent to the subsequent flash evaporator and is exposed to successively lower pressures as it passes from flash evaporator to flash evaporator. Pressure control devices control valves (131B, 132B, 133B, 134B, 135B) which are connected to a vacuum system (140), thereby providing control of the pressures in the respective flash chambers. In the heat exchangers, heat is transferred from the vapour to a feedwater (50) which is directed to a steam generator (60).
C02F 103/10 - Nature de l'eau, des eaux résiduaires ou des eaux ou boues d'égout à traiter provenant de carrières ou d'activités minières
C02F 9/00 - Traitement en plusieurs étapes de l'eau, des eaux résiduaires ou des eaux d'égout
Oil sands process water (OSPW) is directed to an evaporator that evaporates the OSPW and produces steam and a concentrated brine. The OSPW includes alkalinity and calcium hardness. To inhibit calcium carbonate scaling of the evaporator, magnesium oxide is mixed with the OSPW, resulting in the precipitation of magnesium hydroxide which acts as a seed material for calcium carbonate precipitation to prevent fouling. The process crystallizes the calcium carbonate and the mixture of magnesium hydroxide and calcium carbonate crystals are circulated through the evaporator as well as recirculated to a point upstream of the evaporator.
C02F 1/04 - Traitement de l'eau, des eaux résiduaires ou des eaux d'égout par chauffage par distillation ou évaporation
C02F 1/44 - Traitement de l'eau, des eaux résiduaires ou des eaux d'égout par dialyse, osmose ou osmose inverse
C02F 1/52 - Traitement de l'eau, des eaux résiduaires ou des eaux d'égout par floculation ou précipitation d'impuretés en suspension
C02F 5/02 - Adoucissement de l'eau par précipitation des substances qui rendent l'eau dure
C02F 1/20 - Traitement de l'eau, des eaux résiduaires ou des eaux d'égout par dégazage, c.-à-d. par libération des gaz dissous
C02F 1/66 - Traitement de l'eau, des eaux résiduaires ou des eaux d'égout par neutralisationAjustage du pH
Oil sands process water (OSPW) is directed to an evaporator (16) that evaporates the OSPW and produces steam and a concentrated brine. The OSPW includes alkalinity and calcium hardness. To inhibit calcium carbonate scaling of the evaporator (16), magnesium oxide is mixed with the OSPW, resulting in the precipitation of magnesium hydroxide which acts as a seed material for calcium carbonate precipitation to prevent fouling. The process crystallizes the calcium carbonate and the mixture of magnesium hydroxide and calcium carbonate crystals are circulated through the evaporator (16) as well as recirculated (20) to a point upstream of the evaporator (16).
C02F 1/04 - Traitement de l'eau, des eaux résiduaires ou des eaux d'égout par chauffage par distillation ou évaporation
C02F 1/52 - Traitement de l'eau, des eaux résiduaires ou des eaux d'égout par floculation ou précipitation d'impuretés en suspension
C02F 5/02 - Adoucissement de l'eau par précipitation des substances qui rendent l'eau dure
C02F 103/10 - Nature de l'eau, des eaux résiduaires ou des eaux ou boues d'égout à traiter provenant de carrières ou d'activités minières
C02F 103/36 - Nature de l'eau, des eaux résiduaires ou des eaux ou boues d'égout à traiter provenant de l'industrie chimique non prévue dans les groupes provenant de la fabrication de composés organiques
C02F 1/44 - Traitement de l'eau, des eaux résiduaires ou des eaux d'égout par dialyse, osmose ou osmose inverse
C02F 1/20 - Traitement de l'eau, des eaux résiduaires ou des eaux d'égout par dégazage, c.-à-d. par libération des gaz dissous
C02F 1/66 - Traitement de l'eau, des eaux résiduaires ou des eaux d'égout par neutralisationAjustage du pH
A process is provided for treating produced water resulting from an oil recovery operation. Produced water is subjected to a softening process wherein a caustic or other softening reagent is added to the produced water to increase the pH of the produced water. Downstream of softening, there is provided an evaporator for evaporating at least a portion of the produced water and producing steam and a concentrated brine. At least a portion of the concentrated brine is recycled upstream of the evaporator and mixed with the produced water and the softening reagent to enhance the softening process.
An oil recovery process is provided where an oil-water mixture is recovered from an oil-bearing formation (42). Oil is separated from the oil-water mixture to yield produced water. The produced water is typically subjected to a pre-treatment process (30). After pre-treatment, the produced water is directed to an evaporator (34) that evaporates at least some of the produced water and produces steam and an evaporator blowdown. The evaporator blowdown is directed to a dual stage crystallizer (50) that concentrates the evaporator blowdown.
A process is provided for treating produced water resulting from an oil recovery operation. Produced water is subjected to a softening process wherein a caustic or other softening reagent is added to the produced water to increase the pH of the produced water. Downstream of softening, there is provided an evaporator for evaporating at least a portion of the produced water and producing steam and a concentrated brine. At least a portion of the concentrated brine is recycled upstream of the evaporator and mixed with the produced water and the softening reagent to enhance the softening process.
E21B 43/24 - Procédés de récupération assistée pour l'extraction d'hydrocarbures utilisant la chaleur, p. ex. injection de vapeur
E21B 43/40 - Séparation associée à la réinjection de matériaux séparés
C09K 8/592 - Compositions utilisées en combinaison avec de la chaleur générée, p. ex. par injection de vapeur
C02F 1/04 - Traitement de l'eau, des eaux résiduaires ou des eaux d'égout par chauffage par distillation ou évaporation
C02F 1/52 - Traitement de l'eau, des eaux résiduaires ou des eaux d'égout par floculation ou précipitation d'impuretés en suspension
C02F 1/66 - Traitement de l'eau, des eaux résiduaires ou des eaux d'égout par neutralisationAjustage du pH
C02F 103/36 - Nature de l'eau, des eaux résiduaires ou des eaux ou boues d'égout à traiter provenant de l'industrie chimique non prévue dans les groupes provenant de la fabrication de composés organiques
C09K 8/528 - Compositions pour éviter, limiter ou éliminer les dépôts, p. ex. pour le nettoyage les dépôts inorganiques, p. ex. sulfates ou carbonates
Wood pulping process including pulping wood to produce a pulping effluent or liquor. Pre-concentrating the liquor in a pre-concentration unit produces concentrated liquor, a contaminated condensate and a non-contaminated condensate. Directing the concentrated liquor to a multi-effect train of forced circulation solids concentrators that further concentrating the concentrated liquor to form a highly concentrated liquor. Directing the contaminated condensate produced by the pre-concentration unit to a steam stripper and stripping gases therefrom and in the process producing a contaminated vapor stream. Utilizing the contaminated vapor stream and its thermal energy to power the forced circulation solids concentrators of the multi-effect train.
A method is provided for treating brine recovered from a coal seam gas operation. The process entails directing brine recovered from a coal seam gas operation to a mixed reactor and mixing an alkaline earth reagent with the brine. This results in the precipitation of alkaline earth salts and silica, which form alkaline earth salt crystals having silica adsorbed thereto. Thereafter, the alkaline earth salt crystals and adsorbed silica are directed to an evaporator that produces a concentrate having the alkaline earth salt crystals and adsorbed silica.
A wood pulping process includes producing weak black liquor and cooling the liquor as well as recovering heat therefrom by directing the weak black liquor through a spray film evaporator. A feed or condensate is directed into the spray film evaporator and the feed or condensate is sprayed onto the outer surfaces of a bundle of tubes. This results in the feed or the condensate being vaporized and producing a vapor that can be utilized as a heat source for other processes in a pulp mill.
A method of recovering oil from an oil well includes recovering an oil-water mixture from the oil well and separating produced water from the oil-water mixture. Thereafter, the produced water is directed through a ceramic membrane that removes free oil and emulsified oil from the produced water. The method or process further includes cleaning the ceramic membrane in online and offline modes. In the offline mode, cleaning is achieved by periodically backflushing the ceramic membrane with an aqueous media having a pH of 13 or greater and a temperature of 60°C or greater. Further, the ceramic membrane is cleaned in the offline mode by applying the following operations. In one or more clean-in-place operations, an aqueous alkaline media at a pH of 13 or higher and a temperature of 60°C or higher is directed through the ceramic membrane. In one or more clean-in-place operations, the ceramic membrane is also cleaned with an aqueous acidic media that contains dissolved citric acid. Finally, in one or more clean- in-place operations, a liquid hydrocarbon is directed through the ceramic membrane.
B01D 65/02 - Nettoyage ou stérilisation de membranes
B01D 65/08 - Prévention de l'encrassement de la membrane ou de la polarisation par concentration
C02F 1/40 - Dispositifs pour séparer ou enlever les substances grasses ou huileuses, ou les matières flottantes similaires
E21B 43/00 - Procédés ou dispositifs pour l'extraction de pétrole, de gaz, d'eau ou de matériaux solubles ou fusibles ou d'une suspension de matières minérales à partir de puits
A process for recovering oil is provided. The process entails recovering an oil-water mixture from an oil-bearing formation. Next, the process entails separating oil from the oil-water mixture and producing produced water having hardness and other scale-forming compounds, suspended solids, free oil and emulsified oil. A pre-treatment process is undertaken to remove hardness and other scale-forming compounds. This entails precipitating hardness and other scale-forming compounds. After the precipitation of hardness and other scale-forming compounds, the produced water is directed to a membrane separation unit for filtering the produced water and producing a retentate having suspended solids, hardness and other scale-forming compounds, free oil and emulsified oil. The membrane separation unit also produces a permeate stream substantially free of hardness and other scale-forming compounds, suspended solids, free oil and emulsified oil. Thereafter, the permeate stream is chemically treated to enhance the recovery of oil in the oil-bearing formation. After treating the permeate stream from the membrane separation unit, the treated permeate is injected into the oil-bearing formation.
C09K 8/584 - Compositions pour les méthodes de récupération assistée pour l'extraction d'hydrocarbures, c.-à-d. pour améliorer la mobilité de l'huile, p. ex. fluides de déplacement caractérisées par l'utilisation de tensio-actifs spécifiques
C09K 8/588 - Compositions pour les méthodes de récupération assistée pour l'extraction d'hydrocarbures, c.-à-d. pour améliorer la mobilité de l'huile, p. ex. fluides de déplacement caractérisées par l'utilisation de polymères spécifiques
C02F 1/04 - Traitement de l'eau, des eaux résiduaires ou des eaux d'égout par chauffage par distillation ou évaporation
C02F 1/28 - Traitement de l'eau, des eaux résiduaires ou des eaux d'égout par absorption ou adsorption
C02F 1/42 - Traitement de l'eau, des eaux résiduaires ou des eaux d'égout par échange d'ions
C02F 1/44 - Traitement de l'eau, des eaux résiduaires ou des eaux d'égout par dialyse, osmose ou osmose inverse
C02F 1/66 - Traitement de l'eau, des eaux résiduaires ou des eaux d'égout par neutralisationAjustage du pH
C02F 5/06 - Adoucissement de l'eau par précipitation des substances qui rendent l'eau dure en utilisant des composés du calcium
A process for treating feedwater with a microfiltration or ultrafiltration membrane unit and a downstream reverse osmosis unit. An aluminum salt coagulant is added to the feedwater upstream of a membrane separation unit. The aluminum salt coagulant is mixed upstream of the membrane separation unit. A sufficient amount of the aluminum salt coagulant is mixed with the feedwater for a sufficient residence time to control the concentration of the aluminum in the permeate emitted by the membrane separation unit.
A method of recovering oil from an oil-bearing formation including recovering an oil-water mixture from the oil-bearing formation and separating produced water from the oil-water mixture. The produced water includes phosphonate anti-scalant compounds. An oxidant is mixed with the produced water to deactivate the phosphonate anti-scalant compounds, thereby permitting dissolved solids in the produced water to precipitate. After deactivating the phosphonate anti-scalant compounds, the produced water is directed into a ceramic membrane which filters the produced water, producing a permeate stream and a retentate stream having suspended solids and precipitants therein.
C09K 8/528 - Compositions pour éviter, limiter ou éliminer les dépôts, p. ex. pour le nettoyage les dépôts inorganiques, p. ex. sulfates ou carbonates
C02F 1/44 - Traitement de l'eau, des eaux résiduaires ou des eaux d'égout par dialyse, osmose ou osmose inverse
C02F 1/52 - Traitement de l'eau, des eaux résiduaires ou des eaux d'égout par floculation ou précipitation d'impuretés en suspension
C02F 1/72 - Traitement de l'eau, des eaux résiduaires ou des eaux d'égout par oxydation
C09K 8/58 - Compositions pour les méthodes de récupération assistée pour l'extraction d'hydrocarbures, c.-à-d. pour améliorer la mobilité de l'huile, p. ex. fluides de déplacement
E21B 43/34 - Aménagements pour séparer les matériaux produits par le puits
C02F 9/00 - Traitement en plusieurs étapes de l'eau, des eaux résiduaires ou des eaux d'égout
Oil recovery process including treating permeate from a ceramic membrane to enhance oil recovery
A process for recovering oil is provided. The process entails recovering an oil-water mixture from an oil-bearing formation. Next, the process entails separating oil from the oil-water mixture and producing produced water having hardness and other scale-forming compounds, suspended solids, free oil and emulsified oil. A pre-treatment process is undertaken to remove hardness and other scale-forming compounds. This entails precipitating hardness and other scale-forming compounds. After the precipitation of hardness and other scale-forming compounds, the produced water is directed to a membrane separation unit for filtering the produced water and producing a retentate having suspended solids, hardness and other scale-forming compounds, free oil and emulsified oil. The membrane separation unit also produces a permeate stream substantially free of hardness and other scale-forming compounds, suspended solids, free oil and emulsified oil. Thereafter, the permeate stream is chemically treated to enhance the recovery of oil in the oil-bearing formation. After treating the permeate stream from the membrane separation unit, the treated permeate is injected into the oil-bearing formation.
E21B 43/40 - Séparation associée à la réinjection de matériaux séparés
C02F 9/00 - Traitement en plusieurs étapes de l'eau, des eaux résiduaires ou des eaux d'égout
C09K 8/58 - Compositions pour les méthodes de récupération assistée pour l'extraction d'hydrocarbures, c.-à-d. pour améliorer la mobilité de l'huile, p. ex. fluides de déplacement
C02F 1/04 - Traitement de l'eau, des eaux résiduaires ou des eaux d'égout par chauffage par distillation ou évaporation
C02F 1/42 - Traitement de l'eau, des eaux résiduaires ou des eaux d'égout par échange d'ions
C02F 1/44 - Traitement de l'eau, des eaux résiduaires ou des eaux d'égout par dialyse, osmose ou osmose inverse
C02F 1/66 - Traitement de l'eau, des eaux résiduaires ou des eaux d'égout par neutralisationAjustage du pH
C09K 8/584 - Compositions pour les méthodes de récupération assistée pour l'extraction d'hydrocarbures, c.-à-d. pour améliorer la mobilité de l'huile, p. ex. fluides de déplacement caractérisées par l'utilisation de tensio-actifs spécifiques
C09K 8/588 - Compositions pour les méthodes de récupération assistée pour l'extraction d'hydrocarbures, c.-à-d. pour améliorer la mobilité de l'huile, p. ex. fluides de déplacement caractérisées par l'utilisation de polymères spécifiques
C02F 1/28 - Traitement de l'eau, des eaux résiduaires ou des eaux d'égout par absorption ou adsorption
C02F 5/06 - Adoucissement de l'eau par précipitation des substances qui rendent l'eau dure en utilisant des composés du calcium
A method is provided for treating brine recovered from a coal seam gas operation. The process entails directing brine recovered from a coal seam gas operation to a mixed reactor and mixing an alkaline earth reagent with the brine. This results in the precipitation of alkaline earth salts and silica, which form alkaline earth salt crystals having silica adsorbed thereto. Thereafter, the alkaline earth salt crystals and adsorbed silica are directed to an evaporator that produces a concentrate having the alkaline earth salt crystals and adsorbed silica.
A method of treating concentrated produced water derived from a steam assisted gravity drainage oil recovery process is described. The method includes utilizing a double drum dryer to dry a concentrated slurry and produce a dried concentrate for deposition in a landfill.
(1) Chemical and physical treatment reactors and ceramic membranes used and sold as a unit for removing suspended solids and dissolved solids from industrial wastewater streams in the form of produced water resulting in the recovery of oil and gas from oil and gas-bearing formulations.
Method for recovering pulping chemicals and reducing the concentration of potassium and chloride therein
In a digester, wood chips and white liquor are combined and cooked under pressure to pulp the wood. This produces black liquor which is concentrated and burned in a recovery boiler. The recovery boiler produces ash that contains sodium, sulphur, potassium and chloride. The ash is dissolved and subjected to a process that recovers sodium sulfate and burkeite. The concentration of potassium and chloride is reduced, in part at least, by subjecting the ash to adiabatic cooling in a crystallizer which produces glaserite and a purge stream rich in chloride. By leaching the glaserite, sodium sulfate is removed from the glaserite, leaving potassium sulfate. The recovered sodium sulfate and burkeite can be recycled and used as pulping chemicals. The removed potassium and chloride can be further treated or appropriately discarded.
In a digester, wood chips and white liquor are combined and cooked under pressure to pulp the wood. This produces black liquor which is concentrated and burned in a recovery boiler. The recovery boiler produces ash that contains sodium, sulphur, potassium and chloride. The ash is dissolved and subjected to a process that recovers sodium sulfate and burkeite. The concentration of potassium and chloride is reduced, in part at least, by subjecting the ash to adiabatic cooling in a crystallizer which produces glaserite and a purge stream rich in chloride. By leaching the glaserite, sodium sulfate is removed from the glaserite, leaving potassium sulfate. The recovered sodium sulfate and burkeite can be recycled and used as pulping chemicals. The removed potassium and chloride can be further treated or appropriately discarded.
A process is provided for recovering sodium chloride crystals and sodium carbonate decahydrate crystals from a concentrated brine that results from a gas mining operation where gas and produced water is recovered and the produced water constitutes a brine. An initial pre-concentration process is carried out where the brine is concentrated and in the process carbon dioxide is removed from the brine and at least some sodium bicarbonate is converted to sodium carbonate. In one process, the concentrated brine is directed to a sodium chloride crystallizer where the brine is heated and further concentrated to form sodium chloride crystals which are separated from the brine to yield a product and wherein the resulting brine is termed a first mother liquor. The first mother liquor is then directed to a sodium carbonate decahydrate crystallizer where the first mother liquor is cooled and concentrated resulting in the formation of sodium carbonate decahydrate crystals and a second mother liquor. The second mother liquor is split into two streams where one stream is directed back to the sodium chloride crystallizer while the other stream is wasted or further treated.
C01D 7/12 - Préparation de carbonates à partir de bicarbonates
C01D 3/06 - Préparation par traitement de saumures, eau de mer ou lessive épuisées
C02F 1/04 - Traitement de l'eau, des eaux résiduaires ou des eaux d'égout par chauffage par distillation ou évaporation
C02F 1/52 - Traitement de l'eau, des eaux résiduaires ou des eaux d'égout par floculation ou précipitation d'impuretés en suspension
E21B 43/34 - Aménagements pour séparer les matériaux produits par le puits
C09K 8/58 - Compositions pour les méthodes de récupération assistée pour l'extraction d'hydrocarbures, c.-à-d. pour améliorer la mobilité de l'huile, p. ex. fluides de déplacement
Method for recovering gas from shale reservoirs and purifying resulting produced water to allow the produced water to be used as drilling or frac water, or discharged to the environment
A system and method for removing gas from a gas producing subterranean formation and removing contaminants from the produced water is provided. The method includes providing a mixture of gas and water gathered from a gas producing well. Thereafter the method entails separating the gas from the mixture to produce a gas product and the produced water which includes organics, suspended solids and dissolved solids including silica. Thereafter, suspended solids are removed from the produced water. After removing some of the suspended solids, the produced water is directed to a micro porous polymer extraction (MPPE) unit. In the MPPE unit aromatic organic compounds are removed from the produced water. Thereafter the produced water is treated in a membrane bioreactor to remove additional organics. Thereafter the produced water is directed to at least one RO unit that produces a high dissolved solids containing reject stream and a low dissolved solids permeate stream. The method or process described reduces the concentration of certain contaminants in the produced water such that the output or permeate stream from at least one RO unit can be used for frac fluid, drilling mud, or discharged to the environment.
C02F 5/08 - Traitement de l'eau avec des produits chimiques complexants ou des agents solubilisants pour l'adoucissement, la prévention ou l'élimination de l'entartrage, p. ex. par addition d'agents séquestrants
C02F 1/20 - Traitement de l'eau, des eaux résiduaires ou des eaux d'égout par dégazage, c.-à-d. par libération des gaz dissous
C02F 1/26 - Traitement de l'eau, des eaux résiduaires ou des eaux d'égout par extraction
C02F 1/52 - Traitement de l'eau, des eaux résiduaires ou des eaux d'égout par floculation ou précipitation d'impuretés en suspension
A process is provided for treating produced water recovered from an oil recovery process. An oil-water mixture is collected from an oil bearing formation. The oil-water mixture is directed to a separator that separates the oil-water mixture to yield produced water and an oil product. The produced water includes water, dissolved organics and dissolved inorganic solids. The produced water is directed to a crystallizer. In the crystallizer, the produced water is concentrated by heating the produced water. Concentrating the produced water causes the organic and inorganic solids to precipitate from the produced water and form solid crystals, including salt crystals. Further, concentrating the produced water in the crystallizer produces an organic melt including the solid crystals. Thereafter, the method or process entails cooling the organic melt such that the organic melt solidifies into an organic solid structure, and wherein substantially no free water is present in the organic solid structure.
B03B 9/02 - Disposition générale d'un atelier de séparation, p. ex. schéma opératoire spécialement adapté aux séparations pétrole/sable, pétrole/craie, pétrole/schistes, ozokérite, bitume ou similaires
E21B 43/34 - Aménagements pour séparer les matériaux produits par le puits
37 - Services de construction; extraction minière; installation et réparation
42 - Services scientifiques, technologiques et industriels, recherche et conception
Produits et services
(1) Wastewater treatment systems, namely, degasifiers, mixing tanks, mixing units, water clarifiers, reverse osmosis filtration units, water filters and ion exchange softeners. (1) Construction services in the field of wastewater treatment facilities; design services in the field of wastewater treatment systems.
Process of scrubbing volatiles from evaporator water vapor
A process is provided where a waste stream is directed to an evaporator that produces a vapor having volatile compounds. The vapor including the volatile compounds is directed through a vapor scrubber that contacts the volatile compounds with a scratching solution. The scrubbing solution reacts with the gaseous volatile compounds in the vapor such that the volatile compounds pass from a vapor state into the scrubbing solution and form volatile compounds in the liquid scrubbing solution. The scrubbing solution is collected and recycled.
C01B 3/36 - Production d'hydrogène ou de mélanges gazeux contenant de l'hydrogène par réaction de composés organiques gazeux ou liquides avec des agents gazéifiants, p. ex. de l'eau, du gaz carbonique, de l'air par réaction d'hydrocarbures avec des agents gazéifiants avec l'oxygène ou des mélanges contenant de l'oxygène comme agents gazéifiants
A process is provided where a waste stream is directed to an evaporator that produces a vapor having volatile compounds. The vapor including the volatile compounds is directed through a vapor scrubber that contacts the volatile compounds with a scratching solution. The scrubbing solution reacts with the gaseous volatile compounds in the vapor such that the volatile compounds pass from a vapor state into the scrubbing solution and form volatile compounds in the liquid scrubbing solution. The scrubbing solution is collected and recycled.
B01D 53/38 - Élimination des composants de structure non définie
B01D 53/14 - Séparation de gaz ou de vapeursRécupération de vapeurs de solvants volatils dans les gazÉpuration chimique ou biologique des gaz résiduaires, p. ex. gaz d'échappement des moteurs à combustion, fumées, vapeurs, gaz de combustion ou aérosols par absorption
C01B 3/34 - Production d'hydrogène ou de mélanges gazeux contenant de l'hydrogène par réaction de composés organiques gazeux ou liquides avec des agents gazéifiants, p. ex. de l'eau, du gaz carbonique, de l'air par réaction d'hydrocarbures avec des agents gazéifiants
C02F 1/04 - Traitement de l'eau, des eaux résiduaires ou des eaux d'égout par chauffage par distillation ou évaporation
C02F 1/28 - Traitement de l'eau, des eaux résiduaires ou des eaux d'égout par absorption ou adsorption
C02F 1/52 - Traitement de l'eau, des eaux résiduaires ou des eaux d'égout par floculation ou précipitation d'impuretés en suspension
A gasifier waste stream from a gasification process is directed to a solids separator. A portion of the suspended solids in the waste stream is removed in the solids separator, producing slag and fly ash and a grey water effluent. The grey water effluent is directed to one or more ceramic membranes which remove at least portions of the remaining suspended solids in the grey water. Permeate from the ceramic membrane is directed to an evaporator located downstream from the ceramic membrane for further concentration. Placing the ceramic membrane upstream from the evaporator reduces fouling and plugging in the evaporator that would otherwise occur due to the suspended solids in the grey water.
C01B 3/36 - Production d'hydrogène ou de mélanges gazeux contenant de l'hydrogène par réaction de composés organiques gazeux ou liquides avec des agents gazéifiants, p. ex. de l'eau, du gaz carbonique, de l'air par réaction d'hydrocarbures avec des agents gazéifiants avec l'oxygène ou des mélanges contenant de l'oxygène comme agents gazéifiants
C01B 6/24 - Hydrures contenant au moins deux métaux, p. ex. Li(AlH4)Leurs complexes d'addition
B01J 7/00 - Appareillage pour la production de gaz
B01D 63/00 - Appareils en général pour les procédés de séparation utilisant des membranes semi-perméables
A process for recovery oil includes recovering an oil/water mixture from an oil well. Thereafter, the method includes separating oil from the oil/water mixture to produce an oil product and produced water having dissolved silica therein. The produced water is directed to an evaporator and produces steam and a concentrated brine. The method or process entails mixing a precipitant or crystallizing reagent with the produced water or the concentrated brine and causing the silica to precipitate from the produced water or the concentrated brine. Steam produced by the evaporator is condensed to form a distillate which is directed to steam generator. At the steam generator the distillate is heated to produce steam which is injected into an injection well, giving rise to the formation of the oil/water mixture.
A method for removing silica from evaporator concentrate to facilitate disposal of the concentrate. An alkaline earth compound is mixed with the concentrate in a crystallizer. Silica in the concentrate reacts with the alkaline earth compound and precipitates from the concentrate as alkaline silicate complexes. The concentrate having the alkaline earth silicate complexes is directed to a separator where the alkaline earth silicate complexes are separated from the concentrate, producing an aqueous solution and slurry. The slurry is directed to a filter where solids are separated from a filtrate. Both the aqueous solution and the filtrate can be disposed of by deep well injection.
A method for removing silica from evaporator concentrate to facilitate disposal of the concentrate. An alkaline earth compound is mixed with the concentrate in a crystallizer. Silica in the concentrate reacts with the alkaline earth compound and precipitates from the concentrate as alkaline silicate complexes. The concentrate having the alkaline earth silicate complexes is directed to a separator where the alkaline earth silicate complexes are separated from the concentrate, producing an aqueous solution and slurry. The slurry is directed to a filter where solids are separated from a filtrate. Both the aqueous solution and the filtrate can be disposed of by deep well injection.
A method for removing dissolved solids from a waste stream, such as that produced in flue gas scrubbing, through an evaporation-crystallization process operated at relatively low temperature. A waste stream is directed into an evaporator and heated at a temperature of less than 60°C at a pressure below atmospheric pressure. The waste stream is concentrated through the evaporation process and forms a slurry stream having crystallized solids. At the low temperature of evaporation, the solids crystal-lize at substantially lower temperature and the solution has a substantially lower boiling point elevation than at atmospheric pres-sure. The slurry stream is directed to a solid-liquid separator where the crystallized solids in the slurry stream are separated, pro-ducing a solid cake and mother liquor.
A method for removing dissolved solids from a waste stream, such as that produced in flue gas scrubbing, through an evaporation-crystallization process operated at relatively low temperature. A waste stream is directed into an evaporator and heated at a temperature of less than 60° C. at a pressure below atmospheric pressure. The waste stream is concentrated through the evaporation process and forms a slurry stream having crystallized solids. At the low temperature of evaporation, the solids crystallize at substantially lower temperature and the solution has a substantially lower boiling point elevation than at atmospheric pressure. The slurry stream is directed to a solid-liquid separator where the crystallized solids in the slurry stream are separated, producing a solid cake and mother liquor.
An oil recovery process utilizes one or more membranes to remove silica and/or oil from produced water. In one method, the process includes separating oil from produced water and precipitating silica. The produced water having the precipitated silica is directed to a membrane, such as a ceramic membrane, which removes the precipitated silica from the produced water. In some cases, residual oil is present and is also removed by the membrane.
A process for recovery oil includes recovering an oil/water mixture from an oil well. Thereafter, the method includes separating oil from the oil/water mixture to produce an oil product and produced water having dissolved silica therein. The produced water is directed to an evaporator and produces steam and a concentrated brine. The method or process entails mixing a precipitant or crystallizing reagent with the produced water or the concentrated brine and causing the silica to precipitate from the produced water or the concentrated brine. Steam produced by the evaporator is condensed to form a distillate which is directed to steam generator. At the steam generator the distillate is heated to produce steam which is injected into an injection well, giving rise to the formation of the oil/water mixture.
A method for recovering oil includes recovering an oil-water mixture from a well and separating oil from the oil-water mixture to produce an oil product and produced water. The produced water is directed to an evaporator which produces steam that is condensed to form a distillate. Thereafter the distillate is directed to a steam generator and is heated to form steam and water. At least a portion of the water is recirculated through the steam generator. Another portion of the water is mixed with the steam to form a steam-water mixture that is injected into an injection well.
37 - Services de construction; extraction minière; installation et réparation
42 - Services scientifiques, technologiques et industriels, recherche et conception
Produits et services
wastewater treatment systems, namely, degasifiers, mixing tanks, mixing units, water clarifiers, reverse osmosis filtration units, water filters and ion exchange softeners construction services in the field of wastewater treatment facilities design services in the field of wastewater treatment systems
37 - Services de construction; extraction minière; installation et réparation
42 - Services scientifiques, technologiques et industriels, recherche et conception
Produits et services
evaporators and crystallizers building evaporators and crystallizers and associated systems for others design services for evaporators and crystallizers and associated systems