The invention relates to a "flameless" gas fuel burner (1) having a longitudinal axis (A) at the intersection of two perpendicular planes (P1, P2), comprising a diffuser (2) through which fuel-injection ducts (3) and oxidiser-injection ducts (4, 5) pass, the oxidiser-injection ducts (4, 5) opening out from the diffuser closer to the burner axis than the fuel-injection ducts (3) for operation in flameless mode, and further comprising a central fuel-injection duct (6) for operation in flame mode, which extends in the axial direction (A) of the burner, further comprising an internal combustion chamber (7) into which the central fuel-injection duct (6) opens, as well as a passage (8, 27, 28) supplying oxidiser, the internal combustion chamber comprising an ignition electrode (9) for starting combustion in the internal combustion chamber (7) of the mixture of fuel and oxidiser supplied thereto by the central fuel-injection duct (6) and the at least one duct (8, 27, 28) supplying oxidiser.
F23D 14/22 - Brûleurs à gaz sans prémélangeur, c.-à-d. dans lesquels le combustible gazeux est mélangé à l'air de combustion à l'arrivée dans la zone de combustion avec des conduits d'alimentation en air et en gaz séparés, p. ex. avec des conduits disposés parallèlement ou se croisant
A furnace has a melting chamber with a periphery defined by a surrounding wall structure. The furnace is provided with a purge system configured to direct inert gas to flow downward in the melting chamber in the configuration of a curtain that adjoins the wall structure and reaches only partially around the periphery of the melting chamber.
The invention relates to a method for controlling a burner (1) supplied with a gaseous fuel, a property (P) of which fuel has a value (PA) that varies between a minimum value (PI) and a maximum value (P2), the burner comprising a set of fuel injectors (2a, 2b, 2c, 2d) suitable for being supplied with fuel, characterised in that the method comprises a step of selecting one or more injectors (2a, 2b, 2c, 2d) to be supplied with fuel depending on the value (PA) of the property (P) of the fuel. The scale between the minimum value and the maximum value is divided into a number of value ranges, each of these value ranges being associated with one or more fuel injectors. The method comprises a step of determining the value range to which the value (PA) of the property (P) of the fuel belongs, followed by a step of supplying fuel to the one or more fuel injectors associated with this value range, the one or more other injectors not being supplied with fuel.
F23C 6/04 - Appareils à combustion caractérisés par la combinaison d'au moins deux chambres de combustion disposées en série
F23D 14/22 - Brûleurs à gaz sans prémélangeur, c.-à-d. dans lesquels le combustible gazeux est mélangé à l'air de combustion à l'arrivée dans la zone de combustion avec des conduits d'alimentation en air et en gaz séparés, p. ex. avec des conduits disposés parallèlement ou se croisant
F23D 14/58 - Buses caractérisés par la forme ou la disposition de l'orifice ou des orifices des buses, p. ex. en couronne
F23D 14/84 - Diffusion de la flamme ou autres moyens pour lui donner une forme particulière
F23N 1/00 - Régulation de l'alimentation en combustible
A method includes firing a first burner into a furnace process chamber in a first initial condition, firing a second burner into the process chamber in a second initial condition, and measuring temperature at each of an array of locations in the process chamber. The first burner is adjusted to a first adjusted condition while the second burner is being fired at the second initial condition, and a resulting first temperature change is measured at each of the locations. The second burner is adjusted to a second adjusted condition while the first burner is being fired at the first initial condition, and a resulting second temperature change is measured at each of the locations. The measured first and second temperature changes are recorded as reference data for adjusting burner conditions to adjust temperatures at each of the locations. The method can thus be used to improve temperature uniformity throughout the array of locations.
A method includes firing a first burner into a furnace process chamber in a first initial condition, firing a second burner into the process chamber in a second initial condition, and measuring temperature at each of an array of locations in the process chamber. The first burner is adjusted to a first adjusted condition while the second burner is being fired at the second initial condition, and a resulting first temperature change is measured at each of the locations. The second burner is adjusted to a second adjusted condition while the first burner is being fired at the first initial condition, and a resulting second temperature change is measured at each of the locations. The measured first and second temperature changes are recorded as reference data for adjusting burner conditions to adjust temperatures at each of the locations. The method can thus be used to improve temperature uniformity throughout the array of locations.
A scrap collection assembly for use with a fiber placement machine, including a scrap bin configured to receive scrap pieces of composite tape; a first roller assembly, including a roller configured to engage one side of a scrap piece of composite tape, coupled to the scrap bin; a second roller assembly, including another roller configured to engage an opposite side of the scrap piece of composite tape, coupled to the scrap bin, such that the rollers move to engage opposite sides of the scrap piece, pull the scrap piece from a fiber placement machine, and deposit the scrap piece in the scrap bin.
B29C 70/38 - Empilage automatisé, p. ex. utilisant des robots, par application de filaments selon des modèles prédéterminés
B23Q 11/00 - Accessoires montés sur les machines-outils pour maintenir les outils ou les organes de la machine dans de bonnes conditions de travail ou pour refroidir les pièces travailléesDispositifs de sécurité spécialement combinés aux machines-outils, disposés dans ces machines ou spécialement conçus pour être utilisés en relation avec ces machines
A scrap collection assembly for use with a fiber placement machine, including a scrap bin configured, to receive scrap pieces of composite tape; a first roller assembly, including a roller configured to engage one side of a scrap piece of composite tape, coupled to the scrap bin; a second roller assembly, including another roller configured to engage an opposite side of the scrap piece of composite tape, coupled to the scrap bin, such that the rollers move to engage opposite sides of the scrap piece, pull the scrap piece from a fiber placement machine, and deposit the scrap piece in the scrap bin.
A system (1) for guiding a strip (2) traveling in a continuous processing line (3) for the continuous processing of the strip, comprising a plurality of guiding units (116, 131, 141, 171, 193, 202) and a plurality of detectors (114, 117, 132, 142, 151, 172, 194, 203) which detect the position of the strip and are arranged along the line, characterized in that it comprises a dynamic computer-assisted control model (300) that can take account of the position of the strip relative to the center of the line at several points along the line for the joint control of the plurality of guiding units.
G05B 13/04 - Systèmes de commande adaptatifs, c.-à-d. systèmes se réglant eux-mêmes automatiquement pour obtenir un rendement optimal suivant un critère prédéterminé électriques impliquant l'usage de modèles ou de simulateurs
G05B 13/02 - Systèmes de commande adaptatifs, c.-à-d. systèmes se réglant eux-mêmes automatiquement pour obtenir un rendement optimal suivant un critère prédéterminé électriques
C21D 9/52 - Traitement thermique, p. ex. recuit, durcissement, trempe ou revenu, adapté à des objets particuliersFours à cet effet pour fils métalliquesTraitement thermique, p. ex. recuit, durcissement, trempe ou revenu, adapté à des objets particuliersFours à cet effet pour bandes métalliques
The invention relates to a device and method for rapidly cooling metal strips on a continuous production line, the invention being arranged so as to cool the strip as it travels by spraying a liquid, or a mixture of a gas and a liquid, thereon by means of nozzles (21) arranged on spraying units (3, 4), the invention being characterised in that the cooling device comprises spraying units (3) that are rotatable on a plane perpendicular to the strip (8) and perpendicular to the direction of travel of the strip, thereby making it possible to adjust a spraying angle of the spraying units that are movable relative to the strip.
Method for reducing unevenness in a strip subjected to cooling by spraying of liquid, or a mixture of gas and liquid, along a cooling zone of a continuous heat treatment one, the cooling intensity being adjusted in the direction of travel of the strip so as to achieve a relative position between the Leidenfrost temperature and at least one temperature at which the metallurgical structure changes such that said cooling intensity minimizes the internal stresses of the strip, and device for implementing the method.
C21D 1/613 - GazProduits normalement gazeux à l'état liquide ou solide
C21D 11/00 - Commande ou régulation du processus lors de traitements thermiques
B21B 37/44 - Commande de la planéité ou du profil pendant le laminage de bandes, de feuilles ou de tôles utilisant le chauffage, la lubrification ou le refroidissement par jets d'eau, du produit
Direct flame preheating section for continuous metal strip processing lines, comprising a connecting zone between an active zone provided with burners capable of operating in “no flame” mode and a recuperative zone for preheating the strip by exchange with combustion fumes originating from the active zone, the connecting zone having chambers capable of orienting the flow of fumes such that they flow head-on relative to the strip when exiting the active zone and entering the recuperative zone depending on the direction of flow of the fumes.
C21D 1/767 - Procédés de traitement en gaz neutre, en atmosphère contrôlée, sous vide ou dans des matières pulvérulentes avec une circulation forcée de gazLeur réchauffage
F27B 9/12 - Fours dans lesquels la charge est déplacée mécaniquement, p. ex. du type tunnel Fours similaires dans lesquels la charge se déplace par gravité avec dispositions particulières pour le préchauffage ou le refroidissement de la charge
F27B 9/28 - Fours dans lesquels la charge est déplacée mécaniquement, p. ex. du type tunnel Fours similaires dans lesquels la charge se déplace par gravité pour traiter des longueurs ininterrompues du matériau travaillé
A method heats a furnace process chamber with the combustion of fuel gas. The method heats the process chamber in a preheat mode when the temperature of the process chamber is below the autoignition temperature of the fuel gas. The preheat mode forms preheated combustion air by directing the combustion air through a regenerative bed. A stream of the preheated combustion air is directed into the process chamber in a condition unmixed with fuel gas. The preheat mode also forms a fuel rich mixture of the fuel gas and unheated combustion air. The fuel rich mixture is directed into the process chamber adjacent to the stream of preheated combustion air.
F23C 7/00 - Appareils à combustion caractérisés par des dispositions pour l'amenée d'air
F23D 14/64 - Dispositifs mélangeursTubes mélangeurs avec injecteurs
F23C 9/06 - Appareils à combustion caractérisés par des dispositions pour renvoyer les produits de combustion ou les gaz de fumée dans la chambre de combustion destinés à obtenir une combustion complète
F23D 14/10 - Brûleurs à gaz avec prémélangeurs, c.-à-d. dans lesquels le combustible gazeux est mélangé à l'air de combustion en amont de la zone de combustion du type à induction, p. ex. becs Bunsen avec la tête de brûleur tubulaire allongée
F23D 14/70 - Chicanes ou dispositifs analogues pour créer des turbulences
F23D 14/02 - Brûleurs à gaz avec prémélangeurs, c.-à-d. dans lesquels le combustible gazeux est mélangé à l'air de combustion en amont de la zone de combustion
F23C 7/06 - Amenées d'air ne traversant pas le brûleur pour le réchauffage de l'air entrant
F23D 14/46 - Brûleurs pour la combustion d'un gaz, p. ex. d'un gaz stocké sous pression à l'état liquide Parties constitutives
F23D 14/66 - Préchauffage de l'air de combustion ou du gaz
The invention relates to a recuperator (1) for a radiant-tube burner (3) having a convex surface on a mixing tube inside a tubular casing (6) of the recuperator, coaxial therewith and therewith forming a second annular space (9) in which combustion air circulates in the opposite direction to the flue gases flowing from a first annular space and being preheated by heat given up by the flue gases through the tubular casing, which first annular space is formed by a tubular casing (6) coaxial with an exhaust pipe, the flow of the combustion air over the convex surface having the effect of entraining, through the Coanda effect, some of the flue gases into the mixing tube where they mix with the combustion air before being recirculated to a burner via a recirculation pipe.
A workpiece centering gauge for a grinding machine includes a link having a first pivot configured to couple with the grinding machine; a first encoder that measures an angle of the link at the first pivot; a second pivot included with the link; a measuring fork configured to releasably contact an outer surface of an elongated workpiece; a surface feeler, having a transducer, included with the measuring fork that measures a workpiece diameter a second encoder that measures an angular position of the link relative to the measuring fork; the angular position measured by the first encoder, the angular position measured by the second encoder, and a measured workpiece diameter are used to determine a deviation of the elongated workpiece from a centerline.
B24B 5/42 - Machines ou appareils spécialisés pour une seule opération pour rectifier des vilebrequins ou des manetons de vilebrequins
B24B 5/04 - Machines ou dispositifs pour meuler des surfaces de révolution des pièces, y compris ceux qui meulent également des surfaces planes adjacentesAccessoires à cet effet possédant des pointes ou des mandrins pour maintenir la pièce pour meuler extérieurement des surfaces cylindriques
A workpiece centering gauge for a grinding machine includes a link having a first pivot configured to couple with the grinding machine; a first encoder that measures an angle of the link at the first pivot; a second pivot included with the link; a measuring fork configured to releasably contact an outer surface of an elongated workpiece; a surface feeler, having a transducer, included with the measuring fork that measures a workpiece diameter a second encoder that measures an angular position of the link relative to the measuring fork; the angular position measured by the first encoder, the angular position measured by the second encoder, and a measured workpiece diameter are used to determine a deviation of the elongated workpiece from a centerline.
B24B 5/42 - Machines ou appareils spécialisés pour une seule opération pour rectifier des vilebrequins ou des manetons de vilebrequins
B24B 5/04 - Machines ou dispositifs pour meuler des surfaces de révolution des pièces, y compris ceux qui meulent également des surfaces planes adjacentesAccessoires à cet effet possédant des pointes ou des mandrins pour maintenir la pièce pour meuler extérieurement des surfaces cylindriques
B24B 49/02 - Appareillage de mesure ou de calibrage pour la commande du mouvement d'avance de l'outil de meulage ou de la pièce à meulerAgencements de l'appareillage d'indication ou de mesure, p. ex. pour indiquer le début de l'opération de meulage comparant la cote instantanée de la pièce travaillée à la cote cherchée, la mesure ou le calibrage étant continus ou intermittents
A workpiece centering gauge for a grinding machine includes a link having a first pivot configured to couple with the grinding machine; a first encoder that measures an angle of the link at the first pivot; a second pivot included with the link; a measuring fork configured to releasably contact an outer surface of an elongated workpiece; a surface feeler, having a transducer, included with the measuring fork that measures a workpiece diameter a second encoder that measures an angular position of the link relative to the measuring fork; the angular position measured by the first encoder, the angular position measured by the second encoder, and a measured workpiece diameter are used to determine a deviation of the elongated workpiece from a centerline.
B24B 41/06 - Supports de pièces, p. ex. lunettes réglables
B24B 49/02 - Appareillage de mesure ou de calibrage pour la commande du mouvement d'avance de l'outil de meulage ou de la pièce à meulerAgencements de l'appareillage d'indication ou de mesure, p. ex. pour indiquer le début de l'opération de meulage comparant la cote instantanée de la pièce travaillée à la cote cherchée, la mesure ou le calibrage étant continus ou intermittents
Disclosed is a device for removing mattes from the surface of a liquid metal bath inside a duct of a line for continuously coating a metal strip having first and second faces, the first face being intended to come into contact with a bottom roller, comprising a compartment via which the liquid metal inside the duct is replenished by being drawn off by a pump to which the compartment is connected, characterized in that the compartment is capable of being removed by disassembly means without the metal strip needing to be cut.
C23C 2/00 - Procédés de trempage à chaud ou d'immersion pour appliquer le matériau de revêtement à l'état fondu sans modifier la forme de l'objet immergéAppareils à cet effet
The invention relates to a method for removing residues present on a metal strip at the outlet of a cooling stage of a continuous line, the residues being formed during a cooling of said metal strip by a non-oxidizing liquid solution for the metal strip and a stripping liquid solution for the oxides present on the surface of the strip, or by a mixture of this liquid solution and a gas. The method according to the invention is characterized in that it comprises a step of reducing the residues by hydrogen.
The invention relates to a cooling chamber (2) for cooling a metal strip (1) running vertically in a continuous treatment line, said chamber comprising an upper cooling zone (3) in which a cooling liquid is sprayed onto the strip, and an intermediate zone (36) for drying the strip, comprising at least one nozzle (8) intended to form a blade (32) of gas impacting the strip at an acute angle A less than 80°, and preferably less than 60°, characterized in that the nozzle (8) is situated in an enclosure (33) defined by the strip and profiled sheet metalwork (20) arranged facing the strip, said profiled sheet metalwork forming a barrier to the ingress of liquid into the enclosure. The invention also relates to a continuous treatment line comprising the chamber and to a quenching method implemented in the line.
C21D 1/667 - Dispositifs pour trempe pour la trempe par pulvérisation
C21D 9/00 - Traitement thermique, p. ex. recuit, durcissement, trempe ou revenu, adapté à des objets particuliersFours à cet effet
C21D 9/56 - Fours continus pour bandes ou fils métalliques
C21D 9/573 - Fours continus pour bandes ou fils métalliques avec refroidissement
F27B 9/28 - Fours dans lesquels la charge est déplacée mécaniquement, p. ex. du type tunnel Fours similaires dans lesquels la charge se déplace par gravité pour traiter des longueurs ininterrompues du matériau travaillé
F27B 9/30 - Parties constitutives, accessoires ou équipement spécialement adaptés à ces types de fours
F27D 9/00 - Refroidissement des fours ou des charges s'y trouvant
F27B 9/12 - Fours dans lesquels la charge est déplacée mécaniquement, p. ex. du type tunnel Fours similaires dans lesquels la charge se déplace par gravité avec dispositions particulières pour le préchauffage ou le refroidissement de la charge
The invention relates to a method and a device for rapidly cooling a metal strip and removing residues present on the strip after this cooling, wherein the residues are formed during a cooling of said metal strip by a non-oxidizing liquid solution for the metal strip and a stripping liquid solution for the oxides present on the surface of the strip, or by a mixture of this liquid solution and a gas.
A method for controlling a furnace for reheating iron and steel products, comprising forming an infrared image, using an infrared camera, of an upper face of a product over the width and at least partially over the length thereof when said product is arranged on a predetermined discharging surface; digital processing comprising binarization of the infrared image into two classes of pixels, one class that corresponds to the pixels associated with the presence of scale that is bonded on the face of the product and one class that corresponds to the pixels associated with the presence of scale that is not bonded on the face of the product; determining the amounts of non-bonded scale and of bonded scale on the upper face of the product on the basis of the binarized image; modifying furnace control parameters on the basis of the determined amounts of non-bonded scale and of bonded scale.
A fiber placement head for applying a plurality of composite tape segments on a mold includes a supply roll for storing and supplying composite tape having a backing film to the fiber placement head; a film roll for receiving the backing film from the composite tape that is removed from the film roll; an electric motor that rotates the supply roll or the film roll; and a slip clutch, coupled with the supply roll or the film roll, that permits the relative displacement of the angular position of the film roll with respect to the angular position of the supply roll.
A fiber placement head for applying a plurality of composite tape segments on a mold, including a pre-start lane assembly having a pre-start power roller that moves a composite tape segment from a composite tape source; a restart lane assembly having a restart power roller that also moves the composite tape segment from the composite tape source; and a cutting lane assembly having a reciprocating cutting blade, wherein the pre-start power roller draws composite tape from the composite tape source and the restart power roller positions a composite tape segment on a mold.
A furnace has a melting chamber with a periphery defined by a surrounding wall structure. The furnace is provided with a purge system configured to direct inert gas to flow downward in the melting chamber in the configuration of a curtain that adjoins the wall structure and reaches only partially around the periphery of the melting chamber.
A fiber placement head for applying a plurality of composite tape segments on a mold, including a pre-start lane assembly having a pre-start power roller that moves a composite tape segment from a composite tape source; a restart lane assembly having a restart power roller that also moves the composite tape segment from the composite tape source; and a cutting lane assembly having a reciprocating cutting blade, wherein the pre-start power roller draws composite tape from the composite tape source and the restart power roller positions a composite tape segment on a mold.
A fiber placement head for applying a plurality of composite tape segments on a mold, including a pre-start lane assembly having a pre-start power roller that moves a composite tape segment from a composite tape source; a restart lane assembly having a restart power roller that also moves the composite tape segment from the composite tape source; and a cutting lane assembly having a reciprocating cutting blade, wherein the pre-start power roller draws composite tape from the composite tape source and the restart power roller positions a composite tape segment on a mold.
A fiber placement head for applying a plurality of composite tape segments on a mold including a frame that supplies composite tape for application to the mold is configured to be releasably connected to a robotic arm; a tape application assembly that is slidably carried by the frame and applies the composite tape segments to the mold, wherein the tape application assembly moves linearly from one end of the frame toward another end of the frame along a W-axis
A cutter assembly for use in a composite placement machine has a holder having a mounting surface for mounting a cutting insert. A first foot and a second foot is formed on the mounting surface, and a first leg extends between the first and second feet. A first step and a second step is formed on the cutting insert and a first rise extends between the first and second steps. When the cutting insert is mounted in the holder the two feet contact the two steps and the first leg is in contact with the first rise to form a surface area of contact between the mounting surface and the cutting insert that is greater than the surface area of contact between the two feet and the two steps.
B26D 1/04 - Coupe d'une pièce caractérisée par la nature ou par le mouvement de l'élément coupantAppareils ou machines à cet effetÉléments coupants à cet effet comportant un élément qui ne suit pas le mouvement de la pièce ayant un élément coupant se déplaçant linéairement
B26D 7/26 - Moyens de montage ou de réglage de l'outil de coupeMoyens de réglage de la course de l'outil de coupe
Disclosed is a treatment line for the continuous treatment of metal strips having a dual purpose, i.e. for producing strips that are annealed and dip-coated with a metal alloy and for producing strips that are annealed and not coated, comprising a dual-purpose cooling tower, i.e. for cooling strips that are annealed and not coated in a non-oxidizing atmosphere and for air-cooling strips that are annealed and coated.
A method includes firing a first burner into a furnace process chamber in a first initial condition, firing a second burner into the process chamber in a second initial condition, and measuring temperature at each of an array of locations in the process chamber. The first burner is adjusted to a first adjusted condition while the second burner is being fired at the second initial condition, and a resulting first temperature change is measured at each of the locations. The second burner is adjusted to a second adjusted condition while the first burner is being fired at the first initial condition, and a resulting second temperature change is measured at each of the locations. The measured first and second temperature changes are recorded as reference data for adjusting burner conditions to adjust temperatures at each of the locations. The method can thus be used to improve temperature uniformity throughout the array of locations.
F23N 5/10 - Systèmes de commande de la combustion utilisant des dispositifs sensibles aux variations thermiques ou à la dilatation thermique d'un agent utilisant des thermocouples
F27D 19/00 - Aménagement des dispositifs de commande
G01K 7/04 - Mesure de la température basée sur l'utilisation d'éléments électriques ou magnétiques directement sensibles à la chaleur utilisant des éléments thermo-électriques, p. ex. des thermocouples l'objet à mesurer ne formant pas l'un des matériaux thermo-électriques
Method and apparatus for improving furnace temperature uniformity
A method includes firing a first burner into a furnace process chamber in a first initial condition, firing a second burner into the process chamber in a second initial condition, and measuring temperature at each of an array of locations in the process chamber. The first burner is adjusted to a first adjusted condition while the second burner is being fired at the second initial condition, and a resulting first temperature change is measured at each of the locations. The second burner is adjusted to a second adjusted condition while the first burner is being fired at the first initial condition, and a resulting second temperature change is measured at each of the locations. The measured first and second temperature changes are recorded as reference data for adjusting burner conditions to adjust temperatures at each of the locations. The method can thus be used to improve temperature uniformity throughout the array of locations.
A method heats a furnace process chamber with the combustion of fuel gas. The method heats the process chamber in a preheat mode when the temperature of the process chamber is below the autoignition temperature of the fuel gas. The preheat mode forms preheated combustion air by directing the combustion air through a regenerative bed. A stream of the preheated combustion air is directed into the process chamber in a condition unmixed with fuel gas. The preheat mode also forms a fuel rich mixture of the fuel gas and unheated combustion air. The fuel rich mixture is directed into the process chamber adjacent to the stream of preheated combustion air.
F23C 7/00 - Appareils à combustion caractérisés par des dispositions pour l'amenée d'air
F23C 7/06 - Amenées d'air ne traversant pas le brûleur pour le réchauffage de l'air entrant
F23D 14/10 - Brûleurs à gaz avec prémélangeurs, c.-à-d. dans lesquels le combustible gazeux est mélangé à l'air de combustion en amont de la zone de combustion du type à induction, p. ex. becs Bunsen avec la tête de brûleur tubulaire allongée
F23D 14/64 - Dispositifs mélangeursTubes mélangeurs avec injecteurs
F23D 14/66 - Préchauffage de l'air de combustion ou du gaz
F23D 14/70 - Chicanes ou dispositifs analogues pour créer des turbulences
F23D 14/02 - Brûleurs à gaz avec prémélangeurs, c.-à-d. dans lesquels le combustible gazeux est mélangé à l'air de combustion en amont de la zone de combustion
F23C 9/06 - Appareils à combustion caractérisés par des dispositions pour renvoyer les produits de combustion ou les gaz de fumée dans la chambre de combustion destinés à obtenir une combustion complète
F23D 14/46 - Brûleurs pour la combustion d'un gaz, p. ex. d'un gaz stocké sous pression à l'état liquide Parties constitutives
A scrap collection assembly for a tape lamination head that applies a plurality of composite tape segments includes a crack-off assembly with a scrap crack-off redirect roller configured to engage one or more composite tape segments and one or more scrap portions; and a secondary crack-off roller configured to engage one or more composite tape segments and one or more scrap portions; a pivot that connects the crack-off assembly to the tape lamination head, wherein the secondary crack-off roller selectively moves about the pivot to change a direction of composite tape movement.
B32B 37/00 - Procédés ou dispositifs pour la stratification, p. ex. par polymérisation ou par liaison à l'aide d'ultrasons
B32B 38/00 - Opérations auxiliaires liées aux procédés de stratification
B29C 70/00 - Façonnage de matières composites, c.-à-d. de matières plastiques comprenant des renforcements, des matières de remplissage ou des parties préformées, p. ex. des inserts
B29C 70/38 - Empilage automatisé, p. ex. utilisant des robots, par application de filaments selon des modèles prédéterminés
Direct flame preheating section for continuous metal strip processing lines (B), comprising a connecting zone between an active zone (14) provided with burners capable of functioning in 'no flame' mode and a recuperative zone (11) for preheating the strip by exchange with combustion fumes originating from the active zone, the connecting zone having chambers (18, 19) capable of orienting the flow of fumes such that they flow head-on relative to the strip when exiting the active zone and entering the recuperative zone depending on the direction of flow of the fumes.
C21D 1/767 - Procédés de traitement en gaz neutre, en atmosphère contrôlée, sous vide ou dans des matières pulvérulentes avec une circulation forcée de gazLeur réchauffage
F27B 9/12 - Fours dans lesquels la charge est déplacée mécaniquement, p. ex. du type tunnel Fours similaires dans lesquels la charge se déplace par gravité avec dispositions particulières pour le préchauffage ou le refroidissement de la charge
F27B 9/28 - Fours dans lesquels la charge est déplacée mécaniquement, p. ex. du type tunnel Fours similaires dans lesquels la charge se déplace par gravité pour traiter des longueurs ininterrompues du matériau travaillé
F27B 9/36 - Aménagement des dispositifs de chauffage
Direct flame preheating section for continuous metal strip processing lines (B), comprising a connecting zone between an active zone (14) provided with burners capable of functioning in 'no flame' mode and a recuperative zone (11) for preheating the strip by exchange with combustion fumes originating from the active zone, the connecting zone having chambers (18, 19) capable of orienting the flow of fumes such that they flow head-on relative to the strip when exiting the active zone and entering the recuperative zone depending on the direction of flow of the fumes.
C21D 1/74 - Procédés de traitement en gaz neutre, en atmosphère contrôlée, sous vide ou dans des matières pulvérulentes
C21D 1/767 - Procédés de traitement en gaz neutre, en atmosphère contrôlée, sous vide ou dans des matières pulvérulentes avec une circulation forcée de gazLeur réchauffage
C21D 9/56 - Fours continus pour bandes ou fils métalliques
F27B 9/12 - Fours dans lesquels la charge est déplacée mécaniquement, p. ex. du type tunnel Fours similaires dans lesquels la charge se déplace par gravité avec dispositions particulières pour le préchauffage ou le refroidissement de la charge
F27B 9/28 - Fours dans lesquels la charge est déplacée mécaniquement, p. ex. du type tunnel Fours similaires dans lesquels la charge se déplace par gravité pour traiter des longueurs ininterrompues du matériau travaillé
F27B 9/30 - Parties constitutives, accessoires ou équipement spécialement adaptés à ces types de fours
F27B 9/36 - Aménagement des dispositifs de chauffage
F27D 13/00 - Appareils pour le préchauffage des chargesDispositions pour le préchauffage des charges
F27D 99/00 - Matière non prévue dans les autres groupes de la présente sous-classe
A fiber placement head assembly for applying a plurality of composite tape segments on a mold that includes a fiber placement head configured to receive composite tape from a composite tape source and apply the composite tape to the mold. The assembly also includes one or more air-operating conveyors, coupled with the fiber placement head, each having an inlet that is configured to receive an end of composite tape from the composite tape source, an outlet configured to provide the end of composite tape to the fiber placement head, and one or more inline vacuum conveyors that are configured to receive compressed fluid from a source and direct the compressed fluid toward the outlet thereby transporting the end of the composite tape from the inlet to the outlet and into the fiber placement head.
B29C 70/38 - Empilage automatisé, p. ex. utilisant des robots, par application de filaments selon des modèles prédéterminés
B29C 70/06 - Façonnage de matières composites, c.-à-d. de matières plastiques comprenant des renforcements, des matières de remplissage ou des parties préformées, p. ex. des inserts comprenant uniquement des renforcements, p. ex. matières plastiques auto-renforçantes des renforcements fibreux uniquement
B29C 70/50 - Façonnage ou imprégnation par compression pour la fabrication d'objets de longueur indéfinie, p. ex. de "prepregs", de préimprégnés [SMC] ou de nappes multiaxiales [XMC]
B29C 31/04 - Alimentation, p. ex. chargement d'une cavité de moulage
B65B 35/28 - Alimentation en articles séparés, p. ex. transport de ces articles par transporteurs pneumatiques
A fiber placement head for applying a plurality of composite tape segments on a mold includes a supply roll for storing and supplying composite tape having a backing film to the fiber placement head; a film roll for receiving the backing film from the composite tape that is removed from the film roll; an electric motor that rotates the supply roll or the film roll; and a slip clutch, coupled with the supply roll or the film roll, that permits the relative displacement of the angular position of the film roll with respect to the angular position of the supply roll.
B29C 70/38 - Empilage automatisé, p. ex. utilisant des robots, par application de filaments selon des modèles prédéterminés
B29C 70/50 - Façonnage ou imprégnation par compression pour la fabrication d'objets de longueur indéfinie, p. ex. de "prepregs", de préimprégnés [SMC] ou de nappes multiaxiales [XMC]
B29C 70/06 - Façonnage de matières composites, c.-à-d. de matières plastiques comprenant des renforcements, des matières de remplissage ou des parties préformées, p. ex. des inserts comprenant uniquement des renforcements, p. ex. matières plastiques auto-renforçantes des renforcements fibreux uniquement
B29C 70/54 - Parties constitutives, détails ou accessoiresOpérations auxiliaires
09 - Appareils et instruments scientifiques et électriques
42 - Services scientifiques, technologiques et industriels, recherche et conception
Produits et services
Recorded embedded software for monitoring temperature uniformity manually and automatically in industrial combustion furnaces, thermal oxidizers, kilns, ovens, dryers, process heaters, and boilers; device, namely, temperature sensor for monitoring temperature uniformity manually and automatically in industrial combustion furnaces, thermal oxidizers, kilns, ovens, dryers, process heaters, and boilers monitoring temperature uniformity manually and automatically in industrial combustion furnaces, thermal oxidizers, kilns, ovens, dryers, process heaters, and boilers using computer software; monitoring temperature uniformity manually and automatically in industrial combustion furnaces, thermal oxidizers, kilns, ovens, dryers, process heaters, and boilers using an electronic sensor device
A fiber placement head assembly for applying a plurality of composite tape segments on a mold that includes a fiber placement head configured to receive composite tape from a composite tape source and apply the composite tape to the mold. The assembly also includes one or more air-operating conveyors, coupled with the fiber placement head, each having an inlet that is configured to receive an end of composite tape from the composite tape source, an outlet configured to provide the end of composite tape to the fiber placement head, and one or more inline vacuum conveyors that are configured to receive compressed fluid from a source and direct the compressed fluid toward the outlet thereby transporting the end of the composite tape from the inlet to the outlet and into the fiber placement head.
A tape lamination head for applying composite tape onto a mold or mandrel amid the formation of a composite workpiece. The tape lamination head is but one component of a larger tape lamination machine and assembly. Among its components, the tape lamination head includes a tape supply reel and multiple rollers. The tape supply reel receives a tape supply spool. The rollers carry composite tape from the tape supply spool downstream of the tape supply reel. The composite tape is carried by the rollers about a composite tape path that is defined by the tape lamination head. At a location along the composite tape path, one or more of the rollers situates the composite tape so that a backing paper side of the composite tape ends up in confrontation with a layup surface upon which the composite tape is applied.
B65H 35/00 - Délivrance d'articles à partir de machines à découper ou à perforer linéairementAppareils délivrant des articles ou des bandes, comportant des dispositifs pour couper ou perforer linéairement, p. ex. distributeurs de bande adhésive
B65H 23/26 - Positionnement, tension, suppression des à-coups ou guidage des bandes longitudinal par barres ou rouleaux transversaux fixes ou réglables
B65H 41/00 - Machines pour séparer des bandes superposées
A tape lamination head for applying composite tape onto a mold or mandrel amid the formation of a composite workpiece. The tape lamination head is but one component of a larger tape lamination machine and assembly. Among its components, the tape lamination head includes a tape supply reel, a backing paper take-up reel, and a tape tension control system. The tape tension control systemhas a first dancer roller assembly located downstream of the tape supply reel and has a second dancer roller assembly located upstream of the backing paper take- up reel. The first dancer roller assembly can include a first roller, a first guide, a first actuator, a first lock, and a first position sensor. The second dancer roller assembly can include a second roller, a second guide, a second actuator, a second lock, and a second position sensor.
B65H 35/00 - Délivrance d'articles à partir de machines à découper ou à perforer linéairementAppareils délivrant des articles ou des bandes, comportant des dispositifs pour couper ou perforer linéairement, p. ex. distributeurs de bande adhésive
B65H 23/04 - Positionnement, tension, suppression des à-coups ou guidage des bandes longitudinal
B65H 23/185 - Positionnement, tension, suppression des à-coups ou guidage des bandes longitudinal en commandant ou régulant le mécanisme d'avance de la bande, p. ex. le mécanisme agissant sur la bande courante dans les mécanismes de déroulage ou en liaison avec les opérations de déroulage avec commande à moteur
B65H 23/198 - Positionnement, tension, suppression des à-coups ou guidage des bandes longitudinal en commandant ou régulant le mécanisme d'avance de la bande, p. ex. le mécanisme agissant sur la bande courante dans les mécanismes d'enroulage ou en liaison avec les opérations d'enroulement avec commande à moteur
A cutting assembly for a tape lamination head that applies a plurality of composite tape segments includes a cutter carriage configured to slide relative to the tape lamination head and adjacent to composite tape in a direction of composite tape movement; and a cutter assembly, carried by the cutter carriage, comprising a cutting blade and a cutting anvil, wherein the cutting blade is configured to cut the composite tape while the cutting carriage is moving at the same velocity as composite tape moving through the tape lamination head.
B65H 35/00 - Délivrance d'articles à partir de machines à découper ou à perforer linéairementAppareils délivrant des articles ou des bandes, comportant des dispositifs pour couper ou perforer linéairement, p. ex. distributeurs de bande adhésive
B26D 1/10 - Coupe d'une pièce caractérisée par la nature ou par le mouvement de l'élément coupantAppareils ou machines à cet effetÉléments coupants à cet effet comportant un élément qui ne suit pas le mouvement de la pièce ayant un élément coupant se déplaçant linéairement l'élément coupant étant animé d'un mouvement de va-et-vient dans une direction parallèle, ou sensiblement parallèle, à l'arête de coupe
B26D 5/06 - Moyens pour amener l'outil de coupe dans sa position de travail par des moyens électriques
A scrap collection assembly for a tape lamination head that applies a plurality of composite tape segments includes a crack-off assembly with a scrap crack-off redirect roller configured to engage one or more composite tape segments and one or more scrap portions; a secondary crack-off roller configured to engage one or more composite tape segments and one or more scrap portions; a pivot that connects the crack-off assembly to the tape lamination head, wherein the secondary crack-off roller selectively moves about the pivot to change a direction of composite tape movement; and a conveyor that receives the scrap portion(s) from the secondary crack-off roller.
B32B 37/00 - Procédés ou dispositifs pour la stratification, p. ex. par polymérisation ou par liaison à l'aide d'ultrasons
B32B 38/00 - Opérations auxiliaires liées aux procédés de stratification
B29C 70/00 - Façonnage de matières composites, c.-à-d. de matières plastiques comprenant des renforcements, des matières de remplissage ou des parties préformées, p. ex. des inserts
B29C 70/38 - Empilage automatisé, p. ex. utilisant des robots, par application de filaments selon des modèles prédéterminés
A scrap collection assembly for a tape lamination head that applies a plurality of composite tape segments includes a crack-off assembly with a scrap crack-off redirect roller configured to engage one or more composite tape segments and one or more scrap portions; a secondary crack-off roller configured to engage one or more composite tape segments and one or more scrap portions; a pivot that connects the crack -off assembly to the tape lamination head, wherein the secondary crack -off roller selectively moves about the pivot to change a direction of composite tape movement; and a conveyor that receives the scrap portion(s) from the secondary crack-off roller.
B65H 35/00 - Délivrance d'articles à partir de machines à découper ou à perforer linéairementAppareils délivrant des articles ou des bandes, comportant des dispositifs pour couper ou perforer linéairement, p. ex. distributeurs de bande adhésive
A scrap collection assembly for a tape lamination head that applies a plurality of composite tape segments includes a crack-off assembly with a scrap crack-off redirect roller configured to engage one or more composite tape segments and one or more scrap portions; a secondary crack-off roller configured to engage one or more composite tape segments and one or more scrap portions; a pivot that connects the crack -off assembly to the tape lamination head, wherein the secondary crack -off roller selectively moves about the pivot to change a direction of composite tape movement; and a conveyor that receives the scrap portion(s) from the secondary crack-off roller.
B65H 35/00 - Délivrance d'articles à partir de machines à découper ou à perforer linéairementAppareils délivrant des articles ou des bandes, comportant des dispositifs pour couper ou perforer linéairement, p. ex. distributeurs de bande adhésive
A cutting assembly for a tape lamination head that applies a plurality of composite tape segments includes a cutter carriage configured to slide relative to the tape lamination head and adjacent to composite tape in a direction of composite tape movement; and a cutter assembly, carried by the cutter carriage, comprising a cutting blade and a cutting anvil, wherein the cutting blade is configured to cut the composite tape while the cutting carriage is moving at the same velocity as composite tape moving through the tape lamination head.
A tape lamination head for applying composite tape onto a mold or mandrel amid the formation of a composite workpiece. The tape lamination head is but one component of a larger tape lamination machine and assembly. Among its components, the tape lamination head includes a tape supply reel, a backing paper take-up reel, and a tape tension control system. The tape tension control system has a first dancer roller assembly located downstream of the tape supply reel and has a second dancer roller assembly located upstream of the backing paper take-up reel. The first dancer roller assembly can include a first roller, a first guide, a first actuator, a first lock, and a first position sensor. The second dancer roller assembly can include a second roller, a second guide, a second actuator, a second lock, and a second position sensor.
B29C 70/38 - Empilage automatisé, p. ex. utilisant des robots, par application de filaments selon des modèles prédéterminés
B65H 23/185 - Positionnement, tension, suppression des à-coups ou guidage des bandes longitudinal en commandant ou régulant le mécanisme d'avance de la bande, p. ex. le mécanisme agissant sur la bande courante dans les mécanismes de déroulage ou en liaison avec les opérations de déroulage avec commande à moteur
B65H 23/04 - Positionnement, tension, suppression des à-coups ou guidage des bandes longitudinal
B65H 23/00 - Positionnement, tension, suppression des à-coups ou guidage des bandes
B65H 23/06 - Positionnement, tension, suppression des à-coups ou guidage des bandes longitudinal par dispositifs de retardement, p. ex. agissant sur la broche de la bobine
B65H 16/10 - Dispositions pour entraîner directement la bobine
B32B 38/10 - Enlèvement de couches ou de parties de couches, mécaniquement ou chimiquement
A grinding machine including one or more grinding wheels has a workpiece holder that releasably holds a crankshaft and is configured to rotate the crankshaft about a longitudinal axis; a spindle assembly, that is moveable in at least two directions, including a spindle shaft and a grinding wheel attached to the spindle shaft; and an acoustic emission sensor coupled to the grinding machine, such that the grinding machine is configured to monitor an output signal from the acoustic emission sensor, move the grinding wheel into contact with the crankshaft at a first angular position, detect contact between the grinding wheel and the crankshaft based on the output signal, determine a position of the grinding wheel based on the detected contact between the grinding wheel and the crankshaft, move the grinding wheel away from the crankshaft, rotate the crankshaft a defined angular amount, move the grinding wheel into contact with the crankshaft at a second angular position, determine a position of the grinding wheel based on the detected contact between the grinding wheel and the crankshaft, and determine a position of a crankshaft surface.
B24B 5/42 - Machines ou appareils spécialisés pour une seule opération pour rectifier des vilebrequins ou des manetons de vilebrequins
B24B 49/00 - Appareillage de mesure ou de calibrage pour la commande du mouvement d'avance de l'outil de meulage ou de la pièce à meulerAgencements de l'appareillage d'indication ou de mesure, p. ex. pour indiquer le début de l'opération de meulage
A grinding machine including one or more grinding wheels has a workpiece holder that releasably holds a crankshaft and is configured to rotate the crankshaft about a longitudinal axis; a spindle assembly, that is moveable in at least two directions, including a spindle shaft and a grinding wheel attached to the spindle shaft; and an acoustic emission sensor coupled to the grinding machine, such that the grinding machine is configured to monitor an output signal from the acoustic emission sensor, move the grinding wheel into contact with the crankshaft at a first angular position, detect contact between the grinding wheel and the crankshaft based on the output signal, determine a position of the grinding wheel based on the detected contact between the grinding wheel and the crankshaft, move the grinding wheel away from the crankshaft, rotate the crankshaft a defined angular amount, move the grinding wheel into contact with the crankshaft at a second angular position, determine a position of the grinding wheel based on the detected contact between the grinding wheel and the crankshaft, and determine a position of a crankshaft surface.
B24B 49/00 - Appareillage de mesure ou de calibrage pour la commande du mouvement d'avance de l'outil de meulage ou de la pièce à meulerAgencements de l'appareillage d'indication ou de mesure, p. ex. pour indiquer le début de l'opération de meulage
B24B 5/42 - Machines ou appareils spécialisés pour une seule opération pour rectifier des vilebrequins ou des manetons de vilebrequins
A tape lamination head for applying composite tape onto a mold or mandrel amid the formation of a composite workpiece. The tape lamination head is but one component of a larger tape lamination machine and assembly. Among its components, the tape lamination head includes a tape supply reel, a backing paper take-up reel, and a tape tension control system. The tape tension control systemhas a first dancer roller assembly located downstream of the tape supply reel and has a second dancer roller assembly located upstream of the backing paper take- up reel. The first dancer roller assembly can include a first roller, a first guide, a first actuator, a first lock, and a first position sensor. The second dancer roller assembly can include a second roller, a second guide, a second actuator, a second lock, and a second position sensor.
B65H 35/00 - Délivrance d'articles à partir de machines à découper ou à perforer linéairementAppareils délivrant des articles ou des bandes, comportant des dispositifs pour couper ou perforer linéairement, p. ex. distributeurs de bande adhésive
B65H 23/04 - Positionnement, tension, suppression des à-coups ou guidage des bandes longitudinal
B65H 23/185 - Positionnement, tension, suppression des à-coups ou guidage des bandes longitudinal en commandant ou régulant le mécanisme d'avance de la bande, p. ex. le mécanisme agissant sur la bande courante dans les mécanismes de déroulage ou en liaison avec les opérations de déroulage avec commande à moteur
B65H 23/198 - Positionnement, tension, suppression des à-coups ou guidage des bandes longitudinal en commandant ou régulant le mécanisme d'avance de la bande, p. ex. le mécanisme agissant sur la bande courante dans les mécanismes d'enroulage ou en liaison avec les opérations d'enroulement avec commande à moteur
A tape lamination head for applying composite tape onto a mold or mandrel amid the formation of a composite workpiece. The tape lamination head is but one component of a larger tape lamination machine and assembly. Among its components, the tape lamination head includes a tape supply reel and multiple rollers. The tape supply reel receives a tape supply spool. The rollers carry composite tape from the tape supply spool downstream of the tape supply reel. The composite tape is carried by the rollers about a composite tape path that is defined by the tape lamination head. At a location along the composite tape path, one or more of the rollers situates the composite tape so that a backing paper side of the composite tape ends up in confrontation with a layup surface upon which the composite tape is applied.
B65H 35/00 - Délivrance d'articles à partir de machines à découper ou à perforer linéairementAppareils délivrant des articles ou des bandes, comportant des dispositifs pour couper ou perforer linéairement, p. ex. distributeurs de bande adhésive
B65H 41/00 - Machines pour séparer des bandes superposées
B65H 23/26 - Positionnement, tension, suppression des à-coups ou guidage des bandes longitudinal par barres ou rouleaux transversaux fixes ou réglables
A cutting assembly for a tape lamination head that applies a plurality of composite tape segments includes a cutter carriage configured to slide relative to the tape lamination head and adjacent to composite tape in a direction of composite tape movement; and a cutter assembly, carried by the cutter carriage, comprising a cutting blade and a cutting anvil, wherein the cutting blade is configured to cut the composite tape while the cutting carriage is moving at the same velocity as composite tape moving through the tape lamination head.
B65H 35/00 - Délivrance d'articles à partir de machines à découper ou à perforer linéairementAppareils délivrant des articles ou des bandes, comportant des dispositifs pour couper ou perforer linéairement, p. ex. distributeurs de bande adhésive
B26D 1/10 - Coupe d'une pièce caractérisée par la nature ou par le mouvement de l'élément coupantAppareils ou machines à cet effetÉléments coupants à cet effet comportant un élément qui ne suit pas le mouvement de la pièce ayant un élément coupant se déplaçant linéairement l'élément coupant étant animé d'un mouvement de va-et-vient dans une direction parallèle, ou sensiblement parallèle, à l'arête de coupe
B26D 5/06 - Moyens pour amener l'outil de coupe dans sa position de travail par des moyens électriques
Disclosed is a device for removing mattes from the surface of a liquid metal bath (2) inside a duct (3) of a line for continuously coating a metal strip (1) having first and second faces, the first face being intended to come into contact with a bottom roller (11), comprising a compartment (50) via which the liquid metal inside the duct is replenished by being drawn off by a pump (17) to which the compartment is connected, characterised in that the compartment is capable of being removed by disassembly means without the metal strip needing to be cut.
C23C 2/00 - Procédés de trempage à chaud ou d'immersion pour appliquer le matériau de revêtement à l'état fondu sans modifier la forme de l'objet immergéAppareils à cet effet
A fiber placement head for applying a plurality of composite tape segments on a mold including one or more powered wheels that are configured to engage and move composite tape; and one or more elongated fingers that closely conform to or abut an outer surface of the powered wheel(s) such that a portion of the elongated finger(s) forms at least a portion of a lane path.
A fiber placement head for applying a plurality of composite tape segments on a mold including one or more powered wheels that are configured to engage and move composite tape; and one or more elongated fingers that closely conform to or abut an outer surface of the powered wheel(s) such that a portion of the elongated finger(s) forms at least a portion of a lane path.
B29C 70/38 - Empilage automatisé, p. ex. utilisant des robots, par application de filaments selon des modèles prédéterminés
B29C 70/54 - Parties constitutives, détails ou accessoiresOpérations auxiliaires
B29K 105/08 - Présentation, forme ou état de la matière moulée contenant des agents de renforcement, charges ou inserts de grande longueur, p. ex. ficelles, mèches, mats, tissus ou fils
A fiber placement head for applying a plurality of composite tape segments on a mold including one or more powered wheels that are configured to engage and move composite tape; and one or more elongated fingers that closely conform to or abut an outer surface of the powered wheel(s) such that a portion of the elongated finger(s) forms at least a portion of a lane path.
The invention relates to a method for removing residues present on a metal strip at the outlet of a cooling stage of a continuous line, the residues being formed during a cooling of said metal strip by a non-oxidizing liquid solution for the metal strip and a stripping liquid solution for the oxides present on the surface of the strip, or by a mixture of this liquid solution and a gas. The method according to the invention is characterized in that it comprises a step of reducing the residues by hydrogen.
C23G 5/00 - Nettoyage ou dégraissage des matériaux métalliques par d'autres méthodesAppareils pour le nettoyage ou le dégraissage de matériaux métalliques au moyen de solvants organiques
C23C 2/00 - Procédés de trempage à chaud ou d'immersion pour appliquer le matériau de revêtement à l'état fondu sans modifier la forme de l'objet immergéAppareils à cet effet
C23C 2/02 - Pré-traitement du matériau à revêtir, p. ex. pour le revêtement de parties déterminées de la surface
The invention relates to a method and a device for rapidly cooling a metal strip and removing residues present on the strip after this cooling, wherein the residues are formed during a cooling of said metal strip by a non-oxidizing liquid solution for the metal strip and a stripping liquid solution for the oxides present on the surface of the strip, or by a mixture of this liquid solution and a gas.
C23G 5/00 - Nettoyage ou dégraissage des matériaux métalliques par d'autres méthodesAppareils pour le nettoyage ou le dégraissage de matériaux métalliques au moyen de solvants organiques
C23C 2/00 - Procédés de trempage à chaud ou d'immersion pour appliquer le matériau de revêtement à l'état fondu sans modifier la forme de l'objet immergéAppareils à cet effet
C23C 2/02 - Pré-traitement du matériau à revêtir, p. ex. pour le revêtement de parties déterminées de la surface
Method for controlling a furnace (4) for reheating steel products (5), comprising: forming an infrared image, using an infrared camera (20), of an upper face of a product (5) over the width and at least partially over the length thereof when the product is arranged on a predetermined furnace discharging surface; digital processing, comprising binarisation of the infrared image into two classes of pixels: one class of pixels which corresponds to the pixels associated with a presence of calamine bonded to the face of the product and another class of pixels which corresponds to the pixels associated with a presence of calamine which is not bonded to the face of the product; establishing the quantities of non-bonded calamine and calamine bonded to the upper face of the product from the binarised image; modifying control parameters for the furnace from the established quantities of non-bonded and bonded calamine.
F27B 9/40 - Aménagement des dispositifs de commande ou de surveillance
B21B 38/00 - Procédés ou dispositifs de mesure spécialement adaptés aux laminoirs, p. ex. détection de la position, inspection du produit
B21B 45/04 - Dispositifs pour le traitement de surface des pièces spécialement combinés aux laminoirs, disposés dans les laminoirs, ou adaptés pour être utilisés avec les laminoirs pour décaper, p. ex. décalaminer
F27D 19/00 - Aménagement des dispositifs de commande
F27D 21/02 - Dispositifs d'observation ou d'éclairage
F27B 9/20 - Fours dans lesquels la charge est déplacée mécaniquement, p. ex. du type tunnel Fours similaires dans lesquels la charge se déplace par gravité caractérisés par le trajet de la charge pendant le traitementFours dans lesquels la charge est déplacée mécaniquement, p. ex. du type tunnel Fours similaires dans lesquels la charge se déplace par gravité caractérisés par le procédé de déplacement de la charge pendant le traitement la charge se déplaçant sur un trajet sensiblement rectiligne
Method for controlling a furnace (4) for reheating steel products (5), comprising: forming an infrared image, using an infrared camera (20), of an upper face of a product (5) over the width and at least partially over the length thereof when the product is arranged on a predetermined furnace discharging surface; digital processing, comprising binarisation of the infrared image into two classes of pixels: one class of pixels which corresponds to the pixels associated with a presence of calamine bonded to the face of the product and another class of pixels which corresponds to the pixels associated with a presence of calamine which is not bonded to the face of the product; establishing the quantities of non-bonded calamine and calamine bonded to the upper face of the product from the binarised image; modifying control parameters for the furnace from the established quantities of non-bonded and bonded calamine.
B21B 38/00 - Procédés ou dispositifs de mesure spécialement adaptés aux laminoirs, p. ex. détection de la position, inspection du produit
F27B 9/20 - Fours dans lesquels la charge est déplacée mécaniquement, p. ex. du type tunnel Fours similaires dans lesquels la charge se déplace par gravité caractérisés par le trajet de la charge pendant le traitementFours dans lesquels la charge est déplacée mécaniquement, p. ex. du type tunnel Fours similaires dans lesquels la charge se déplace par gravité caractérisés par le procédé de déplacement de la charge pendant le traitement la charge se déplaçant sur un trajet sensiblement rectiligne
F27B 9/40 - Aménagement des dispositifs de commande ou de surveillance
F27D 21/02 - Dispositifs d'observation ou d'éclairage
A method of grinding or turning a workpiece, such as a bearing workpiece, involves several steps. One step includes locating the bearing workpiece on a chuck with an axis of rotation of the chuck positioned off-center relative to an axis of the bearing workpiece. Another step includes determining an offset between the chuck's axis of rotation and the bearing workpiece's axis based on the off-center position between the chuck's axis of rotation and the bearing workpiece's axis. Yet another step includes determining a path of engagement of a grinding wheel relative to the bearing workpiece based on the offset previously determined between the chuck's axis of rotation and the bearing workpiece's axis.
B23Q 3/18 - Dispositifs permettant de maintenir, supporter ou positionner les pièces ou les outils, ces dispositifs pouvant normalement être démontés de la machine pour positionner uniquement
B23Q 17/22 - Agencements sur les machines-outils pour indiquer ou mesurer pour indiquer ou mesurer la position réelle ou désirée de l'outil ou de la pièce
A method of grinding or turning a workpiece, such as a bearing workpiece, involves several steps. One step includes locating the bearing workpiece on a chuck with an axis of rotation of the chuck positioned off-center relative to an axis of the bearing workpiece. Another step includes determining an offset between the chuck's axis of rotation and the bearing workpiece's axis based on the off-center position between the chuck's axis of rotation and the bearing workpiece's axis. Yet another step includes determining a path of engagement of a grinding wheel relative to the bearing workpiece based on the offset previously determined between the chuck's axis of rotation and the bearing workpiece's axis.
B24B 5/04 - Machines ou dispositifs pour meuler des surfaces de révolution des pièces, y compris ceux qui meulent également des surfaces planes adjacentesAccessoires à cet effet possédant des pointes ou des mandrins pour maintenir la pièce pour meuler extérieurement des surfaces cylindriques
B24B 41/06 - Supports de pièces, p. ex. lunettes réglables
B24B 49/00 - Appareillage de mesure ou de calibrage pour la commande du mouvement d'avance de l'outil de meulage ou de la pièce à meulerAgencements de l'appareillage d'indication ou de mesure, p. ex. pour indiquer le début de l'opération de meulage
Method for reducing unevenness in a strip subjected to cooling by spraying of liquid, or a mixture of gas and liquid, along a cooling zone of a continuous heat treatment line, the cooling intensity being controlled in the direction of travel of the strip so as to achieve a relative position between the Leidenfrost temperature and at least one temperature at which the metallurgical structure changes such that said cooling intensity minimises the internal stresses of the strip, and device for implementing the method.
C21D 1/667 - Dispositifs pour trempe pour la trempe par pulvérisation
C21D 9/00 - Traitement thermique, p. ex. recuit, durcissement, trempe ou revenu, adapté à des objets particuliersFours à cet effet
C21D 9/46 - Traitement thermique, p. ex. recuit, durcissement, trempe ou revenu, adapté à des objets particuliersFours à cet effet pour tôles
C21D 9/573 - Fours continus pour bandes ou fils métalliques avec refroidissement
C21D 11/00 - Commande ou régulation du processus lors de traitements thermiques
B21B 37/44 - Commande de la planéité ou du profil pendant le laminage de bandes, de feuilles ou de tôles utilisant le chauffage, la lubrification ou le refroidissement par jets d'eau, du produit
B21B 45/02 - Dispositifs pour le traitement de surface des pièces spécialement combinés aux laminoirs, disposés dans les laminoirs, ou adaptés pour être utilisés avec les laminoirs pour lubrifier, refroidir ou nettoyer
C21D 6/00 - Traitement thermique des alliages ferreux
C22C 38/02 - Alliages ferreux, p. ex. aciers alliés contenant du silicium
C22C 38/04 - Alliages ferreux, p. ex. aciers alliés contenant du manganèse
A fiber placement head for applying a plurality of composite tape segments on a mold including a frame that supplies composite tape for application to the mold is configured to be releasably connected to a robotic arm; a tape application assembly that is slidably carried by the frame and applies the composite tape segments to the mold, wherein the tape application assembly moves linearly from one end of the frame toward another end of the frame along a W-axis
B29C 70/38 - Empilage automatisé, p. ex. utilisant des robots, par application de filaments selon des modèles prédéterminés
B29C 70/06 - Façonnage de matières composites, c.-à-d. de matières plastiques comprenant des renforcements, des matières de remplissage ou des parties préformées, p. ex. des inserts comprenant uniquement des renforcements, p. ex. matières plastiques auto-renforçantes des renforcements fibreux uniquement
A fiber placement head for applying a plurality of composite tape segments on a mold, including one or more lane assemblies each having one or more fluid passageways that receive compressed air; a piston assembly that selectively moves relative to the lane assembly in response to receipt of compressed air; an attachment site configured to releasably couple the lane assembly to a portion of the fiber placement head; an aperture in the lane assembly configured to receive a fastener that releasably couples a subassembly to the lane module, wherein a piston from the piston assembly engages the subassembly; and a subassembly releasably coupled to each lane module by the fastener received by the aperture.
B29C 70/38 - Empilage automatisé, p. ex. utilisant des robots, par application de filaments selon des modèles prédéterminés
B29K 105/08 - Présentation, forme ou état de la matière moulée contenant des agents de renforcement, charges ou inserts de grande longueur, p. ex. ficelles, mèches, mats, tissus ou fils
A fiber placement head for applying a plurality of composite tape A fiber placement head for applying a plurality of composite tape segments on a mold, including one or more lane assemblies each having one or more fluid passageways that receive compressed air; a piston assembly that selectively moves relative to the lane assembly in response to receipt of compressed air; an attachment site configured to releasably couple the lane assembly to a portion of the fiber placement head; an aperture in the lane assembly configured to receive a fastener that releasably couples a subassembly to the lane module, wherein a piston from the piston assembly engages the subassembly; and a subassembly releasably coupled to each lane module by the fastener received by the aperture segments on a mold that includes one or more lane modules each having: one or more fluid passageways that receive compressed air; a piston assembly that selectively moves relative to the lane module in response to receipt of compressed air; an attachment site configured to releasably couple the lane module to a portion of the fiber placement head; an aperture in the lane module configured to receive a fastener that releasably couples a submodule to the lane module; and a submodule releasably coupled to each lane module by the fastener received by the aperture.
B29C 70/38 - Empilage automatisé, p. ex. utilisant des robots, par application de filaments selon des modèles prédéterminés
B29C 70/54 - Parties constitutives, détails ou accessoiresOpérations auxiliaires
B29K 105/08 - Présentation, forme ou état de la matière moulée contenant des agents de renforcement, charges ou inserts de grande longueur, p. ex. ficelles, mèches, mats, tissus ou fils
Disclosed is a processing line for the continuous processing of metal strips having a dual purpose, i.e. for producing strips that are annealed and dip-coated with a metal alloy and for producing strips that are annealed and not coated, comprising a dual-purpose cooling tower (14), i.e. for cooling strips that are annealed and not coated in a non-oxidising atmosphere and for air-cooling strips that are annealed and coated.
C21D 9/46 - Traitement thermique, p. ex. recuit, durcissement, trempe ou revenu, adapté à des objets particuliersFours à cet effet pour tôles
C21D 9/56 - Fours continus pour bandes ou fils métalliques
C21D 9/573 - Fours continus pour bandes ou fils métalliques avec refroidissement
C23C 2/00 - Procédés de trempage à chaud ou d'immersion pour appliquer le matériau de revêtement à l'état fondu sans modifier la forme de l'objet immergéAppareils à cet effet
An apparatus includes first and second mixer tubes. The first mixer tube contains a first gas flow passage having an inlet communicating with the source of fuel gas and an outlet to a combustion chamber. The second mixer tube contains a second gas flow passage having an inlet communicating with the source of combustion air and an outlet to the combustion chamber. The apparatus further includes premix control means for forming fuel gas-combustion air premix in the second passage by directing fuel gas from the first passage into the second passage, and for alternatively forming fuel gas-combustion air premix in the first passage by directing combustion air from the second passage into the first passage.
F23D 14/64 - Dispositifs mélangeursTubes mélangeurs avec injecteurs
F23D 14/02 - Brûleurs à gaz avec prémélangeurs, c.-à-d. dans lesquels le combustible gazeux est mélangé à l'air de combustion en amont de la zone de combustion
Walking beam furnace comprising movable (10C) and stationary andirons which are supported by movable (12Q) and stationary keels, respectively, and drive means designed to move a lifting frame (2) and a translation frame (3) according to a rectangular displacement cycle having two vertical positions and an intermediate vertical position according to which the movable andirons are at the same height as the stationary andirons, the furnace further comprising stationary and movable beams (LRM), the movable beams being arranged between the stationary beams and separated from the latter by a space, the movable keels being attached to the movable beams, which are attached to the translation frame and arranged at the same height as the stationary refractory beams in the intermediate position, the furnace further comprising a plurality of skirts (70) attached to the other movable beams defining the separation space and dipping into longitudinal water tanks (40) arranged in line with the separation spaces and attached to one of the beams defining a separation space.
F27B 9/20 - Fours dans lesquels la charge est déplacée mécaniquement, p. ex. du type tunnel Fours similaires dans lesquels la charge se déplace par gravité caractérisés par le trajet de la charge pendant le traitementFours dans lesquels la charge est déplacée mécaniquement, p. ex. du type tunnel Fours similaires dans lesquels la charge se déplace par gravité caractérisés par le procédé de déplacement de la charge pendant le traitement la charge se déplaçant sur un trajet sensiblement rectiligne
F27D 25/00 - Dispositifs pour enlever les incrustations
Walking beam furnace comprising movable (10C) and stationary andirons which are supported by movable (12Q) and stationary keels, respectively, and drive means designed to move a lifting frame (2) and a translation frame (3) according to a rectangular displacement cycle having two vertical positions and an intermediate vertical position according to which the movable andirons are at the same height as the stationary andirons, the furnace further comprising stationary and movable beams (LRM), the movable beams being arranged between the stationary beams and separated from the latter by a space, the movable keels being attached to the movable beams, which are attached to the translation frame and arranged at the same height as the stationary refractory beams in the intermediate position, the furnace further comprising a plurality of skirts (70) attached to the other movable beams defining the separation space and dipping into longitudinal water tanks (40) arranged in line with the separation spaces and attached to one of the beams defining a separation space.
F27B 9/20 - Fours dans lesquels la charge est déplacée mécaniquement, p. ex. du type tunnel Fours similaires dans lesquels la charge se déplace par gravité caractérisés par le trajet de la charge pendant le traitementFours dans lesquels la charge est déplacée mécaniquement, p. ex. du type tunnel Fours similaires dans lesquels la charge se déplace par gravité caractérisés par le procédé de déplacement de la charge pendant le traitement la charge se déplaçant sur un trajet sensiblement rectiligne
F27D 25/00 - Dispositifs pour enlever les incrustations
Method and section for quick cooling of a continuous line for treating metal belts
Rapid cooling section of a continuous metal strip treatment line, where the strip is cooled with a spray of liquid or a mixture of gas and liquid using nozzles located on each side of the strip. Along the direction of movement of the strip, it includes at least one row of flat spray nozzles across the strip followed by at least one row of cone spray nozzles across the strip.
C21D 9/52 - Traitement thermique, p. ex. recuit, durcissement, trempe ou revenu, adapté à des objets particuliersFours à cet effet pour fils métalliquesTraitement thermique, p. ex. recuit, durcissement, trempe ou revenu, adapté à des objets particuliersFours à cet effet pour bandes métalliques
C21D 1/667 - Dispositifs pour trempe pour la trempe par pulvérisation
A high efficiency grinding machine for grinding the pin on a crankshaft has a machining space with a grinding wheel mounted on the lower end of an arm to form a pendulum assembly. A headstock supports the crankshaft in the machining space. A pivot drive rocks the pendulum assembly back and forth equal distances about the equilibrium position causing the grinding wheel to follow the non-circular path of a pin as the crankshaft as it is rotated about its elongated axis.
A high efficiency grinding machine for grinding the pin on a crankshaft has a machining space with a grinding wheel mounted on the lower end of an arm to form a pendulum assembly. A headstock supports the crankshaft in the machining space. A pivot drive rocks the pendulum assembly back and forth equal distances about the equilibrium position causing the grinding wheel to follow the non-circular path of a pin as the crankshaft as it is rotated about its elongated axis.
B24B 5/42 - Machines ou appareils spécialisés pour une seule opération pour rectifier des vilebrequins ou des manetons de vilebrequins
Method and facility for recovering thermal energy on a furnace with tubular side members and for converting same into electricity by means of a turbine producing the electricity by implementing a rankine cycle
A heat energy recovery installation installed on a beam reheating furnace equipped with burners includes a turbine that generates electricity by implementing a Rankine cycle on an organic fluid coming from calories derived partly from the fluid used for cooling the tubular beams via a first intermediate circuit, and in part from flue gases from the burners by way of a second intermediate circuit.
F01K 23/10 - Ensembles fonctionnels caractérisés par plus d'une machine motrice fournissant de l'énergie à l'extérieur de l'ensemble, ces machines motrices étant entraînées par des fluides différents les cycles de ces machines motrices étant couplés thermiquement la chaleur de combustion provenant de l'un des cycles chauffant le fluide dans un autre cycle le fluide à la sortie de l'un des cycles chauffant le fluide dans un autre cycle
F27D 17/00 - Dispositions pour l'utilisation de la chaleur perdueDispositions pour l'utilisation ou pour l'élimination des gaz résiduaires
F01K 25/08 - Ensembles fonctionnels ou machines motrices caractérisés par l'emploi de fluides énergétiques particuliers non prévus ailleursEnsembles fonctionnant selon un cycle fermé, non prévus ailleurs utilisant des vapeurs particulières
F27B 9/10 - Fours dans lesquels la charge est déplacée mécaniquement, p. ex. du type tunnel Fours similaires dans lesquels la charge se déplace par gravité chauffés sans contact entre gaz de combustion et la chargeFours dans lesquels la charge est déplacée mécaniquement, p. ex. du type tunnel Fours similaires dans lesquels la charge se déplace par gravité chauffés électriquement chauffés par air ou gaz chauds
F27B 9/30 - Parties constitutives, accessoires ou équipement spécialement adaptés à ces types de fours
Device for radiative cooling of a glass ribbon in a metal bath. The invention relates to a radiative cooler (1) placed above a glass ribbon in a tin bath for cooling the glass by means of a gas as heat transfer fluid, wherein the gas enters and exits on the same side of the tin bath, and the supply of gas is distributed over the length of the cooler from the center of the cooler to the exterior exchange surface of the cooler by means of a distribution surface.
Method and device for cooling a steel strip (1) travelling in a cooling section (2) of a continuous line, according to which method the cooling is carried out by spraying the strip with an aqueous solution of formic acid, the formic acid concentration of which is between 0.1% and 6%, and preferably between 0.5% and 2%.
C21D 1/56 - Procédés ou dispositifs généraux pour le traitement thermique, p. ex. recuit, durcissement, trempe ou revenu caractérisés par les agents de trempe
C21D 8/02 - Modification des propriétés physiques par déformation en combinaison avec, ou suivie par, un traitement thermique pendant la fabrication de produits plats ou de bandes
A continuous annealing or galvanising line for metal strips, which line comprises at least two consecutive annealing furnaces, a tensioning block, consisting of at least two rollers, being located between the two annealing furnaces, and a system for controlling and optimising production of said line.
Section for cooling a steel strip continuous annealing or galvanising line that is designed to receive a metal strip (1), said section comprising at least one dry cooling region (2) that is designed to spray a gas onto said steel strip, and at least one wet cooling region (5) that is designed to spray a liquid or a mixture of gas and liquid onto said steel strip.
C21D 9/52 - Traitement thermique, p. ex. recuit, durcissement, trempe ou revenu, adapté à des objets particuliersFours à cet effet pour fils métalliquesTraitement thermique, p. ex. recuit, durcissement, trempe ou revenu, adapté à des objets particuliersFours à cet effet pour bandes métalliques
An apparatus for use with a launder shell includes a heating component formed of refractory material. The heating component has a compartment configured to contain an electrical heating element. The apparatus further includes an elongated trough section configured for placement in an installed position inside the shell. The trough section has a fluid flow channel and a cavity beneath the channel. The cavity is configured to receive and support the heating component for movement into and out of the installed position together with the trough section.
The invention relates to a section for quick cooling of a continuous line for treating metal belts, in which the belt is cooled by spraying a liquid, or a mixture of a gas and a liquid, onto same via nozzles arranged on either side of the belt, characterised in that, in the direction of travel of the belt, it comprises at least one row of fan nozzles across the width of the belt, followed by at least one row of cone nozzles across the width of the strip.
C21D 9/573 - Fours continus pour bandes ou fils métalliques avec refroidissement
B05B 1/04 - Buses, têtes de pulvérisation ou autres dispositifs de sortie, avec ou sans dispositifs auxiliaires tels que valves, moyens de chauffage agencés pour produire un jet, un pulvérisat ou tout autre écoulement de forme ou de nature particulière, p. ex. sous forme de gouttes individuelles de forme plane, p. ex. en forme d'éventail, en forme de lame
B05B 1/06 - Buses, têtes de pulvérisation ou autres dispositifs de sortie, avec ou sans dispositifs auxiliaires tels que valves, moyens de chauffage agencés pour produire un jet, un pulvérisat ou tout autre écoulement de forme ou de nature particulière, p. ex. sous forme de gouttes individuelles de forme annulaire, tubulaire ou conique creuse
B21B 45/02 - Dispositifs pour le traitement de surface des pièces spécialement combinés aux laminoirs, disposés dans les laminoirs, ou adaptés pour être utilisés avec les laminoirs pour lubrifier, refroidir ou nettoyer
A cutter assembly for use in a composite placement machine has a holder having a mounting surface for mounting a cutting insert. A first foot and a second foot is formed on the mounting surface, and a first leg extends between the first and second feet. A first step and a second step is formed on the cutting insert and a first rise extends between the first and second steps. When the cutting insert is mounted in the holder the two feet contact the two steps and the first leg is in contact with the first rise to form a surface area of contact between the mounting surface and the cutting insert that is greater than the surface area of contact between the two feet and the two steps.
B26D 1/00 - Coupe d'une pièce caractérisée par la nature ou par le mouvement de l'élément coupantAppareils ou machines à cet effetÉléments coupants à cet effet
B26D 1/04 - Coupe d'une pièce caractérisée par la nature ou par le mouvement de l'élément coupantAppareils ou machines à cet effetÉléments coupants à cet effet comportant un élément qui ne suit pas le mouvement de la pièce ayant un élément coupant se déplaçant linéairement
B26D 7/26 - Moyens de montage ou de réglage de l'outil de coupeMoyens de réglage de la course de l'outil de coupe
Device and method for determining the loss on ignition of at least part of an iron and steel product
Disclosed is a method and device for determining the loss on ignition of at least part of an iron and steel product during passage through a furnace upstream of a descaler. The device includes electromagnetic sensors, with at least one arranged to scan the product's lower surface near the furnace outlet, the sensor oriented so the scanning plane of the electromagnetic radiation from the sensor is perpendicular to a direction of movement; a set of at least two electromagnetic sensors upstream of the descaler, oriented so their scanning planes are substantially on a single plane perpendicular to the direction of movement of the at least part of the product; and at least two electromagnetic sensors downstream of the descaler, oriented so their scanning planes are substantially on a single plane perpendicular to the product's movement direction. The sensors determine the height of the product upstream and downstream of the descaler.
F27D 19/00 - Aménagement des dispositifs de commande
G01B 11/06 - Dispositions pour la mesure caractérisées par l'utilisation de techniques optiques pour mesurer la longueur, la largeur ou l'épaisseur pour mesurer l'épaisseur
C21D 11/00 - Commande ou régulation du processus lors de traitements thermiques
F27B 9/40 - Aménagement des dispositifs de commande ou de surveillance
C21D 1/74 - Procédés de traitement en gaz neutre, en atmosphère contrôlée, sous vide ou dans des matières pulvérulentes
C21D 1/76 - Réglage de la composition de l'atmosphère
G01N 21/95 - Recherche de la présence de criques, de défauts ou de souillures caractérisée par le matériau ou la forme de l'objet à analyser
G01G 19/03 - Appareils ou méthodes de pesée adaptés à des fins particulières non prévues dans les groupes pour peser des objets à roues ou roulants, p. ex. des véhicules pour peser pendant le mouvement
G01G 17/00 - Appareils ou méthodes pour peser un produit ayant une forme ou des propriétés particulières
Method and facility for recovering energy, installed on a heating furnace (2) with tubular side members and fitted with burners, comprising a turbine (14) producing electricity by implementing a Rankine cycle on an organic fluid (21) using heat coming in part from the fluid used for cooling the tubular side members by means of a first intermediate circuit, and in part from flue gases from the burners by means of a second intermediate circuit.
F27B 9/10 - Fours dans lesquels la charge est déplacée mécaniquement, p. ex. du type tunnel Fours similaires dans lesquels la charge se déplace par gravité chauffés sans contact entre gaz de combustion et la chargeFours dans lesquels la charge est déplacée mécaniquement, p. ex. du type tunnel Fours similaires dans lesquels la charge se déplace par gravité chauffés électriquement chauffés par air ou gaz chauds
F01K 23/10 - Ensembles fonctionnels caractérisés par plus d'une machine motrice fournissant de l'énergie à l'extérieur de l'ensemble, ces machines motrices étant entraînées par des fluides différents les cycles de ces machines motrices étant couplés thermiquement la chaleur de combustion provenant de l'un des cycles chauffant le fluide dans un autre cycle le fluide à la sortie de l'un des cycles chauffant le fluide dans un autre cycle
F01K 25/08 - Ensembles fonctionnels ou machines motrices caractérisés par l'emploi de fluides énergétiques particuliers non prévus ailleursEnsembles fonctionnant selon un cycle fermé, non prévus ailleurs utilisant des vapeurs particulières
F27B 9/30 - Parties constitutives, accessoires ou équipement spécialement adaptés à ces types de fours
F27D 17/00 - Dispositions pour l'utilisation de la chaleur perdueDispositions pour l'utilisation ou pour l'élimination des gaz résiduaires
Air and fuel are directed from a burner outlet into a furnace process chamber in streams concentric on an axis, including an annular peripheral stream that includes fuel gas and adjoins products of combustion in the process chamber.
F23D 14/22 - Brûleurs à gaz sans prémélangeur, c.-à-d. dans lesquels le combustible gazeux est mélangé à l'air de combustion à l'arrivée dans la zone de combustion avec des conduits d'alimentation en air et en gaz séparés, p. ex. avec des conduits disposés parallèlement ou se croisant
F23D 14/58 - Buses caractérisés par la forme ou la disposition de l'orifice ou des orifices des buses, p. ex. en couronne
d) in which the steel sheet (1) moves at a temperature of between approximately 750° C. and approximately 900° C. The invention also concerns a device for implementing said method in which the stretching is carried out by two tensioning blocks (41, 42) comprising traction rollers arranged to move and guide the steel sheet (1). The invention further concerns a facility for producing electrical sheet steel comprising a line comprising a rolling mill and on which said method and said device are implemented downstream from the rolling mill.
C21D 9/56 - Fours continus pour bandes ou fils métalliques
C21D 8/12 - Modification des propriétés physiques par déformation en combinaison avec, ou suivie par, un traitement thermique pendant la fabrication d'objets à propriétés électromagnétiques particulières
F27B 9/28 - Fours dans lesquels la charge est déplacée mécaniquement, p. ex. du type tunnel Fours similaires dans lesquels la charge se déplace par gravité pour traiter des longueurs ininterrompues du matériau travaillé
F27B 17/00 - Fours d'un genre non couvert par l'un des groupes
Flat glass manufacturing plant (100) comprising a system (1) for continuously measuring the temperature of a surface (2a, 2b) of a glass ribbon (2), said measuring system (1) comprising at least one glass temperature sensor (3) that has an outer bottom surface (4a) on which at least one reference surface (5) is formed; the outer surfaces (4) of the sensor (3), except the reference surface (5), are thermally insulated; the sensor (3) is equipped with a device (6) for measuring the temperature of the reference surface (5); the reference surface (5) is located across and at a distance (H)) from the surface (2A, 2B) to be measured of the glass ribbon, a minimum characteristic dimension (D) of the bottom surface (4a) being such that the ratio D/H is less than 1.
A composite placement machine has a simplified fiber delivery path from a creel to a lay-up table. A carriage is mounted for motion in the Y-axis along the length of an overhead beam. A composite placement head having a shiftable compaction roller is supported by the carriage. A stationary creel at one end of the overhead beam forms a band of composite material having a width that extends in the X-axis. A lay-up table is mounted for motion in the X-axis and rotary motion about a C-axis that is perpendicular to the X and Y-axes. The motion of the head in the Y- axis, the shiftable compaction roller, and the motion of the lay-up table X-axis and the C-axis allows the head to apply composite material to the lay-up table in both Y-axis directions in any orientation without twisting the band of composite material relative to the X and Y-axes.
A composite placement machine has a simplified fiber delivery path from a creel to a lay-up table. A carriage is mounted for motion in the Y-axis along the length of an overhead beam. A composite placement head having a shiftable compaction roller is supported by the carriage. A stationary creel at one end of the overhead beam forms a band of composite material having a width that extends in the X-axis. A lay-up table is mounted for motion in the X-axis and rotary motion about a C-axis that is perpendicular to the X and Y-axes. The motion of the head in the Y-axis, the shiftable compaction roller, and the motion of the lay-up table X-axis and the C-axis allows the head to apply composite material to the lay-up table in both Y-axis directions in any orientation without twisting the band of composite material relative to the X and Y-axes.
The invention relates to a chamber (1) for the controlled oxidation of metal strips in a furnace for annealing a continuous production line of strips which are hot-coated, for example by galvanisation, the oxidation chamber allowing the oxidation of the metal strips by means of an oxidising gas injected on at least one of the faces of a strip (15), the oxidation chamber comprising oxidation portions (17) extending over the width and/or length thereof, each portion comprising at least one blow opening (4) and at least one suction opening (5) between which an oxidising gas circulates, each portion being controllable in a different way so as to adjust the oxidation induced on the strip over the width and legnth of the oxidation chamber.
The invention relates to a control module for controlling at least one radiant tube burner, the burner comprising a fuel supply valve, an oxidant supply valve and a combustion fume discharge conduit, wherein the control module comprises: a means for measuring the quality of combustion, installed in the combustion fume discharge conduit of said at least one burner, a unit for measuring the fuel flow rate, a unit for measuring the oxidant flow rate, and a means for driving said at least one burner, acting on the opening percentages of the oxidant and fuel supply valves of said at least one burner in order to adjust the ratio of the oxidant flow rate to the fuel flow rate on the basis of the information delivered by the means for determining combustion quality.
A method directs fuel-oxidant premix into a reaction zone through a first total premix inlet flow area, and causes the premix to combust and form a stable flame projecting into a process chamber through an outlet from the reaction zone. At a time when the process chamber has a temperature at or above an auto-ignition temperature of the fuel, the flame is blown off to initiate diffuse combustion in the process chamber without a stable flame. The flame is blown off by directing the premix into the reaction zone through a second total premix inlet flow area greater than the first total premix inlet flow area.
A method directs fuel-oxidant premix into a reaction zone through a first total premix inlet flow area, and causes the premix to combust and form a stable flame projecting into a process chamber through an outlet from the reaction zone. At a time when the process chamber has a temperature at or above an auto-ignition temperature of the fuel, the flame is blown off to initiate diffuse combustion in the process chamber without a stable flame. The flame is blown off by directing the premix into the reaction zone through a second total premix inlet flow area greater than the first total premix inlet flow area.
F23N 5/12 - Systèmes de commande de la combustion utilisant des dispositifs sensibles aux variations thermiques ou à la dilatation thermique d'un agent utilisant des éléments sensibles à l'ionisation, c.-à-d. des électrodes de flamme
F23Q 7/06 - Allumeurs faisant partie de la structure de brûleurs pour combustibles à l'état fluide
F23D 14/02 - Brûleurs à gaz avec prémélangeurs, c.-à-d. dans lesquels le combustible gazeux est mélangé à l'air de combustion en amont de la zone de combustion
Burner for a reheating furnace or heat treatment furnace for steel industry
Burner for an oven for reheating siderurlogical products such as billets, blooms or slabs, or for heat treatment oven, which is equipped with a fuel injection device and with an oxidant feed body feeding feed orifices with oxidant, the burner having an axial direction; the injection device is designed to provide a central injection of fuel via an orifice in, or parallel to, the axial direction of the burner; the oxidant feed body includes two sets of four oxidant feed orifices, each set including two orifices situated above a horizontal plane passing through the axial direction of the burner, and two orifices situated below this plane, the orifices of a second set being further away from the horizontal plane than those of the first set, the geometric axes of the orifices of the two sets making angles of inclination with respect to the axial direction of the burner.
F23D 14/84 - Diffusion de la flamme ou autres moyens pour lui donner une forme particulière
F27B 9/10 - Fours dans lesquels la charge est déplacée mécaniquement, p. ex. du type tunnel Fours similaires dans lesquels la charge se déplace par gravité chauffés sans contact entre gaz de combustion et la chargeFours dans lesquels la charge est déplacée mécaniquement, p. ex. du type tunnel Fours similaires dans lesquels la charge se déplace par gravité chauffés électriquement chauffés par air ou gaz chauds
F23D 14/22 - Brûleurs à gaz sans prémélangeur, c.-à-d. dans lesquels le combustible gazeux est mélangé à l'air de combustion à l'arrivée dans la zone de combustion avec des conduits d'alimentation en air et en gaz séparés, p. ex. avec des conduits disposés parallèlement ou se croisant
F27D 99/00 - Matière non prévue dans les autres groupes de la présente sous-classe
A passive tensioning system is disclosed for composite material that is dispensed by a composite placement machine. A spool is mounted on a spool shaft and material on the spool is pulled from the spool and applied to a surface. The tensioning system has a drag brake on the spool shaft and a drag brake control for the drag brake. A dancer roll is mounted on a linear slide having a spring force and a slide control is provided for linear slide. A control system continually varies the drag brake control and the slide control to control the tension of the composite material based on the instantaneous operating characteristics of the composite placement machine.
B65H 59/00 - Réglage ou commande de la tension du matériau filiforme, p. ex. pour empêcher les vrillesUtilisation d'indicateurs de tension
B65H 59/16 - Éléments freinés que le matériau fait tourner
B65H 59/38 - Réglage ou commande de la tension du matériau filiforme, p. ex. pour empêcher les vrillesUtilisation d'indicateurs de tension par régulation de la vitesse du mécanisme d'entraînement des dispositifs de déroulage, de dévidage, d'avance, d'enroulement ou d'emmagasinage, p. ex. en réaction automatique aux variations de tension
A passive tensioning system is disclosed for composite material that is dispensed by a composite placement machine. A spool is mounted on a spool shaft and material on the spool is pulled from the spool and applied to a surface. The tensioning system has a drag brake on the spool shaft and a drag brake control for the drag brake. A dancer roll is mounted on a linear slide having a spring force and a slide control is provided for linear slide. A control system continually varies the drag brake control and the slide control to control the tension of the composite material based on the instantaneous operating characteristics of the composite placement machine.
B65H 59/00 - Réglage ou commande de la tension du matériau filiforme, p. ex. pour empêcher les vrillesUtilisation d'indicateurs de tension
B65H 59/38 - Réglage ou commande de la tension du matériau filiforme, p. ex. pour empêcher les vrillesUtilisation d'indicateurs de tension par régulation de la vitesse du mécanisme d'entraînement des dispositifs de déroulage, de dévidage, d'avance, d'enroulement ou d'emmagasinage, p. ex. en réaction automatique aux variations de tension
B65H 59/16 - Éléments freinés que le matériau fait tourner
Passive tensioning system for composite material payout control
A passive tensioning system is disclosed for composite material that is dispensed by a composite placement machine. A spool is mounted on a spool shaft and material on the spool is pulled from the spool and applied to a surface. The tensioning system has a drag brake on the spool shaft and a drag brake control for the drag brake. A dancer roll is mounted on a linear slide having a spring force and a slide control is provided for the linear slide. A control system continually varies the drag brake control and the slide control to control the tension of the composite material based on the instantaneous operating characteristics of the composite placement machine.
B65H 59/06 - Réglage ou commande de la tension du matériau filiforme, p. ex. pour empêcher les vrillesUtilisation d'indicateurs de tension par régulation de la délivrance du matériau à partir du paquet d'approvisionnement par dispositifs agissant sur le matériau sortant du paquet
B29C 70/30 - Façonnage par empilage, c.-à-d. application de fibres, de bandes ou de feuilles larges sur un moule, un gabarit ou un noyauFaçonnage par pistolage, c.-à-d. pulvérisation de fibres sur un moule, un gabarit ou un noyau
B29C 70/38 - Empilage automatisé, p. ex. utilisant des robots, par application de filaments selon des modèles prédéterminés
B65H 59/36 - Éléments flottants compensant les irrégularités dans l'alimentation ou la prise du matériau
B65H 59/04 - Réglage ou commande de la tension du matériau filiforme, p. ex. pour empêcher les vrillesUtilisation d'indicateurs de tension par régulation de la délivrance du matériau à partir du paquet d'approvisionnement par dispositifs agissant sur le paquet ou le support
machine for producing fiber-reinforced composite structure through the process of dispensing and compacting layered bands of closely-spaced resin-impregnated fiber tows for manufacturing structures
Method and burner for reducing nitrogen oxide emissions during the combustion of a gaseous fuel
A method for reducing nitrogen oxide NOx emissions during combustion of a gaseous fuel in a burner intended for a naked-flame or controlled-atmosphere reheating furnace, for reheating steel products or for continuous coating and/or annealing of metal strips, wherein a first dilution is carried out by mixing combustion air with combustion products upstream from or in the body of the burner, and a second dilution is carried out directly at the level at which the gaseous fuel reacts with the combustion air, mixing the fuel with a recirculated portion of the flame or products of partial combustion, the double dilution enabling the physical and chemical properties of the gas to be modified in order for the burner to operate with low oxygen rates and obtain a flame that produces a very low level of NOx production regardless of the temperature of the enclosure in which the combustion takes place.
F23C 9/08 - Appareils à combustion caractérisés par des dispositions pour renvoyer les produits de combustion ou les gaz de fumée dans la chambre de combustion destinés à réduire la température dans la chambre de combustion, p. ex. à protéger les parois de la chambre de combustion
F23C 3/00 - Appareils à combustion caractérisés par la forme de la chambre de combustion
F23C 9/00 - Appareils à combustion caractérisés par des dispositions pour renvoyer les produits de combustion ou les gaz de fumée dans la chambre de combustion
A method supplies reactants, including fuel gas, to burners that discharge the reactants into a furnace process chamber. In a stable flame mode of operation, stable flames are projected from the burners into the furnace process chamber. At a time when the furnace process chamber has a temperature at or above an autoignition temperature of the fuel gas, a diffuse combustion mode is initiated by supplying a selected burner with additional reactants, including reactants diverted from another burner, to blow off the stable flame at the selected burner.