Frankische Industrial Pipes GmbH & Co. KG


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Type PI
        Brevet 39
        Marque 11
        International 26
        États-Unis 19
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        Europe 1
Nouveautés (dernières 4 semaines) 2
2025 mars (MACJ) 1
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Classe IPC
F16L 37/14 - Raccords par insertion d'un élément entre surfaces à unir, p. ex. par un bout de fil, une goupille, une chaîne 7
F16L 37/084 - Accouplements du type à action rapide dans lesquels l'assemblage entre les extrémités s'aboutant ou se chevauchant est maintenu par des organes de blocage combinés à un verrouillage automatique 6
F16L 37/098 - Accouplements du type à action rapide dans lesquels l'assemblage entre les extrémités s'aboutant ou se chevauchant est maintenu par des organes de blocage combinés à un verrouillage automatique au moyen de crochets flexibles 5
B29C 48/13 - Objets ayant une section transversale variable dans le sens longitudinal, p. ex. tuyaux à cannelures 4
B29C 48/25 - Éléments constitutifs, détails ou accessoiresOpérations auxiliaires 4
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Classe NICE
09 - Appareils et instruments scientifiques et électriques 10
17 - Produits en caoutchouc ou en matières plastiques; matières à calfeutrer et à isoler 10
42 - Services scientifiques, technologiques et industriels, recherche et conception 10
01 - Produits chimiques destinés à l'industrie, aux sciences ainsi qu'à l'agriculture 1
11 - Appareils de contrôle de l'environnement 1
En Instance 8
Enregistré / En vigueur 42



Numéro d'application 18727152
Statut En instance
Date de dépôt 2023-01-13
Date de la première publication 2025-03-06
Propriétaire Fränkische Industrial Pipes GMBH & CO. KG (Allemagne)
  • Schröter, Sören
  • Barfuss, Johannes
  • Valenta, Richard


Disclosed is a fluid coupling comprising a receiving element, a securing element, a retaining element and a plug-in element, the securing element being designed to be displaceable between a release position and a locking position, the securing element being engaged with the retaining element in the release position of the securing element, the plug-in element allowing the securing element to be displaced, the fluid coupling comprising a spring element which exerts a spring force on the securing element so that the securing element is preloaded in the direction of its locking position so that, when the plug-in element is inserted into the receiving space of the receiving element, the securing element is displaced out of the release position into the locking position due to the spring force of the spring element.

Classes IPC  ?

  • F16L 37/086 - Accouplements du type à action rapide dans lesquels l'assemblage entre les extrémités s'aboutant ou se chevauchant est maintenu par des organes de blocage combinés à un verrouillage automatique au moyen d'éléments d'enclenchement poussés radialement par des éléments faisant ressort


FIP Fusion 3

Numéro d'application 019144415
Statut En instance
Date de dépôt 2025-02-18
Propriétaire Fränkische Industrial Pipes GmbH & Co. KG (Allemagne)
Classes de Nice  ?
  • 01 - Produits chimiques destinés à l'industrie, aux sciences ainsi qu'à l'agriculture
  • 11 - Appareils de contrôle de l'environnement
  • 17 - Produits en caoutchouc ou en matières plastiques; matières à calfeutrer et à isoler

Produits et services

Chemische Erzeugnisse für gewerbliche Zwecke; Kunststoffe im Rohzustand. An Kühlsystemen in batterieelektrischen Fahrzeugen angepasste Leitungen; An Schlauchsystemen von Fahrzeugkühlungen angepasste Verbindungs- und Anschlußstücke aus Gummi oder Kunststoff, insbesondere Connectoren; Steckverbindungen aus Kunststoff und im Wesentlichen daraus bestehende Steckersysteme zum Verbinden von Kühlleitungen als Teile von Fahrzeugkühlsystemen; Fluidleitungen für Kühlsysteme als angepasste Teile von Automobilen; An Heizungs-, Kühl-, Trocken-, Dampferzeugungs-, Lüftungs- und Wasserleitungsgeräten angepasste Rohre, insbesondere Leitungsrohre aus Kunststoff sowie Leitungsverbundrohre aus Kunststoff mit Metalleinlage, insbesondere einer Schicht aus Aluminium; Rohrschlangen [Teile von Heizungs-, Kühl- oder Destillieranlagen]; Heizungs-, Kühl-, Trocken-, Dampferzeugungs-, Lüftungs- und Wasserleitungsgeräte. Flexible Leitungen, Röhren, Schläuche und Anschlussstücke hierfür [einschließlich Ventile] sowie Anschlussstücke für Hartrohre, alle nicht aus Metall; Well- und Glattrohre aus Gummi oder Kunststoff für Kühlsysteme; Rohre und Schläuche aus Kunststoff, insbesondere für Elektroinstallationen sowie zur Führung von Kabeln; Isolier-, Dämm- und Barrierematerialien, insbesondere Glasseidengewebeschläuche; Polyesterstrickschläuche; Polyamidschläuche; Verbundrohre aus Kunststoff mit Metalleinlage, insbesondere einer Schicht aus Aluminium, Schläuche aus Kunststoffen, Gummi und Gummi-Ersatzstoffen; Rohrmuffen und -verbindungsstücke, jeweils nicht aus Metall; Gummimuffen zum Schutz von Maschinenteilen; Gummiringe; Isolierbänder; Wickelbänder für Isolier- und Dichtungszwecke; Klebebänder, -streifen [auch selbstklebend] außer für medizinische Zwecke; Dichtungen, Dichtungsmassen, Dichtungsmittel, Dichtungsringe und Dichtungsstreifen [soweit in Klasse 17 enthalten]; Kunststofffolien [selbstklebend und nicht selbstklebend] für technische Zwecke; Dichtungs- und Packungsmaterialien; Isolatoren und Isoliermittel [Elektrizität, Wärme, Schall]; Schalldämmungsmittel; Filtermaterial [Kunststoff- oder Schaumstoffhalbfabrikate]; Kunststoffe [soweit in Klasse 17 enthalten].



Numéro d'application 18037192
Statut En instance
Date de dépôt 2021-11-11
Date de la première publication 2024-01-04
Propriétaire Fränkische Industrial Pipes GMBH & CO. KG (Allemagne)
  • Schröter, Dirk
  • Krauss, Manfred
  • Schröter, Sören


A unit for connecting a fluid line to a port of a superordinate assembly, comprising a base body comprising a connection piece at one axial end for connection to the fluid line and a receiving portion at another axial end. The unit comprises an insert element comprising a resilient material and at least one radially outwardly projecting protrusion. The insert element defines, in its interior, an axial central connection opening and is separate from and connectable to the base body. The at least one protrusion projects into a corresponding aperture formed in an area of the receiving portion. Each protrusion comprises a blocking flank extending outwardly in a substantially radial direction and facing the axial end of the base body opposite the connection piece. The blocking flank is configured to abut against a respective blocking protrusion on the base body in a receiving portion engaged state of the insert element.

Classes IPC  ?

  • F16L 37/088 - Accouplements du type à action rapide dans lesquels l'assemblage entre les extrémités s'aboutant ou se chevauchant est maintenu par des organes de blocage combinés à un verrouillage automatique au moyen d'un segment élastique fendu



Numéro d'application 18035392
Statut En instance
Date de dépôt 2021-11-02
Date de la première publication 2023-12-21
Propriétaire Fränkische Industrial Pipes GMBH & CO. KG (Allemagne)
  • Krauss, Manfred
  • Spielberg, Daniel
  • Blümmert, Dominik
  • Jurischka, Mike
  • Schröter, Sören


A high-pressure fluid line including a corrugated tube defining a fluid flow channel its interior, wherein a wall of the corrugated tube, in parallel with the extension direction of the fluid flow channel, comprises a sequence of wave peaks and wave troughs. The fluid line includes a braiding made of threads, which is applied to an outer periphery of the corrugated tube. The braiding bears tightly against the outer periphery of the corrugated tube at a substantially constant braiding angle over the entire corrugated tube. The braiding and the corrugated tube are connected at least at two mutually separate locations such that stretching of the corrugated tube in a longitudinal direction is accompanied by a reduction in a diameter of the braiding.

Classes IPC  ?

  • F16L 11/112 - Manches, c.-à-d. tuyaux flexibles en caoutchouc ou en matériaux plastiques flexibles à paroi ondulée avec des armatures noyées dans la paroi


Receiving unit of a coupling device for fluid lines

Numéro d'application 18025116
Numéro de brevet 12104734
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2021-08-31
Date de la première publication 2023-11-09
Date d'octroi 2024-10-01
Propriétaire Fränkische Industrial Pipes GMBH & CO. KG (Allemagne)
Inventeur(s) Schröter, Sören


A receiving unit of a coupling device for fluid lines, and the coupling device. The receiving unit comprises a closure element which fluidically seals the fluid flow channel in a closed position. The closure element is preloaded into the closed position using a spring element. The closure element comprises a perforation-free cylindrical portion. The entire spring element, in the release position of the closure element, is arranged within a region that is completely overlapped by the cylindrical portion along the entire longitudinal extent thereof, as viewed in a radial direction of the cylindrical portion.

Classes IPC  ?

  • F16L 37/14 - Raccords par insertion d'un élément entre surfaces à unir, p. ex. par un bout de fil, une goupille, une chaîne
  • F16L 37/35 - Accouplements du type à action rapide avec moyens pour couper l'écoulement du fluide avec un obturateur dans chaque extrémité de tuyau avec deux clapets dont l'un au moins est ouvert automatiquement au moment de l'accouplement au moins un des clapets possédant un canal axial communiquant avec des ouvertures latérales
  • F16L 37/42 - Accouplements du type à action rapide avec moyens pour couper l'écoulement du fluide avec un obturateur dans une seule des deux extrémités de tuyau avec un clapet dont l'ouverture se fait automatiquement au moment de l'accouplement le clapet comportant un canal axial communiquant avec des trous radiaux



Numéro d'application 18024138
Statut En instance
Date de dépôt 2021-09-03
Date de la première publication 2023-10-12
Propriétaire Fränkische Industrial Pipes GMBH & CO. KG (Allemagne)
Inventeur(s) Schröter, Dirk


The present invention relates to a device for controlling the temperature of a component and a method of production thereof. The device includes an elongate basic profile that defines a plurality of fluid flow channels in its interior. The fluid flow channels are arranged in series and separated by webs. The elongate basic profile extrudes from a plastic material. The device includes a connection unit connected to the basic profile and designed to direct fluid into the basic profile or out of the basic profile. The connection unit is formed partially or completely from a transparent plastic material.

Classes IPC  ?

  • F28D 21/00 - Appareils échangeurs de chaleur non couverts par l'un des groupes
  • F28F 3/12 - Éléments construits sous forme d'un panneau creux, p. ex. comportant des canaux



Numéro d'application EP2023050772
Numéro de publication 2023/139000
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2023-01-13
Date de publication 2023-07-27
  • Schröter, Sören
  • Barfuss, Johannes
  • Valenta, Richard


The invention relates to a fluid coupling (10) comprising a receiving element (12), a securing element (14), a retaining element (16), and a plug-in element (18), the securing element (14) being designed to be displaceable between a release position (P1) and a locking position (P2), the securing element (14) being engaged with the retaining element (16) in the release position (P1) of the securing element, the plug-in element (18) allowing the securing element (14) to be displaced, the fluid coupling (10) comprising a spring element (40) which exerts a spring force on the securing element (14) so that the securing element (14) is preloaded in the direction of its locking position (P2) so that, when the plug-in element (18) is inserted into the receiving space (22) of the receiving element (12), the securing element (14) is displaced out of the release position (P1) into the locking position (P2) due to the spring force of the spring element (40).

Classes IPC  ?

  • F16L 37/084 - Accouplements du type à action rapide dans lesquels l'assemblage entre les extrémités s'aboutant ou se chevauchant est maintenu par des organes de blocage combinés à un verrouillage automatique
  • F16L 37/14 - Raccords par insertion d'un élément entre surfaces à unir, p. ex. par un bout de fil, une goupille, une chaîne


Connection unit for connecting fluid lines

Numéro d'application 17919366
Numéro de brevet 12078274
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2021-03-16
Date de la première publication 2023-06-15
Date d'octroi 2024-09-03
Propriétaire Fränkische Industrial Pipes GMBH & CO. KG (Allemagne)
  • Schröter, Sören
  • Barfuss, Johannes


A connection unit for connecting fluid lines, including a plug-in unit connectable to a first fluid line not belonging to the connection unit, defining a first fluid flow channel in its interior, and a receiving unit connectable to a second fluid line not belonging to the connection unit, defining a second fluid flow channel in its interior. The plug-in unit and the receiving unit are connectable to establish a fluid connection between the first and second fluid flow channels. The connection unit also includes a release element transferrable from a holding state to a release state upon insertion of the plug-in unit into the receiving unit up to a predetermined depth, and an indicator element formed separately from the release element and locked by the release element in the holding state. The indicator element is detachable from the connection unit when the release element is in the release state.

Classes IPC  ?

  • F16L 37/14 - Raccords par insertion d'un élément entre surfaces à unir, p. ex. par un bout de fil, une goupille, une chaîne
  • F16L 37/098 - Accouplements du type à action rapide dans lesquels l'assemblage entre les extrémités s'aboutant ou se chevauchant est maintenu par des organes de blocage combinés à un verrouillage automatique au moyen de crochets flexibles



Numéro d'application EP2022075368
Numéro de publication 2023/046530
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2022-09-13
Date de publication 2023-03-30
  • Schröter, Dirk
  • Jurikschka, Mike


The invention relates to a device (10) for regulating the temperature of cylindrical components (34), comprising an elongate base profile (12) having a first and a second main surface (16a, 16b), each of which, viewed in a longitudinal direction (L), extends between the two longitudinal ends of the base profile (12) and, viewed in a transverse direction (T), extends between two side surfaces (18), wherein the base profile (12) defines in its interior a plurality of at least two fluid flow channels (38), which each run from one longitudinal end of the base profile (12) to the other longitudinal end of the base profile (12), wherein the fluid flow channels (38) are arranged in series in the transverse direction (T) and separated by webs (40), wherein the main surfaces (16a, 16b) each have an alternating sequence of concave regions (20) and straight regions (22), wherein a concave region (20) of the first main surface (16a), viewed in a thickness direction (D) of the base profile (12), which runs both orthogonally to the longitudinal direction (L) and orthogonally to the transverse direction (T), is at least in part superposed by a straight region (22) of the second main surface (16b), wherein a straight region (22) substantially defines a plane which extends in the longitudinal direction (L) and the transverse direction (T). The invention further relates to a cooling system (36) consisting of at least two devices (10), and to a method for producing a device (10) for regulating the temperature of cylindrical components (34).

Classes IPC  ?

  • H01M 10/6557 - Composants solides comprenant des canaux d'écoulement ou des tubes pour un échange de chaleur disposés entre les éléments
  • H01M 10/643 - Éléments cylindriques



Numéro d'application EP2021081355
Numéro de publication 2022/101330
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2021-11-11
Date de publication 2022-05-19
  • Schröter, Dirk
  • Krauss, Manfred
  • Schröter, Sören


The invention relates to a fluid connection unit (10), comprising a main body (12), which has a receiving portion (20), an insert element (38), which has at least one radially outwardly protruding protrusion (40) and in its interior defines an axial central connection opening (44), the insert element (38) being produced separately from the main body (12) and being connectable to the main body (12) in such a way that the at least one protrusion (40) projects in each case into a corresponding aperture (42) which is formed in the region of the receiving portion (20), and the at least one protrusion (40) having a blocking flank (48), which together with the associated protrusion (40) extends outwardly in a substantially radial direction and points toward the axial end of the main body (12) opposite the connection piece (14), the blocking flank (48) being designed, when the insert element (38) is engaged with the receiving portion (20), to bear against a blocking protrusion (28) which is formed on the main body (12).

Classes IPC  ?

  • F16L 37/05 - Accouplements du type à action rapide dans lesquels l'assemblage est maintenu uniquement par friction des parties assemblées avec partie extérieure élastique pressée contre une partie intérieure de fait de son élasticité serrée par la pression d'un organe mécanique
  • F16L 33/03 - Colliers de serrage élastiques à verrouillage automatique
  • F16L 33/207 - Segments, manchons ou autres organes d'une seule pièce enserrant la manche ou dilatés à l'intérieur de la manche au moyen d'outilsAgencements utilisant de tels organes avec uniquement un manchon contracté sur la manche



Numéro d'application EP2021080343
Numéro de publication 2022/096437
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2021-11-02
Date de publication 2022-05-12
  • Krauss, Manfred
  • Spielberg, Daniel
  • Blümmert, Dominik
  • Jurischka, Mike
  • Schröter, Sören


The invention relates to a high-pressure fluid line (10) comprising a corrugated pipe (12) and a braiding (18) made of fibers (20), said braiding being attached to the external circumference of the corrugated pipe (12). The braiding (18) lies against the external circumference of the corrugated pipe (12) in a tight-fitting manner and has a substantially constant braiding angle over the entire corrugated pipe (12), wherein the braiding (18) and the corrugated pipe (12) are connected together at at least two separate points such that the extension of the corrugated pipe (12) in the longitudinal direction involves a reduction in the diameter of the braiding (18). Alternatively to the connection, the braiding (18) can have a smaller mesh size (28) in the region of the corrugation valleys (16) than in the region of the corrugation peaks (14). The invention additionally relates to a pipe assembly.

Classes IPC  ?

  • F16L 11/112 - Manches, c.-à-d. tuyaux flexibles en caoutchouc ou en matériaux plastiques flexibles à paroi ondulée avec des armatures noyées dans la paroi
  • F16L 11/15 - Manches, c.-à-d. tuyaux flexibles en un matériau rigide, p. ex. en métal ou en matériaux plastiques durs ondulées
  • B29C 48/00 - Moulage par extrusion, c.-à-d. en exprimant la matière à mouler dans une matrice ou une filière qui lui donne la forme désiréeAppareils à cet effet
  • B29D 23/00 - Fabrication d'objets tubulaires
  • B32B 25/10 - Produits stratifiés composés essentiellement de caoutchouc naturel ou synthétique adjacent à une couche fibreuse ou filamenteuse



Numéro d'application EP2021074326
Numéro de publication 2022/058181
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2021-09-03
Date de publication 2022-03-24
Inventeur(s) Schröter, Dirk


The present invention relates to a device (10) for controlling the temperature of a component, wherein the device (10) comprises an elongate main profile (12), which profile defines in its interior a plurality of at least two fluid-flow channels (14), the fluid-flow channels (14) being arranged in a row and being separated by partitions (16) and the elongate main profile (12) being extruded from plastics material, and the device comprises an attachment unit (26) which is connected to the main profile (12) at one longitudinal end (24) of the main profile (12) and is designed to conduct fluid into the main profile (12) or out of the main profile (12), the attachment unit (26) being partly or completely formed by a plastics material that is transparent to laser radiation. The present invention also relates to a method for producing said device.

Classes IPC  ?

  • B29C 65/16 - Rayon laser
  • B29C 69/00 - Combinaisons de techniques de façonnage non prévues dans un seul des groupes principaux , p. ex. associations de techniques de moulage et d'assemblageAppareils à cet effet
  • F28F 9/00 - CartersBoîtes de distributionSupports auxiliaires pour les élémentsÉléments auxiliaires dans les carters
  • F28F 9/02 - Boîtes de distributionPlaques d'extrémité
  • F28F 9/26 - Dispositions pour raccorder des sections différentes des éléments d'échangeurs de chaleur, p. ex. de radiateur
  • H01M 10/00 - Éléments secondairesLeur fabrication
  • H01M 10/613 - Refroidissement ou maintien du froid
  • B29C 48/00 - Moulage par extrusion, c.-à-d. en exprimant la matière à mouler dans une matrice ou une filière qui lui donne la forme désiréeAppareils à cet effet
  • B29C 48/11 - Objets dont la section transversale comporte des cavités partiellement ou entièrement fermées, p. ex. tuyaux ou canaux comprenant au moins deux cavités partiellement ou entièrement fermées, p. ex. en forme alvéolaire
  • B29C 65/78 - Moyens pour la manipulation des éléments à assembler, p. ex. pour la fabrication de récipients ou d'objets creux
  • B29C 65/00 - Assemblage d'éléments préformésAppareils à cet effet
  • F28D 1/03 - Appareils échangeurs de chaleur comportant des ensembles de canalisations fixes pour une seule des sources de potentiel calorifique, les deux sources étant en contact chacune avec un côté de la paroi de la canalisation, dans lesquels l'autre source de potentiel calorifique est une grande masse de fluide, p. ex. radiateurs domestiques ou de moteur de voiture avec des canalisations d'échange de chaleur immergées dans la masse du fluide avec des canalisations en forme de plaques ou de laminés
  • F28F 3/12 - Éléments construits sous forme d'un panneau creux, p. ex. comportant des canaux
  • H01M 10/6556 - Composants solides comprenant des canaux d'écoulement ou des tubes pour un échange de chaleur
  • F28F 21/06 - Structure des appareils échangeurs de chaleur caractérisée par l'emploi de matériaux spécifiés de matériau plastique
  • B29L 31/18 - Échangeurs de chaleur ou leurs parties constitutives



Numéro d'application EP2021073956
Numéro de publication 2022/049050
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2021-08-31
Date de publication 2022-03-10
Inventeur(s) Schröter, Sören


The present invention relates to a socket unit (12) of a coupling device for fluid lines, the socket unit (12) comprising a closure element (34) which fluidically seals off the fluid flow duct when in a closed position, the closure element (34) being preloaded into the closed position using a spring element (28), wherein the closure element (34) comprises a cylindrical section (36) without holes, and, when the closure element (34) is in the release position, the entire spring element (28) is situated inside a region (80) which is completely overlapped by the cylindrical section (36) along its entire longitudinal extension, as viewed in a radial direction of the cylindrical section (36). The present invention further relates to a corresponding coupling device.

Classes IPC  ?

  • F16L 37/14 - Raccords par insertion d'un élément entre surfaces à unir, p. ex. par un bout de fil, une goupille, une chaîne
  • F16L 37/35 - Accouplements du type à action rapide avec moyens pour couper l'écoulement du fluide avec un obturateur dans chaque extrémité de tuyau avec deux clapets dont l'un au moins est ouvert automatiquement au moment de l'accouplement au moins un des clapets possédant un canal axial communiquant avec des ouvertures latérales
  • F16L 37/42 - Accouplements du type à action rapide avec moyens pour couper l'écoulement du fluide avec un obturateur dans une seule des deux extrémités de tuyau avec un clapet dont l'ouverture se fait automatiquement au moment de l'accouplement le clapet comportant un canal axial communiquant avec des trous radiaux



Numéro d'application 17293334
Numéro de brevet 11920713
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2019-11-20
Date de la première publication 2022-01-13
Date d'octroi 2024-03-05
Inventeur(s) Schröter, Sören


A coupling comprising a receiving element, a securing element, a retaining element and an insertion element, wherein the securing element is adapted to be displaceable between a release position and a locking position along a displacement axis, the securing element being adapted to engage the at least one retaining element in such a manner that a displacement of the securing element from the release position in the direction of the locking position is prevented, and wherein the insertion element is adapted to interact with the at least one retaining element upon insertion of the insertion element into the receiving space of the receiving element in such a way that a displacement of the securing element from the release position into the locking position is enabled.

Classes IPC  ?

  • F16L 37/084 - Accouplements du type à action rapide dans lesquels l'assemblage entre les extrémités s'aboutant ou se chevauchant est maintenu par des organes de blocage combinés à un verrouillage automatique
  • F16L 37/14 - Raccords par insertion d'un élément entre surfaces à unir, p. ex. par un bout de fil, une goupille, une chaîne


Fluid connector

Numéro d'application 17294605
Numéro de brevet 11920716
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2019-11-22
Date de la première publication 2022-01-13
Date d'octroi 2024-03-05
Propriétaire Fränkische Industrial Pipes GMBH & CO. KG (Allemagne)
Inventeur(s) Schröter, Dirk


A fluid connector, comprising a first connector body, a second connector body and a latching body which is configured to connect the first connector body to the second connector body, the latching body having a first non-destructively non-releasable latching device and a second non-destructively releasable latching device, the latching body being configured to be pushed both onto a radially outer side of the first connector body and onto a radially outer side of the second connector body.

Classes IPC  ?

  • F16L 37/098 - Accouplements du type à action rapide dans lesquels l'assemblage entre les extrémités s'aboutant ou se chevauchant est maintenu par des organes de blocage combinés à un verrouillage automatique au moyen de crochets flexibles


Connection unit

Numéro d'application 17292519
Numéro de brevet 11927287
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2019-11-13
Date de la première publication 2021-12-23
Date d'octroi 2024-03-12
Propriétaire Fränkische Industrial Pipes GMBH & CO. KG (Allemagne)
Inventeur(s) Schröter, Sören


A connection unit for connecting fluid lines is described, wherein the connection unit comprises a first connection body and a second connection body, wherein the connection unit comprises a machine-readable code which is not detectable when the first connection body and the second connection body are in an unconnected state and which is detectable when the first connection body and the second connection body are in a connected state.

Classes IPC  ?

  • F16L 37/084 - Accouplements du type à action rapide dans lesquels l'assemblage entre les extrémités s'aboutant ou se chevauchant est maintenu par des organes de blocage combinés à un verrouillage automatique



Numéro d'application EP2021056670
Numéro de publication 2021/209212
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2021-03-16
Date de publication 2021-10-21
  • Schröter, Sören
  • Barfuss, Johannes


The invention relates to a connection unit (10) comprising a plug unit (30), the interior of which defines a fluid flow channel (66), and a receiving unit (12), the interior of which defines a fluid flow channel (68), wherein the plug unit (30) and the receiving unit (12) are designed to be connectable together such that a fluid connection is established between the two fluid flow channels (66, 68), and the connection unit (10) additionally comprises a release element (44), which is designed to be converted from a holding state into a release state in response to an insertion of the plug unit (30) into the receiving unit (12) up to a specified depth. The connection unit (10) additionally comprises an indicator element (46) which is designed separately from the release element (44), is locked by the release element in the holding state of the release element (44), and can be released from the rest of the connection unit (10), in particular in a nondestructive manner, in the release state of the release element (44).

Classes IPC  ?

  • F16L 37/098 - Accouplements du type à action rapide dans lesquels l'assemblage entre les extrémités s'aboutant ou se chevauchant est maintenu par des organes de blocage combinés à un verrouillage automatique au moyen de crochets flexibles


Attachment device for a hose arrangement

Numéro d'application 16972445
Numéro de brevet 11624466
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2019-05-27
Date de la première publication 2021-07-29
Date d'octroi 2023-04-11
  • Geuss, Markus
  • Semerád, Ondreij


An attachment device, comprising a first line connector with a first fluid passage and a second line connector. The second line connector surrounds the first line connector such that a second fluid passage is created between the first line connector and the second line connector. The second fluid passage is fluidically separated from the first fluid passage. The second line connector can be pushed onto the first line connector from the end thereof situated opposite the hose attachment of the first line connector. The attachment is arranged in a line comprising the attachment device connected using a corresponding connection method.

Classes IPC  ?

  • F16L 33/01 - Dispositions d'assemblage des manches avec des organes rigidesRaccords rigides pour manches, p. ex. éléments unitaires s'engageant à la fois dans deux manches spécialement adaptées pour des manches ayant une paroi à plusieurs couches
  • F16L 33/02 - Colliers de serrage pour manches
  • F16L 33/30 - Dispositions d'assemblage des manches avec des organes rigidesRaccords rigides pour manches, p. ex. éléments unitaires s'engageant à la fois dans deux manches comprenant uniquement des pièces disposées à l'intérieur des manches
  • F16L 39/00 - Raccords ou accessoires de raccordement pour tuyaux à double paroi ou à canaux multiples ou pour assemblages de tuyaux
  • F16L 39/02 - Raccords ou accessoires de raccordement pour tuyaux à double paroi ou à canaux multiples ou pour assemblages de tuyaux pour manches



Numéro de document 03148003
Statut En instance
Date de dépôt 2020-07-27
Date de disponibilité au public 2021-02-18
  • Baumeister, Florian
  • Miener, Christian


The invention relates to a corrugator (10), comprising sequences of circumferential shaping jaws, at least one changing device (16, 18), which is designed to exchange a shaping jaw, and a provisioning device (30), which is designed to provide the changing device (16, 18) with a predetermined shaping jaw in a waiting position (WP1, WP2) from a plurality of shaping jaws (36) arranged outside the sequences of shaping jaws arranged circumferentially at the corrugator (10) and/or to remove a shaping jaw provided in the waiting position (WP1, WP2) and to feed said shaping jaw to a plurality of shaping jaws (36) arranged outside the sequences of shaping jaws arranged circumferentially at the corrugator (10).

Classes IPC  ?

  • B29C 48/13 - Objets ayant une section transversale variable dans le sens longitudinal, p. ex. tuyaux à cannelures
  • B29C 48/09 - Objets dont la section transversale comporte des cavités partiellement ou entièrement fermées, p. ex. tuyaux ou canaux
  • B29C 48/25 - Éléments constitutifs, détails ou accessoiresOpérations auxiliaires
  • B29C 48/30 - Filières ou matrices d’extrusion
  • B29C 48/265 - Structures ou bases de support pour appareils, p. ex. châssis
  • B29C 48/32 - Filières ou matrices d’extrusion avec une ouverture annulaire, p. ex. pour former des objets tubulaires



Numéro d'application EP2020071097
Numéro de publication 2021/028203
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2020-07-27
Date de publication 2021-02-18
  • Baumeister, Florian
  • Miener, Christian


The invention relates to a corrugator (10), comprising sequences of circumferential shaping jaws, at least one changing device (16, 18), which is designed to exchange a shaping jaw, and a provisioning device (30), which is designed to provide the changing device (16, 18) with a predetermined shaping jaw in a waiting position (WP1, WP2) from a plurality of shaping jaws (36) arranged outside the sequences of shaping jaws arranged circumferentially at the corrugator (10) and/or to remove a shaping jaw provided in the waiting position (WP1, WP2) and to feed said shaping jaw to a plurality of shaping jaws (36) arranged outside the sequences of shaping jaws arranged circumferentially at the corrugator (10).

Classes IPC  ?

  • B29C 48/30 - Filières ou matrices d’extrusion
  • B29C 48/25 - Éléments constitutifs, détails ou accessoiresOpérations auxiliaires
  • B29C 48/13 - Objets ayant une section transversale variable dans le sens longitudinal, p. ex. tuyaux à cannelures
  • B29C 48/09 - Objets dont la section transversale comporte des cavités partiellement ou entièrement fermées, p. ex. tuyaux ou canaux
  • B29C 48/32 - Filières ou matrices d’extrusion avec une ouverture annulaire, p. ex. pour former des objets tubulaires
  • B29C 48/265 - Structures ou bases de support pour appareils, p. ex. châssis



Numéro d'application EP2019082238
Numéro de publication 2020/109165
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2019-11-22
Date de publication 2020-06-04
Inventeur(s) Schröter, Dirk


The invention relates to a fluid connection (10), comprising a first connection body (12), a second connection body (14) and a latching body (16), which is designed to connect the first connection body (12) to the second connection body (14), the latching body (16) having a first latching device (28) that cannot be released in a destruction-free manner and a second latching device (54) that can be released in a destruction-free manner, and the latching body (16) being designed to be pushed onto a radially outer side of the first connection body (12) and onto a radially outer side of the second connection body (14).

Classes IPC  ?

  • F16L 37/098 - Accouplements du type à action rapide dans lesquels l'assemblage entre les extrémités s'aboutant ou se chevauchant est maintenu par des organes de blocage combinés à un verrouillage automatique au moyen de crochets flexibles



Numéro d'application EP2019081884
Numéro de publication 2020/104504
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2019-11-20
Date de publication 2020-05-28
Inventeur(s) Schröter, Sören


The invention relates to a coupling (10), comprising a receiving element (12), a securing element (14), a retaining element (16) and an insertion element (18), wherein the securing element (14) is designed such that it can be shifted along a shifting axis (Y) between a release position and a locking position, wherein the securing element (14) is designed to be engaged with the at least one retaining element (16) in such a way that a shifting of the securing element (14) out of the release position in the direction of the locking position is prevented, wherein, when introducing the insertion element (18) into the receiving space (22) of the receiving element (12), the insertion element (18) is designed to interact with the at least one retaining element (16) in such a way that a shifting of the securing element (14) out of the release position into the locking position is permitted.

Classes IPC  ?

  • F16L 37/084 - Accouplements du type à action rapide dans lesquels l'assemblage entre les extrémités s'aboutant ou se chevauchant est maintenu par des organes de blocage combinés à un verrouillage automatique
  • F16L 37/14 - Raccords par insertion d'un élément entre surfaces à unir, p. ex. par un bout de fil, une goupille, une chaîne



Numéro de document 03115320
Statut En instance
Date de dépôt 2019-11-13
Date de disponibilité au public 2020-05-22
Inventeur(s) Schroter, Soren


The invention relates to a connection unit (10) for connecting fluid lines, wherein the connection unit (10) comprises a first connection body (12) and a second connection body (14), wherein the connection unit (10) comprises a machine-readable code (16) which cannot be detected in a non-connected state of the first connection body (12) and the second connection body (14), and which can be detected in a connected state of the first connection body (12) and the second connection body (14).

Classes IPC  ?

  • F16L 37/088 - Accouplements du type à action rapide dans lesquels l'assemblage entre les extrémités s'aboutant ou se chevauchant est maintenu par des organes de blocage combinés à un verrouillage automatique au moyen d'un segment élastique fendu



Numéro d'application EP2019081105
Numéro de publication 2020/099454
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2019-11-13
Date de publication 2020-05-22
Inventeur(s) Schröter, Sören


The invention relates to a connection unit (10) for connecting fluid lines, wherein the connection unit (10) comprises a first connection body (12) and a second connection body (14), wherein the connection unit (10) comprises a machine-readable code (16) which cannot be detected in a non-connected state of the first connection body (12) and the second connection body (14), and which can be detected in a connected state of the first connection body (12) and the second connection body (14).

Classes IPC  ?

  • F16L 37/088 - Accouplements du type à action rapide dans lesquels l'assemblage entre les extrémités s'aboutant ou se chevauchant est maintenu par des organes de blocage combinés à un verrouillage automatique au moyen d'un segment élastique fendu



Numéro de document 03114037
Statut En instance
Date de dépôt 2019-10-16
Date de disponibilité au public 2020-04-23
  • Henninger, Gerhard
  • Ankenbrand, Stefan
  • Schubert, Andy
  • Baumeister, Florian
  • Sperandio, Frank
  • Holzer, Willi
  • Spielberg, Daniel Ewald


The invention relates to a shaping jaw unit (10) for a corrugator, comprising a shaping jaw mount (14, 14a-14h), which has a plurality of shaping surfaces (18a-18d) that are different from one another, wherein the shaping surfaces (18a-18d) are suitable for imparting a predetermined shape to a material to be shaped, and comprising a shaping jaw base element (12), on which the shaping jaw mount (14; 14a-14h) is arranged, wherein the shaping jaw mount (14; 14a-14h) is mounted on the shaping jaw base element (12) movably in relation thereto. The invention also relates to a corrugator, comprising a plurality of shaping jaw units (10), and to a corresponding method.

Classes IPC  ?

  • B29C 48/13 - Objets ayant une section transversale variable dans le sens longitudinal, p. ex. tuyaux à cannelures
  • B29C 48/25 - Éléments constitutifs, détails ou accessoiresOpérations auxiliaires
  • B29C 48/30 - Filières ou matrices d’extrusion
  • B29C 49/00 - Moulage par soufflage, c.-à-d. en soufflant une préforme ou une paraison dans un moule pour obtenir la forme désiréeAppareils à cet effet



Numéro d'application EP2019078039
Numéro de publication 2020/079046
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2019-10-16
Date de publication 2020-04-23
  • Henninger, Gerhard
  • Ankenbrand, Stefan
  • Schubert, Andy
  • Baumeister, Florian
  • Sperandio, Frank
  • Hölzer, Willi
  • Spielberg, Daniel Ewald


The invention relates to a shaping jaw unit (10) for a corrugator, comprising a shaping jaw mount (14, 14a-14h), which has a plurality of shaping surfaces (18a-18d) that are different from one another, wherein the shaping surfaces (18a-18d) are suitable for imparting a predetermined shape to a material to be shaped, and comprising a shaping jaw base element (12), on which the shaping jaw mount (14; 14a-14h) is arranged, wherein the shaping jaw mount (14; 14a-14h) is mounted on the shaping jaw base element (12) movably in relation thereto. The invention also relates to a corrugator, comprising a plurality of shaping jaw units (10), and to a corresponding method.

Classes IPC  ?

  • B29C 48/13 - Objets ayant une section transversale variable dans le sens longitudinal, p. ex. tuyaux à cannelures
  • B29C 48/30 - Filières ou matrices d’extrusion
  • B29C 48/25 - Éléments constitutifs, détails ou accessoiresOpérations auxiliaires
  • B29C 49/00 - Moulage par soufflage, c.-à-d. en soufflant une préforme ou une paraison dans un moule pour obtenir la forme désiréeAppareils à cet effet



Numéro d'application EP2019063610
Numéro de publication 2019/233798
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2019-05-27
Date de publication 2019-12-12
  • Geuss, Markus
  • Semerád, Ondreij


The invention relates to an attachment device (66), comprising a first line connector (10), with a first fluid passage (12), and a second line connector (38), wherein the second line connector (38) surrounds the first line connector (10) such that a second fluid passage (68) is created between the first line connector (10) and the second line connector (38), which second fluid passage (68) is fluidically separated from the first fluid passage (12), wherein the second line connector (38) can be pushed onto the first line connector (10) from the end thereof situated opposite the hose attachment (14) of the first line connector (10). The invention further relates to a line arrangement comprising the attachment device (66) and to a corresponding connection method.

Classes IPC  ?

  • F16L 33/01 - Dispositions d'assemblage des manches avec des organes rigidesRaccords rigides pour manches, p. ex. éléments unitaires s'engageant à la fois dans deux manches spécialement adaptées pour des manches ayant une paroi à plusieurs couches
  • F16L 33/30 - Dispositions d'assemblage des manches avec des organes rigidesRaccords rigides pour manches, p. ex. éléments unitaires s'engageant à la fois dans deux manches comprenant uniquement des pièces disposées à l'intérieur des manches
  • F16L 39/00 - Raccords ou accessoires de raccordement pour tuyaux à double paroi ou à canaux multiples ou pour assemblages de tuyaux
  • F16L 39/02 - Raccords ou accessoires de raccordement pour tuyaux à double paroi ou à canaux multiples ou pour assemblages de tuyaux pour manches



Numéro d'application 1457248
Statut Enregistrée
Date de dépôt 2018-10-30
Date d'enregistrement 2018-10-30
Propriétaire Fränkische Industrial Pipes GmbH & Co. KG (Allemagne)
Classes de Nice  ?
  • 09 - Appareils et instruments scientifiques et électriques
  • 17 - Produits en caoutchouc ou en matières plastiques; matières à calfeutrer et à isoler
  • 42 - Services scientifiques, technologiques et industriels, recherche et conception

Produits et services

Connections for electric lines; wires, electric; cables, electric; protection systems for cables, namely cable ducts and conduits [electricity]; clips [electricity] in particular wire connectors; wires and ducts [electric]; connectors [electricity]; ducts [electricity] for electrical installations as well as for ducting cables and wires and for protection of cables and wires [included in this class]; parts and accessories for afore-mentioned goods [included in this class]. Plastics in extruded form for use in manufacture; flexible hoses, not of metal; flexible pipes, tubes, hoses, and fittings therefor, including rubber valves; flexible pipes, pipe coils, pipe sections [not of metal and not for use in construction] as well as pipe systems consisting thereof; pipe muffs and pipe jackets [not of metal and not for use in construction]; flexible hoses, non-metallic; connecting hose for vehicle radiators; junctions [not of metal] for pipes and hoses; couplings [not of metal] for pipes and hoses; connections [not of metal] for pipes and hoses; rubber sleeves for pipes and hoses for protective purposes; joints [not of metal] for pipes and hoses; fittings [not of metal] for pipes and hoses; non-metallic seals for pipes and hoses; plastics materials in the form of sections [semi-finished products], plastics materials in the form of elbows [semi-finished products], rubber caps, rubber sleeves, valves [[not including machine elements]; packing, stopping and insulating materials; water-tight rings and weatherstrippings (non-metallic); rubber sleeves for protecting parts of machines; rings of rubber; self-adhesive and not-self-adhesive plastic sheets [other than for packaging]; insulation and barrier articles and materials; insulators; insulating bands; wrapping tape for insulating purposes; adhesive tapes, strips and foils, other than for medical use, for stationery or household use; parts and accessories for afore-mentioned goods [included in this class]. Engineering design and consultancy; technical project studies; construction drafting; physics, services of a technical measuring and testing laboratory; engineering testing; technical testing and inspection; industrial testing of cords, pipes and hoses; technical research and research in the field of civil engineering; development of new products for others, in particular installations for manufacture and processing of pipes and hoses, industrial and electrical installations, electrical apparatus and instruments, building materials, building elements, structures and transportable buildings, cords, pipes, hoses, pipe systems, shafts, taps, drainage installations, cable protection systems, machines and machine equipment, robots and electrical tools as well as parts and accessories for all afore-mentioned goods; technical surveying; research and technological consultancy regarding installations for manufacture and processing of pipes and hoses, industrial and electrical installations, electrical apparatus and instruments, building materials, building elements, structures and transportable buildings, cords, pipes, hoses, pipe systems, shafts, taps, drainage installations, cable protection systems, machines and machine equipment, robots and electrical tools as well as parts and accessories for all afore-mentioned goods; scientific testing services and research; engineering services, physics [research] services, chemistry services, software programming services; provision of information, advice and consultancy in relation to all afore-mentioned services [included in this class].



Numéro d'application 1455226
Statut Enregistrée
Date de dépôt 2018-10-30
Date d'enregistrement 2018-10-30
Propriétaire Fränkische Industrial Pipes GmbH & Co. KG (Allemagne)
Classes de Nice  ?
  • 09 - Appareils et instruments scientifiques et électriques
  • 17 - Produits en caoutchouc ou en matières plastiques; matières à calfeutrer et à isoler
  • 42 - Services scientifiques, technologiques et industriels, recherche et conception

Produits et services

Computer software, including operating systems, in particular planning and construction software for the field of electrical installations; magnetic and optical data carriers for storage of computer software [in particular CDs, DVDs and diskettes]; ducting for electric cables; mounting rails made from plastics, namely mountings for electrical installations and for ducting of cables. Pipe couplings and fittings, all not of metal; rubber sleeves for protecting parts of machines; adapters made from plastics for connection of pipes, not of metal; pipe end caps made from plastics; insulating splice covers for electrical cables; flexible tubes of plastic; hose pipes made of rubber; hose pipes made of rubber substitutes; rings of rubber; gaskets; joint packings; seals; weatherstripping compositions; caulking materials; water-tight rings; draught excluder strips; plastic films (self-adhesive and not self-adhesive) for technical purposes; insulating bands and wrapping tape for insulation, wrapping tapes, adhesive strips [also self-adhesive] other than for medical purposes, for stationery or household use; packing and stopping materials; insulators, in particular for electricity. Technological consultancy; technical development of new products, for others; technological consultancy, including technical project planning; construction engineering services [construction planning]; chemistry services; physics [research]; engineering services; services of an EDP programmer; scientific testing services; scientific research; conducting scientific experiments, including engineering; physics, services of a technical measuring and testing laboratory; technical surveying; construction drafting; research in the field of technology, in particular household technology.



Numéro d'application 1454685
Statut Enregistrée
Date de dépôt 2018-10-30
Date d'enregistrement 2018-10-30
Propriétaire Fränkische Industrial Pipes GmbH & Co. KG (Allemagne)
Classes de Nice  ?
  • 09 - Appareils et instruments scientifiques et électriques
  • 17 - Produits en caoutchouc ou en matières plastiques; matières à calfeutrer et à isoler
  • 42 - Services scientifiques, technologiques et industriels, recherche et conception

Produits et services

Computer software, including operating systems, in particular planning and construction software for the field of electrical installations; magnetic and optical data carriers for storage of computer software [in particular CDs, DVDs and diskettes]; ducting for electric cables; mounting rails made from plastics, namely mountings for electrical installations and for ducting of cables. Pipe couplings and fittings, all not of metal; rubber sleeves for protecting parts of machines; adapters made from plastics for connection of pipes, not of metal; pipe end caps made from plastics; insulating splice covers for electrical cables; flexible tubes of plastic; hose pipes made of rubber; hose pipes made of rubber substitutes; rings of rubber; gaskets; joint packings; seals; weatherstripping compositions; caulking materials; water-tight rings; draught excluder strips; plastic films (self-adhesive and not self-adhesive) for technical purposes; insulating bands and wrapping tape for insulation, wrapping tapes, adhesive strips [also self-adhesive] other than for medical purposes, for stationery or household use; packing, and stopping materials; insulators, in particular for electricity. Technological consultancy; technical development of new products, for others; technological consultancy, including technical project planning; construction engineering services [construction planning]; chemistry services; physics [research]; engineering services; services of an EDP programmer; scientific testing services; scientific research; conducting scientific experiments, including engineering; physics, services of a technical measuring and testing laboratory; technical surveying; construction drafting; research in the field of technology, in particular household technology.



Numéro d'application 1452181
Statut Enregistrée
Date de dépôt 2018-10-30
Date d'enregistrement 2018-10-30
Propriétaire Fränkische Industrial Pipes GmbH & Co. KG (Allemagne)
Classes de Nice  ?
  • 09 - Appareils et instruments scientifiques et électriques
  • 17 - Produits en caoutchouc ou en matières plastiques; matières à calfeutrer et à isoler
  • 42 - Services scientifiques, technologiques et industriels, recherche et conception

Produits et services

Computer software, including operating systems, in particular planning and construction software for the field of electrical installations; magnetic and optical data carriers for storage of computer software [in particular cds, dvds and diskettes]; ducts [electricity]; mounting rails made from plastics, namely mountings for electrical installations and for ducting of cables. Pipe couplings and fittings, all not of metal; rubber sleeves for protecting parts of machines; connectors of plastics for pipes; pipe end caps made from plastics; insulating splice covers for electrical cables and cable bridges of rubber for protecting cables; flexible tubes of plastic; hose pipes made of rubber; hose pipes made of rubber substitutes; rings of rubber; gaskets; joint packings; seals; weatherstripping compositions; caulking materials; water-tight rings; draught excluder strips; plastic films (self-adhesive and not self-adhesive) for technical purposes; insulating bands and wrapping tape for insulation, wrapping tapes, adhesive strips [also self-adhesive] other than for medical purposes, for stationery or household use; packing, and stopping materials; insulators, in particular for electricity. Technical consultation services in the field of environmental engineering; technical development of new products, for others; consultancy for technical project planning; conducting technical project studies for construction projects; chemistry services; physics [research]; engineering services; programming of EDP software and computer project management in the field of EDP; scientific testing services; scientific research; conducting scientific experiments, including engineering; physics, services of a technical measuring and testing laboratory; technical surveying; construction drafting; research in the field of technology, in particular household technology.



Numéro d'application 1453422
Statut Enregistrée
Date de dépôt 2018-10-30
Date d'enregistrement 2018-10-30
Propriétaire Fränkische Industrial Pipes GmbH & Co. KG (Allemagne)
Classes de Nice  ?
  • 09 - Appareils et instruments scientifiques et électriques
  • 17 - Produits en caoutchouc ou en matières plastiques; matières à calfeutrer et à isoler
  • 42 - Services scientifiques, technologiques et industriels, recherche et conception

Produits et services

Computer software, including operating systems, in particular planning and construction software for the field of electrical installations; magnetic and optical data carriers for storage of computer software [in particular CDs, DVDs and diskettes]; ducts [electricity]; mounting rails made from plastics, namely mountings for electrical installations and for ducting of cables. Pipe couplings and fittings, all not of metal; rubber sleeves for protecting parts of machines; connectors of plastics for pipes; pipe end caps made from plastics; insulating splice covers for electrical cables and cable bridges of rubber for protecting cables; flexible tubes of plastic; hose pipes made of rubber; hose pipes made of rubber substitutes; rings of rubber; gaskets; joint packings; seals; weatherstripping compositions; caulking materials; water-tight rings; draught excluder strips; plastic films (self-adhesive and not self-adhesive) for technical purposes; insulating bands and wrapping tape for insulation, wrapping tapes, adhesive strips [also self-adhesive] other than for medical purposes, for stationery or household use; packing, and stopping materials; insulators, in particular for electricity. Technical consultancy in the field of environmental engineering; technical development of new products, for others; consultancy for technical project planning; conducting technical project studies for construction projects; chemistry services; physics [research]; engineering services; programming of EDP software and computer project management in the field of EDP; scientific testing services; scientific research; conducting scientific experiments, including engineering; physics, services of a technical measuring and testing laboratory; technical surveying; construction drafting; research in the field of technology, in particular household technology.



Numéro d'application EP2018070147
Numéro de publication 2019/020683
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2018-07-25
Date de publication 2019-01-31
Inventeur(s) Schröter, Sören


The invention relates to a line arrangement (10) for a liquid or a liquid-air mixture flowing through the line arrangement (10) in a pre-determined main flow direction, said arrangement comprising a monolithicially embodied line (10) with a plurality of sections, namely at least one flow channel section, a receiving section and an extension section, and a separately embodied restrictor (22) that can be permanently inserted into the receiving section, said restrictor comprising a passage having a cross-section (D5) that is smaller than the smallest free inner cross-section of the sections of the monolithically embodied line.

Classes IPC  ?

  • F16L 55/027 - Étranglements
  • B60K 15/035 - Réservoirs de carburant caractérisés par de moyens d'aération
  • F02M 25/08 - Appareils spécifiques conjugués aux moteurs pour ajouter des substances non combustibles ou de petites quantités de combustible secondaire, à l’air comburant, au combustible principal ou au mélange air-combustible ajoutant des vapeurs combustibles aspirées des réservoirs de combustible du moteur



Numéro de série 79253396
Statut Enregistrée
Date de dépôt 2018-10-30
Date d'enregistrement 2020-02-04
Propriétaire Fränkische Industrial Pipes GmbH & Co. KG (Allemagne)
Classes de Nice  ?
  • 09 - Appareils et instruments scientifiques et électriques
  • 17 - Produits en caoutchouc ou en matières plastiques; matières à calfeutrer et à isoler
  • 42 - Services scientifiques, technologiques et industriels, recherche et conception

Produits et services

Computer software, namely, computer operating systems for planning and construction in the field of electrical installations; blank magnetic and optical data carriers for storage of computer software, namely, CDs, DVDs and diskettes; electrical ducts; mounting rails made from plastics, namely, mountings for electrical installations and for ducting of cables Pipe couplings and fittings, all not of metal; rubber sleeves for protecting parts of machines; connectors of plastics for pipes; pipe end caps made from plastics; insulating splice covers for electrical cables and cable bridges of rubber for protecting cables; flexible tubes of plastic; hose pipes made of rubber; hose pipes made of rubber substitutes; rings of rubber for use as pipe connection seal; pipe gaskets; weatherstripping compositions, namely, sealants in the nature of caulk for use in the automobile and construction industry; caulking materials; water-tight rings; draught excluder strips; self-adhesive and not self-adhesive plastic films for technical purposes; insulating bands and wrapping tape for insulation, wrapping tapes, self-adhesive strips other than for medical purposes, for stationery or household use; insulators, in particular for electricity Technical consultancy in the field of environmental engineering; technical development of new products, for others; consultancy for technical project planning; conducting technical project studies for construction projects; chemistry services; physics research; engineering services, namely, designing and manufacturing corrugated pipe systems for use in drainage, electrical systems, installation of building equipment, automotive, and industrial applications; programming of Electronic Data Processing (EDP) software and computer project management in the field of EDP; scientific testing services; scientific research; physics, services of a technical measuring and testing laboratory; technical surveying; construction drafting; research in the field of technology, in particular household technology



Numéro de série 79253904
Statut Enregistrée
Date de dépôt 2018-10-30
Date d'enregistrement 2020-12-01
Propriétaire Fränkische Industrial Pipes GmbH & Co. KG (Allemagne)
Classes de Nice  ?
  • 09 - Appareils et instruments scientifiques et électriques
  • 17 - Produits en caoutchouc ou en matières plastiques; matières à calfeutrer et à isoler
  • 42 - Services scientifiques, technologiques et industriels, recherche et conception

Produits et services

Computer software, including operating systems, in particular planning and construction software for computer-aided design and construction planning project management in the field of electrical installations; blank magnetic and optical data carriers for storage of computer software, in particular cds, dvds and diskettes; ducting for electric cables; mounting rails made from plastics, namely, mountings for electrical installations and for ducting of cables Rubber sleeves for protecting parts of machines; insulating splice covers for electrical cables; flexible tubes of plastic; rings of rubber for use as cable conduit connection seals; non-metal gaskets for cable conduits; joint packings for cable conduits; non-metal seals for cable conduits; weatherstripping compositions in the nature of sealants and caulk for cable conduits; caulking materials; water-tight rings for cable conduits; draught excluder strips for cable conduits; self-adhesive and not self-adhesive plastic films for technical purposes, namely, for use in insulating and sealing cable conduits; insulating bands and wrapping tape for insulation of cable conduits, wrapping tapes for cable conduit joints, adhesive, including self-adhesive strips, for cable conduits, none of the foregoing for medical, stationery or household use; packing, and stopping materials, namely, rubber stoppers for cable conduits; insulators, in particular for electricity Technological consultancy in the fields of drainage systems, electrical systems, heating systems, cooling systems, automotive systems and cable systems; technical development of new products, for others; technological consultancy, including technical project planning in the fields of drainage systems, electrical systems, heating systems, cooling systems, automotive systems and cable systems; construction engineering services being construction planning; physics research; engineering services; services of an EDP programmer, namely, computer systems programming in the field of electronic data processing; scientific testing services in the fields of drainage systems, electrical systems, heating systems, cooling systems, automotive systems and cable systems; scientific research; conducting scientific experiments for others in the fields of mechanical and electrical engineering; providing scientific laboratories for technical measuring and testing; technical surveying; construction drafting; product research in the field of technology, in particular household technology



Numéro de série 79254151
Statut Enregistrée
Date de dépôt 2018-10-30
Date d'enregistrement 2020-01-21
Propriétaire Fränkische Industrial Pipes GmbH & Co. KG (Allemagne)
Classes de Nice  ?
  • 09 - Appareils et instruments scientifiques et électriques
  • 17 - Produits en caoutchouc ou en matières plastiques; matières à calfeutrer et à isoler
  • 42 - Services scientifiques, technologiques et industriels, recherche et conception

Produits et services

Computer software, namely, operating systems, and computer software for planning and construction in the field of electrical installations; magnetic and optical data carriers, namely, blank CDs, DVDs, and diskettes for storage of computer software; ducting for electric cables; mounting rails made from plastics, namely, mountings for electrical installations and for ducting of cables Pipe couplings and fittings, all not of metal; rubber sleeves for protecting parts of machines; adapters made from plastics for connection of pipes, not of metal; pipe end caps made from plastics; insulating splice covers for electrical cables; flexible tubes of plastic; hose pipes made of rubber; hose pipes made of non-metal rubber substitutes; rings of rubber for use as pipe connection seals; pipe gaskets; weatherstripping compositions, namely, sealants in the nature of caulk for use in the automobile and construction industry; caulking materials; non metal water-tight rings for use in the construction industry and for household appliances; insulating bands and wrapping tape for insulation, wrapping tapes, adhesive strips and self-adhesive strips other than for medical purposes, but for stationery and household use; electrical insulators, in particular for electricity Technological consultancy in the field of construction and drainage; technical development of new products, for others; construction engineering services; physics research; engineering services; providing services of an Electronic Data Processing programmer; scientific research; providing technical measuring and testing laboratory services in the field of physics; technical surveying; construction drafting; research in the field of technology, in particular household technology



Numéro de série 79254938
Statut Enregistrée
Date de dépôt 2018-10-30
Date d'enregistrement 2020-07-14
Propriétaire Fränkische Industrial Pipes GmbH & Co. KG (Allemagne)
Classes de Nice  ?
  • 09 - Appareils et instruments scientifiques et électriques
  • 42 - Services scientifiques, technologiques et industriels, recherche et conception

Produits et services

Connections for electric lines; wires, electric; cables, electric; protection systems for cables, namely, ducting for electrical cable and electricity conduits; clips, in particular wire connectors for electricity; electric wire and ducts; Electrical connectors; Electrical ducts for electrical installations, ducting cables, electrical wires, and for protection of electrical cables and wires; replacement parts and accessories for aforementioned goods Engineering design and engineering design consultancy services; technical project studies in the field of drainage, electrical systems, installation of building equipment, automotive, and industrial applications; construction drafting; physics research, namely, technical measuring and testing laboratory; drainage, electrical, building, and automotive engineering testing services; technical testing and inspection services in the field of drainage, electrical systems, installation of building equipment, automotive, and industrial applications; industrial testing of cords, pipes and hoses of others to assure compliance with industry standards; technical research and research in the field of civil engineering; development of new products for others, in particular installations for manufacture and processing of pipes and hoses, industrial and electrical installations, electrical apparatus and instruments, building materials, building elements, structures and transportable buildings, cords, pipes, hoses, pipe systems, shafts, taps, drainage installations, cable protection systems, machines and machine equipment, robots and electrical tools, as well as parts and accessories for all aforementioned goods; technical surveying; research and technological consultancy regarding installations for manufacture and processing of pipes and hoses, industrial and electrical installations, electrical apparatus and instruments, building materials, building elements, structures and transportable buildings, cords, pipes, hoses, pipe systems, shafts, taps, drainage installations, cable protection systems, machines and machine equipment, robots and electrical tools, as well as parts and accessories for all aforementioned goods; scientific testing services and research, namely, scientific research, analysis, and testing in the fields of drainage, electrical systems, installation of building equipment, automotive, and industrial applications; engineering design services; physics research services; chemistry research services; software programming services for others; provision of information, advice and consultancy in in the field of scientific research, analysis, and testing in relation to all afore-mentioned services



Numéro de série 79252910
Statut Enregistrée
Date de dépôt 2018-10-30
Date d'enregistrement 2020-01-21
Propriétaire Fränkische Industrial Pipes GmbH & Co. KG (Allemagne)
Classes de Nice  ?
  • 09 - Appareils et instruments scientifiques et électriques
  • 17 - Produits en caoutchouc ou en matières plastiques; matières à calfeutrer et à isoler
  • 42 - Services scientifiques, technologiques et industriels, recherche et conception

Produits et services

Computer software, namely, computer operating systems for planning and construction in the field of electrical installations; blank magnetic and optical data carriers for storage of computer software, namely, CDs, DVDs and diskettes; electrical ducts; mounting rails made from plastics, namely, mountings for electrical installations and for ducting of cables Pipe couplings and fittings, all not of metal; rubber sleeves for protecting parts of machines; connectors of plastics for pipes; pipe end caps made from plastics; insulating splice covers for electrical cables and cable bridges of rubber for protecting cables; flexible tubes of plastic; hose pipes made of rubber; hose pipes made of rubber substitutes; rings of rubber for use as pipe connection seal; pipe gaskets; joint packings for industrial pipes; non-metal seals for corrugated conduit pipe connections; weatherstripping compositions for use in automobiles and homes; caulking materials; water-tight rings; draught excluder strips; self-adhesive and not self-adhesive plastic films for technical purposes; insulating bands and wrapping tape for insulation, wrapping tapes, self-adhesive strips other than for medical purposes, for stationery or household use; packing, and stopping materials namely, packing material for forming seals and insulating materials for protection of corrugated conduit cables; insulators, in particular for electricity Technical consultancy in the field of environmental engineering; technical development of new products, for others; consultancy for technical project planning; conducting technical project studies for construction projects; chemistry services; physics research; engineering services, namely designing and manufacturing corrugated pipe systems for use in drainage, electrical systems, installation of building equipment, automotive, and industrial applications; programming of EDP software and computer project management in the field of EDP; scientific testing services; scientific research; conducting scientific experiments, including engineering, in the fields of drainage, electrical systems, building technology, automotive, and industrial applications of corrugated pipe; services of a technical measuring and testing laboratory; technical surveying; construction drafting; research in the field of technology, in particular household technology



Numéro d'application EP2018054109
Numéro de publication 2018/153841
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2018-02-20
Date de publication 2018-08-30
  • Biermaier, Peter
  • Blümmert, Dominik


The invention relates to a hose combination (100) with an electromagnetic shield, comprising a radially inner hose (104) and a radially outer hose (102), at least one of the two hoses (102, 106) having at least one electrically conductive layer (106) and the radially inner hose (104) being loosely or detachably accommodated in the radially outer hose (102). The invention also relates to a hose (104) with an electromagnetic shield, and the use of a hose combination (100) according to the invention.

Classes IPC  ?

  • H05K 9/00 - Blindage d'appareils ou de composants contre les champs électriques ou magnétiques


Connecting assembly for a corrugated tube

Numéro d'application 15512861
Numéro de brevet 10364924
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2015-09-21
Date de la première publication 2017-10-12
Date d'octroi 2019-07-30
Propriétaire Fränkische Industrial Pipes GmbH & Co. KG (Allemagne)
Inventeur(s) Girola, Andreas Enrico


b) of the corrugated tube (12) and to resist a movement of the corrugated tube (12) out of the receptacle. The latching element carrier (20) is constructed as a split ring. The latching elements (22) are arranged uniformly distributed along the circumference of the latching element carrier (20).

Classes IPC  ?

  • F16L 37/091 - Accouplements du type à action rapide dans lesquels l'assemblage entre les extrémités s'aboutant ou se chevauchant est maintenu par des organes de blocage combinés à un verrouillage automatique au moyen d'une bague pourvue de dents ou de doigts
  • F16L 25/00 - Structure ou détails de raccords de tuyaux non prévus dans les groupes ou présentant in intérêt autre que celui visé par ces groupes



Numéro d'application EP2016055767
Numéro de publication 2016/150804
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2016-03-17
Date de publication 2016-09-29
Inventeur(s) Willinger, Rainer


Disclosed is a multilayer corrugated tube (10) comprising an outer layer (14) and an inner layer (16), characterized in that a central layer (18) is provided between the outer layer (14) and the inner layer (18), the material of said central layer (6) being chosen in such a way as not to bond to the material or materials of at least one of the adjoining layers.

Classes IPC  ?

  • B32B 27/08 - Produits stratifiés composés essentiellement de résine synthétique comme seul composant ou composant principal d'une couche adjacente à une autre couche d'une substance spécifique d'une résine synthétique d'une sorte différente
  • B32B 27/32 - Produits stratifiés composés essentiellement de résine synthétique comprenant des polyoléfines
  • B32B 27/34 - Produits stratifiés composés essentiellement de résine synthétique comprenant des polyamides
  • B32B 1/08 - Produits tubulaires



Numéro de document 02961839
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2015-09-21
Date de disponibilité au public 2016-03-31
Date d'octroi 2023-04-11
Inventeur(s) Girola, Andreas Enrico


The invention relates to a connecting assembly (10) for connecting to a corrugated tube (12). The connecting assembly (10) comprises a base body (14) with a receptacle recess (14a) for receiving the corrugated tube (12), and a latching unit (16) which can be introduced through a circumferential opening (14c) of the base body (14) into the receptacle recess (14a) and which has a latching element carrier (20) and a plurality of latching elements (22) constructed as one piece with the latching element carrier (20), wherein the latching elements (22) are constructed for the purpose of engaging in a trough (12b) of the corrugated tube (12) and to resist a movement of the corrugated tube (12) out of the receptacle. According to the invention, the latching element carrier (20) is constructed as a split ring, wherein the latching elements (22) are arranged uniformly distributed along the circumference of the latching element carrier (20).

Classes IPC  ?

  • F16L 25/00 - Structure ou détails de raccords de tuyaux non prévus dans les groupes ou présentant in intérêt autre que celui visé par ces groupes
  • F16L 37/12 - Accouplements du type à action rapide dans lesquels l'assemblage entre les extrémités s'aboutant ou se chevauchant est maintenu par des organes de blocage utilisant des crochets, cliquet, ou autres organes de blocage mobiles ou que l'on peut insérer



Numéro d'application EP2015071564
Numéro de publication 2016/046114
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2015-09-21
Date de publication 2016-03-31
Inventeur(s) Girola, Andreas Enrico


The invention relates to a connecting assembly (10) for connecting to a corrugated tube (12). The connecting assembly (10) comprises a base body (14) with a receptacle recess (14a) for receiving the corrugated tube (12), and a latching unit (16) which can be introduced through a circumferential opening (14c) of the base body (14) into the receptacle recess (14a) and which has a latching element carrier (20) and a plurality of latching elements (22) constructed as one piece with the latching element carrier (20), wherein the latching elements (22) are constructed for the purpose of engaging in a trough (12b) of the corrugated tube (12) and to resist a movement of the corrugated tube (12) out of the receptacle. According to the invention, the latching element carrier (20) is constructed as a split ring, wherein the latching elements (22) are arranged uniformly distributed along the circumference of the latching element carrier (20).

Classes IPC  ?

  • F16L 25/00 - Structure ou détails de raccords de tuyaux non prévus dans les groupes ou présentant in intérêt autre que celui visé par ces groupes



Numéro d'application IB2014059200
Numéro de publication 2014/136014
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2014-02-24
Date de publication 2014-09-12
  • VOLKSWAGEN AG (Allemagne)
  • Rosin, Volker
  • Schröter, Sören


The invention relates to a plug-in connection (1) for a first pipe (2) and a second pipe (3) and use thereof in a motor vehicle. A free end segment (4) of the first pipe (2) and a free end segment (5) of the second pipe (3) can be connected to each other. A retaining clip (10) having two legs (12), which each bear a respective locking element (13), sits in a guide (30) for the retaining clip (10), wherein the guide (30) is formed on the free end segment (4) of the first pipe (2). The retaining clip (10) mounted in the guide (30) interacts with the retaining region (20) on the free end segment (5) of the second pipe (3) in a form-fitting and force-fitting manner by means of each of the locking elements (13).

Classes IPC  ?

  • F16L 37/084 - Accouplements du type à action rapide dans lesquels l'assemblage entre les extrémités s'aboutant ou se chevauchant est maintenu par des organes de blocage combinés à un verrouillage automatique
  • F16L 37/098 - Accouplements du type à action rapide dans lesquels l'assemblage entre les extrémités s'aboutant ou se chevauchant est maintenu par des organes de blocage combinés à un verrouillage automatique au moyen de crochets flexibles
  • F16L 37/14 - Raccords par insertion d'un élément entre surfaces à unir, p. ex. par un bout de fil, une goupille, une chaîne



Numéro d'application EP2014053948
Numéro de publication 2014/131887
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2014-02-28
Date de publication 2014-09-04
Inventeur(s) Biermaier, Peter


The invention relates to a protective tube (20) which is produced in a circular knitting machine using heat-shrinkable yarn, and to a method for producing such a protective tube.

Classes IPC  ?

  • F16L 47/22 - Raccordements ou autres accessoires de raccordement spécialement adaptés pour être en matières plastiques ou pour être utilisés avec des tuyaux en matières plastiques basés principalement sur les propriétés spécifiques des matières plastiques utilisant un matériau se rétractant
  • H02G 3/04 - Tubes ou conduits de protection, p. ex. échelles à câbles ou goulottes de câblage



Numéro d'application EP2012062814
Numéro de publication 2013/091910
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2012-07-02
Date de publication 2013-06-27
Inventeur(s) Krauss, Manfred


The invention relates to a multiple-layer fuel line, comprising an inner layer which comes into contact with the fuel and an outer layer which forms the outer surface of the fuel line and is formed from a polyamide. According to the invention, the inner layer comprises polyethylene.

Classes IPC  ?

  • F16L 9/133 - Tuyaux rigides en plastique avec ou sans armature les parois étant constituées de deux couches
  • F02M 37/00 - Appareils ou systèmes pour transférer le combustible liquide des réservoirs de stockage aux carburateurs ou aux injecteursDispositions d'épuration du combustible liquide spécialement conçues pour les moteurs à combustion interne ou aménagées sur ceux-ci


Joint unit and joint assembly comprising such a joint unit for non-detachable connection of media-conveying lines

Numéro d'application 13719834
Numéro de brevet 08979134
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2012-12-19
Date de la première publication 2013-06-20
Date d'octroi 2015-03-17
Propriétaire Frankische Industrial Pipes GmbH & Co. KG (Allemagne)
  • Schröter, Sören
  • Willner, Mario


A joint unit is provided, including a main body, a bush, which is fastened to the main body and forms with the main body a receiving space for a connecting piece, and a separately formed retaining unit arranged in a radially inwardly open circumferential groove in the bush. The radially inwardly open circumferential groove in the bush is open towards an axial end face of the bush in at least two circumferential portions. A connection assembly is further provided, including a joint unit and a connecting piece.

Classes IPC  ?

  • F16L 37/00 - Accouplements du type à action rapide
  • F16L 37/084 - Accouplements du type à action rapide dans lesquels l'assemblage entre les extrémités s'aboutant ou se chevauchant est maintenu par des organes de blocage combinés à un verrouillage automatique



Numéro d'application EP2012071274
Numéro de publication 2013/060852
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2012-10-26
Date de publication 2013-05-02
Inventeur(s) Dorsch, Benjamin


The invention relates to a connecting unit (10), comprising a main body (12) with a receptacle (16) for a tube (32), at least one retaining element (26) that can engage with a peripheral recess of the tube (32), and a control sleeve (14) movable relative to the main body (12), wherein the control sleeve (14) is movable between a first and second axial position, wherein the retaining element (26) engages with the tube (32) in the first axial position, and wherein this retaining engagement can be released in the second axial position. According to the invention, the control sleeve (14) in the first axial position can be moved between a first and a second rotational position in the peripheral direction, the control sleeve (14) being movable in its first rotational position into the second axial position, and being retained in the second rotational position by the main body (12) in a form-fitting manner.

Classes IPC  ?

  • F16L 37/248 - Accouplements du type à baïonnette
  • F16L 25/00 - Structure ou détails de raccords de tuyaux non prévus dans les groupes ou présentant in intérêt autre que celui visé par ces groupes
  • H02G 3/06 - Joints pour connecter des longueurs de tubes de protection les unes aux autres ou à l'enveloppe, p. ex. à la boîte de distributionInstallations de câbles ou de lignes électriques ou de leurs tubes de protection dans ou sur des immeubles, des structures équivalentes ou des véhicules Détails assurant la continuité électrique dans le joint


Fluid duct, and flexible pipe for a fluid duct

Numéro d'application 12296036
Numéro de brevet 08230885
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2007-04-05
Date de la première publication 2009-12-17
Date d'octroi 2012-07-31
  • Krauss, Manfred
  • Schroeter, Soeren


The invention relates to a fluid duct (10), especially for use in motor vehicles to feed liquid in order to wipe windows or headlights of said motor vehicle. Said fluid duct (10) comprises a flexible pipe (12) with at least one corrugated pipe section (22) and at least one plain pipe section (24) that adjoins the corrugated pipe section (22), at least one pipe joint (16, 20) with a pipe connecting section (26) which is inserted into a plain pipe section (24), and a support sleeve (36) for each pipe joint (16, 20). The support sleeve (36) surrounds the plain pipe section (24) receiving the pipe connecting section (26) and presses the plain pipe section (24) against the pipe connecting section (26).

Classes IPC  ?


Coupling device

Numéro d'application 11314448
Numéro de brevet 07455327
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2005-12-20
Date de la première publication 2006-07-27
Date d'octroi 2008-11-25
Inventeur(s) Lorenz, Sven


a), whereby an operating element (30) for the releasing of the locking element is accessible by way of an opening in the housing (12, 12′) and whereby the locking element (11, 11′) includes at least one holding portion (26), whereby the locking element (11, 11′) includes a first spring arm (20) with a holding portion (26) which arm extends from the operating element (30) all the way to a wall of the housing (12, 12′) opposite the operating element, whereby the spring arm (20) is constructed at the opposite wall with a joint portion (24). Alternatively, there are two spring arms with joint ends that engage each other.

Classes IPC  ?

  • F16L 37/00 - Accouplements du type à action rapide
  • F16L 39/00 - Raccords ou accessoires de raccordement pour tuyaux à double paroi ou à canaux multiples ou pour assemblages de tuyaux