The invention relates to a portable pressurized gyration device (100) to be used in the production of fibers of a nano/micro size, which may operate without being dependent on electricity and may provide sterilization in the production area where the fibers are produced, wherein the production area of the device may be easily cleaned, wherein the device allows the produced fibers to be collected by taking them out by the rods (1.6) mounted to the cap (1.1) and may be controlled by a screen (1.7).
Ulubeyli̇, Gülden Çağin
Artir, Recep
The invention relates to the production of a building material which is produced as a result of activation of blast furnace slag and marble powder mixture with alkaline solutions, which shows cement-like behavior in terms of binding, strength and durability properties.
The invention relates to a self-cleaning conductive fabric system used in the textile industry, which comprises at least one fabric (1) with integrated conductive material and a battery (2) that can be connected to the conductive fabric (1) to operate the system. The invention particularly relates to a method of cleaning conductive fabric developed for the operation of said system.
D06M 11/00 - Traitement des fibres, fils, filés, tissus ou des articles fibreux faits de ces matières, avec des substances inorganiques ou leurs complexesUn tel traitement combiné avec un traitement mécanique, p. ex. mercerisage
D03D 15/50 - Tissus caractérisés par la matière, la structure ou les propriétés des fibres, des filaments, des filés, des fils ou des autres éléments utilisés en chaîne ou en trame caractérisés par les propriétés des filés ou des fils
D03D 15/533 - Tissus caractérisés par la matière, la structure ou les propriétés des fibres, des filaments, des filés, des fils ou des autres éléments utilisés en chaîne ou en trame caractérisés par les propriétés des filés ou des fils antistatiquesTissus caractérisés par la matière, la structure ou les propriétés des fibres, des filaments, des filés, des fils ou des autres éléments utilisés en chaîne ou en trame caractérisés par les propriétés des filés ou des fils électriquement conducteurs
The invention relates to a method (100) of producing a final solution according to the following steps of: - Dissolving (101) a predetermined amount of at least one polymer in a predetermined amount of at least one organic compound to form a matrix of an artificial tissue scaffold (10), - Adding varying amounts of at least one active substance to a solution and obtaining a final solution to be used for producing a 3D artificial tissue scaffold (102), and to an artificial tissue scaffold (10) produced as 3D by said method (100), for use in improving a damaged tissue and in treating the damage caused by Thiel-Behnke corneal dystrophy (TBCD).
The invention relates to a device (10) and method (100) for reducing the aflatoxin load in foodstuffs without using a treatment with any acid and the salts thereof, chemical techniques such as ammonization, or a treatment with steam, wherein the method comprises the following steps: Dividing (101) the dry fruits, the aflatoxin load of which is high, or any foodstuffs thought to contain aflatoxin load into at least one piece, Placing at least one other basket (or a container) in a basket of a device (10) (or a machine) generating ultrasound, and positioning (102) the foodstuff with a high aflatoxin load in any one of the other nested containers (5), except for the basket of the device (10), Upon positioning, exposing (103) a sample to ultrasonication by subjecting to a predetermined frequency for a predetermined period of time, Not exposing (104) at least one other piece to any treatment, including ultrasound.
The invention relates to a production method (100) for use in the treatment of corneal blindness or cornea failure, characterized by comprising the steps of: - Dissolving a predetermined amount of a polymer in a predetermined amount of pure water using a stirrer set to a predetermined temperature value (101), - Adding a predetermined ratio of an enzyme to a polymer-containing solution and allowing dissolution (102), - Upon dissolution, allowing gelling by placing the polymer with the enzyme in a cabin kept at a certain temperature, the temperature of which may be adjusted, and obtaining a hydrogel (103), - Adding a predetermined amount of cell to the predetermined amount of hydrogel, and stirring mentioned mixture until it is homogenous (104), - Producing a cell added hydrogel containing an enzyme (105), and to an artificial cornea layer (1) produced from a hydrogel obtained by mentioned method (100) using a 3D printer.
The invention relates to a method for producing a lead-free brass alloy with the improved machinability for use in many fields such as thermostat inserts, sensor housings, bolts, nuts, valves, valve bodies, pump parts, tubular plates and pneumatic components, taps and tap parts, water meter bodies, etc. in the automotive industry, industrial fields and water transport systems.
The invention relates to the platinum recovery method to obtain platinum with minimum 99.95% purity from platinum-containing scraps, the method comprises the process steps of precipitating and filtrating potassium hexachloro platinate by adding potassium chloride to the solution obtained by dissolving said scraps in aqua regia, dissolving potassium hexachloro platinate in potassium hydroxide solution by stirring and adding the obtained solution drop by drop to HCI solution to reprecipitate potassium hexachloro platinate in a purer form than the previous process step.
Invention relates to an anal biofeedback device (10) to be used for treatment of anal diseases causing leakage of gas and stool and comprising a balloon (6) entering anal canal of patient and providing measurement of pressure of flexing anal canal muscle, an inlet end (7) formed in front part of said balloon (6) and put into anal canal firstly for entering embodiment into anal canal, air pump (1) providing manual inflation of said balloon (6), manometer (2) displaying visual display of pressure applied to balloon (6) by anus after placement of inflated balloon (6) in anal canal, resetting ring (21) mounted on said manometer (2) and rotatable and providing reset of value read on manometer (2), pressure indicators (212) located side by side in 3 different colours, indicating 0 point on said resetting ring (21) and indicating pressure intervals, a catheter (4) connected to said manometer (2) and air pump (1) and providing transmission of air to balloon (6).
The invention relates to a method for obtaining a multi-axial textile surface (10) comprising steps of obtaining yarn layers (11) by passing (A) yarns (111) into frames (20) at different directions and angles and bonding (C) of yarns (111) by ultrasonic sewing without taking out from frames (20) in order to provide fixing of yarn layers (11) to provide a surface integrity.
B29C 65/08 - Assemblage d'éléments préformésAppareils à cet effet par chauffage, avec ou sans pressage avec des vibrations ultrasonores
B29C 65/02 - Assemblage d'éléments préformésAppareils à cet effet par chauffage, avec ou sans pressage
B32B 5/02 - Produits stratifiés caractérisés par l'hétérogénéité ou la structure physique d'une des couches caractérisés par les caractéristiques de structure d'une couche comprenant des fibres ou des filaments
Biomimetic artificial blood vessel and a production method thereof
A three-dimensional biomimetic artificial blood vessel that is biodegradable and biocompatible, is inspired by the morphological structure and physiological role of blood vessels having small diameter in the human circulatory system. A method of production by electro spinning is also disclosed.
D01D 5/00 - Formation des filaments, fils ou similaires
D01F 2/24 - Filaments, ou similaires, artificiels, à un seul composant, formés de cellulose ou de dérivés de la celluloseLeur fabrication à partir de dérivés de la cellulose
A61L 27/18 - Matériaux macromoléculaires obtenus par des réactions autres que celles faisant intervenir uniquement des liaisons non saturées carbone-carbone
This invention relates to a three-dimensional biomimetic artificial blood vessel that is biodegradable and biocompatible, inspired by the morphological structure and physiological role of blood vessels having small diameter in the human circulatory system, and the method of production by means of electro spinning (100).