Alpvision S.A.


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Type PI
        Brevet 28
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Nouveautés (dernières 4 semaines) 1
2024 décembre 2
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Classe IPC
G06K 9/00 - Méthodes ou dispositions pour la lecture ou la reconnaissance de caractères imprimés ou écrits ou pour la reconnaissance de formes, p.ex. d'empreintes digitales 12
G06K 9/62 - Méthodes ou dispositions pour la reconnaissance utilisant des moyens électroniques 9
G06T 7/00 - Analyse d'image 8
G07D 7/2033 - Mise en correspondance de motifs uniques, c.-à-d. de motifs qui sont uniques pour chaque papier individuel 8
G04B 47/00 - Appareils à évaluer le temps combinés avec d'autres articles n'influant pas sur leur marche ou leur régularité 6
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Classe NICE
09 - Appareils et instruments scientifiques et électriques 6
42 - Services scientifiques, technologiques et industriels, recherche et conception 5
16 - Papier, carton et produits en ces matières 3
45 - Services juridiques; services de sécurité; services personnels pour individus 2
40 - Traitement de matériaux; recyclage, purification de l'air et traitement de l'eau 1
En Instance 4
Enregistré / En vigueur 30



Numéro d'application 18701341
Statut En instance
Date de dépôt 2022-10-21
Date de la première publication 2024-12-26
  • ALPVISION S.A. (Suisse)
  • Comby, Jean-Marc
  • Mor, Flavio
  • Kutter, Martin
  • Jordan, Frédéric


A microfluidics system to maintain alive and control cell cultures such as neuronal cell cultures over an air-liquid interface is arranged to prevent formation of air bubbles and liquid overflows in fully automated 24/7 operation over the mid-long term. A pumping device pushes a liquid through an inlet of the microfluidics channel, then through an area of the microfluidics channel that is under the air-liquid interface, then through an outlet of the microfluidics channel, assisted with geometrical arrangements of the microfluidics channel outlet and optionally inlet placements relative to the porous membranes of the air-liquid interface. The pumping device is programmed with different flow rates, flow directions, and flow durations according to cell culture features and events detected with a computer vision system and/or an electrophysiological signal processing system to automatically adapt the parameters of the pumping device to the current state of the cell culture over the air-liquid interface.

Classes IPC  ?

  • C12M 3/06 - Appareillage pour la culture de tissus, de cellules humaines, animales ou végétales, ou de virus avec des moyens de filtration, d'ultrafiltration, d'osmose inverse ou de dialyse
  • C12M 1/00 - Appareillage pour l'enzymologie ou la microbiologie
  • C12M 1/36 - Appareillage pour l'enzymologie ou la microbiologie comportant une commande sensible au temps ou aux conditions du milieu, p. ex. fermenteurs commandés automatiquement
  • C12M 3/00 - Appareillage pour la culture de tissus, de cellules humaines, animales ou végétales, ou de virus



Numéro d'application 18807484
Statut En instance
Date de dépôt 2024-08-16
Date de la première publication 2024-12-19
Propriétaire ALPVISION S.A. (Suisse)
  • Di Venuto Dayer, V, Celine
  • Kutter, Martin
  • Jordan, Frederic


The present application concerns the visual identification of materials or documents for tracking or authentication purposes. It describes methods to automatically authenticate an object by comparing some object images with reference images, the object images being characterized by the fact that visual elements used for comparison are non-disturbing for the naked eye. In some described approaches it provides the operator with visible features to locate the area to be imaged. It also proposes ways for real-time implementation enabling user friendly detection using mobile devices like smart phones.

Classes IPC  ?

  • G07D 7/2033 - Mise en correspondance de motifs uniques, c.-à-d. de motifs qui sont uniques pour chaque papier individuel
  • G04B 47/00 - Appareils à évaluer le temps combinés avec d'autres articles n'influant pas sur leur marche ou leur régularité
  • G06T 7/00 - Analyse d'image
  • G06V 10/24 - Alignement, centrage, détection de l’orientation ou correction de l’image
  • G06V 10/75 - Organisation de procédés de l’appariement, p. ex. comparaisons simultanées ou séquentielles des caractéristiques d’images ou de vidéosApproches-approximative-fine, p. ex. approches multi-échellesAppariement de motifs d’image ou de vidéoMesures de proximité dans les espaces de caractéristiques utilisant l’analyse de contexteSélection des dictionnaires
  • G06V 20/66 - Colifichets, p. ex. boutons de chemise ou bijoux
  • G06V 20/80 - Reconnaissance des objets d’image caractérisés par des motifs aléatoires uniques
  • G06V 30/24 - Reconnaissance de caractères caractérisée par la méthode de traitement ou de reconnaissance
  • G06V 40/12 - Empreintes digitales ou palmaires
  • H04N 23/56 - Caméras ou modules de caméras comprenant des capteurs d'images électroniquesLeur commande munis de moyens d'éclairage



Numéro d'application EP2024050423
Numéro de publication 2024/149774
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2024-01-10
Date de publication 2024-07-18
Propriétaire ALPVISION SA (Suisse)
  • Alipour, Masoud
  • Jordan, Frederic
  • Kutter, Martin
  • Le Buhan, Corinne


A marking pattern over a product surface area is proposed to facilitate a traceability of the product. Preferably, the material shape (as may be prepared by embossing or engraving or etching, for instance with a laser) or the printing structure (based on ink or varnish deposit) of an area of the product surface is modified by a combinatorial marking pattern as a selection of base patterns with different geometrical arrangements relative to the product surface, such that the product surface marking does not visually disturb the product surface artwork or marketing design, while each geometrically arranged base pattern remains individually detectable by a marking pattern sensor independently from the other geometrically arranged base patterns out of the combined marking pattern on the product surface shape or structure.

Classes IPC  ?



Numéro d'application EP2023073442
Numéro de publication 2024/042240
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2023-08-25
Date de publication 2024-02-29
Propriétaire ALPVISION S.A. (Suisse)
  • Delacretaz, Yves
  • Jordan, Frederic
  • Kutter, Martin


The present invention is directed to a computer-implemented method for identifying if an object is a genuine or a counterfeited object, wherein the method uses a combination of output from a predictive machine learning model and from a genuineness detection algorithm. In particular, the invention relates to methods for identifying a counterfeited object.

Classes IPC  ?

  • G07D 7/20 - Vérification de motifs des papiers
  • G07D 7/12 - Lumière visible, rayonnement infrarouge ou ultraviolet



Numéro d'application 230958200
Statut En instance
Date de dépôt 2023-12-31
Propriétaire AlpVision SA (Suisse)
Classes de Nice  ?
  • 09 - Appareils et instruments scientifiques et électriques
  • 16 - Papier, carton et produits en ces matières
  • 42 - Services scientifiques, technologiques et industriels, recherche et conception

Produits et services

(1) Appareils et instruments électroniques et optiques; appareils et instruments de contrôle (inspection) et d'essai; matériel informatique; appareils et instruments de traitement de l'information; appareils et instruments de reproduction, d'extraction, d'enregistrement, de stockage et de transmission d'images et/ou de données; détecteurs d'inscriptions codées, cachées et intégrées; détecteurs optiques d'inscriptions; périphériques d'ordinateurs; imprimantes d'ordinateurs; scanneurs; détecteurs de marques de reconnaissance; logiciels, notamment logiciel pour l'impression de marque de reconnaissance sur support physique, logiciels pour l'intégration dans des données numériques de marques de reconnaissance, logiciel de lecture et de traitement de marques de reconnaissances sur support physique, logiciel de lecture et de traitement de marques de reconnaissances intégrées dans des données numériques, logiciel pour l'authentification de documents, de marchandises et de données; logiciel permettant la traçabilité des marchandises; appareils et instruments pour la gestion ou le tri de billets de banques, de chèques et/ou d'autres documents d'identification; lecteurs, encodeurs et terminaux électroniques pour l'enregistrement et le traitement de billets de banques, de chèques et/ou d'autres documents d'identification; supports de données optiques; cartes, puces, disques, bandes, et/ou circuits magnétiques et optiques ou pouvant contenir des données; cartes optiques, électroniques ou magnétiques d'authentification; cartes à mémoire; cartes magnétiques de paiement et de prépaiement; cartes ou autres supports optiques, électroniques ou magnétiques codés utilisés à des fins de sécurité, d'identification, d'accès, de transaction ou pour d'autres applications; cartes, disques et bandes magnétiques et autres supports de données préenregistrés ou vierges en tous genres; appareils et instruments d'authentification et/ou de contrôle d'identité; appareils et instruments de contrôle d'accès; appareils et instruments contrôleurs d'identité personnelle; appareils et instruments pour contrôler l'authenticité de documents, de papiers, de marchandises, de données et de supports de données en tous genres; appareils électroniques d'identification de personnes et de marchandises; appareils électroniques d'accès pour personnes; appareils d'identification électroniques; appareils électroniques pour la délivrance et l'inspection contrôlées électroniquement de titres d'accès, notamment de billets pour les transports publics ou pour des expositions; appareils électroniques pour la personnalisation de documents de valeur et de documents de sécurité; appareils électroniques utilisés dans des techniques de sécurité, de protection, d'authentification et de traçabilité des produits. (2) Papier, carton et produits en ces matières, non compris dans d'autres classes; boîtes en carton ou en papier; emballages infalsifiables, matériel d'emballage en papier, en carton ou en plastique; matières plastiques pour l'emballage, non comprises dans d'autres classes, y compris pellicules en matières plastiques; papier et documents de sécurité (papier et documents infalsifiables), papier pour billets de banque, papier valeur, papier pour chèques, papier pour timbres-poste, papier monnaie, papier filigrane; billets (tickets); certificats imprimés; papier imprimé et autres imprimés infalsifiables; papier imprimé et autres imprimés pour valeurs ou titres; documents d'identification; passeports; papiers et documents d'identification; documents d'autorisation; papier pour bulletins de vote; cartes de sécurité; papier pour passeports; bons-cadeaux; coupons; mandats postaux; mandats; bons de valeur compris dans cette classe; chèques; chèques de voyage; timbres fiduciaires; supports de données compris dans cette classe; cartes imprimées; cartes d'authentification; produits de l'imprimerie, blocs (papeterie), carnets, feuilles (papeterie), formulaires, imprimés, articles de papeterie; photographies, images, représentations graphiques, dessins; papeterie. (1) Services informatiques; conception de systèmes informatiques; traitement et mise à disposition d'informations dans le domaine informatique; services de conseils dans le domaine informatique (logiciel et matériel); création, conception et conseil y relatif en matière de cartes, disques, bandes magnétiques, puces, microprocesseurs, circuits et autres supports de données préenregistrés ou vierges; création, conception et conseil technique en matière de billets, bons, documents, passeports, timbres, coupons, tickets, mandats postaux, mandats, cartes d'identité, filigranes, bons de valeur, chèques, chèques de voyage, timbres fiduciaires, documents pour billets de banque et/ou documents infalsifiables; conception et conseil technique en matière de papiers, emballages, flacons, récipients, conteneurs, marchandises infalsifiables; conseil en matière de sécurité informatique; conseil en matière de mesures informatiques anticontrefaçon, conseils en matière de recherche informatique pour la traçabilité de marchandises; service de personnalisation de cartes par chargement de paramètres spécifiques dans des cartes électroniques (service de programmation informatique); installation, maintenance et mise à jour de logiciels; services d'un ingénieur, à savoir élaboration et conception de logiciels et de matériel; création, actualisation, entretien et location de logiciels d'ordinateur, en particulier de logiciels pour l'impression de marque de reconnaissance sur support physique, de logiciel pour l'intégration dans des données numériques de marques de reconnaissance à des données, de logiciel de lecture et de traitement de marques de reconnaissances sur support physique, de logiciel de lecture et de traitement de marques de reconnaissances intégrées dans des données numériques et de logiciel pour l'authentification de documents et de données et de logiciels pour la traçabilité de marchandises; conception, conseil y relatif, développement, essai et mise à jour de logiciels dans le domaine des encodeurs, lecteurs, terminaux de transactions, appareils bancaires, appareils à manipuler les billets de banque et/ou de gestion de caisse et/ou lecteurs/manipulateurs de chèques/documents infalsifiables; consultation en matière de sécurité informatique, en particulier avec utilisation de techniques spéciales d'impression avec introduction d'éléments de protection, papier de sécurité et protection contre les contrefaçons; location d'appareils électroniques de traitement de l'information et de leurs accessoires; services d'établissement de moyens cryptographiques pour garantir la protection et l'authentification de documents et de marchandises; conseils pour la création de documents et de marchandises infalsifiables; services spécialisés dans la sécurité des documents et des marchandises lors de leur élaboration, production, distribution, à savoir création de clés et apposition de marques de reconnaissance, mémorisation de clés, codage et décodage de données digitales, digitalisation d'empreintes de reconnaissance; développement de systèmes de protection d'accès; services dans le domaine de l'établissement et de l'exploitation de systèmes de protection d'accès en relation avec des marques de reconnaissance digitales; mise au point de filigranes digitaux, mise au point de systèmes de paiement électroniques.


Means for using microstructure of materials surface as a unique identifier

Numéro d'application 18333874
Numéro de brevet 12094286
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2023-06-13
Date de la première publication 2023-10-12
Date d'octroi 2024-09-17
Propriétaire ALPVISION S.A. (Suisse)
  • Di Venuto Dayer, V, Celine
  • Kutter, Martin
  • Jordan, Frederic


The present application concerns the visual identification of materials or documents for tracking or authentication purposes. It describes methods to automatically authenticate an object by comparing some object images with reference images, the object images being characterized by the fact that visual elements used for comparison are non-disturbing for the naked eye. In some described approaches it provides the operator with visible features to locate the area to be imaged. It also proposes ways for real-time implementation enabling user friendly detection using mobile devices like smart phones.

Classes IPC  ?

  • G06K 9/00 - Méthodes ou dispositions pour la lecture ou la reconnaissance de caractères imprimés ou écrits ou pour la reconnaissance de formes, p.ex. d'empreintes digitales
  • G06T 7/00 - Analyse d'image
  • G06V 10/24 - Alignement, centrage, détection de l’orientation ou correction de l’image
  • G06V 10/75 - Organisation de procédés de l’appariement, p. ex. comparaisons simultanées ou séquentielles des caractéristiques d’images ou de vidéosApproches-approximative-fine, p. ex. approches multi-échellesAppariement de motifs d’image ou de vidéoMesures de proximité dans les espaces de caractéristiques utilisant l’analyse de contexteSélection des dictionnaires
  • G06V 20/66 - Colifichets, p. ex. boutons de chemise ou bijoux
  • G06V 20/80 - Reconnaissance des objets d’image caractérisés par des motifs aléatoires uniques
  • G06V 30/24 - Reconnaissance de caractères caractérisée par la méthode de traitement ou de reconnaissance
  • G06V 40/12 - Empreintes digitales ou palmaires
  • G07D 7/2033 - Mise en correspondance de motifs uniques, c.-à-d. de motifs qui sont uniques pour chaque papier individuel
  • H04N 23/56 - Caméras ou modules de caméras comprenant des capteurs d'images électroniquesLeur commande munis de moyens d'éclairage
  • G04B 47/00 - Appareils à évaluer le temps combinés avec d'autres articles n'influant pas sur leur marche ou leur régularité



Numéro d'application EP2022079336
Numéro de publication 2023/067120
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2022-10-21
Date de publication 2023-04-27
  • ALPVISION S.A. (Suisse)
  • Comby, Jean-Marc
  • Mor, Flavio
  • Kutter, Martin
  • Jordan, Frédéric


A microfluidics system to maintain alive and control cell cultures such as neuronal cell cultures over an air-liquid interface is arranged to prevent the formation of air bubbles and liquid overflows in fully automated 24/7 operation over the mid-long term. A pumping device is adapted to push a liquid through an inlet (131) of the microfluidics channel (130), then through an area of the microfluidics channel that is under the air-liquid interface, then through an outlet (132) of the microfluidics channel, assisted with geometrical arrangements of the microfluidics channel outlet and optionally inlet placements relative to the porous membranes of the air-liquid interface. The pumping device may be programmed with different flow rates, flow directions, and flow durations according to cell culture features and events detected with a computer vision system and/or an electrophysiological signal processing system to automatically adapt the parameters of the pumping device to the current state of the cell culture (100) over the air-liquid interface.

Classes IPC  ?

  • C12M 3/06 - Appareillage pour la culture de tissus, de cellules humaines, animales ou végétales, ou de virus avec des moyens de filtration, d'ultrafiltration, d'osmose inverse ou de dialyse
  • C12M 1/12 - Appareillage pour l'enzymologie ou la microbiologie avec des moyens de stérilisation, filtration ou dialyse
  • C12M 1/00 - Appareillage pour l'enzymologie ou la microbiologie
  • C12M 1/34 - Mesure ou test par des moyens de mesure ou de détection des conditions du milieu, p. ex. par des compteurs de colonies
  • C12M 1/36 - Appareillage pour l'enzymologie ou la microbiologie comportant une commande sensible au temps ou aux conditions du milieu, p. ex. fermenteurs commandés automatiquement


Authentication machine learning from multiple digital presentations

Numéro d'application 17931578
Numéro de brevet 11989961
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2022-09-13
Date de la première publication 2023-03-16
Date d'octroi 2024-05-21
Propriétaire ALPVISION S.A. (Suisse)
  • Jordan, Frederic
  • Rudaz, Nicolas
  • Delacretaz, Yves
  • Kutter, Martin


A machine learning system may automatically produce classifier algorithms and configuration parameters by selecting them into a set of predetermined unitary algorithms and associated parametrization values. Multiple digital representations of input object items may be produced by varying the position and orientation of the object to be classified and/or of the sensor to capture a digital representation of the object, and/or by varying a physical environment parameter which changes the digital representation capture of the object by the sensor. A robot arm or a conveyor may vary the object and/or the sensor positions and orientations. The machine learning system may employ generic programming to facilitate the production of classifiers suitable for the classification of multiple digital representations of input object items. The machine learning system may automatically generate reference template signals as configuration parameters for the unitary algorithms to facilitate the production of classifiers suitable for the classification of multiple digital representations of input object items.

Classes IPC  ?

  • G06K 9/62 - Méthodes ou dispositions pour la reconnaissance utilisant des moyens électroniques
  • G06F 18/20 - Analyse
  • G06F 18/2111 - Sélection du sous-ensemble de caractéristiques le plus significatif en utilisant des techniques de calcul évolutives, p. ex. les algorithmes génétiques
  • G06F 18/214 - Génération de motifs d'entraînementProcédés de Bootstrapping, p. ex. ”bagging” ou ”boosting”
  • G06F 18/24 - Techniques de classification
  • G06T 7/70 - Détermination de la position ou de l'orientation des objets ou des caméras
  • G06V 10/70 - Dispositions pour la reconnaissance ou la compréhension d’images ou de vidéos utilisant la reconnaissance de formes ou l’apprentissage automatique
  • G06V 10/771 - Sélection de caractéristiques, p. ex. sélection des caractéristiques représentatives à partir d’un espace multidimensionnel de caractéristiques
  • G06V 20/00 - ScènesÉléments spécifiques à la scène
  • G06V 20/10 - Scènes terrestres



Numéro d'application 17274020
Statut En instance
Date de dépôt 2019-09-08
Date de la première publication 2021-10-28
Propriétaire ALPVISION S.A. (Suisse)
  • Jordan, Frederic
  • Kutter, Martin
  • Delacretaz, Yves


A Biological Neural Network (BNN) core unit comprising a neural cell culture, an input stimulation unit, an output readout unit may be controlled through its various life cycles to provide data processing functionality. An automation system comprising an environmental and chemical controller unit adapted to operate with the BNN stimulation and readout data interfaces facilitates the monitoring and adaptation of the BNN core unit parameters. Pre-processing and post-processing of the BNN interface signals may further facilitate the training and reinforcement learning by the BNN. Multiple BNN core units may also be assembled together as a stack. The proposed system provides a BNN Operating System as a core component for a wetware server to receive, process and transmit data for different client applications without exposing the BNN core unit components to the client user while requiring significantly less energy than conventional silicon-based hardware and software information processing for high-level cognitive computing tasks.

Classes IPC  ?

  • G06N 3/08 - Méthodes d'apprentissage
  • G06N 3/06 - Réalisation physique, c.-à-d. mise en œuvre matérielle de réseaux neuronaux, de neurones ou de parties de neurone
  • G06N 3/00 - Agencements informatiques fondés sur des modèles biologiques


Means for using microstructure of materials surface as a unique identifier

Numéro d'application 17182845
Numéro de brevet 11721153
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2021-02-23
Date de la première publication 2021-06-17
Date d'octroi 2023-08-08
Propriétaire ALPVISION S.A. (Suisse)
  • Di Venuto Dayer, V, Celine
  • Kutter, Martin
  • Jordan, Frederic


The present application concerns the visual identification of materials or documents for tracking or authentication purposes. It describes methods to automatically authenticate an object by comparing some object images with reference images, the object images being characterized by the fact that visual elements used for comparison are non-disturbing for the naked eye. In some described approaches it provides the operator with visible features to locate the area to be imaged. It also proposes ways for real-time implementation enabling user friendly detection using mobile devices like smart phones.

Classes IPC  ?

  • G07D 7/2033 - Mise en correspondance de motifs uniques, c.-à-d. de motifs qui sont uniques pour chaque papier individuel
  • G06V 10/24 - Alignement, centrage, détection de l’orientation ou correction de l’image
  • G06V 10/75 - Organisation de procédés de l’appariement, p. ex. comparaisons simultanées ou séquentielles des caractéristiques d’images ou de vidéosApproches-approximative-fine, p. ex. approches multi-échellesAppariement de motifs d’image ou de vidéoMesures de proximité dans les espaces de caractéristiques utilisant l’analyse de contexteSélection des dictionnaires
  • G06V 20/80 - Reconnaissance des objets d’image caractérisés par des motifs aléatoires uniques
  • G06V 30/24 - Reconnaissance de caractères caractérisée par la méthode de traitement ou de reconnaissance
  • G06V 40/12 - Empreintes digitales ou palmaires
  • H04N 23/56 - Caméras ou modules de caméras comprenant des capteurs d'images électroniquesLeur commande munis de moyens d'éclairage
  • G06V 20/66 - Colifichets, p. ex. boutons de chemise ou bijoux
  • G06T 7/00 - Analyse d'image
  • G04B 47/00 - Appareils à évaluer le temps combinés avec d'autres articles n'influant pas sur leur marche ou leur régularité


Authentication machine learning from multiple digital presentations

Numéro d'application 16956028
Numéro de brevet 11461582
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2018-12-20
Date de la première publication 2020-10-29
Date d'octroi 2022-10-04
Propriétaire ALPVISION S.A. (Suisse)
  • Jordan, Frederic
  • Rudaz, Nicolas
  • Delacretaz, Yves
  • Kutter, Martin


A machine learning system may automatically produce classifier algorithms and configuration parameters by selecting them into a set of predetermined unitary algorithms and associated parametrization values. Multiple digital representations of input object items may be produced by varying the position and orientation of the object to be classified and/or of the sensor to capture a digital representation of the object, and/or by varying a physical environment parameter which changes the digital representation capture of the object by the sensor. A robot arm or a conveyor may vary the object and/or the sensor positions and orientations. The machine learning system may employ generic programming to facilitate the production of classifiers suitable for the classification of multiple digital representations of input object items. The machine learning system may automatically generate reference template signals as configuration parameters for the unitary algorithms to facilitate the production of classifiers suitable for the classification of multiple digital representations of input object items.

Classes IPC  ?

  • G06K 9/62 - Méthodes ou dispositions pour la reconnaissance utilisant des moyens électroniques
  • G06T 7/70 - Détermination de la position ou de l'orientation des objets ou des caméras



Numéro d'application EP2019073911
Numéro de publication 2020/049182
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2019-09-08
Date de publication 2020-03-12
Propriétaire ALPVISION S.A. (Suisse)
  • Jordan, Frédéric
  • Kutter, Martin
  • Delacretaz, Yves


A Biological Neural Network (BNN) core unit comprising a neural cell culture, an input stimulation unit, an output readout unit may be controlled through its various life cycles to provide data processing functionality. An automation system comprising an environmental and chemical controller unit adapted to operate with the BNN stimulation and readout data interfaces facilitates the monitoring and adaptation of the BNN core unit parameters. Pre-processing and post-processing of the BNN interface signals may further facilitate the training and reinforcement learning by the BNN. Multiple BNN core units may also be assembled together as a stack. The proposed system provides a BNN Operating System as a core component for a wetware server to receive, process and transmit data for different client applications without exposing the BNN core unit components to the client user while requiring significantly less energy than conventional silicon-based hardware and software information processing for high-level cognitive computing tasks.

Classes IPC  ?

  • G06N 3/06 - Réalisation physique, c.-à-d. mise en œuvre matérielle de réseaux neuronaux, de neurones ou de parties de neurone
  • G06N 3/04 - Architecture, p. ex. topologie d'interconnexion
  • G06N 3/12 - Agencements informatiques fondés sur des modèles biologiques utilisant des modèles génétiques
  • G06N 5/00 - Agencements informatiques utilisant des modèles fondés sur la connaissance


Means for using microstructure of materials surface as a unique identifier

Numéro d'application 16402998
Numéro de brevet 10964010
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2019-05-03
Date de la première publication 2019-11-07
Date d'octroi 2021-03-30
Propriétaire ALPVISION S.A. (Suisse)
  • Di Venuto Dayer, V, Celine
  • Kutter, Martin
  • Jordan, Frederic


The present application concerns the visual identification of materials or documents for tracking or authentication purposes. It describes methods to automatically authenticate an object by comparing some object images with reference images, the object images being characterized by the fact that visual elements used for comparison are non-disturbing for the naked eye. In some described approaches it provides the operator with visible features to locate the area to be imaged. It also proposes ways for real-time implementation enabling user friendly detection using mobile devices like smart phones.

Classes IPC  ?

  • G06K 9/00 - Méthodes ou dispositions pour la lecture ou la reconnaissance de caractères imprimés ou écrits ou pour la reconnaissance de formes, p.ex. d'empreintes digitales
  • G06T 7/00 - Analyse d'image
  • G06K 9/32 - Alignement ou centrage du capteur d'image ou de la zone image
  • G06K 9/62 - Méthodes ou dispositions pour la reconnaissance utilisant des moyens électroniques
  • G06K 9/68 - Méthodes ou dispositions pour la reconnaissance utilisant des moyens électroniques utilisant des comparaisons successives des signaux images avec plusieurs références, p.ex. mémoire adressable
  • G07D 7/121 - Appareil caractérisé par les détails du détecteur
  • G07D 7/2033 - Mise en correspondance de motifs uniques, c.-à-d. de motifs qui sont uniques pour chaque papier individuel
  • G06K 9/46 - Extraction d'éléments ou de caractéristiques de l'image
  • G06K 9/78 - Combinaison de l'obtention de l'image et de fonctions de reconnaissance
  • H04N 5/225 - Caméras de télévision
  • G04B 47/00 - Appareils à évaluer le temps combinés avec d'autres articles n'influant pas sur leur marche ou leur régularité



Numéro d'application EP2018086442
Numéro de publication 2019/122271
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2018-12-20
Date de publication 2019-06-27
Propriétaire ALPVISION S.A. (Suisse)
  • Jordan, Frederic
  • Rudaz, Nicolas
  • Delacretaz, Yves
  • Kutter, Martin


A machine learning system may automatically produce classifier algorithms and configuration parameters by selecting them into a set of predetermined unitary algorithms and associated parametrization values. Multiple digital representations of input object items may be produced by varying the position and orientation of the object to be classified and/or of the sensor to capture a digital representation of the object, and/or by varying a physical environment parameter which changes the digital representation capture of the object by the sensor. A robot arm or a conveyor may vary the object and/or the sensor positions and orientations. The machine learning system may employ genetic programming to facilitate the production of classifiers suitable for the classification of multiple digital representations of input object items. The machine learning system may automatically generate reference template signals as configuration parameters for the unitary algorithms to facilitate the production of classifiers suitable for the classification of multiple digital representations of input object items.

Classes IPC  ?

  • G06K 9/62 - Méthodes ou dispositions pour la reconnaissance utilisant des moyens électroniques


Method and apparatus for authentication of a 3D structure

Numéro d'application 15985091
Numéro de brevet 10789463
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2018-05-21
Date de la première publication 2018-09-20
Date d'octroi 2020-09-29
Propriétaire ALPVISION S.A. (Suisse)
  • Kutter, Martin
  • Jordan, Fred


New authentication features are proposed that are visible, can be authenticated with a mobile equipment and yet are challenging to counterfeit. In a possible embodiment, the surface of the authentication feature may have three-dimensional characteristics, which can be recognized by a handheld camera, such as a smartphone camera, while it cannot be easily reproduced by a simple scan and print procedure. In a further possible embodiment, at least two different viewpoints of the authentication feature may be acquired using a smartphone camera and the resulting images may be analyzed using the smartphone processor to identify the three-dimensional characteristics of the authentication feature. The manufacturing of the feature may be performed at a low cost by embossing the three dimensional structure on a surface. The authentication feature may be carried by a self-adhesive label or directly embedded on the product packaging.

Classes IPC  ?

  • G06K 9/00 - Méthodes ou dispositions pour la lecture ou la reconnaissance de caractères imprimés ou écrits ou pour la reconnaissance de formes, p.ex. d'empreintes digitales
  • G07D 7/00 - Vérification spécialement adaptée à la détermination de l’identité ou de l’authenticité de papiers de valeur ou pour discriminer ceux qui sont inacceptables, p. ex. qui ne correspondent pas à une monnaie
  • G07D 7/2033 - Mise en correspondance de motifs uniques, c.-à-d. de motifs qui sont uniques pour chaque papier individuel
  • G07D 7/202 - Vérification de motifs des papiers en utilisant la mise en correspondance de motifs
  • G06K 7/14 - Méthodes ou dispositions pour la lecture de supports d'enregistrement par radiation électromagnétique, p. ex. lecture optiqueMéthodes ou dispositions pour la lecture de supports d'enregistrement par radiation corpusculaire utilisant la lumière sans sélection des longueurs d'onde, p. ex. lecture de la lumière blanche réfléchie
  • G06T 7/00 - Analyse d'image



Numéro d'application 1408033
Statut Enregistrée
Date de dépôt 2017-12-11
Date d'enregistrement 2017-12-11
Propriétaire AlpVision S.A. (Suisse)
Classes de Nice  ?
  • 09 - Appareils et instruments scientifiques et électriques
  • 16 - Papier, carton et produits en ces matières
  • 40 - Traitement de matériaux; recyclage, purification de l'air et traitement de l'eau
  • 42 - Services scientifiques, technologiques et industriels, recherche et conception
  • 45 - Services juridiques; services de sécurité; services personnels pour individus

Produits et services

Electronic and optical apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for checking (supervision) and testing; computer hardware; apparatus and instruments for data processing; apparatus and instruments for reproducing, retrieving, recording, storing and transmitting images and/or data; detectors; detectors of coded, hidden or embedded markings; optical marking detectors; recognition mark detectors; computer peripheral devices; printers for use with computers; readers; scanners; lasers (not for medical use); software, especially software for printing recognition marks on physical media, software for integrating recognition marks into data, software for reading and processing recognition marks on physical media, software for reading and processing recognition marks on data, software for authenticating documents, merchandise and data; devices for printing recognition marks on physical media, for integrating recognition marks into data, for reading and processing recognition marks on physical media, for reading and processing recognition marks on data, for authenticating documents, merchandise and data; encryption devices for data and encryption equipment using optical and chemical encryption methods; software for tracking merchandise; apparatus and instruments for the management or sorting of banknotes, paper currency, checks and/or other identification documents; electronic readers, encoders and terminals for recording and processing banknotes, paper currency, checks, and/or other identification documents; optical data media; cards, chips, discs, tapes and/or magnetic and optical circuits or circuits that can contain data; optical, electronic or magnetic authentication cards; memory cards; payment and prepayment cards; cards or other encoded optical, electronic or magnetic media used for the purpose of security, identification, access, transaction or other applications; magnetic cards, discs and tapes and other pre-recorded or blank data media of all kinds; apparatus and instruments for identity authentication and/or verification; apparatus and instruments for access control; apparatus and instruments for verifying personal identity; apparatus and instruments for verifying the authenticity of documents, papers, merchandise, data and data media of all kinds; equipment for the identification of persons and merchandise; equipment for controlling the access of persons; electronic identification equipment; equipment for issuing and electronically controlling access documents, especially tickets for public transport or exhibitions; equipment for customizing documents of value and security documents, namely electronic equipment for applying marks of identification or authentication on documents of value and security documents; electronic apparatus for use in product security, protection, authentication and traceability technology. Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; boxes of cardboard or paper; forgery-proof packaging, packaging material of paper, cardboard or plastic; plastic materials for packaging not included in other classes, including plastic film; security paper and documents (forgery-proof paper and documents), banknote paper, paper for stocks, paper for checks, paper for stamps, paper currency, watermark paper; tickets; printed certificates; printed paper and other forgery-proof printed matter; printed paper and other printed matter for stocks or securities; identification documents; passports; identification papers and documents; authorization documents; voting paper; security cards; paper for passports; gift vouchers; coupons; postal money orders; money orders; tokens of value included in this class; checks; travelers' checks; fiduciary stamps; data media included in this class; printed cards; authentication cards; printed products, pads (stationery), notebooks, sheets (stationery), forms, printed matter, stationery; photographs, images, graphic representations, drawings; stationery. Treatment of materials; marking of objects. Computer services, namely computer traceability, tracking, authentication or identification of products; computer system design; processing and providing information in the field of computing; advice in the field of information technology (software and hardware); creation, design and consulting relating to cards, discs, magnetic tapes, chips, microprocessors, circuits and other pre-recorded or blank data media; creation, design and technological advice relating to tickets, vouchers, documents, passports, stamps, coupons, postal money orders, money orders, identity cards, watermarks, securities, checks, travelers' checks, fiduciary stamps, documents for forgery-proof banknotes and/or documents; technology advice and design relating to forgery-proof paper, packaging, bottles, receptacles, containers, merchandise; consulting relating to computer security; consulting relating to anti-counterfeiting computer measures, advice relating to computer development intended for the tracking of merchandise; customization of cards by uploading specific parameters in electronic cards (computer programming services); installation, maintenance and updating of software; engineering services, namely design and development of software and hardware; creating, updating, maintenance and rental of computer software, particularly computer software for printing recognition marks on physical media, software for integrating recognition marks into data, software for reading and processing recognition marks on physical media, software for reading and processing recognition marks on data and software for authenticating documents and data and software for tracking merchandise; design, consulting, development, testing and updating of software in the field of encoders, readers, transaction terminals, banking apparatus, apparatus for handling banknotes and/or managing cash and/or readers/handlers of forgery-proof checks/documents; computer security consultancy, particularly with the use of special printing techniques, introducing elements of protection, security paper and protection against forgery; rental of software for information processing equipment; computer services with regard to the establishment of cryptographic means to ensure the protection and authentication of documents and merchandise; technical advice for the creation of forgery-proof documents and merchandise; services specializing in the security of documents and merchandise during their creation, production, distribution, namely creating keys and placing recognition marks, memorizing keys, digital data encoding and decoding, digitization of fingerprints for recognition; development of systems for access protection; services in the field of setting up and operating systems for access protection in connection to digital recognition marks; creation, design and technological advice relating to digital watermarks; product development, namely the development of electronic payment systems; scientific and technological services, particularly engineering services for planning and developing product identification systems, security systems and product tracking systems; quality control services. Consultancy in the field of security; security services for the protection of goods and merchandise, particularly to protect and prove the authenticity of said goods and merchandise.



Numéro de série 87940005
Statut Enregistrée
Date de dépôt 2018-05-29
Date d'enregistrement 2019-07-30
Propriétaire AlpVision SA (Suisse)
Classes de Nice  ?
  • 09 - Appareils et instruments scientifiques et électriques
  • 42 - Services scientifiques, technologiques et industriels, recherche et conception

Produits et services

Computer software for identifying industrial products and parts; image recognition computer software; computer application software for mobile phones and handheld computers for use in identifying industrial products and parts; computer application software for mobile phones and handheld computers for use in image recognition; computer application software for mobile phones and handheld computers for use in image recognition, namely, for use in identifying non-industrial products and parts; computer software for use in detecting the patterns of physical characteristics of industrial products and parts and identifying specific industrial products and parts; computer hardware for use in detecting the patterns of physical characteristics of industrial products and parts and identifying specific industrial products and parts; computer software for use in matching digital images of industrial products and parts contained in a database Providing temporary use of non-downloadable computer software for identifying industrial products, packages, and parts; providing temporary use of non-downloadable image recognition computer software; providing temporary use of non-downloadable computer software for use in image recognition; providing temporary use of non-downloadable computer software for use in detecting the patterns of physical characteristics of industrial products and parts and identifying specific industrial products and parts; providing temporary use of non-downloadable computer software for use in matching digital images of industrial products and parts contained in a database



Numéro de série 79234643
Statut Enregistrée
Date de dépôt 2017-12-11
Date d'enregistrement 2019-07-02
Propriétaire AlpVision S.A. (Suisse)
Classes de Nice  ?
  • 09 - Appareils et instruments scientifiques et électriques
  • 42 - Services scientifiques, technologiques et industriels, recherche et conception
  • 45 - Services juridiques; services de sécurité; services personnels pour individus

Produits et services

Electronic and optical apparatus and instruments, namely, motion detectors, fingerprint scanners; apparatus and instruments for checking and testing, namely, apparatus for checking flight parameters; computer hardware; apparatus and instruments for data processing, namely, data processing apparatus; apparatus and instruments for reproducing, retrieving, recording, storing and transmitting images and data, namely, television sets, radios; detectors, namely, radon detector, smoke detector; detectors of coded, hidden or embedded markings, namely, bar code readers; optical marking detectors, namely, optical code readers; recognition mark detectors, namely, bar code readers; computer peripheral devices; document printers for use with computers; readers, namely, optical readers; scanners; lasers, not for medical use; software, namely, software for printing recognition marks on physical media, software for integrating recognition marks into data, software for reading and processing recognition marks on physical media, software for reading and processing recognition marks on data, software for authenticating documents, merchandise and data; devices for printing recognition marks on physical media, namely, document printers for use with computers, computer hardware for integrating recognition marks into data, computer hardware for reading and processing recognition marks on physical media, computer hardware for reading and processing recognition marks on data, computer hardware for authenticating documents, merchandise and data; encryption devices, namely, electronic encryption unit for data and encryption equipment using optical and chemical encryption methods; software for tracking merchandise; apparatus and instruments, namely, machines for the management or sorting of banknotes, paper currency, and checks; electronic card readers, encoders and computer terminals for recording and processing banknotes, paper currency, checks, and other identification documents; optical data media, namely, optical readers, optical receivers; blank electronic chip cards, blank optical discs, tapes in the nature of blank magnetic tapes for tape recorders and magnetic and optical circuits in the nature of electronic circuit cards that can contain data; optical, electronic or magnetic authentication cards in the nature of magnetic identity cards; memory cards; payment and prepayment cards, namely, electronic and magnetic ID cards for use in connection with payment for services; cards or other encoded optical, electronic or magnetic media used for the purpose of security, identification, access, transaction or other applications, namely, cards encoded with security features for identification purposes; magnetic cards, discs and tapes and other pre-recorded or blank data media of all kinds, namely, magnetic identifying cards; apparatus and instruments for identity authentication and verification, namely, electronic security token in the nature of a fob-like device used by an authorized user of a computer system to facilitate authentication; apparatus and instruments, namely, access control systems; apparatus and instruments for verifying personal identity, namely, fingerprint scanners, biometric iris scanners; apparatus and instruments for verifying the authenticity of documents, papers, merchandise, data and data media of all kinds, namely, apparatus for checking the authenticity of banknotes; equipment for the identification of persons and merchandise, namely, bar code readers; equipment for controlling the access of persons, namely, electronic access control systems for interlocking doors; electronic identification equipment, namely, fingerprint scanners, biometric iris scanners; equipment for issuing and electronically controlling access documents in the nature of an electronic and electrical apparatus, namely, ticket issuing, reading and recording machines, especially tickets for public transport or exhibitions; equipment for customizing documents of value and security documents, namely, document printers for applying marks of identification or authentication on documents of value and security documents; electronic apparatus for use in product security, protection, authentication and traceability technology, namely, electronic security and surveillance devices, namely, electronic security tags and labels, acoustic tags, magnetic tags; Computer software for identifying industrial products and parts; computer application software for mobile phones and handheld computers for use in identifying industrial products and parts; computer application software for mobile phones and handheld computers for use in image recognition, namely, for use in identifying non-industrial products and parts; computer software for use in detecting the patterns of physical characteristics of industrial products and parts and identifying specific industrial products and parts; computer hardware for use in detecting the patterns of physical characteristics of industrial products and parts and identifying specific industrial products and parts; computer software for use in matching digital images of industrial products and parts contained in a database Computer services, namely, providing non-downloadable software for computer tracing, tracking, authentication or identification of products; Computer services, namely, providing non-downloadable software for identifying industrial products, packages, and parts; Computer services, namely, providing non-downloadable software for detecting the patterns of physical characteristics of industrial products and parts and identifying specific industrial products and parts; Computer services, namely, providing non-downloadable software for matching digital images of industrial products and parts contained in a database; computer system design; providing information in the field of computer technology and programming; consulting in the field of information technology relating to software and hardware; creation, design and consulting relating to magnetic cards, blank discs for computers, magnetic tapes, computer chips, microprocessors, electronic circuits and other pre-recorded or blank data media in the nature of computer hardware; graphic design relating to tickets, vouchers, documents, passports, stamps, coupons, postal money orders, money orders, identity cards, watermarks, securities, checks, travelers' checks, fiduciary stamps, documents for forgery-proof banknotes and documents; technology advice relating to forgery-proof paper, packaging, bottles, receptacles, containers, merchandise provided to Internet users by means of a support hotline; custom design of forgery-proof paper, packaging, bottles, receptacles, containers, merchandise in the nature of general consumer merchandise based on personal selections made by the customer; consulting relating to computer security; consulting relating to anti-counterfeiting computer software, advice relating to computer software development intended for the tracking of merchandise; computer programming, namely, customization of electronic cards by uploading specific parameters in electronic cards; installation, maintenance and updating of computer software; engineering services, namely, design and development of software and hardware; creating, updating, maintenance and rental of computer software, particularly computer software for printing recognition marks on physical media, software for integrating recognition marks into data, software for reading and processing recognition marks on physical media, software for reading and processing recognition marks on data and software for authenticating documents and data and software for tracking merchandise; design, consulting, development, testing and updating of computer software in the field of encoders, readers, transaction terminals, banking apparatus, apparatus for handling banknotes and managing cash and readers/handlers of forgery-proof checks/documents; computer security consultancy, particularly with the use of special printing techniques, introducing elements of protection, security paper and protection against forgery; rental of software for information processing equipment; computer security services with regard to the establishment of cryptographic means to ensure the protection and authentication of documents and merchandise; technical advice for the design of forgery-proof documents in the nature of magnetic cards and merchandise in the nature of computer security software; computer security services specializing in the security of documents and merchandise during their creation, production, distribution, namely, computer security services in the nature of providing authentication, issuance, validation and revocation of digital keys and placing recognition marks in the nature of digital certificates, digital memorizing keys, digital data encryption and decoding, digitization of fingerprints for recognition; computer software design in the nature of development of systems for access protection; computer services in the field of setting up and operating computer systems for access protection in connection to digital recognition marks; creation, design and technological advice relating to digital watermarks; product development, namely, the development of electronic payment systems; scientific and technological services, particularly engineering services for planning and developing product identification systems, security systems and product tracking systems; quality control services for the computer industry Consultancy in the field of home security; security services in the nature of anti-counterfeiting consulting in the fields of product and document authentication and tracking, and brand monitoring and protection, to protect against counterfeiting, tampering, and diversion, and to ensure the integrity of genuine products and documents for the protection of goods and merchandise, particularly to protect and prove the authenticity of said goods and merchandise


Means for using microstructure of materials surface as a unique identifier

Numéro d'application 15622946
Numéro de brevet 10332247
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2017-06-14
Date de la première publication 2017-10-05
Date d'octroi 2019-06-25
Propriétaire ALPVISION, S.A. (Suisse)
  • Di Venuto Dayer, V, Celine
  • Kutter, Martin
  • Jordan, Frederic


The present application concerns the visual identification of materials or documents for tracking or authentication purposes. It describes methods to automatically authenticate an object by comparing some object images with reference images, the object images being characterized by the fact that visual elements used for comparison are non-disturbing for the naked eye. In some described approaches it provides the operator with visible features to locate the area to be imaged. It also proposes ways for real-time implementation enabling user friendly detection using mobile devices like smart phones.

Classes IPC  ?

  • G06K 9/00 - Méthodes ou dispositions pour la lecture ou la reconnaissance de caractères imprimés ou écrits ou pour la reconnaissance de formes, p.ex. d'empreintes digitales
  • G06T 7/00 - Analyse d'image
  • G06K 9/32 - Alignement ou centrage du capteur d'image ou de la zone image
  • G06K 9/62 - Méthodes ou dispositions pour la reconnaissance utilisant des moyens électroniques
  • G06K 9/68 - Méthodes ou dispositions pour la reconnaissance utilisant des moyens électroniques utilisant des comparaisons successives des signaux images avec plusieurs références, p.ex. mémoire adressable
  • G07D 7/121 - Appareil caractérisé par les détails du détecteur
  • G07D 7/2033 - Mise en correspondance de motifs uniques, c.-à-d. de motifs qui sont uniques pour chaque papier individuel
  • G06K 9/46 - Extraction d'éléments ou de caractéristiques de l'image
  • G06K 9/78 - Combinaison de l'obtention de l'image et de fonctions de reconnaissance
  • H04N 5/225 - Caméras de télévision
  • G04B 47/00 - Appareils à évaluer le temps combinés avec d'autres articles n'influant pas sur leur marche ou leur régularité



Numéro d'application EP2016076924
Numéro de publication 2017/080975
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2016-11-08
Date de publication 2017-05-18
Propriétaire ALPVISION S.A. (Suisse)
  • Kutter, Martin
  • Jordan, Frédéric


New authentication features are proposed that are visible, can be authenticated with a mobile equipment and yet are challenging to counterfeit. In a possible embodiment, the surface of the authentication feature may have three-dimensional characteristics, which can be recognized by a handheld camera, such as a smartphone camera, while it cannot be easily reproduced by a simple scan and print procedure. In a further possible embodiment, at least two different viewpoints of the authentication feature may be acquired using a smartphone camera and the resulting images may be analyzed using the smartphone processor to identify the three-dimensional characteristics of the authentication feature. The manufacturing of the feature may be performed at a low cost by embossing the three dimensional structure on a surface. The authentication feature may be carried by a self-adhesive label or directly embedded on the product packaging.

Classes IPC  ?

  • G07D 7/00 - Vérification spécialement adaptée à la détermination de l’identité ou de l’authenticité de papiers de valeur ou pour discriminer ceux qui sont inacceptables, p. ex. qui ne correspondent pas à une monnaie
  • G07D 7/20 - Vérification de motifs des papiers


Method and apparatus for authentication of a 3D structure

Numéro d'application 15346234
Numéro de brevet 10019627
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2016-11-08
Date de la première publication 2017-05-11
Date d'octroi 2018-07-10
Propriétaire ALPVISION S.A. (Suisse)
  • Kutter, Martin
  • Jordan, Fred


New authentication features are proposed that are visible, can be authenticated with a mobile equipment and yet are challenging to counterfeit. In a possible embodiment, the surface of the authentication feature may have three-dimensional characteristics, which can be recognized by a handheld camera, such as a smartphone camera, while it cannot be easily reproduced by a simple scan and print procedure. In a further possible embodiment, at least two different viewpoints of the authentication feature may be acquired using a smartphone camera and the resulting images may be analyzed using the smartphone processor to identify the three-dimensional characteristics of the authentication feature. The manufacturing of the feature may be performed at a low cost by embossing the three dimensional structure on a surface. The authentication feature may be carried by a self-adhesive label or directly embedded on the product packaging.

Classes IPC  ?

  • G06K 9/00 - Méthodes ou dispositions pour la lecture ou la reconnaissance de caractères imprimés ou écrits ou pour la reconnaissance de formes, p.ex. d'empreintes digitales
  • G06K 7/14 - Méthodes ou dispositions pour la lecture de supports d'enregistrement par radiation électromagnétique, p. ex. lecture optiqueMéthodes ou dispositions pour la lecture de supports d'enregistrement par radiation corpusculaire utilisant la lumière sans sélection des longueurs d'onde, p. ex. lecture de la lumière blanche réfléchie
  • G06T 7/00 - Analyse d'image
  • G07D 7/2033 - Mise en correspondance de motifs uniques, c.-à-d. de motifs qui sont uniques pour chaque papier individuel
  • G07D 7/00 - Vérification spécialement adaptée à la détermination de l’identité ou de l’authenticité de papiers de valeur ou pour discriminer ceux qui sont inacceptables, p. ex. qui ne correspondent pas à une monnaie
  • G07D 7/202 - Vérification de motifs des papiers en utilisant la mise en correspondance de motifs



Numéro de série 87364715
Statut Enregistrée
Date de dépôt 2017-03-09
Date d'enregistrement 2018-11-20
Propriétaire AlpVision SA (Suisse)
Classes de Nice  ? 09 - Appareils et instruments scientifiques et électriques

Produits et services

Computer software for identifying industrial products and parts; image recognition computer software; computer application software for mobile phones and handheld computers for use in identifying industrial products and parts; computer application software for mobile phones and handheld computers for use in image recognition; computer application software for mobile phones and handheld computers for use in image recognition, namely, for use in identifying non-industrial products and parts; computer software for use in detecting the patterns of physical characteristics of industrial products and parts and identifying specific industrial products and parts; computer hardware for use in detecting the patterns of physical characteristics of industrial products and parts and identifying specific industrial products and parts; computer software for use in matching digital images of industrial products and parts contained in a database


Means for using microstructure of materials surface as a unique identifier

Numéro d'application 15193769
Numéro de brevet 09710902
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2016-06-27
Date de la première publication 2016-12-29
Date d'octroi 2017-07-18
Propriétaire ALPVISION S.A. (Suisse)
  • Di Venuto Dayer, V, Celine
  • Kutter, Martin
  • Jordan, Frederic


The present application concerns the visual identification of materials or documents for tracking or authentication purposes. It describes methods to automatically authenticate an object by comparing some object images with reference images, the object images being characterized by the fact that visual elements used for comparison are non-disturbing for the naked eye. In some described approaches it provides the operator with visible features to locate the area to be imaged. It also proposes ways for real-time implementation enabling user friendly detection using mobile devices like smart phones.

Classes IPC  ?

  • G06K 9/00 - Méthodes ou dispositions pour la lecture ou la reconnaissance de caractères imprimés ou écrits ou pour la reconnaissance de formes, p.ex. d'empreintes digitales
  • G06T 7/00 - Analyse d'image
  • G06K 9/32 - Alignement ou centrage du capteur d'image ou de la zone image
  • G06K 9/62 - Méthodes ou dispositions pour la reconnaissance utilisant des moyens électroniques
  • G06K 9/68 - Méthodes ou dispositions pour la reconnaissance utilisant des moyens électroniques utilisant des comparaisons successives des signaux images avec plusieurs références, p.ex. mémoire adressable
  • G07D 7/121 - Appareil caractérisé par les détails du détecteur
  • G07D 7/2033 - Mise en correspondance de motifs uniques, c.-à-d. de motifs qui sont uniques pour chaque papier individuel
  • G06K 9/46 - Extraction d'éléments ou de caractéristiques de l'image
  • G06K 9/78 - Combinaison de l'obtention de l'image et de fonctions de reconnaissance
  • H04N 5/225 - Caméras de télévision
  • G04B 47/00 - Appareils à évaluer le temps combinés avec d'autres articles n'influant pas sur leur marche ou leur régularité


Means for using microstructure of materials surface as a unique identifier

Numéro d'application 14959803
Numéro de brevet 09390345
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2015-12-04
Date de la première publication 2016-05-19
Date d'octroi 2016-07-12
Propriétaire ALPVISION S.A. (Suisse)
  • Di Venuto Dayer, V, Celine
  • Kutter, Martin
  • Jordan, Frederic


The present application concerns the visual identification of materials or documents for tracking or authentication purposes. It describes methods to automatically authenticate an object by comparing some object images with reference images, the object images being characterized by the fact that visual elements used for comparison are non-disturbing for the naked eye. In some described approaches it provides the operator with visible features to locate the area to be imaged. It also proposes ways for real-time implementation enabling user friendly detection using mobile devices like smart phones.

Classes IPC  ?

  • G06K 9/00 - Méthodes ou dispositions pour la lecture ou la reconnaissance de caractères imprimés ou écrits ou pour la reconnaissance de formes, p.ex. d'empreintes digitales
  • G06K 9/62 - Méthodes ou dispositions pour la reconnaissance utilisant des moyens électroniques
  • H04N 5/225 - Caméras de télévision
  • G06K 9/46 - Extraction d'éléments ou de caractéristiques de l'image
  • G06K 9/68 - Méthodes ou dispositions pour la reconnaissance utilisant des moyens électroniques utilisant des comparaisons successives des signaux images avec plusieurs références, p.ex. mémoire adressable
  • G06K 9/78 - Combinaison de l'obtention de l'image et de fonctions de reconnaissance


Authentication of an article of manufacture using an image of the microstructure of it surface

Numéro d'application 13471185
Numéro de brevet 09208394
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2012-05-14
Date de la première publication 2012-09-27
Date d'octroi 2015-12-08
Propriétaire ALPVISION S.A. (Suisse)
  • Di Venuto Dayer, Celine
  • Kutter, Martin
  • Jordan, Frederic


The present application concerns the visual identification of materials or documents for tracking or authentication purposes. It describes methods to automatically authenticate an object by comparing some object images with reference images, the object images being characterized by the fact that visual elements used for comparison are non-disturbing for the naked eye. In some described approaches it provides the operator with visible features to locate the area to be imaged. It also proposes ways for real-time implementation enabling user friendly detection using mobile devices like smart phones.

Classes IPC  ?

  • G06K 9/00 - Méthodes ou dispositions pour la lecture ou la reconnaissance de caractères imprimés ou écrits ou pour la reconnaissance de formes, p.ex. d'empreintes digitales
  • G06K 9/32 - Alignement ou centrage du capteur d'image ou de la zone image
  • G06K 9/62 - Méthodes ou dispositions pour la reconnaissance utilisant des moyens électroniques
  • G06K 9/68 - Méthodes ou dispositions pour la reconnaissance utilisant des moyens électroniques utilisant des comparaisons successives des signaux images avec plusieurs références, p.ex. mémoire adressable
  • G07D 7/12 - Lumière visible, rayonnement infrarouge ou ultraviolet
  • G07D 7/20 - Vérification de motifs des papiers



Numéro d'application EP2009067724
Numéro de publication 2010/072745
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2009-12-22
Date de publication 2010-07-01
Propriétaire ALPVISION S.A. (Suisse)
  • Jordan, Frédéric
  • Kutter, Martin
  • Di Venuto, Céline


The present invention concerns the field of tacking and authenticating genuine products such as tablets or pills manufactured by compressing powder The purpose of this invention is to provide a method to recognize tablets or pills by authenticate elements, those elements being very difficult to reproduce for the counterfeiters. Accordingly, the present invention proposes a method to authenticate genuine tablets manufactured by compressing powder between a punch/die set comprising the steps of at an initial stage - creating a microstructure on the surface of at least one of the face of the punch/die set, - compressing the powder between the punch and the die, - acquiring at least one reference image of the face of the tablet for which the punch/die set contains microstructure, And at a later stage - acquiring at least one test image of a tablet to be authenticated which is supposed to contain microstructure, - computing a level of similarity by an electronic device between the test image and each of the reference image, - comparing the computed level with a threshold value so as to define if the acquired tablet is genuine.

Classes IPC  ?

  • A61J 3/00 - Dispositifs ou procédés spécialement conçus pour donner à des produits pharmaceutiques une forme physique déterminée ou une forme propre à leur administration
  • A61K 9/20 - Pilules, pastilles ou comprimés


Means for using microstructure of materials surface as a unique identifier

Numéro d'application 12041790
Numéro de brevet 08180174
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2008-03-04
Date de la première publication 2008-09-11
Date d'octroi 2012-05-15
Propriétaire Alpvision S.A. (Suisse)
  • Di Venuto, Celine
  • Kutter, Martin
  • Jordan, Frederic


A method and apparatus for the visual identification of materials for tracking an object comprises parameter setting, acquisition and identification phases. The parameter setting phase comprises the steps of defining acquisition parameters for the objects. The acquisition phase comprises the steps of digitally acquiring two-dimensional template image of an object, applying a flattening function and generating downsampled template version of the flattened template and storing it in a reference database with the flattened template. The identification phase comprises the steps of digitally acquiring a snapshot image, applying the flattening function and generating one downsampled version, cross-correlating the downsampled version of the flattened snapshot with the corresponding downsampled templates of the reference database, and selecting templates according to the value of the signal to noise ratio, for the selected templates, cross-correlating the flattened snapshot image with the reference flattened template, and identifying the object by finding the best corresponding template.

Classes IPC  ?

  • G06K 9/00 - Méthodes ou dispositions pour la lecture ou la reconnaissance de caractères imprimés ou écrits ou pour la reconnaissance de formes, p.ex. d'empreintes digitales
  • G06K 9/62 - Méthodes ou dispositions pour la reconnaissance utilisant des moyens électroniques
  • G06K 9/64 - Méthodes ou dispositions pour la reconnaissance utilisant des moyens électroniques utilisant des comparaisons ou corrélations simultanées de signaux images avec une pluralité de références, p.ex. matrice de résistances


Method to apply an invisible mark on a media

Numéro d'application 11816027
Numéro de brevet 07965862
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2006-02-15
Date de la première publication 2008-06-26
Date d'octroi 2011-06-21
Propriétaire Alpvision SA (Suisse)
  • Jordan, Frederic
  • Kutter, Martin
  • Rudaz, Nicolas


The present application aims to propose a solution for embedding invisible mark suitable for very large production volumes. This is achieved by a method for applying an invisible mark on a media based on a pattern, and comprising the following steps: determining an area to apply this mark, applying a transparent or semi-transparent substance, on the media, said substance being modulated with the active dots to form the pattern by modifying the quantity of the substance at each active dot.

Classes IPC  ?

  • G06K 9/00 - Méthodes ou dispositions pour la lecture ou la reconnaissance de caractères imprimés ou écrits ou pour la reconnaissance de formes, p.ex. d'empreintes digitales



Numéro d'application EP2006066043
Numéro de publication 2007/028799
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2006-09-05
Date de publication 2007-03-15
Propriétaire ALPVISION S.A. (Suisse)
  • Jordan, Frédéric
  • Kutter, Martin
  • Di Venuto, Céline


The present application concerns the visual identification of materials or documents for tracking purpose. The invention proposes a method to automatically identify an object by the following steps : - digitally acquiring a two-dimensional image through sampling on a uniformly spaced orthogonal grid of at least one color component of an area of interest of its surface illuminated by a non-coherent light which location, resolution, imaging angle and lighting angle are optimized for a given image matching metric, - comparing the acquired image to stored digital images of the same area, such comparison including the steps of : o preprocessing the image, o flattening the image, o applying a rotation compensation procedure, o applying a translation compensation procedure, o masking the areas of interest o computing a metric according to a deterministic convergence behavior when the mean square error between the acquired and recorded image tends towards a constant, such metric being dependent on the acquired and stored image resolutions and enabling the identification from the recorded images of a matching set of images for a given object image, the metric and threshold having the property that the cardinality of said matching set converges towards singleton when the resolution increases.

Classes IPC  ?

  • G06K 9/00 - Méthodes ou dispositions pour la lecture ou la reconnaissance de caractères imprimés ou écrits ou pour la reconnaissance de formes, p.ex. d'empreintes digitales
  • G07D 7/20 - Vérification de motifs des papiers



Numéro d'application IB2006050809
Numéro de publication 2006/097900
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2006-03-15
Date de publication 2006-09-21
Propriétaire ALPVISION S.A. (Suisse)
  • Jordan, Frédéric
  • Kutter, Martin
  • Rudaz, Nicolas


The present invention aims to provide a simple and reliable security element into a document, which can be recognized without special equipment. This aim is achieved with a paper or paper-like document with a surface, the surface being provided at least in a partial area with a background layer, wherein at least part of the surface of the document is provided with a security element comprising a series of protuberant structures spaced at regular interval. The protuberant structure creates a relief than can be easily recognized while rubbing the document. Contrarily to watermarks or other stamps, the fact that the structure is spaced at regular interval allows the user to better detect it over random structures. Regular interval does not mean that the space between each protuberant structure is equal. Regular means that each structure has a similar width and each space between the structures has also a similar width.

Classes IPC  ?

  • G07D 7/12 - Lumière visible, rayonnement infrarouge ou ultraviolet
  • G07D 7/08 - Ondes acoustiques



Numéro de document 02596103
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2006-02-15
Date de disponibilité au public 2006-08-24
Date d'octroi 2014-06-03
Propriétaire ALPVISION S.A. (Suisse)
  • Jordan, Frederic
  • Kutter, Martin
  • Rudaz, Nicolas


The present application aims to propose a solution for embedding invisible mark suitable for very large production volumes. This is achieved by a method for applying an invisible mark on a media based on a pattern, and comprising the following steps: determining an area to apply this mark, applying a transparent or semi-transparent substance, on the media, said substance being modulated with the active dots to form the pattern by modifying the quantity of the substance at each active dot.

Classes IPC  ?

  • G07D 7/004 - Vérification spécialement adaptée à la détermination de l’identité ou de l’authenticité de papiers de valeur ou pour discriminer ceux qui sont inacceptables, p. ex. qui ne correspondent pas à une monnaie en utilisant des éléments de sécurité numériques, p. ex. des informations codées sur un filet ou une bande magnétique
  • B42D 25/324 - Reliefs
  • B42D 25/333 - Filigranes
  • G07D 7/005 - Vérification par des marquages de sécurité invisibles à l’œil nu, p. ex. vérification de lignes épaissies, de marquages ou d'altérations discrets
  • G07D 7/20 - Vérification de motifs des papiers



Numéro d'application EP2006050973
Numéro de publication 2006/087351
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2006-02-15
Date de publication 2006-08-24
Propriétaire ALPVISION S.A. (Suisse)
  • Jordan, Frédéric
  • Kutter, Martin
  • Rudaz, Nicolas


The present application aims to propose a solution for embedding invisible mark suitable for very large production volumes. This is achieved by a method for applying an invisible mark on a media based on a pattern, and comprising the following steps: determining an area to apply this mark, applying a transparent or semi-transparent substance, on the media, said substance being modulated with the active dots to form the pattern by modifying the quantity of the substance at each active dot.

Classes IPC  ?

  • G07D 7/20 - Vérification de motifs des papiers
  • B42D 15/10 - Cartes d'identité, cartes de crédit, cartes bancaires ou cartes analogues portant des informations (supports d'enregistrement, p.ex. cartes d'identité ou cartes de crédit, pour utilisation avec des machines et avec au moins une partie prévue pour supporter des marques numériques G06K 19/00)



Numéro d'application 832363
Statut Enregistrée
Date de dépôt 2003-12-30
Date d'enregistrement 2003-12-30
Propriétaire AlpVision SA (Suisse)
Classes de Nice  ?
  • 09 - Appareils et instruments scientifiques et électriques
  • 16 - Papier, carton et produits en ces matières
  • 42 - Services scientifiques, technologiques et industriels, recherche et conception

Produits et services

Electronic and optical apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for checking (inspection) and testing; computer equipment; data processing apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for reproducing, extracting, recording, storing and transmitting images and/or data; apparatus and instruments all for detecting coded, hidden or embedded markings; optical marking detectors; computer peripheral devices; computer printers; scanners; recognition mark detectors; software, particularly software for printing recognition marks on physical media, software for integrating recognition marks in digital data, software for reading and processing recognition marks on physical media, software for reading and processing recognition marks in digital data, software for authenticating documents, merchandise and data; software for tracing goods; apparatus and instruments for managing or sorting banknotes, cheques and/or other identification documents; electronic readers, encoders and terminals for recording and processing banknotes, cheques and/or other identification documents; optical data media; magnetic and/or optical cards, chips, disks, tapes and/or circuits or which may contain data; optical, electronic or magnetic authentication cards; memory cards; payment and pre-payment cards; encoded optical, electronic or magnetic cards or other media for security, identification, access, transaction purposes or for other applications; magnetic cards, discs and tapes and other pre-recorded or blank data media of all types; apparatus and instruments for identity authentication and/or control; access control apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for verifying personal identification; apparatus and instruments for controlling the authenticity of documents, papers, goods, data and data media of all types; electronic identification apparatus for persons and goods; electronic access apparatus for persons; electronic identification apparatus; electronic apparatus for the electronically controlled issuing and inspection of access documents, particularly of tickets for public transport or for exhibitions; electronic apparatus for personalizing valuable documents and security documents; electronic apparatus for use in product security, protection, authentication and traceability. Paper, cardboard and goods made thereof, not included in other classes; cardboard or paper boxes; tamper-resistant packaging, packaging material made of paper, of cardboard or plastics; plastic packaging materials not included in other classes, including plastic films; security paper and documents (security papers and documents), paper for banknotes, paper security, paper for cheques, paper for postage stamps, paper money, watermark paper; tickets; printed certificates; printed security paper and other matter; security printed paper and other matter; identification documents; passports; identification papers and documents; authorization documents; voting papers; security cards; passport paper; gift vouchers; coupons; postal orders; money orders; tokens of value included in this class; cheques; travellers cheques; fiduciary stamps; data media included in this class; printed cards; authentication cards; printed matter, pads (stationery), booklets, paper sheets (stationery), printed forms, articles of stationery; photographs, pictures, graphic representations, drawings; stationery. Computing services; design of computer systems; processing and provision of information in the field of computing; consulting in computing (hardware and software); design, development and technical consulting in connection with magnetic cards, disks, tapes, chips, microprocessors, circuits and other pre-recorded or blank data media; design, development and technical consulting in connection with tamper-resistant tickets, vouchers, documents, passports, stamps, coupons, tickets, postal orders, money orders, identity cards, watermarks, tokens of value, cheques, traveller's cheques, fiduciary stamps, documents for banknotes and/or documents; design and consulting in connection with tamper-resistant documents, packaging, small bottles, receptacles, containers, goods; computer security consulting; consulting in anti-counterfeiting computing measures, consulting in computer research in the traceability of goods; card personalization services by means of loading specific parameters in electronic cards (computer programming services); installation, maintenance and updating of of software; engineering, namely software and hardware design and development; creation, updating, maintenance and rental of computer software, particularly software for printing recognition marks on physical media, software for integrating recognition marks in digital data, software for reading and processing recognition marks on physical media, software for reading and processing recognition marks integrated in digital data and software for authenticating documents and data and software for tracing goods; design, related consulting, development, testing and updating of software in the field of encoders, readers, transaction terminals, banking apparatus, cash handling/management apparatus and/or tamper-resistant cheque/document reader/handling apparatus; computer security consultancy, particularly using special printing techniques with protection elements, security paper and protection against forgery; rental of electronic data processing apparatus and of their accessories; establishing cryptographic means for guaranteeing the protection and authentication of documents and goods; consulting in creating tamper-resistant documents and goods; specialized services for the security of documents and goods during their development, production, distribution, namely creating keys and affixation of recognition markings, memorizing of keys, encoding and decoding of digital data, digitization of recognition markings; development of access protection systems; services in the field of creating and operating access protection systems in connection with digital recognition marks; development of digital watermarks, development of electronic payment systems.


Method for preventing counterfeiting or alteration of a printed or engraved surface

Numéro d'application 10380914
Numéro de brevet 07684088
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2003-08-04
Date de la première publication 2004-01-22
Date d'octroi 2010-03-23
Propriétaire Alpvision S.A. (Suisse)
  • Jordan, Frederic
  • Meylan, Roland
  • Kutter, Martin


The invention describes a process to prevent counterfeiting or alteration of a printed or engraved surface, characterized by the incorporation of a signature of the form of a digital mark into parts or the entire document, and in particular a digital mark technology to hide information in an invisible way through over-printing by using a method called asymmetric amplitude modulation. This method can be applied to any type of printed material such paper, packaging, or any other surface. Visible information can also be printed over the digital mark. As an application example, applied to a paper document the digital mark can be used to guarantee the document authenticity, as it would be destroyed by a copy process.

Classes IPC  ?

  • H04N 1/40 - Circuits des signaux d'image
  • G06K 9/00 - Méthodes ou dispositions pour la lecture ou la reconnaissance de caractères imprimés ou écrits ou pour la reconnaissance de formes, p.ex. d'empreintes digitales