The present invention relates to a method for non-destructively identifying a characteristic of a Gallus Gallus domesticus embryo in ovo, the method comprising:
(a) obtaining a sample of material associated with an egg comprising the embryo, and
(b) measuring a score value for the presence of, and concentration of at least a first biomarker in the sample indicative of the characteristic of the embryo, and
(c) applying a threshold to the score value and concentration obtained in (b) to identify the characteristic for the embryo associated with the presence and concentration of the biomarker, wherein an at least first biomarker comprises an amino compound having a molecular weight in the range of from 140 to 190 g/mole, wherein step (c) further comprises:
(i) correlating each relevant biomarker signal with a reference biomarker by matching the spectrum of each correlating signal with the expected spectrum of the correlating reference biomarker using a similarity measure, to define at least one positively correlating signal;
(ii) measuring the intensity of each positively correlating signal and scoring its absolute and/or relative signal intensity; and
(iii) applying a threshold to the score value obtained from a similarity function to determine the correlated embryo characteristic.
G01N 33/68 - Analyse chimique de matériau biologique, p. ex. de sang ou d'urineTest par des méthodes faisant intervenir la formation de liaisons biospécifiques par ligandsTest immunologique faisant intervenir des protéines, peptides ou amino-acides
The present invention relates to a method for determining a characteristic of one or more eggs in an automated manner, comprising the steps of: a. extracting a sample from one or more eggs in an automated manner; i. holding and transferring the sample through one or more instruments to a unit for holding one or more samples; ii. ejecting an aliquot from the sample by applying sound or light energy to at least an amount of the sample; iii. entraining the ejected aliquot in a gas or liquid stream; and iv. transporting the ejected aliquot to a mass spectrometer using the gas or liquid stream; and b. analyzing the sample or an aliquot thereof in an automated manner in a mass spectrometer for the absence or presence and the amount of one or more molecules, to determine one or more characteristics of the egg.
G01N 33/74 - Analyse chimique de matériau biologique, p. ex. de sang ou d'urineTest par des méthodes faisant intervenir la formation de liaisons biospécifiques par ligandsTest immunologique faisant intervenir des hormones
G01N 35/10 - Dispositifs pour transférer les échantillons vers, dans ou à partir de l'appareil d'analyse, p. ex. dispositifs d'aspiration, dispositifs d'injection
G01N 33/68 - Analyse chimique de matériau biologique, p. ex. de sang ou d'urineTest par des méthodes faisant intervenir la formation de liaisons biospécifiques par ligandsTest immunologique faisant intervenir des protéines, peptides ou amino-acides
The present disclosure relates to an automated system for sampling an egg that includes an egg manipulator to hold and orient one or more eggs in a defined position; an opener for opening the outer shell of the egg; an extractor for removing a sample from the allantois of the egg, and which preferably includes a system to apply increased gas pressure to the extractor up to the moment of contact with the egg; a system to clean the opener or extractor before or after removing a sample from the egg; and a sealing unit for closing the opening of the egg with a sealer.
G01N 1/08 - Dispositifs pour prélever des échantillons à l'état solide, p. ex. par coupe à l'outil impliquant un outil d'extraction, p. ex. mèche cylindrique creuse ou trépan
G01N 1/14 - Dispositifs d'aspiration, p. ex. pompesDispositifs d'éjection
G01N 35/00 - Analyse automatique non limitée à des procédés ou à des matériaux spécifiés dans un seul des groupes Manipulation de matériaux à cet effet
The present invention relates to an automated egg analyzing and determining system, comprising: a conveyor system configured to transport one or more eggs to a sampling system; a sampling system configured to extract a sample from one or more eggs; a sample transfer system configured to receive the sample for transfer to an assaying system; and an assaying system configured to receive the sample from the sample transfer system and to determine one or more characteristics of one or more eggs or the sample or an aliquot of a sample thereof.
The present disclosure relates to a computer-controlled system for non-invasively identifying the location of the air cell of an egg and determining a preferred extraction point relative to the position of the air cell of the egg, the system having an egg manipulator to hold and orient one or more eggs in a defined position; a candling unit with one or more light sources and one or more detectors; a system configured to run an algorithm for determining the location of the air cell and the preferred extraction point; and a system for positioning the egg relative to an extractor or an egg opener or vice versa from their initial position to the preferred extraction point.
The present invention relates to a process for growing a feed organism from a composition comprising solid homogenized eggs, comprising collecting eggs that have been exposed to an incubation process; homogenizing the eggs; and subjecting the homogenized eggs to a denaturation process to obtain the solid homogenized eggs; and feeding the solid homogenized eggs to the feed organism. The present invention relates furthermore to the composition, and to its uses.
The present invention relates to a method for determining a characteristic of one or more eggs in an automated manner, comprising the steps of: a. extracting a sample from one or more eggs in an automated manner; i. holding and transferring the sample through one or more instruments to a unit for holding one or more samples; ii. ejecting an aliquot from the sample by applying sound or light energy to at least an amount of the sample; iii. entraining the ejected aliquot in a gas or liquid stream; and iv. transporting the ejected aliquot to a mass spectrometer using the gas or liquid stream; and b. analyzing the sample or an aliquot thereof in an automated manner in a mass spectrometer for the absence or presence and the amount of one or more molecules, to determine one or more characteristics of the egg.
The present invention relates to a method for determining a characteristic of one or more eggs in an automated manner, comprising the steps of: a. extracting a sample from one or more eggs in an automated manner; i. holding and transferring the sample through one or more instruments to a unit for holding one or more samples; ii. ejecting an aliquot from the sample by applying sound or light energy to at least an amount of the sample; iii. entraining the ejected aliquot in a gas or liquid stream; and iv. transporting the ejected aliquot to a mass spectrometer using the gas or liquid stream; and b. analyzing the sample or an aliquot thereof in an automated manner in a mass spectrometer for the absence or presence and the amount of one or more molecules, to determine one or more characteristics of the egg.
The present invention relates to an automated egg analyzing and egg characteristic determining system, comprising: a conveyor system configured to transport one or more eggs to a sampling system; a sampling system configured to extract a sample from one or more eggs; a sample transfer system configured to receive the sample for transfer to an assaying system; and an assaying system configured to receive the sample from the sample transfer system and to determine one or more characteristics of one or more eggs or the sample or an aliquot of a sample thereof.
The present invention relates to an automated system for sampling an egg, comprising: an egg manipulator to hold and orient one or more eggs in a defined position; an opener for opening the outer shell of the egg; an extractor for removing a sample from the allantois of the egg, preferably wherein the extractor comprises a system to apply increased gas pressure to the extractor up to the moment of contact of the extractor with the egg; a system to clean the opener or extractor before or after removing a sample from the egg, and a sealing unit for closing the opening of the egg with a sealer.
The present invention relates to a computer-controlled system for non-invasively identifying the location of the air cell (304) of an egg (104) and determining a preferred extraction point (305) relative to the position of the air cell of the egg, the system comprising: a. an egg manipulator (106) to hold and orient one or more eggs in a defined position; b. a candling unit (100) comprising one or more light sources (301) and one or more detectors (302); c. a system which is configured to run an algorithm for determining the location of the air cell of the egg and the preferred extraction point; and d. a system for positioning the egg relative to an extractor (200) or an egg opener (303) from its initial position to the preferred extraction point (305).
The present invention relates to a computer-controlled system for non-invasively identifying the location of the air cell (304) of an egg (104) and determining a preferred extraction point (305) relative to the position of the air cell of the egg, the system comprising: a. an egg manipulator (106) to hold and orient one or more eggs in a defined position; b. a candling unit (100) comprising one or more light sources (301) and one or more detectors (302); c. a system which is configured to run an algorithm for determining the location of the air cell of the egg and the preferred extraction point; and d. a system for positioning the egg relative to an extractor (200) or an egg opener (303) from its initial position to the preferred extraction point (305).
The present invention relates to an automated egg analyzing and egg characteristic determining system, comprising: a conveyor system configured to transport one or more eggs to a sampling system; a sampling system configured to extract a sample from one or more eggs; a sample transfer system configured to receive the sample for transfer to an assaying system; and an assaying system configured to receive the sample from the sample transfer system and to determine one or more characteristics of one or more eggs or the sample or an aliquot of a sample thereof.
The present invention relates to an automated system for sampling an egg, comprising: an egg manipulator to hold and orient one or more eggs in a defined position; an opener for opening the outer shell of the egg; an extractor for removing a sample from the allantois of the egg, preferably wherein the extractor comprises a system to apply increased gas pressure to the extractor up to the moment of contact of the extractor with the egg; a system to clean the opener or extractor before or after removing a sample from the egg, and a sealing unit for closing the opening of the egg with a sealer.
The present invention relates to a process for the non-destructive determination of gender, developmental stage and/or viability of an avian embryo in an egg, comprising (a) detecting at least a first developmental marker compound selected from sugars and/or amino acids, precursors and metabolites thereof in an egg at a time period of from the beginning of the incubation of the egg until the hatching; (b) measuring the amount of the at least first detected developmental marker compound, and (c) comparing the amount to a base line established for male and female, developmental stage of the embryo, and/or alive and deceased or non-developed embryo, to determine whether the embryo is viable, male and/or female, and/or the developmental stage of the embryo.
G01N 33/483 - Analyse physique de matériau biologique
G01N 33/68 - Analyse chimique de matériau biologique, p. ex. de sang ou d'urineTest par des méthodes faisant intervenir la formation de liaisons biospécifiques par ligandsTest immunologique faisant intervenir des protéines, peptides ou amino-acides
G01N 33/50 - Analyse chimique de matériau biologique, p. ex. de sang ou d'urineTest par des méthodes faisant intervenir la formation de liaisons biospécifiques par ligandsTest immunologique
C12N 7/00 - Virus, p. ex. bactériophagesCompositions les contenantLeur préparation ou purification
The present invention relates to a process for growing a feed organism from a composition comprising solid homogenized eggs, comprising collecting eggs that have been exposed to an incubation process; homogenizing the eggs; and subjecting the homogenized eggs to a denaturation process to obtain the solid homogenized eggs; and feeding the solid homogenized eggs to the feed organism. The present invention relates furthermore to the composition, and to its uses.
A23K 10/20 - Produits alimentaires pour animaux à base de matières d’origine animale
A23K 10/26 - Produits alimentaires pour animaux à base de matières d’origine animale à base de matières résiduelles, p. ex. de plumes, d'os ou de peau
A23K 10/30 - Produits alimentaires pour animaux à base de matières d’origine végétale, p. ex. de racines, de graines ou de foinProduits alimentaires pour animaux à base de matières d’origine fongique, p. ex. de champignons
A23K 40/20 - Mise en forme ou traitement des produits alimentaires pour animaux par moulage, p. ex. fabrication de gâteaux ou de briquettes
A23K 50/90 - Produits alimentaires spécialement conçus pour des animaux spécifiques pour les insectes, p. ex. pour les abeilles ou les vers à soie
C12P 1/02 - Préparation de composés ou de compositions, non prévue dans les groupes , utilisant des micro-organismes ou des enzymesProcédés généraux de préparation de composés ou de compositions utilisant des micro-organismes ou des enzymes utilisant des champignons
A01N 63/30 - Champignons microscopiquesSubstances produites par des champignons microscopiques ou obtenues à partir de ceux-ci
Gallus Gallus domesticus embryo in ovo, the method comprising: (a) obtaining a sample of material associated with an egg comprising the embryo, and (b) measuring a score value for the presence of, and concentration of at least a first biomarker in the sample indicative of the characteristic of the embryo, and (c) applying a threshold to the score value and concentration obtained in (b) to identify the characteristic for the embryo associated with the presence and concentration of the biomarker, wherein an at least first biomarker comprises an amino compound having a molecular weight in the range of from 140 to 190 g/mole, wherein step (c) further comprises: (i) correlating each relevant biomarker signal with a reference biomarker by matching the spectrum of each correlating signal with the expected spectrum of the correlating reference biomarker using a similarity measure, to define at least one positively correlating signal; (ii) measuring the intensity of each positively correlating signal and scoring its absolute and/or relative signal intensity; and (iii) applying a threshold to the score value obtained from a similarity function to determine the correlated embryo characteristic.
G01N 33/68 - Analyse chimique de matériau biologique, p. ex. de sang ou d'urineTest par des méthodes faisant intervenir la formation de liaisons biospécifiques par ligandsTest immunologique faisant intervenir des protéines, peptides ou amino-acides
The present invention relates to a method for non-destructively identifying a characteristic of a Gallus Gallus domesticus embryo in ovo, the method comprising: (a) obtaining a sample of material associated with an egg comprising the embryo, and (b) measuring a score value for the presence of, and concentration of at least a first biomarker in the sample indicative of the characteristic of the embryo, and (c) applying a threshold to the score value and concentration obtained in (b) to identify the characteristic for the embryo associated with the presence and concentration of the biomarker, wherein an at least first biomarker comprises an amino compound having a molecular weight in the range of from 140 to 190 g/mole, wherein step (c) further comprises: (i) correlating each relevant biomarker signal with a reference biomarker by matching the spectrum of each correlating signal with the expected spectrum of the correlating reference biomarker using a similarity measure, to define at least one positively correlating signal; (ii) measuring the intensity of each positively correlating signal and scoring its absolute and/or relative signal intensity; and (iii) applying a threshold to the score value obtained from a similarity function to determine the correlated embryo characteristic.
G01N 33/68 - Analyse chimique de matériau biologique, p. ex. de sang ou d'urineTest par des méthodes faisant intervenir la formation de liaisons biospécifiques par ligandsTest immunologique faisant intervenir des protéines, peptides ou amino-acides
The present invention relates to a process for the non-destructive determination of gender, developmental stage and/or viability of an avian embryo in an egg, comprising (a) detecting at least a first developmental marker compound selected from sugars and/or amino acids, precursors and metabolites thereof in an egg at a time period of from the beginning of the incubation of the egg until the hatching;(b) measuring the amount of the at least first detected developmental marker compound,and(c) comparing the amount to a base line established for male and female, developmental stage of the embryo, and/or alive and deceased or non-developed embryo, to determine whether the embryo is viable, male and/or female, and/or the developmental stage of the embryo.
G01N 33/50 - Analyse chimique de matériau biologique, p. ex. de sang ou d'urineTest par des méthodes faisant intervenir la formation de liaisons biospécifiques par ligandsTest immunologique
G01N 33/68 - Analyse chimique de matériau biologique, p. ex. de sang ou d'urineTest par des méthodes faisant intervenir la formation de liaisons biospécifiques par ligandsTest immunologique faisant intervenir des protéines, peptides ou amino-acides