Firma E. Hopmans V.O.F.


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Classe IPC
A01H 5/02 - Fleurs 1
A01H 6/68 - Plantaginaceae, p. ex. Antirrhinum 1
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Hebe plant named ‘HOP104’

Numéro d'application 18199070
Numéro de brevet PP035615
Statut Délivré - en vigueur
Date de dépôt 2023-05-18
Date de la première publication 2023-11-23
Date d'octroi 2024-01-30
Propriétaire FIRMA E. HOPMANS V.O.F. (Pays‑Bas)
Inventeur(s) Hopmans, Rudolf Johannes


Hebe plant named ‘HOP104’, characterized by its compact and upright to outwardly spreading and uniformly mounding plant habit; freely branching habit; dark green-colored leaves; freely flowering habit with numerous purple-colored flowers that resist fading; and long flowering period.

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