01 - Produits chimiques destinés à l'industrie, aux sciences ainsi qu'à l'agriculture
Produits et services
Packing clay for use on sports fields where cricket is played; premium packing clay for use on sports fields to form a subsurface for consistent ball bounce and firm footing
Pseudomonas aeruginosa Pseudomonas aeruginosa Pseudomonas aeruginosa as opposed to exhibiting antibiotic effects such as inhibition of microbial growth or outright killing the bacteria.
The present disclosure relates to a method of treating a Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection, comprising: administering an effective amount of thermally activated clay, wherein the thermally activated clay absorbs pyocyanin and siderophore pyoverdine secreted by Pseudomonas aeruginosa as opposed to exhibiting antibiotic effects such as inhibition of microbial growth or outright killing the bacteria.
A01N 37/36 - Biocides, produits repoussant ou attirant les animaux nuisibles, ou régulateurs de croissance des végétaux, contenant des composés organiques comportant un atome de carbone possédant trois liaisons à des hétéro-atomes, avec au plus deux liaisons à un halogène, p. ex. acides carboxyliques contenant au moins un groupe carboxylique ou un thio-analogue, ou d'un de leurs dérivés, et un atome d'oxygène ou de soufre lié par une liaison simple, liés au même squelette carboné, cet atome d'oxygène ou de soufre ne faisant pas partie d'un groupe carboxylique ou d'un thio-analogue, ou d'une de leurs dérivés, p. ex. acides hydroxycarboxyliques
The present invention relates to an improved carrier for sustaining microbes, comprising of a composition having a base material with one or more of a clay or mineral, the composition further including a carbon source and a pH modifier. More specifically, an improved biological carrier platform is provided with scientifically customized formulations that provide hospitable environments for a variety of biologicals, including live microbes and bioactive essential oils. The platform offers an inert granular, mineral base in various grind sizes and forms having specific beneficial effects. In addition, present invention also provides the various processes and methods such as providing an improved carrier comprising a base material having one or more of a clay or mineral, the composition further comprising a carbon source and a pH modifier; and loading a microbial inoculant onto the carrier, wherein the microbial inoculant comprises a plurality of microbes.
C12N 1/04 - Conservation des micro-organismes à l'état viable
A01N 25/08 - Biocides, produits repoussant ou attirant les animaux nuisibles, ou régulateurs de croissance des végétaux, caractérisés par leurs formes, ingrédients inactifs ou modes d'applicationSubstances réduisant les effets nocifs des ingrédients actifs vis-à-vis d'organismes autres que les animaux nuisibles contenant des solides comme supports ou diluants
A01N 63/00 - Biocides, produits repoussant ou attirant les animaux nuisibles, ou régulateurs de croissance des végétaux, contenant des micro-organismes, des virus, des champignons microscopiques, des animaux ou des substances produites par, ou obtenues à partir de micro-organismes, de virus, de champignons microscopiques ou d'animaux, p. ex. enzymes ou produits de fermentation
A01P 21/00 - Régulateurs de croissance des végétaux
C05F 11/08 - Engrais organiques comportant l'addition de cultures bactériennes, de mycélium ou similaires
C05G 3/00 - Mélanges d'un ou plusieurs engrais avec des additifs n'ayant pas une activité spécifique d'engrais
C09K 17/40 - Substances pour conditionner ou stabiliser les sols contenant des mélanges de composés inorganiques et organiques
C12N 1/00 - Micro-organismes, p. ex. protozoairesCompositions les contenantProcédés de culture ou de conservation de micro-organismes, ou de compositions les contenantProcédés de préparation ou d'isolement d'une composition contenant un micro-organismeLeurs milieux de culture
animal litter; antibacterial animal litter; absorbent in the form of ground clay used as animal litter; antibacterial absorbent in the form of ground clay enhanced with additives used as animal litter
A61K 35/02 - Préparations médicinales contenant des substances ou leurs produits de réaction de constitution non déterminée à partir de substances inanimées
A61K 35/66 - Micro-organismes ou substances provenant de micro-organismes
Litter compositions are provided comprising sodium bentonite and various fillers. These litter compositions have substantially the same clumpability properties as a composition consisting of only the sodium bentonite.
The present invention involves a granular product to remove oil and grease from oily waste water; specifically targeting produced/flow-back water generated in the offshore oilfield industry. This granular product may be loaded into either filter media canisters or bulk filtration vessels and used onsite to filter the water. This invention may also be used as a pre-treatment step to other polishing filter systems.
C04B 20/00 - Emploi de matières comme charges pour mortiers, béton ou pierre artificielle prévu dans plus d'un groupe et caractérisées par la forme ou la répartition des grainsTraitement de matières spécialement adapté pour renforcer leur propriétés de charge dans les mortiers, béton ou pierre artificielle prévu dans plus d'un groupe de Matières expansées ou défibrillées
C04B 24/42 - Composés comportant au moins une liaison carbone-silicium
B01J 20/22 - Compositions absorbantes ou adsorbantes solides ou compositions facilitant la filtrationAbsorbants ou adsorbants pour la chromatographieProcédés pour leur préparation, régénération ou réactivation contenant une substance organique
B01D 53/04 - Séparation de gaz ou de vapeursRécupération de vapeurs de solvants volatils dans les gazÉpuration chimique ou biologique des gaz résiduaires, p. ex. gaz d'échappement des moteurs à combustion, fumées, vapeurs, gaz de combustion ou aérosols par adsorption, p. ex. chromatographie préparatoire en phase gazeuse avec adsorbants fixes
C02F 1/40 - Dispositifs pour séparer ou enlever les substances grasses ou huileuses, ou les matières flottantes similaires
C09K 8/467 - Compositions de cimentation, p. ex. pour la cimentation des tubes dans les trous de forageCompositions de bouchage, p. ex. pour tuer des puits contenant des liants inorganiques, p. ex. ciment Portland contenant des additifs pour des utilisations spécifiques
The present invention involves a granular product to remove oil and grease from oily waste water; specifically targeting produced/flow-back water generated in the offshore oilfield industry. This granular product may be loaded into either filter media canisters or bulk filtration vessels and used onsite to filter the water. This invention may also be used as a pre-treatment step to other polishing filter systems.
C04B 40/00 - Procédés, en général, pour influencer ou modifier les propriétés des compositions pour mortiers, béton ou pierre artificielle, p. ex. leur aptitude à prendre ou à durcir
Litter compositions are provided comprising sodium bentonite and various fillers. These litter compositions have substantially the same clumpability properties as a composition consisting of only the sodium bentonite.
Litter compositions are provided comprising sodium bentonite and various fillers. These litter compositions have substantially the same clumpability properties as a composition consisting of only the sodium bentonite.
Litter compositions are provided comprising sodium bentonite and various fillers. These litter compositions have substantially the same clumpability properties as a composition consisting of only the sodium bentonite.
This application relates to the modulation of the flora of bacteria in an environment by inhibiting the quorum sensing of a specific bacteria in said environment by administering an effective amount of a quorum sensing control composition comprising at least one quorum sensing control agent, which is an adsorbent/catalytic inhibitor for a QS signal molecule, such as, N-acyl homoserine lactones(AHL), pseudomonas quinolone signal (PQS), and autoinducer-1 (AI-1), autoinducer-2 (AI-2) type of quorum sensing molecules. Quorum sensing control agents include a sorbent material, sorbent mineral or non-porous mineral such as, for example, phyllosilicate clays, silica, calcite, zeolites, diatomaceous earth, smectite, activated carbon, a nanoparticle or a combination of any of the foregoing. Methods include inhibiting the spoilage of food stuffs and preventing vibriosis in fish or shell fish.
C12N 15/78 - Vecteurs ou systèmes d'expression spécialement adaptés aux hôtes procaryotes autres que E. coli, p. ex. Lactobacillus, Micromonospora pour Pseudomonas
G01N 33/00 - Recherche ou analyse des matériaux par des méthodes spécifiques non couvertes par les groupes
Litter compositions are provided comprising sodium bentonite and various fillers. These litter compositions have substantially the same clumpability properties as a composition consisting of only the sodium bentonite.
Litter compositions are provided comprising sodium bentonite and various fillers. These litter compositions have substantially the same clumpability properties as a composition consisting of only the sodium bentonite.
The present invention relates to a mineral or organic carrier capable of binding a source for humates and/or fulvic acid; and a pH adjuster or modifier, methods for manufacturing the same as well as agricultural and pesticidal uses of the same.
The present invention relates to a mineral or organic carrier capable of binding a source for humates and/or fulvic acid; and a pH adjuster or modifier, methods for manufacturing the same as well as agricultural and pesticidal uses of the same.
This invention relates to a formulation and process for making a lightweight, clumping absorbent material with virtually no dust, low tracking, superior clumping and odor control. The formulations described herein may utilize a tackifying agent to attach the clumping additive to the surface of the absorbent material.
This invention relates to a formulation and process for making a lightweight, clumping absorbent material with virtually no dust, low tracking, superior clumping arid odor control. The formulations described herein may utilize a tackifying agent to attach the clumping additive to the surface of the absorbent material.
Applicants have examined two Clostridium species, Clostridium difficile and Clostridium perfringens, and found that clays can adsorb the toxin produced by both and that a clay blended product can decrease the effects of a prominent in chickens and known as Necrotic Enteritis, that is caused by C. perfringens. Recently a clay or a clay blend that may be a combination of clay, yeast, and a form of a functional amino acid, was examined and found to help decrease the effects of acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease (AHPND), which is also known as Early Mortality Syndrome (EMS) in shrimp when a challenge model that included Vibrio parahaemolyticus was used.
C12P 7/10 - Éthanol en tant que produit chimique et non en tant que boisson alcoolique préparé comme sous-produit, ou préparé à partir d'un substrat constitué par des déchets ou par des matières cellulosiques d'un substrat constitué par des matières cellulosiques
A61K 35/02 - Préparations médicinales contenant des substances ou leurs produits de réaction de constitution non déterminée à partir de substances inanimées
The present invention relates to a combination of an anti-toxin, The present invention relates to a combination of an anti-toxin, an immunomodulator and a component that provides energy to mucosal cells, which may be useful for decreasing effects of Clostridia sp. or coccidia sp based diseases or other enteric diseases or by generally improving gastro intestinal health or function
A01N 35/00 - Biocides, produits repoussant ou attirant les animaux nuisibles, ou régulateurs de croissance des végétaux, contenant des composés organiques comportant un atome de carbone possédant deux liaisons à des hétéro-atomes, avec au plus une liaison à un halogène, p. ex. un radical aldéhyde
The present invention relates to sodium carboxylmethylcellulose (CMC), xanthan combinations thereof and uses thereof, particularly as a clumping additive for cat litter.
The present invention relates to sodium carboxylmethylcellulose (CMC), xanthan gum or combinations thereof and uses thereof, particularly as a clumping additive for cat litter.
The present invention provides compositions comprising litter comprising sodium bentonite and calcium bentonite, wherein the sodium bentonite comprises at least 47% of the total extemal surface area of all particles in the litter, the calcium bentonite comprises 5% to 53% of the total extemal surface area of all particles in the litter, and wherein 90% of the particles of the sodium bentonite have a particle size of 345 to 1695 µm, and 90% of the particles of the calcium bentonite have a particle size of 626 to 2000 µm. The present invention provides compositions prepared with reduced amount of bentonite, which have substantially the same clumpability properties as commonly used expensive compositions consisting of only sodium bentonite.
A litter comprises sodium bentonite and calcium bentonite, wherein the calcium bentonite is coated with a coating comprising polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE).
The present invention provides a litter comprising 45% to 80% by weight of sodium bentonite, wherein sodium bentonite comprises at least 47% of an external surface area of all particles of the litter, and wherein the litter when exposed to a wetting agent forms at least one clump. The litter can further comprise 20% to 55% by weight of a non-clumping filler material, wherein the litter has a bulk density less than 58 lb/ft3. The litter clumps are mechanically separable from unwetted litter for disposal.
Litter compositions are provided comprising sodium bentonite and various fillers. These litter compositions have substantially the same clumpability properties as a composition consisting of only the sodium bentonite.
Litter compositions are provided comprising sodium bentonite and various fillers. These litter compositions have substantially the same clumpability properties as a composition consisting of only the sodium bentonite.
17 - Produits en caoutchouc ou en matières plastiques; matières à calfeutrer et à isoler
27 - Revêtements de sols et de murs
Produits et services
Absorbent products, namely, perforated and non-perforated pads and rolls for the containment and clean-up of oil based chemicals, oils and liquids; absorbent products, namely, barrier curtains in the nature of floating buffers or booms for the containment of pollutants; spill kits comprising oil absorbent pads, rolls and booms for containing spills of oil based chemicals, oils and liquids Disposable absorbent floor pads
Plastic liners for pet litter boxes Granular, fluid-absorbent material used as animal litter, to absorb oil, grease, water and like fluids from floors and similar surfaces, and as a plant mulch; disposable plastic cat litter box sold filled with litter Providing information about purchasing and using cat litter products
01 - Produits chimiques destinés à l'industrie, aux sciences ainsi qu'à l'agriculture
04 - Huiles et graisses industrielles; lubrifiants; combustibles
17 - Produits en caoutchouc ou en matières plastiques; matières à calfeutrer et à isoler
Produits et services
Chemicals used in industry, science and photography, as well as in agriculture, horticulture and forestry; unprocessed artificial resins, unprocessed plastics; manures; fire extinguishing compositions; tempering and soldering preparations; chemical substances for preserving foodstuffs; tanning substances; adhesives used in industry. Industrial oils and greases; lubricants; dust absorbing, wetting and binding compositions; fuels (including motor spirit) and illuminants; candles, wicks. Rubber, gutta-percha, gum, asbestos, mica and goods made from these materials and not included in other classes; plastics in extruded form for use in manufacture; packing, stopping and insulating materials; flexible pipes, not of metal.
01 - Produits chimiques destinés à l'industrie, aux sciences ainsi qu'à l'agriculture
Produits et services
Chemicals and chemical carriers for industrial, agricultural, and horticultural use as carriers, diluents, and as components used in other chemical processes, namely, palletizing aids, absorbents for use in the manufacture of animal feed, mineral soil supplements, soil additives and turf conditioners; purifying agents; bleaching clay used for the refining of edible and inedible oils; and polyolefin-derived oil-absorbing chemical compostitons for use in oil recycling and oil spill clean-up