Università degli Studi di Bergamo


Quantité totale PI 21
Rang # Quantité totale PI 70 315
Note d'activité PI 1,8/5.0    10
Rang # Activité PI 89 639



3 0
2 0
16 0
Dernier brevet 2023 - Multiple injection syringe with ...
Premier brevet 2008 - Device and method for generating...

Derniers inventions, produits et services

2023 Invention Multiple injection syringe with retractable needle and assisted needle actuation for injection an...
2022 Invention Suspension system and vehicle comprising such suspension system. Suspension system (1) housable i...
Invention An improved method for evaluating a vibrational event. Method to verify if a vibrational event ha...
2020 Invention Device for cutting a web of material. A device for cutting a web of material comprises movement ...
Invention Device for assisting the ambulation with measuring of the position and remote assistance. A weara...
Invention Device for assisting the ambulation with measuring of the position and remote assistance. The inv...
2019 Invention Apparatus for machining an object. A machining apparatus (100) to machine an object (101) is desc...
Invention Beam energy measurement system. A time-of-fight measurement system for measuring energy of a pul...
Invention Beam energy measurement system. A time-of-flight (TOF) measurement system for measuring energy of...
Invention Beam energy measurement system. PP,1PP,2PP,3122312RFQ23RFQφ12,φ13,φ23PP,1, νPP,2, νPP,3PP,1, νPP,...
Invention Method for the pyrolysis of raw materials, in particular raw materials deriving from tires or bit...
2016 Invention Modulable sports wheelchair. A modulable sports wheelchair includes a supporting frame, a front ...
Invention Modulable sports wheelchair. The invention relates to a modulable sports wheelchair comprising a ...
2015 Invention Device and method for laser cutting a web of fibrous material. A device for cutting a web of fibr...
Invention Device for cutting a web of material. A device for cutting a web of material comprises movement m...
Invention Device and method for laser cutting a web of fibrous material.. A device for cutting a web (3) of...
Invention Device for cutting a web of material. A device for cutting a web (2) of material comprises moveme...
Invention Wick structure for two-phase heat transfer apparatus. The present invention is related to a wick ...
2014 Invention Method and device for determining multiplicative faults of a sensor installed in a system compris...
2013 Invention Pedal assisted bicycle and method of controlling the pedal assisted bicycle. A pedal assisted bic...
Invention Pedal assisted bicycle and method of controlling the pedal assisted bicycle. The present inventio...
2012 Invention Method for the manufacturing of yarns from recycled carbon fibers. A method for the manufacturin...
Invention Method for the manufacturing of yarns from recycled carbon fibers. A method for the manufacturing...
2009 Invention Control device for a variable damper. The present invention concerns a method, a system and a pro...
2008 Invention Device and method for generating drops. A device (1) for generating drops, in particular under mi...