Abu Dhabi National Oil Company

Émirats arabes unis

Quantité totale PI 87
Rang # Quantité totale PI 15 201
Note d'activité PI 2,8/5.0    95
Rang # Activité PI 7 314



36 0
1 0
50 0
Dernier brevet 2025 - Method and system for assessing ...
Premier brevet 2014 - Stabilizing system for deep dril...


1 subsidiaries without IP

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Derniers inventions, produits et services

2024 Invention System and method for generation and extraction of fossil fuel and hydrogen from a geologic forma...
2023 Invention Method for determining an outlet configuration of a liner. Disclosed is a method for determining ...
Invention System for recommending a reservoir monitoring plan and flow testing plan of wells. The present d...
Invention Adjustable inflow control device. The present disclosure relates to an adjustable inflow control ...
Invention Method for determining carbon dioxide emissions of a product. 222222 emissions of the product.
2022 Invention Method and system for sulfur, carbon dioxide and hydrogen recovery. The present invention relate...
Invention Method and system for sulfur, carbon dioxide and hydrogen recovery. The present invention relates...
Invention Basins for oil storage. The present disclosure is directed to an oil storage (i), wherein the oil...
Invention Controlling a supply of electricity to an electricity consumer. The present invention is directed...
Invention Hydraulic fracturing process optimization. Method (100) for optimizing a hydro mechanical fractur...
Invention System and method for correlating oil distribution during drainage and imbibition using machine l...
Invention Method and system for exploiting a subterranean reservoir. The present invention relates to a met...
Invention System and method for effective hydrocarbon reservoir pressure prediction and control. A compute...
Invention Advanced stabilizing system for deep drilling. The present invention relates to a stabilizing sy...
Invention Method for optimizing resource usage for oil reservoir development. The present invention relates...
Invention System and self-learning method for the interpretation of petrophysical parameters. A computer-i...
Invention System and self-learning method for the interpretation of petrophysical parameters. A computer-im...
Invention Back allocation method. The present invention relates inter alia to a method too for determining ...
2021 Invention Method and system for the determination of hydrocarbon accumulations. A method and system for det...
Invention Method and system for determining a location of hydrocarbon reservoirs. The present invention rel...
Invention Method and system for assessing and certifying the origin of hydrogen. Method for assessing and ...
Invention Method and system for assessing and certifying the origin of hydrogen. Method for assessing and c...
Invention System and method for effective well design. The present invention relates to a method for determ...
Invention Pile jacket connecting pin and method for securing a connection between a pile and a jacket. A pi...
Invention Gas storage ledger system. A gas storage ledger system comprises a gas smart meter, capable of m...
Invention Gas storage ledger system. Gas storage ledger system 1, comprising a gas smart meter 10, capable ...
Invention Morphology decoder to predict heterogeneous rock permeability with machine learning guided 3d vis...
Invention Hydrocarbon fluid properties prediction using machine-learning-based models. A computer-implemen...
Invention Hydrocarbon fluid properties prediction using machine-learning-based models. A computer-implement...
Invention Utilization of polyurea-based coatings in enhancing structural integrity of polyethylene (pe) / p...
Invention A method for matrix-acid stimulation design in limited entry liners. A method for stimulation of...
Invention A method for matrix-acid stimulation design in limited entry liners. A method for stimulation of ...
2020 Invention Downhole core plug apparatuses and related methods. Embodiments include a core plug holding appar...
Invention Multiphase flowmeter system with a non-radioactive sensor subsystem and methods thereof. Embodime...
Invention Inline demulsification device. Embodiments of the present disclosure describe an inline demulsifi...
Invention A method to improve liquid yield from hydrocarbon production separators. A method of regulating ...
Invention A method to improve liquid yield from hydrocarbon production separators. A method of regulating a...
2019 Invention Cup tester unit. Cup tester unit comprising a BOP test plug insertable into a casing head housing...
Invention Downhole receptacle for tracer installation. A downhole receptacle for tracer installation, compr...
Invention Yolk-shell nanoparticles for the removal of h2s from gas streams. The present invention relates ...
Invention An integrated geomechanics model for predicting hydrocarbon and migration pathways. The present ...
Invention Through bop lubrication system. The present invention relates to a through BOP lubrication syste...
Invention Well unloading valve. A well unloading valve for a petrochemical well tubing comprising a flow pa...
Invention System of chemical in-flow tracers for early water breakthrough detection. a) and/or well complet...
Invention Method of detection of hydrocarbon horizontal slippage passages. The present invention relates t...
2018 Invention Blow-out preventer test spool system. The present invention relates to a blow-out preventer BOP t...
Invention Composite hydrogels for adsorption of organic acid anions & metal ions from lean mdea. Various h...
Invention Imaging system for analyzing a multiphase flow by measuring individual flow rates and measuring d...