Sjbee LLC

États‑Unis d’Amérique

Quantité totale PI 4
Rang # Quantité totale PI 379 500
Note d'activité PI 0,9/5.0    2
Rang # Activité PI 465 803



4 0
0 0
0 0
Dernier brevet 2021 - Sanitizer for rod or handle member
Premier brevet 2016 - Hanger and hook attachment for f...

Derniers inventions, produits et services

2021 Invention Sanitizer for rod or handle member. A sanitizer for sliding over and sanitizing an elongated memb...
2018 Invention Hanger with folding hook and collapsible arms. A garment hanger with a hook either metal or plast...
2017 Invention Hanger and hook attachment. A garment hanger with a hook either metal or plastic that moves betwe...
2016 Invention Hanger and hook attachment for folding hook. A hanger with a foldable hook enabling the hanger to...