Bobbintel Inc.

République de Corée

Quantité totale PI 4
Rang # Quantité totale PI 381 177
Note d'activité PI 0/5.0    0
Rang # Activité PI 1 656 821
Classe Nice dominante Machines et machines-outils



0 0
0 0
3 1
Dernier brevet 2013 - Apparatus and lower thread windi...
Premier brevet 2010 - Device for detecting the end of ...
Dernière marque 2015 -
Première marque 2015 -

Industrie (Classification de Nice)

Derniers inventions, produits et services

2015 P/S Bobbins for sewing machine; pre-wound bobbins for sewing machine; rotating plates for sewing mac...
2011 Invention Apparatus and lower thread winding-spool for detecting the ending region of lower thread of sewin...
Invention Sensor for sensing the end of the lower thread of a sewing machine. The present invention relates...
Invention Sensor for sensing the end of the lower thread of a sewing machine, and lower thread bobbin. The ...
2010 Invention Device for detecting the end of the lower thread of a sewing machine. The present invention relat...