Hortival Diffusion SAS


Quantité totale PI 35
Rang # Quantité totale PI 40 537
Note d'activité PI 2,1/5.0    18
Rang # Activité PI 46 287
Classe Nice dominante Produits agricoles; animaux vivants



33 0
0 2
0 0
Dernier brevet 2024 - Dasiphora plant named ‘minporoug01’
Premier brevet 2008 - Hydrangea plant named ‘le vaster...
Dernière marque 2018 - MINCOJAU3
Première marque 2017 - Minall2

Industrie (Classification de Nice)

Derniers inventions, produits et services

2023 Invention Dasiphora plant named ‘minporoug01’. Dasiphora, normally produced as an outdoor garden or contain...
2022 Invention Hibiscus plant named ‘minpapan1’. Hibiscus, typically produced as an ornamental plant.
Invention Abelia plant named ‘minabcris01’. Abelia, normally produced as an outdoor garden or container plant.
2021 Invention Prunus plant named ‘miniredia’. Prunus, suitable for ornamental garden purposes.
2020 Invention Cotinus plant named ‘mincofla20’. Cotinus, normally produced as an outdoor garden or container pl...
Invention Abelia plant named ‘mincautri’. Abelia, normally produced as an outdoor garden or container plant.
Invention Hibiscus plant named ‘minsyrou17’. Hibiscus, normally produced as an outdoor garden or container ...
Invention Physocarpus plant named ‘minbla3’. Physocarpus, normally produced as an outdoor garden or contain...
Invention Potentilla plant named ‘minjau03’. Potentilla plant named ‘Minjau03’ is disclosed. The new variet...
Invention Potentilla plant named ‘mincrero04’. Potentilla plant named ‘Mincrero04’ is disclosed. The new va...
Invention Potentilla plant named ‘mincrero01’. Potentilla plant named ‘Mincrero01’ is disclosed. The new va...
2019 Invention Hibiscus plant named ‘minsybv3s01’. Hibiscus, normally produced as an outdoor garden or container...
Invention Hibiscus plant named ‘minsywhi07’. Hibiscus, normally produced as an outdoor garden or container ...
Invention Campsis plant named ‘mincamja3’. Campsis plant, herein referred to by its cultivar name, ‘Mincamj...
Invention Schizophragma plant named ‘minsnow3’. Schizophragma, normally produced as an outdoor garden or co...
2018 Invention Hibiscus ‘minsypin3’. Hibiscus, normally produced as an outdoor garden or container plant.
Invention Hibiscus plant named ‘minsyre10’. Hibiscus, normally produced as an outdoor garden or container p...
Invention Hibiscus plant named ‘minsymacwhi 1’. Hibiscus, normally produced as an outdoor garden or contain...
Invention Hibiscus plant named ‘minsyble9’. Hibiscus, normally produced as an outdoor garden or container p...
Invention Spiraea plant named ‘minspil04’. Spiraea named ‘Minspil04’ that is characterized by compact plant...
2017 Invention Abelia plant named ‘minacara1’. Abelia, normally produced as an outdoor garden or container plant.
Invention Cotinus plant named ‘mincojau3’. Cotinus, normally produced as an outdoor garden or container plant.
2016 Invention Physocarpus plant named ‘minall2’. Physocarpus plant named ‘Minall2’, characterized by its bright...
2015 Invention Berberis plant named ‘orange torch’. Berberis plant named ‘Orange Torch’, characterized by spring...
Invention Hibiscus syriacus plant named ‘mindoub1’. Hibiscus named ‘MINDOUB1’, characterized by its medium ...
2012 Invention Abelia plant named ‘minduo1’. Abelia plant named ‘Minduo1’, characterized by its compact plant ha...
2011 Invention Forsythia plant named ‘minfor6’. Phytophthora; and good garden performance.
Invention Forsythia plant named ‘nimbus’. Phytophthora; and good garden performance.
2010 Invention Prunus plant named ‘greentorch’. Prunus plant named ‘Greentorch’, characterized by its erect plan...
Invention Barberry plant named ‘redtorch’. Barberry plant named ‘Redtorch’, characterized by its narrow and...
Invention Chamaecyparis plant named ‘minlem’. Chamaecyparis plant named ‘Minlem’, characterized by its comp...
Invention Abelia plant named ‘minedward’. Abelia plant named ‘Minedward’, characterized by its compact and ...
2008 Invention Hydrangea plant named ‘le vasterival’. Hydrangea pauiculata named ‘Le Vasterival’ that is charact...