Quadco Inc.


Quantité totale PI 18
Rang # Quantité totale PI 82 805
Note d'activité PI 1,5/5.0    6
Rang # Activité PI 155 495
Classe Nice dominante Machines et machines-outils



10 2
1 3
2 0
Dernier brevet 2024 - Forestry mulching rotary cutting...
Premier brevet 1998 - Tree processing machine
Dernière marque 2014 - BEAVER TOOTH
Première marque 1989 - QUAD TOOTH

Industrie (Classification de Nice)

Derniers inventions, produits et services

2024 Invention Forestry mulching rotary cutting device with tilting features. The present disclosure relates to...
2023 Invention Rotating cutting assembly with wedged teeth for mowing, mulching and grinding organic material fo...
Invention Forestry mulching rotary cutting device. A mulcher head comprises a frame and a cutting drum rota...
Invention Forestry mulching rotary cutting device with tilting features. A mulcher head for shredding a mat...
2015 Invention Tooth for mechanical equipment
2014 Invention Forestry device with articulated accumulating arm. A forestry device, for example, a bunching and...
P/S Forestry machinery and equipment, namely, tree harvesting machines; machine parts, namely, saw te...
P/S Forestry machinery and equipment, namely tree harvesting machines; industrial machine parts, name...
P/S Forestry machinery and equipment, namely tree harvesting machines; tree harvester and processor, ...
2011 Invention Saw disk with improved chip discharge. A cutting disk for a rotary cutting machine includes a dis...
2010 Invention Cutting tooth assembly with reversible tooth. A cutting tooth assembly for a rotary cutting machi...
Invention Rotary cutting machine with reversible teeth. A rotary cutting machine is described and includes ...
2009 Invention Tooth for a circular saw or a mower drum
Invention Tooth for a circular saw or mower drum. A tooth for a circular saw or a mower drum that can be us...
2007 Invention Rotary cutting machine with replaceable cutting teeth. A rotary cutting machine comprises a circu...
2006 Invention Reversible saw tooth. A replaceable saw tooth for a rotary cutting machine. The saw tooth compris...
2002 Invention Overlapping insert for cutting tooth. A saw tooth for a circular saw for a feller includes, in on...
2001 Invention Tree felling and shaping apparatus. A tree felling and shaping apparatus is provided with a fully...
1999 Invention Tree felling head. Described herein is a tree felling head for restraining, cutting and manipulat...
1998 Invention Saw tooth. A saw tooth of generally parallelopiped shape having top and bottom surfaces, side sur...
Invention Tree processing machine. A tree processing machine having a boom, a tree processor head carrying ...
1991 P/S power operated cutting apparatus with four severing rotatable surfaces for use in the sawing and ...
1989 P/S Cutting apparatus with four severing rotatable surfaces for use in the sawing and felling of timb...