Beijing Shenwu Environment and Energy Technology Co., Ltd.


Quantité totale PI 18
Rang # Quantité totale PI 82 995
Note d'activité PI 0/5.0    0
Rang # Activité PI 1 660 322



0 0
0 0
18 0
Dernier brevet 2017 - Method and system for preparing ...
Premier brevet 2013 - Catalytic purification and heat ...

Derniers inventions, produits et services

2015 Invention Method and system for preparing carbonyl nickel powder using laterite-nickel ore. Provided is a m...
Invention Method and system for preparing carbonyl nickel powder with laterite-nickel ore. Provided is a me...
Invention Melting separation furnace and method for treating material to be melted and separated with same....
2014 Invention New method and system for fluidized bed smelting of reducing gas prepared by using medium/low-ran...
Invention New process and system for mobile bed smelting of reducing gas prepared by using medium/low-rank ...
Invention New process and system for conveying bed smelting of reducing gas prepared by using medium/low-ra...
Invention New process and system for cold conveying bed smelting of reducing gas prepared by using medium/l...
Invention New method and system for cold conveying fluidized bed smelting of reducing gas prepared by using...
Invention New process and system for cold conveying mobile bed smelting of reducing gas prepared by using m...
2013 Invention Powdered solid fuel boiler equipped with regenerative rotating commutating heater. A powdered sol...
Invention Powdered solid fuel boiler and dry purification process system. A powdered solid fuel boiler and ...
Invention Gas heat exchanger and gas heat exchange system having same. A gas heat exchanger (100) and a gas...
Invention Pellet fuel boiler equipped with regenerative rotating commutating heater. A pellet fuel boiler (...
Invention Process system for performing dry desulfurization on fume of pellet fuel boiler. A process system...
Invention Gas-extractable pulverized coal boiler. A gas-extractable pulverized coal boiler (100) comprises ...
Invention Rotary heating apparatus. A rotary heating apparatus comprising: a main body (10) defining a holl...
Invention Catalytic purification and heat exchange system. A catalytic purification and heat exchange syste...