Karadeniz Teknik Universitesi


Quantité totale PI 14
Rang # Quantité totale PI 108 168
Note d'activité PI 2,2/5.0    21
Rang # Activité PI 38 875



1 0
0 0
13 0
Dernier brevet 2024 - Three-dimensioned bird repeller
Premier brevet 2019 - Mitral valve anchored within the...

Derniers inventions, produits et services

2023 Invention Isoamylester rosin and its synthesis method. The invention relates to the compound of isoamyl est...
2022 Invention Three-dimensioned bird repeller. Disclosed is a bird repeller for preventing damages caused by d...
Invention Three-dimensioned bird repeller. Invention is a bird repeller for keeping dangerous and damage gi...
Invention Sars-cov-2 main protease inhibitor for use in the treatment of covid 19. The present invention re...
Invention Battery thermal management system with liquid cooling and cold plate. The invention relates to an...
Invention Wildlife accident detection and warning system. The invention relates to a wildlife accident trac...
Invention Jugular venous catheter fixing dressing apparatus. The invention is a jugular venous catheter fix...
Invention Prone position pillow. The invention is related to a prone position pillow developed to enable th...
Invention Prone position changing apparatus. The invention is related to a prone position changing apparatu...
2020 Invention A helicoverpa armigera nucleopolyhedrovirus-based bioinsecticide usable against agricultural pest...
Invention Y, and alternative reagents. xyxyy forms that are non-toxic, and therefore does not have toxic ef...
Invention Active fall protection system for building exteriors and interiors. The invention relates to an a...
2019 Invention Mitral valve anchored within the left atrium appendage and at the interatrial septum. The inventi...
Invention Water-soluble, non-aggregated silicon phtalgcyanine compound having in vitro anticancer effect ag...