Altman Specialty Plants, Inc.

États‑Unis d’Amérique

Quantité totale PI 114
Rang # Quantité totale PI 11 418
Note d'activité PI 2,8/5.0    78
Rang # Activité PI 8 995
Classe Nice dominante Produits agricoles; animaux vivants



91 23
0 0
0 0
Dernier brevet 2024 - Floribunda rose named ‘altsunflo...
Premier brevet 2014 - Phlox plant named ‘phl090201’
Dernière marque 2018 - DESK BUDDY
Première marque 1994 - LIVING TREASURES

Industrie (Classification de Nice)

Derniers inventions, produits et services

2023 Invention Floribunda rose named ‘altsunflower’. A new and distinct cultivar of floribunda Rose plant named ...
Invention Floribunda rose plant named ‘limtropica’. A new and distinct cultivar of Floribunda Rose plant na...
Invention Tea rose plant named ‘altsecret’. A new and distinct cultivar of Tea Rose plant named ‘ALTsecret’...
Invention Floribunda shrub rose plant named ‘limteatime’. A new and distinct miniature shrub multiflora Ros...
Invention Miniature shrub rose plant named ‘alttictac’. A new and distinct cultivar of miniature shrub Rose...
Invention Climber rose plant named ‘limsummer’. A new and distinct cultivar of climber rose plant named ‘LI...
Invention Floribunda shrub rose plant named ‘altgolddragon’. A new and distinct cultivar of Rose plant name...
2022 Invention Floribunda shrub rose plant named ‘altchilli’. Rosa, normally produced as an outdoor garden or co...
Invention Floribunda shrub rose plant named ‘altladyfirst’. Rosa, normally produced as an outdoor garden or...
Invention Floribunda shrub rose plant named ‘altsensation’. Rosa, normally produced as an outdoor garden or...
Invention Floribunda shrub rose plant named ‘altorcaptain’. Rosa, normally produced as an outdoor garden or...
Invention Climber rose plant named ‘limprofessorleenean’. Rosa, normally produced as an outdoor garden or c...
Invention Rose plant named ‘altsantared’. Rosa, normally produced as an outdoor garden or container plant.
Invention Portulacaria plant named ‘snowfall’. Portulacaria, typically produced as a garden or container pl...
Invention Sedum plant named ‘sunstar’. Sedum, typically be produced as a container plant for the patio or a...
2021 Invention Floribunda rose plant named ‘altsister’. Rosa, normally produced as an outdoor garden or containe...
Invention Echeveria plant named ‘fairy princess’. Echeveria. Echeveria is a popular genus, typically produc...
Invention Kalanchoe plant named ‘little dragon’. Kalanchoe, useful as container or landscape plants.
Invention Hibiscus plant named ‘alticemelon’. Hibiscus, typically produced as an ornamental plant.
Invention Hibiscus plant named ‘altyellowriver’. Hibiscus, typically produced as an ornamental plant.
Invention Hibiscus plant named ‘altmamamiya’. Hibiscus, typically produced as an ornamental plant.
Invention Hibiscus plant named ‘altearlybird’. Hibiscus, typically produced as an ornamental plant.
Invention Aloe plant named ‘phantasm’. Aloe, typically produced as a garden or container plant.
Invention Agapanthus plant ‘altbloom’. Agapanthus, typically produced as an ornamental plant.
Invention Crassula plant named ‘daydream’. Crassula is a popular genus, typically produced as container pla...
Invention Mangave plant named ‘tequila fire’. Mangave, typically produced as a garden or container plant.
Invention Mangave plant named ‘barney’. Mangave, typically produced as a garden or container plant.
2020 Invention Echeveria plant named ‘pink diamond’. Echeveria is a popular genus, typically produced as contain...
Invention Echeveria plant named ‘angel kissed’. Echeveria is a popular genus, typically produced as contain...
Invention Sedum ‘shooting stars’. Sedum, typically be produced as a container plant for the patio or as lan...
Invention Aloe plant named ‘firecracker’. Aloe, typically produced as a garden or container plant.
Invention Aloe plant named ‘sidewinder’. Aloe, typically produced as a garden or container plant.
Invention Aloe plant named ‘mauna kea’. Aloe, typically produced as a garden or container plant.
Invention Aloe plant ‘purple people eater’. Aloe, typically produced as a garden or container plant.
Invention Aloe plant ‘krakatoa’. Aloe, typically produced as a garden or container plant.
Invention Aloe plant ‘purple haze’. Aloe, typically produced as a garden or container plant.
Invention Graptosedum plant named ‘sunsplash’. Graptosedum, typically produced as a container plant for the...
Invention Aloe plant named ‘alligator’. Aloe, typically produced as a garden or container plant.
Invention Kalanchoe plant named ‘fire rainbow’. Kalanchoe plant named ‘Fire Rainbow’ is disclosed, characte...
Invention Aloe plant named ‘night sky’. Aloe, typically produced as a garden or container plant.
Invention Aloe plant named ‘crimson dragon’. Aloe, typically produced as a garden or container plant.
Invention Aeonium plant named ‘sun dancer’. Aeonium is a popular genus, typically produced as container pla...
2019 Invention Portulacaria plant named ‘manny’. Portulacaria, typically produced as a garden or container plant.
Invention Portulacaria plant named ‘lilliput’. Portulacaria, typically produced as a garden or container pl...
Invention Aloe plant named ‘swordfish’. Aloe, typically produced as a garden or container plant.
2018 Invention Hybrid tea rose plant named ‘limking’. Rosa, normally produced as an outdoor garden or container ...
Invention Rosa hybrida plant named ‘altland’. Rosa, normally produced as an outdoor garden or container plant.
Invention Rosa hybrida plant named ‘limformosa’. Rosa, normally produced as an outdoor garden or container ...
Invention Miniature multiflora rose plant named ‘altcaptain’. Rosa, normally produced as an outdoor garden ...
Invention Echinopsis hybrida cristata ‘mystic maze’. Echinopsis is an ornamental cactus, useful as an indoo...
P/S Live plants
P/S Live plants excluding calla lily plants and sweet corn
P/S Live plants, namely, bougainvillea
2017 P/S Live plants, namely, roses
2016 P/S Live plants specifically excluding accessories for plants
P/S Live plants excluding chicory, pepper and tomato
2012 P/S Live plants; Live plants, namely, cactus
2000 P/S Potted Live Plants
1999 P/S Living plants
1994 P/S live ornamental plants