IWIS Antriebssysteme GmbH & Co. KG


Quantité totale PI 22
Rang # Quantité totale PI 67 028
Note d'activité PI 1,9/5.0    13
Rang # Activité PI 67 080



14 0
0 0
8 0
Dernier brevet 2023 - Grain conveyor chain
Premier brevet 2008 - Side bow conveyor chain with inn...

Derniers inventions, produits et services

2022 Invention Grain conveyor chain. A grain conveyor chain for a harvesting vehicle includes a chain made of st...
Invention Grain conveyor chain. The invention relates to a grain conveyor chain for a harvesting vehicle ha...
Invention Chain sensor device and method for determining wear. The invention relates to a method for setti...
Invention Chain elongation monitoring device and method for determining wear. The invention relates to a ch...
Invention Chain sensor device and method for determining wear. The invention relates to a method of determ...
2019 Invention Actuator comprising anti-backbend chain. An actuator includes first and second structural units a...
Invention Actuator comprising anti-backbend chain. The invention relates to an actuator comprising: an anti...
2018 Invention Device and method for determining the wear state of a chain. A chain sensor includes a first magn...
Invention Apparatus and method for determining the wear condition of a chain. In a method for determining t...
Invention Linear drive with anti-back-bend chain. The present invention relates to a linear drive having a ...
Invention Linear drive with rigid-spined chain. The invention relates to a linear drive with a drive motor,...
2017 Invention Actuator with an anti-backbend chain. The invention relates to an actuator with an anti-backbend ...
Invention Actuator with hollow worm. The invention relates to an actuator with an anti-backbend chain, a d...
Invention Actuator with hollow worm. The invention relates to an actuator with a rigid-spined chain, a driv...
Invention Actuator with a rigid-spined chain. The invention relates to an actuator with a rigid-spined chai...
2015 Invention Conveyor chain, in particular a can conveyor chain. A conveyor chain, in particular a can conveyo...
Invention 3d push pull chain. A push pull chain is provided with chain links that are connected to each oth...
Invention Reluctance chain sensor and method of measuring the chain elongation. A chain sensor comprising a...
2014 Invention Anti-backbend chain. An anti-backbend chain comprises a plurality of alternate chain links joined...
2009 Invention Magnetic curve guide for a conveyor chain. The present invention relates to a curve guide (1) for...
2008 Invention Side bow conveyor chain with inner and outer chain links. The present invention relates to a side...