Kiermar Technology Holding ApS


Quantité totale PI 3
Rang # Quantité totale PI 503 751
Note d'activité PI 0/5.0    0
Rang # Activité PI 1 659 438



0 0
0 0
3 0
Dernier brevet 2013 - Press
Premier brevet 2009 - Press

Derniers inventions, produits et services

2012 Invention Press. A press table (8) adapted for mounting in a press (2) and for mounting a pressing tool, in...
Invention Press and method for its operation. A press (2) including a press frame (4) with a press space (6...
2009 Invention Press. A press (1) including: —a frame (2); —a first press bed (3) with a first tool part (4), wh...
Invention Press. A press (1) including: -a frame (2); -a first press bed(3) with a first tool part (4), whe...