Southern Horticultural Research Institute

Viet Nam

Quantité totale PI 3
Rang # Quantité totale PI 503 405
Note d'activité PI 0,9/5.0    2
Rang # Activité PI 468 183



3 0
0 0
0 0
Dernier brevet 2021 - Dragon fruit plant named ‘df2’
Premier brevet 2020 - Dragon fruit plant named ‘df14’

Derniers inventions, produits et services

2020 Invention Dragon fruit plant named ‘df 16’. A new and distinct dragon fruit plant is described. The variety...
Invention Dragon fruit plant named ‘df2’. A new and distinct dragon fruit plant is described. The variety r...
Invention Dragon fruit plant named ‘df14’. A new and distinct dragon fruit plant is described. The variety ...