Shikahama Co., Ltd.


Total IP 9
Total IP Rank # 171,507
IP Activity Score 1.5/5.0    6
IP Activity Rank # 156,549



2 0
0 0
7 0
Last Patent 2024 - Sole contact body
First Patent 2014 - Ingrown nail correcting device

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2021 Invention Sole contact body. The present invention provides a sole contact body for footwear such as a sho...
Invention Sole contact body. The present invention provides a sole contact body for footwear such as a shoe...
2020 Invention Nail shape retention tool and corrective appliance for pincer nail. This nail shape retention too...
2018 Invention Mimetic muscle training method, and massage roller. There is provided a method for training a mi...
2017 Invention Mimetic muscle training method, and massage roller. This mimetic muscle training method is charac...
2016 Invention Mimetic muscle training method. This mimetic muscle training method is characterized in that: a m...
2014 Invention Ingrown nail correcting device. Provide a correcting device capable of being placed onto a nail w...
Invention Pincer nail correction instrument. An objective of the present invention is to provide a correcti...