Skytran, Inc.

United States of America

Total IP 33
Total IP Rank # 43,245
IP Activity Score 2.1/5.0    17
IP Activity Rank # 49,518
Dominant Nice Class Transport, packaging, storage an...



20 3
0 0
9 1
Last Patent 2023 - Drive system for a transportatio...
First Patent 2007 - Transit system vehicle guideway ...
Last Trademark 2019 - SKYTRAN
First Trademark 2009 - SKYTRAN

Industry (Nice Classification)

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2023 Invention Drive system for a transportation system. A transport system including at least one guideway, at...
Invention Path correction of a vehicle relative to projected magnetic flight path. A method controlling a ...
2022 Invention Magnetic linear drive device and system. Drive generator having a helical magnetic array. Additi...
Invention Path correction of a vehicle relative to projected magnetic flight path. Disclosed herein are te...
2021 Invention Altitude control along segmented track. Method for controlling altitude of a vehicle moving alon...
Invention Segmented track for a maglev vehicle. A segmented track for a Maglev vehicle includes a structur...
Invention Drive system for a transportation system. A transport system including at least one guideway, at ...
2020 Invention Levitation control system for a transportation system. Transport apparatus having at least one le...
2019 G/S Maglev track-bound transport services; magnetically driven transportation system services, namely...
2018 Invention Path correction of a vehicle relative to projected magnetic flight path. A method controlling a v...
Invention Path correction of a vehicle relative to projected magnetic flight path. Disclosed herein are tec...
2017 Invention Altitude control along segmented track. Method for controlling altitude of a vehicle moving along...
2016 Invention Segmented track for a maglev vehicle. A segmented track for a Maglev vehicle includes a structura...
Invention Magnetic linear drive device and system. Drive generator having a helical magnetic array. Additio...
Invention Magnetic linear drive device and system. Drive generator configured to provide motive force to a ...
G/S Maglev track-bound vehicles. Maglev track-bound transport services; magnetically driven transpor...
2015 Invention Vertical switching in a magnetic levitation guideway transportation system. A track switch for a ...
2014 Invention Fluid turbine modular electric generator including removable stator modules with integrated power...
2012 Invention Drive system for a transportation system. A transport system (100) including at least one guidewa...
2011 Invention Modular electric generator for variable speed turbines. An electric power generation system may b...
2010 Invention Guideway switch apparatus for magnetically levitated vehicles. A switch is used, at the divergen...
2009 G/S Public transit services provided by means of lightweight vehicles which are suspended from a mono...
Invention Guideway transportation system with integrated magnetic levitation suspension, stabilization and ...
2007 Invention Transit system vehicle guideway constructed from modular elements and using magnetic levitation f...