Syngrafii Inc.


Total IP 25
Total IP Rank # 58,436
IP Activity Score 1.4/5.0    5
IP Activity Rank # 195,344
Dominant Nice Class Scientific and electric apparatu...



10 1
11 0
3 0
Last Patent 2024 - Systems and methods for executin...
First Patent 2004 - System, method and computer prog...
Last Trademark 2005 - LONG PEN
First Trademark 2005 - LONG PEN

Industry (Nice Classification)

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2024 Invention Systems and methods for executing and delivering electronic documents. A computer-implemented sy...
2018 Invention Systems and methods for executing and delivering electronic documents. A computer-implemented sys...
2016 Invention Systems and methods for an advanced moderated online event. A computer network implemented system...
Invention System and method for providing authentic signatures on demand. A system and method for generatin...
Invention Systems and methods for providing authentic signatures on demand. A system and method for generat...
2014 Invention System, method and computer program for enabling signings and dedications on a remote basis. A sy...
2011 Invention System, method and computer program for signing and dedicating information objects. A method is p...
Invention System, method and computer program for enabling signing and dedication of information objects. A...
2010 Invention Method, system and computer program for generating authenticated documents. The present inventio...
Invention Method, system, and computer program for generating authenticated documents. The present inventio...
2009 Invention System, method and computer program for conducting transactions remotely with an authentication f...
Invention System, method and computer program for conducting transactions remotely. A transaction system an...
2007 Invention Apparatus, system and computer program for controlling a tool. The present invention provides an ...
Invention System, method and computer program, for enabling entry into transactions on a remote basis. A sy...
2005 Invention Apparatus and method for optimized tracing of a pattern on a surface. A plotting apparatus enabli...
G/S Electronic book signing and dedication systems, namely, systems that include a signing and dedica...
2004 Invention System, method and computer program for enabling signings and dedications on a remote basis. A co...