Comprehensive and Integrative Medicine Institute

Republic of Korea

Total IP 10
Total IP Rank # 153,950
IP Activity Score 0.4/5.0    1
IP Activity Rank # 935,868



5 0
0 0
5 0
Last Patent 2019 - Composition for treatment or pre...
First Patent 2014 - Composition containing palmultan...

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2018 Invention Composition for treatment or prevention of lung cancer and a method therefore. The present inven...
Invention Composition for treating diabetes, containing extract of yukmijihwangtang. Provided is a composit...
Invention Composition containing angelica extract for promoting proliferation of stem cells derived from bo...
Invention Composition containing herbal medicine extracts of pinellia and scutellaria for reducing side eff...
2017 Invention Composition containing palmultang extract for promoting proliferation of stem cells derived from ...
2014 Invention Composition including oriental medicine to treat neoplastic disease. Provided is a composition fo...
Invention Composition for treating neoplastic diseases, containing medicinal herb products. The present inv...
Invention Composition for treating diabetes, containing extract of yukmijihwangtang. Provided is a composi...
Invention Composition for treating diabetes, containing extract of yukmijihwangtang. The present invention ...
Invention Composition containing palmul-tang extract for promoting proliferation of stem cells derived from...