1/4 Vin


Total IP 11
Total IP Rank # 139,684
IP Activity Score 0.9/5.0    2
IP Activity Rank # 468,497
Dominant Nice Class Machines and machine tools



5 0
0 0
5 0
Last Patent 2023 - Method for heat-sealing a seal ...
First Patent 2006 - Low-speed inerting means and dev...
Last Trademark 2014 - OneGlassWine
First Trademark 2014 - OneGlassWine

Industry (Nice Classification)

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2023 Invention Method for heat-sealing a seal on a plastic container. The invention relates to a method for hea...
2015 Invention Drinking glass
Invention Method and device for heat-sealing a lid onto the rim of a glass. The invention relates to a dev...
Invention Method and device for heat-sealing a lid onto the rim of a glass. The invention relates to a devi...
Invention Wineglass, a method of packaging wine, and a wine container. The invention relates to a method of...
Invention Method and device for packaging a beverage. Method and device for packaging, under a protective a...
2014 G/S Machines for packaging of wine in glasses, ready to drink; Filling machines; Bottle filling machi...
2011 Invention Packaging device and method for packaging a foodstuff within a receptacle. A packaging device for...
2010 Invention Wine glass, method for packaging wine, and wine container. The invention relates to a method of p...
Invention Wine glass, method for packaging wine, and wine container. The invention relates to a method for ...
2006 Invention Low-speed inerting means and device for using said inerting means for packaging a food product. L...
Invention Low-speed inerting means and device for using said inerting means for packaging a food product. T...