Fondazione per Adroterapia Oncologica - Tera


Total IP 6
Total IP Rank # 256,947
IP Activity Score 0/5.0    0
IP Activity Rank # 1,656,829
Dominant Nice Class Pharmaceutical, veterinary and s...



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4 0
Last Patent 2019 - Beam transport line for radiothe...
First Patent 2002 - Monolithic active pixel dosimeter
Last Trademark 2017 - FBO FOOD BANK IN ONCOLOGY
First Trademark 2017 - FBO FOOD BANK IN ONCOLOGY

Industry (Nice Classification)

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2019 Invention Beam transport line for radiotherapy systems and radiotherapy system thereof. An improved beam tr...
2017 G/S Food for diabetics; Infant formula; Dietetic foods adapted for invalids; Nutritional supplements ...
2014 Invention Use of linear ion accelerators for the treatment of atrial fibrillation and ion accelerator syste...
2006 Invention Ion acceleration system for medical and/or other applications. The ion acceleration system or com...
Invention Proton accelerator complex for radio-isotopes and therapy. A complex of proton accelerators, part...
Invention Proton accelerator complex for radio-isotopes and therapy. A complex of proton accelerators, incl...
2005 Invention Ion acceleration system for hadrontherapy. System for ion acceleration for medical purposes compr...
Invention Monolithic active pixel dosimeter. A monolithic active pixel dosimeter, provided with at least a ...
2003 Invention Linac for ion beam acceleration. A drift tube linear accelerator (linac) that can be used for the...
Invention Linac for ion beam acceleration. A drift tube (15) linear accelerator (linac) (4) that can be use...