Golden Crab S.L.


Total IP 3
Total IP Rank # 503,007
IP Activity Score 0/5.0    0
IP Activity Rank # 1,661,095



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3 0
Last Patent 2012 - Automatic release control system...
First Patent 2008 - Exoskeleton for safety and contr...

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2011 Invention Automatic release control system for controlling the connection between two elements. The automa...
Invention Automatic release control system for controlling the connection between two elements. The automat...
2008 Invention Exoskeleton. Exoskeleton for physical activity, specially snow skiing, for preventing knee, leg a...
Invention Exoskeleton for safety and control while skiing. The invention relates to an exoskeleton for safe...
Invention Exoskeleton. The invention relates to an exoskeleton for enabling people to do a physical activit...