Infinium Technology, LLC

United States of America

Total IP 77
Total IP Rank # 17,394
IP Activity Score 2.9/5.0    108
IP Activity Rank # 6,402



39 0
17 0
21 0
Last Patent 2025 - Systems and methods for regulati...
First Patent 2014 - Process and catalyst system for ...

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2024 Invention Efficient 2-step process for the direct production of liquid fuels form carbon dioxide and hydrog...
Invention Process for the purification and conversion of carbon dioxide using renewable energy. The presen...
Invention Systems and methods for regulating the use of carbon neutral fuels in regulated vehicles. The cur...
Invention Reverse water gas shift catalytic reactor systems. The present invention describes a processes, ...
Invention Production of fuels form hydroprocessed esters and fatty acids, low carbon hydrogen, and carbon d...
Invention Process for conversion of carbon dioxide and power into fuels and chemicals. The present inventi...
Invention The production and use of low or negative carbon enaphtha. The present invention relates to a low...
Invention Electrified steam-methane-reforming reactor and methods of use. The present disclosure describes ...
Invention Production of sustainable aviation fuel from co2 and low-carbon hydrogen. A process for the prod...
Invention Production of fuels from hydroprocessed esters and fatty acids, low carbon hydrogen, and carbon d...
2023 Invention Systems and methods for controlling a power-to-x process to reduce feedstock costs. Provided her...
Invention Catalytic reactor for the conversion of carbon dioxide and hydrogen to syngas. The present inven...
Invention Catalysts and processes for the direct production of liquid fuels from carbon dioxide and hydroge...
Invention Thermally integrated process for the production of liquid fuels with a solid oxide electrolyzer. ...
Invention Systems and methods for producing negative carbon intensity hydrocarbon products. Provided herei...
Invention Systems and methods for producing negative carbon intensity hydrocarbon products. 22222.
Invention One-step process for the production of hydrocarbons from carbon dioxide. The present invention ar...
Invention One-step process for the production of hydrocarbons from carbon dioxide. The present invention a...
Invention Systems and methods for regulating the use of carbon neutral fuels in regulated vehicles. The cu...
Invention Production and use of low or negative carbon enaphtha. The present invention relates to a low-ca...
Invention Production and use of liquid fuel as a hydrogen and/or syngas carrier. The present invention is ...
Invention Co2 hydrogenation catalysts for the commercial production of syngas. The present invention is ge...
Invention Electrifield stream-methane-reforming reactor and methods of use. The present disclosure describ...
Invention Improved process for the one-step conversion of carbon dioxide and renewable hydrogen to low-carb...
Invention Process for the one-step conversion of carbon dioxide and renewable hydrogen to low-carbon methan...
Invention Process for production of syngas and fuels from carbon dioxide using oxyfuel combustion. Syngas ...
Invention Process for production of syngas and fuels from carbon dioxide using oxyfuel combustion. Syngas a...
Invention Production of sustainable aviation fuel from co2 and low-carbon hydrogen. A process for the produ...
2022 Invention Reverse water gas shift catalytic reactor systems. The present invention describes a processes, s...
Invention Process for capture of carbon dioxide from air and the direct conversion of carbon dioxide into f...
Invention Process for conversion of carbon dioxide and power into fuels and chemicals. The present inventio...
Invention Improved co2 hydrogenation catalysts for the commercial production of syngas. The present inventi...
Invention Systems and methods for controlling a power-to-x process to reduce feedstock costs. Provided here...
Invention 2 hydrogenation catalysts for the commercial production of syngas. The present invention is direc...
Invention Improved catalytic reactor for the conversion of carbon dioxide and hydrogen to syngas. The prese...
Invention Production and use of liquid fuel as a hydrogen and/or syngas carrier. 2 222222222 can be used at...
Invention Improved catalytic reactor system and catalyst for conversion of captured co2 and renewable h2 in...
Invention 2 into low-carbon syngas. 222 22 conversion efficiency, and exhibits little or no degradation in ...
Invention 2 and low-carbon hydrogen. A process for the production of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) with l...
2021 Invention Catalytic reactor for the conversion of carbon dioxide and hydrogen to syngas. The present invent...
Invention 2 into low-carbon syngas. 2 conversion efficiency, and exhibits little or no degradation in perfo...